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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. Virtual machines can be fun. I was running a version of Windows 95 on my desktop just so I could play some of my old DOS games that aren't compatible with XP anymore :ph34r:

    What Virtual Machine software were you using? I know VMware can be extremely sluggish, so even playing old games might cause me to stress out if there is a lot of lag time.
    dhanesh, how did everything turn out?

  2. owwhh....i was wondering to used phpbb...is it really that this script so easy to stole...... can anyone give me a script that really safe for my new coming forum...:ph34r:)

    It's not about the script being stolen or anything like that, it's about being exploited due to the security holes it has. The developers at phpBB need to patch up these exploits as quickly as they can. The last time I read up about this, they weren't quick on their part...so I guess many had problems already.
    If you want a "good" forum, try out Simple Machines Forum at:


    They usually patch up the security holes very quickly...sometimes even before it's known to the public (lots of forum testers :)).

  3. I don't think this is possible. I have tried to do something similar in the past (the other way around actually from what you wanted here) and still can't find an answer to it. I'm not sure if you can "bridge" the connection and have them connect with both cable and wireless...I know you said you want to do it without a router, but why don't you get a router? Is there a good reason because the prices have dropped a lot and it will be very easy to set it up for both internet and file sharing between the desktop and laptop.

  4. Welcome to Xisto.I can't find any images with a quick search online. What you can try doing is, creating a duplicate of that logo.jpg file and then try filling the color green with red instead. So one is for new posts and one for no new posts. After you do that, shrink it to the appropriate sized icon for your site.

  5. Unless you are some kind of developer or just want to jump the boat and test out Vista now, definitely wait a while longer until they release some kind of service pack for it. The programmers at Microsoft have put in a lot of time for Windows Vista and I'm sure that a lot of bugs are fixed, but as with all their other operating systems, more are to be found.One major issue from what I read is drivers. Some of the older devices don't have a compatible driver made for Vista yet (or ever). So this will also require the user to get newer parts for their computer that supports the Vista operating system.

  6. Guess I'm the odd man out...I'm the only one here so far that doesn't leave his router on all the time LOL. I tend to shut if off when I don't use it (every night :ph34r:).There's no argument here. I agree 100% with what was said above, especially with "better" life span by leaving it on all the time. Aside with the ventilation issue, your hardware inside should have no problems at all.

  7. I'm not sure about Lacie having Seagate model drives in them, but if they do, I would definitely recommend getting one. I have used Seagate and Maxtor brand hard drives for almost 10 years now and love both of them. Seagate is a bit better since they have a big 5 year warranty from all the hard drives I bought.

    If you plan to put movies and other big applications on this hard drive, I recommend getting the biggest hard drive you can afford. Or get two of them if it's cheaper that way :ph34r:

    One setback I see in these external drives is that they are made to be external "permanently". I suggest getting one of those USB/Firewire Enclosure drives instead if you plan to upgrade the hard drive. I usually buy one or two of these enclosures and whenever I need a certain hard drive, I just pop it into my enclosure and plug it into the computer. It will make the internal hard drive act as an external one by using those enclosure cases.

    Just to give you an example of what these look like, take a look here. Make sure you get the 3.5" ones (or a combo of 3.5" and 5.25") so it will fit the regular internal IDE hard drives. The 2.5" are for laptop hard drives and the 5.25" are for CD/DVD drives. Yes, you can make those into externals as well :)

  8. The prices of the iPod Shuffle (even the newer ones) have dropped dramatically today. This topic was made nearly two years ago when the Shuffle did cost more than it does today (almost twice as much actually for a smaller model too).Since then I have bought a few iPods to play around with and basically don't see much difference aside from the looks. The Nano is worth to get if you want a small sized mp3 player with a color screen. Shuffle, well, still is very small and compact. But like the previous generations, it's still lacking a screen, which some iPod users don't mind at all.I agree that the screen is not everything, but it does add another level of functionality that the user might want to have at their disposal. About the screens, I know a lot of users who break their iPod's LCD screen. I don't know how and why though. I have used my latest iPod (the video one) for almost a year now without much issues. I put it in my pocket in my jacket and jeans. Just don't mix any keys or sharp and heavy objects in your pockets and you should be ok.

  9. @ginginca: I assume you meant, Determining Keywords right? Title changed...:ph34r:So is this client of your's looking to borrow money now or lend money since you mentioned him being in the lending business.EDIT: Sounds like you want to create a website for a client that will want to target immigrants for the business...just a hunch from what you said. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  10. I don't even know where this word is used, but I say "charr". Seems logical to me. Or maybe it's because my mother language surrounds the basis of "read what you see".

    As mentioned earlier, this is a programming language "term" (one can call it that). char is just a declaration of a variable to be of character type. All or at least most programmers should know this :) So for all you "non programmers" LOL...that's all it means.
    I always pronounced it as "char" as in the charcoal example used above :ph34r:

  11. When it comes to Microsoft, don't be surprised to see this many updates from them. There will always be flaws found in their programs and Operating System if one digs deep enough. Just as a side note, most other programs or even other Operating Systems (like the Mac and Linux, I'm sure) have their own flaws in the coding. It's just that no one spends too much time on them since they are not as commonly used as Windows (95% of the world uses it the last time I checked...maybe more now :)).What I recommend doing is waiting a week or even two weeks or so before getting those updates. If I get any of Microsoft's updates, I usually wait a while and see if there are any complaints from other users when they downloaded and installed them. I'm sure some will show up and Microsoft eventually does something about it and releases, you guessed it, another update/patch to fix up the first one :ph34r:

  12. Well,,I just wasted 2 hours of my Sunday morning,,trying to find a working download site for Swift,,and there is none..I googlle it out many times with different key words and all would end up in a wiki page,,that does not explain what to do once you have the.msg or .msi extension file...I read the description of the swift in may pages and it seems to be totally different as FF, IE and O,,,It has a different rendering engine,,which gives it a lot of advantages..If there is a kind soul,,It would be appreciated to have a tutorial on how to install Swift...Thank you

    This is not to be sarcastic or anything, but are you kidding me? :ph34r: You do have Windows installed right? If you run that Swift installer, it should have asked you if you want to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 if you don't have it already. Either click Yes to that prompt to install (if it asks, which I assume it did since you have problems installing it) or go directly to the Microsoft site with the link to the .NET Framework v2.0:




    If for some reason you were not even able to get a prompt that asks you to install the .NET Framework and it just closes or doesn't work, it might be a Windows Installer issue. Try installing Windows Installer 3.0:



  13. I tried to access phpMyAdmin through the MySQL databases. I was trying to access it right around the time I posted my last reply...just to see if it worked or not. It's probably still "iffy" for some users or at certain times.

  14. I was all hyped up about this technology when I heard it a few years back since they both can hold a lot of data.Originally, I was a Blu Ray supporter because I heard that it was going to prevail in the end. But now with HD-DVD competing with it, especially price-wise, I'm leaning towards HD-DVD :ph34r:That's the first time I heard of a triple layered disc :) Doesn't BluRay have a similar storage capacity with their "dual layer" discs? I read this a while back but not sure if they came out with one yet.

  15. The cPanel layout/theme can be toggled if it's enabled. I think this feature is disabled by OpaQue since I don't see this option anywhere in cPanel.

    I tried to access phpMyAdmin through the MySQL Databases link...I guess the database is still down until further notice :ph34r:

    Are you referring from the version update (like cPanel 9 to cPanel 10)? If so, they have a change log which you can look at:


    You can browse back to previous versions and see what updates were made.

  16. Most of the free web hosts have annoying ads and those that don't usually have some very tight restrictions on what you have available in terms of hosting your web content. There have been a few where you also earn credits by posting in their forums, but I find Xisto to be in a better environment than them...in terms of forum interface and topics available.Vue, you should be hosted according to your profile. Opaque is working on the issue we had with the server hard drive replacement. So everything should be 100% normal soon :ph34r:

  17. By addons, I think pbolduc anything else extra in general. It could be forums or other software and also different web scripts (be it javascript, DHTML, ASP, etc.).

    For web scripting and other programming tutorials, I usually recommend going to W3Schools to start yourself off:


    They have a bunch of other scripts on that site, so browse around and have fun learning them :ph34r:

  18. Hi Aequitas619, there is no "set" amount you can earn from each click. It will vary by each advertiser and the range can be a huge difference from one advertiser to another.Most users also want to know which ones are getting the majority of the earnings. As far as I know, only Google and the advertising companies themselves know about this.If you have good content on your website, I'm sure the ads will be a good fit and earn some money from them.

  19. This might be a "good" thing for some users. I noticed that some of the members here liked the classic cPanel interface instead of the newer look :ph34r:It's probably still in the works. I don't see Fantastico listed in my cPanel as well :)

  20. Hey Sparkx, sorry about yesterday with the chat. Had to step out and do something....:)My website/forum started out small. It wasn't until a few months when I started to see members joining. Word of mouth spreads quicker than I thought. I basically did ALL those things that vujsa pointed out...well, it paid off over time :Pvujsa made great points there, especially the one with links in your signature. If it's not violating the forums policy, slap that forum link in there. If the forum is a big one, like Xisto, I'm sure it will get some exposure by other members (or even guests who are browsing the forum casually).BTW, nice site there vujsa :ph34r:

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