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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. Hi, I downloaded a backup of my forum database and wanted to import it on my computer locally for testing purposes. This has always worked for me in the past, but I'm having some problems with it lately.


    I'm backing up my database via phpMyAdmin->Database->Export->Select All and downloaded as a .gz file.


    I'm using Windows XP Home with WAMP installed, so it has MySQL built in. It's version 5.0.27.


    I ran all the services and at the prompt typed in:


    mysql -u root -p backup.sql > testDB


    My root account in WAMP has no password, so when it prompts for a password, I just hit ENTER. Then it shows me this error:


    ERROR 1102 (42000): Incorrect database name 'backup.sql'

    The path and filename are 100% correct....I'm positive on this. I downloaded the .gz file and had to extract it to get this SQL file. I have done this numerous times in the past without any issues.


    I tried restarting the service and even as far as reinstalling the whole WAMP package, but to no avail.


    Can anyone shed some light on this issue?



  2. OK, I finally got my hands on the SATA drivers from the CD. I just copied the necessary drivers so they fit on a floppy diskette. Now I face another issue. I was trying to do this using a USB floppy drive because this desktop does not have a floppy drive installed.I have tried to install a floppy drive earlier but found out that it doesn't have the floppy drive IDE port on the motherboard.When I boot from the Windows XP CD, I press F6 to install the drivers. But then it asks me to insert the floppy diskette containing the SATA drivers. So using the CD that the motherboard came with won't work. It's specifically asking to insert disk into A: drive.Is there any way around it or make the USB floppy drive work at least? I know it's bootable at least because I tested it with a Windows 98 bootdisk and it DOES read the floppy diskette.

  3. I have always been a Maxtor hard drive user because they last long. So far none of my Maxtors have failed on me yet. I have like 8 of these hard drives already (ranging from 120GB to 300GB) and they have been working for over 4 years now. I'm also like the Seagate brand because it's been really reliable as well. Believe it or not, it's still running perfectly fine on my 10 year old Pentium II computer. Bought a 400GB IDE and 320GB SATA and all is looking good so far.There has been a lot of bashing between Maxtor and Western Digital fans. From my own experience, the failure rate is probably around the same ballpark for any of these popular brands. Most hard drive failures that I have seen occur are due to the environment they are in. Overheating is the main issue I have seen on computers that I repaired.

  4. I have seen this kind of problem before and recall that it's usually one of three things. The power supply (or motherboard) may be bad or the processor is the issue.I always carry a power supply tester with me whenever I repair computers. It comes in very handy since 9 out of 10 times it will report a pretty accurate reading. If it passes that test, I would look into other issues.When I say the processor is the issue, it doesn't necessary mean replacing it. I would remove it from the motherboard and take a look at all the pins. Make sure none of them are bent. Then reseat it back to the processor slot and make sure it's locked in properly. I would apply some thermal grease to it before mounting the heatsink/fan back on top of it.Take a look at the motherboard also. You should be able to see small 'barrel' like connectors there. These are the capacitors. Make sure that NONE of them are looking bumpy or are leaking. They should have a flat surface on top. Otherwise, the motherboard is the source of the problem.

  5. I just got my hands on a SATA hard drive last week and decided to install it on my desktop. Currently, it's using an IDE type hard drive. I installed Windows XP Pro on this new SATA drive with no problems. So I go about my usual business to create a Ghost image for it. I installed Ghost and ran the backup feature. It restarted and then froze at the Ghost page in DOS mode. It see the blue background and a big gray box in front. But no text or progress meter as it should have.So I just hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and the same thing occurs. I chose to exit Ghost and use Windows. It said something about not having my first partition active (which I doubt since it was a clean install and Windows did work before). I chose yes to make it active and can't boot up to Windows since then. It just shows verifying dmi pool data and nothing else happens.Is there any SATA drivers that I need to install before the Windows setup shows up? I only see an option for SCSI Adapter drivers when I boot from the XP CD.Thanks.

  6. OK, just got all the parts in yesterday and didn't like it as much as I have anticipated. First thing to say is that one power connector will definitely not be enough power for the two hard drives...should have known that earlier. So I had to use two AC adapters for the two external drives with the y cables. Both of my IDE hard drives are converted to SATA type connectors.I thought the PCMCIA SATA card should have it's own dedicated bus for the two ports there, but it seems like they are still 'sharing' the throughput as I can't transfer files simultaneously without things slowing down.I haven't noticed much transfer speed increase either. Guess it's almost time to move on to SATA II and test that out ;)

  7. @Team Destiny 07: You should be able to upload the phpBB files without problems unless there is some upload timeout issue. Have you tried just uploading the compressed zip file instead and then uncompress it via cPanel or whatever your web host is using?

    Also, why not give SimpleMachines Forum a try? I have used them for a while now and have a great experience with them. From what I read in the past, phpBB was not the quickest to respond to security issues....not sure about it now. SMF usually patches up the security holes quickly and release the patches in the admin control panel in the SMF forum. You can get the SimpleMachines Forum here.

  8. @issdiscovery04, vhortex is right. These kind of activities are NOT allowed at Xisto. User is obviously asking for a pirated copy and the link you provided (emmm....edited out) is to a BitTorrent site to download it illegally.Topic closed.

  9. Niru, this should be very simple. I changed from another web host (not Xisto) last year to Xisto - Web Hosting without doing much on my end. Just contact support AT Xisto - Web Hosting.com and they will ask you for the details on your current webhost. You will need to provide the link to cPanel along with your username and password. They will do the migration for you. In most cases, you don't even need to change anything on your part once they successfully migrated over to the Xisto - Web Hosting server.The servers should be different. From what I read, there will be better service since it's paid hosting.

  10. Been thinking of using these converters on my IDE hard drives so they are 'SATA compliant'. I see that it will be using both the SATA type power connector and also a 4 pin (floppy drive type) connector. Have anyone used these IDE to SATA adapters before? Are both power cables required in order to make a drive operational? I will also be getting a SATA PCMCIA card for my laptop and that's where this will play a important role. I have no idea how to give it power if I want to use it as an external...what kind of cable to get for external use (4 pin connector)?

    A quick question on those y power cables. Will this supply enough power for the drives inside a computer? For example, I see one of those cables where they have one male 4 pin power cable that splits up to two SATA power cables. Just wondering if this will provide enough power for double the drive since it's really connected using one 4 pin cable from the power supply.

  11. Basically giving up on this now. I got the screen and board last week (same part number and everything) but for some unknown reason (maybe just bad luck), the inverter board is different and so is the LCD's data cable. The connectors for the cables are not matching to what I have so I can't reconnect them back.I might just send in my inverter board and have it repaired if it's damaged.By the way, I tried looking for that big capacitor on the inverter board, but couldn't find anything that could be it. Nothing mentioning uF in them that I can see either and most are just small chips.

  12. Welcome to Xisto.You can call them to find a price quote. If they can send a tech to service the computer in your office, that would be great. I usually don't like services that take your computer with them or ask you to drop them off. I have many clients that I help on their computer and fix the problems on the spot.Why not just post the problem here and see if we can provide any assistance? If you are not that computer savvy or don't have time to do it yourself, try that computer service site or see if there is another local computer shop you can send to get it repaired.

  13. I know connecting via ethernet will be a piece of cake, but that's exactly the problem. It will NOT connect using ethernet. I connected the modem directly to the first computer using ethernet and nothing. It won't allow the user to sign in. But once I plug in the USB (with or without ethernet), signing in is no problem.OK, here is what they had:PC 1 - connected to AOL modem (via USB, but also has ethernet port - but not sure if it works or how to make it work)...this PC will be connected via cablePC 2 and laptop - both of these will be connected wirelessly to the Linksys wireless router...both connected to another working router in the house already, but need them to connect to this AOL modem (via router)@Dr. Moonglobe: I'm not sure how to configure what you suggested because the modem itself does not have the LAN IP address (192.168.x.x). It has a public IP address shown when I did ipconfig on it.

  14. I think I got what you're saying now fault.lee. If I go back to their house, I will try the bridging method you mentioned. I'm sure that was the problem since I never dealt with this kind of setup before. Even my co-worker who I called for backup couldn't figure it out. We both knew that PC A has to act as some kind of gateway/router since it's connected via USB...just didn't know how. Until now ;)Thanks.

  15. Macs are good for multimedia work but if your lab there requires these to be PCs, then you have no choice. Plus if you want to get one of the higher end Macs (like the new flat panel iMacs), it won't be cheap. You can probably buy like 5 or more of those PCs if you buy one of these iMacs.Is space an issue and are the kids well behaved? I have seen good computers destroyed by schools that don't have control over the kids. I don't believe that their is radiation that will cause damage to people just be using the CRT monitors. Inside I'm not so sure about. CRT's will also generate more heat.

  16. 1. PC 1 connects without any issues at all. It will connect perfectly if using the USB cable.2. Yep, I actually tried to do that initially. For some odd reason, I got the second PC to ping PC 1 without any problems at first. Then I played around with it more and couldn't ping it anymore. The problem still was that it couldn't go online. It couldn't ping outside (like yahoo.com).3. I think I know what you mean there. Are you actually referring to the file and printer sharing option in network properties? I don't recall ever needing to do this before (even in my home setup). It was pretty straight forward for most of the home networks I dealt with.4. I never did this before, but it's good to know. Will keep this in mind next time I encounter a similar situation.So to sum it up, it definitely can't be the USB connection causing this problem? I had my doubts because I just set up their wireless network upstairs (using cable modem...ethernet cable instead of USB) without much problems. How about the AOL login? Will this interfere with whether or not the other computers can connect to it? The user needs to sign into AOL to go online (on a DSL line...don't ask me, I usually see DSL lines that are on 24/7).

  17. For your budget, you should be able to get a good laptop. You can go to Dell's site and customize the laptop to your liking. If you are a gamer, I recommend going with the XPS laptops since they will have a better video card for gaming.For the non reflective issue, I assume you mean those anti-glare screens that Dell have. Most (all?) of the Dell E series laptops have those I think.Another brand that you might want to take a look at is Toshiba (as mentioned above) or one of those Acer laptops.Try to customize the laptops to your liking and see how it fits your budget. Some of these sites (like Dell) let you choose your parts including the processor type.

  18. Today I was trying to setup shared internet for someone and was having lots of problems with it. They are using AOL DSL and had their ISP's modem. They have a Linksys router (forgot what model...WRT something) and I tried almost everything I can think of to no avail.Here is the problem. The modem connects to the computer using USB ONLY. It has an ethernet adapter in the back of the modem but it will not work (needs the USB either way). After playing around more for over an hour, I came to some "conclusion" that the other machines need the modem to be connected via ethernet and not USB.Does anyone know how to make this setup work? The current computer is connected to the modem directly using USB. This computer will not be wireless. But they have a desktop and laptop that they do want to be wireless. Both computer wireless cards work since I had another setup upstairs and they can go online without a hitch there. Upstairs is using cable modem (ethernet) connected to another Linksys. No problem there.I want to add that I tried to make the locally connected computer to some kind of "gateway" and see if it will connect that way. But couldn't even get the other computers to ping its IP address. This computer also requires signing on AOL to access the internet. I have never seen DSL requiring this before, but that's how it was setup here. Not sure if they may play a part in this big mess.I just want to know if this USB connection can be causing the problem in case I meet another similar situation next time.Thanks.

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