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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. It might be a matter of taste for this question. I have used both (joined forums that used them) of these before and I definitely like Invision more thatn vBulletin. I'm sure both of these have lots of MODS for them.

    Do you want to get a free one if it's good and reliable? I know Trekkie here spreads the name of this forum a lot. It's very reliable and it's faster than other forums. If you want, give SimpleMachinesForum a try. They have lots of MODS there also. Tell us how you like it.

  2. Thanks for the replies guys.So that's why it boots up so quickly. It never actually shuts down like desktop Windows.Got it. I'm looking for a good deal for 512MB or 1GB SD or MMC cards.Does the SD card speed matter? I mean, I have one that's 60x and I use it for my digital camcorder. Can I use this SD card on a USB memory card reader or must it only be used on the Dell Axim? So if I wanted to transfer files, I must use wireless or bluetooth? I know my camcorder mentions this - that it shouldn't be plugged into the PC (or USB memory reader) since it might mess up the format.I'll have to learn VB .NET in that case and create a portable version of it.I have a problem that I just encountered this morning. The last thing I did yesterday was create a power on password, changed the screen view to landscape, and played around with the built-in transcriber feature. This morning I just changed the screen protector (changed it yesterday but didn't look so good - it's a pain to change these...). But since then I powered up and it asks me for the password. No problem there. So I took out the stylus and started writing on it. Didn't work. I tried tapping the keyboard. Didn't work either. I then noticed that the whole screen and basically all my PDA buttons are useless. Only the Enter/Select button works. I push that, it says wrong password (obviously). Pushed it a few more times and it gave me the hint I typed in yesterday. I tried hitting the reset button in the back. It just restarted but still I can't use the screen. Actually there was a few very short moments when I could. I opened it and it was like I had written something on it already (little scribble on the screen). I could scribble a few more strokes but that's it.Could the screen protector cause this problem? I tried peeling it a little and tapping the OK button on the upper right corner of the screen but that didn't work either. Maybe a hard reset? But I don't know how to do that.I see we have two Axim users here :D I have the X30 624Mhz also with 64MB RAM.

  3. thankx micro .. gotcha .. :D


    umm .. m i being a pest ? .. sorry if i am :P its just that m new to this different hosting world .. i have hosted number of html sites n stuff on normal hosts but not like php n stuff .. sorry again ..


    well another thing was .. i am not allowed to post in the " Upgrade Request Section " and also the " Misc Request Section " .. y is that so ? .. i wanted to upgrade but do how to go abt it .. could sumone plz help ? ..





    No pest here :P Ask any questions you have since that's what this board is for.


    Regarding your upgrade request, do you have the normal (10 credit) account yet? I'm thinking that, that may be your problem. If not, then I'm not sure what's wrong there. I just went to Upgrade Request and see the New Topic button there. If you don't have the regular 10 credit package yet, then you should request for it here. My suggestion is to wait until you have 30 credits and get that bigger package - that is, if you use that much space.

  4. Thanks for the reply m^e :PMan, I really need to keep myself up to speed then :D I never dove into the .NET area yet. I'm still using VB6 since lots of users say it's still good to use and probably less of a hassle. So no possible converters out there aside from getting VB .NET and recreating from scratch? If not, I guess I will have to look into .NET :PThat's ok with the RAM question. I keep reading a lot of these reviews and they never go into the RAM specs in detail. I guess I'll find out once I get the PPC and play around with it.

  5. Personally, I have to say that those "optimizing services" are useless. It might be very difficult to stay #1 or #2 on Google's search results. I think they usually change almost everyday depending on how you are ranked. I don't want to go into how Google ranks sites since this can be a huge topic in itself.


    But according to what I read, it's the amount of sites that link back to you. But even that now is not so accurate - Google knows some sites are "cheating" by having their links put up on lots of other sites (probably in no relation) just to boost their ranking position.


    If you want your site to be recognized by Google, I suggest adding content that relates to your dating site. Put in some keywords into your main site's body. The more detail you have up on your site, the better since Google will spider/crawl your site every once in a while to update their indexes. It will probably get you good search result positions, depending on how many other sites have the same information as you, but I can't guarantee it'll be on first page.


    So I say, just do your submission, one by one. Don't use those 12-in-1 submission schemes. I heard that search engine sites hate those types of submissions and your site might not even be considered in the listing. Go with a free one. If you want to shell out some advertising money, then Google paid services (AdWords) is the way to go :D

  6. Wow, some of these are quite useful (who needs balloon tips anyway) But some of these are kind of odd... For example what reason would there be to disable the task manager... That makes it kind of hard to deal with programs that go wrong... which is a lot of them in Windows.


    Some of those tips are useful. The first thing I do when I completed a clean Windows install is to get rid of that annoying balloon :D


    For your Task Manager question. I'm not really sure, but I guess a administrator might want to disallow users to access the Task Manager. It would sound silly though since the Administrator should be able to grant users what features a normal user can access - probably using gpedit (XP Pro).

  7. Not sure if you tried this, but log in to your Xisto cPanel now. Go down to the Site Management Tools section and click on Backup. Look for your database (wutske_geeklog) under the Download a SQL DB Backup (Note: Do not try to open this file in winzip.) heading. Click on it and it should popup a window. Save it somewhere.


    Now go to your new account and login to cPanel. Go to the Backup section again. Under Restore an SQL DB (at the bottom), click on the Browse button. Look for the SQL backup file you downloaded earlier and upload it back to the new webhost account.


    That should make it work. If not, for the new account is it using the same prefix (wutske_) as your old database? I'm no expert with SQL, but I think if the prefix is different, it will cause problems. So make sure that when you set up the new geeklog install on that webhost (Xisto), that you set it up so that the SQL database name is wutske_geeklog.

  8. Hi, I bought a Dell Axim X30 last week (didn't arrive here yet) and have a couple of questions to ask.1. Can the Pocket PC run any regular Windows programs? I was told that it can't and just want to confirm this.2. I created a program in Visual Basic and want to use this on this PDA. How should I convert it so that it works on Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (that's the operating system it will come with)? Or what programming language does it accept?3. This question has been bothering me a little. Will turning the PDA on and off frequently damage it? I mean it's a scheduler also, so I would think that this is ok to do. I just want to use it to jot down some notes from time to time. If this will damage it, I might have to leave it in standby mode instead then.4. I don't get the RAM part 100% yet. Is that RAM as in the RAM/memory we have for our computers? Or is that RAM like a hard drive for PDA's? Also is the ROM the storage space I can use to store my data files?Thanks.

  9. microscopic^earthling, I'm a security analyst in a few big forums and Aluria Spyware Eliminator is on my list of programs NOT to install. This darn company teamed up with a big advertising company called WhenU and it can't be trusted anymore.


    I know you said you prefer the paid programs, but the free ones do just a good a job if you ask me. Each program has it's own weaknesses. I doubt there is a single program out there that will catch all kinds of spyware. I usually ask users to get a few of the free spyware removal programs and some other real-time antispyware protection programs also. I have a Anti-Spyware Tutorial setup if you want to take a look at it.


    I'm not saying that all paid programs are not good. I heard good reviews on some before. Spysweeper has been getting some raves from a lot of users. It still doesn't catch the more complicated spyware infections though. We usually use a tool called HijackThis (you might have heard of this before :D ) to help us determine what the problem is.


    You might want to avoid Aluria from now on and also some of these other programs listed here. I'm not 100% sure on the status of Aluria since I see that AOL's antispyware program and a few others are listed there as being legitimate. I guess it's just Aluria's own Antispyware Eliminator that's the problem then.


    Not sure about the last comment there...

  10. Just search around those sites and you should be able to find them easily. Take a look here for example. That will tell you the cost for those ads you normally see for Google.

    For Yahoo, take a look here for the different services they offer. Here is the sign up for submitting your site to them and getting it listed earlier.

    OK, that rediff site sounded familiar, but I don't recall visiting it before. Before I know it, I had popups coming left and right on me. I suggest not listing it on that site - pisses me off already :D But if you must, look for the submission link somewhere. It might be called something else, but it should be similar (like submit your site...).

    The prices for Yahoo and Google should be shown in the links I have given to you above.

  11. I've been hearing some rave about Blu-ray discs for a while and then it quieted down again :P I see it's coming back again LOL. The last time I read about this, it was competing with another format that was trying to push itself on the market - forgot what it's called :DThis is going to be great. I don't even need to get too many hard drives for my backups anymore LOL. Just popup a few of these puppies in and I should be set :PThere are 30GB dual layered DVDs? I never heard about them. The most I heard were those 9.4GB (or was it 9.2GB) dual layer DVDs. But with this new one with blu-ray, it's going to be huge. Prices might be staggering, but I'll be sticking to my DVDs for the time being.

  12. But sometimes, when using Internet Explorer, i can't view the HTML source code of the page I'm viewing at all. Don't tell me that there's also a way to even prevent the user from viewing the HTML source code of the page?


    Are you sure it's just a plain HTML page? I know some server side languages have the ability to do this. Sometimes you just see a few lines of code and nothing else.


    When you say you can't view the source, do you mean that it can't be viewed or just that the View->Source won't work (nothing opens up)? If something opens up and you see a blank page, make sure you scroll down (if there is anything more down there). Some of these webmasters who want to hide their code, may skip a couple hundred lines down so that it can fool the average user who tries to see their source code.

  13. AGH! I just read up on the net n it says that gpedit.msc isn't in windows xp home edition! sad.gif so as a alternative they say we have to edit the freaking registry by typing regedit or w.e which is complete bs!

    Yeah, gpedit.msc is only available in XP Home OS. I don't know why soleimanian never mentions the specific XP OS that his tips can be used on. I have ran into a few where it's only for Windows XP Pro and not Home.


    Hello there, moderator? Can you please explain why limiting bandwidth is a good idea? I am not that of a computer whiz so it would be appreciated if you could explain it in an easier way.


    And I do not know how to ping a website...

    I'm not 100% sure on this but qwijibow seems to have answered your question earlier already. See Post #3 for more info. I think what that means is that if you max out your bandwidth, you won't be able to surf online. You will be downloading/uploading too much, which will tie up the bandwidth. I think some ISPs might cut off your internet connection or give you a call once you do this - think it's called capping.


    Pinging a website is nothing more than calling out to it and getting a response back. If there's no response, it means that your signal never reached there or got lost on it's way back. To ping a website (say Xisto), just go to Start->Run and type in cmd to open up the command prompt. Now type in ping http://forums.xisto.com/ and hit Enter key. That should return 4 lines back. Either it will tell you the time it took to get there and come back, or it will tell you that the packet was lost somewhere along the way.


    I've tried this a long time ago. But it hasn't really helped much. I mean, I don't find any noticable difference in the browsing speed. There is another way for speeding up browsing using firefox, but I don't remember where I read it. It's something about changing your about:config options.... something about simultaneous network connections.

    I think I know what you are talking about. Take a look at this short read:

    Here's something for broadband people that will really speed FireFox up:


    1.Type about:config into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:






    Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.


    2. Alter the entries as follows:


    Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"


    Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"


    Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.


    3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.


    If you're using a broadband connection you'll load pages MUCH faster now!



    You have to close your browser after you make the changes. When you start it back up they will be in effect.

    Taken from Afterdawn site. Here is another site/blog which has some similar information on this.


    You probably don't have to go through all of that mess though. I actually just found some program called Firetune (for those using Firefox) that should do this for you instantly.

  14. The link is very cool. I have a question after I saw the link. May whole page be encoded as that? If it does, is there any benefits?

    Yes, you can encode the whole webpage basically similar to that. There is a free program called HTML Cipher which will do just that. It will encode everything for you, including the emails.
    Benefits? Probably not much. Like I said, these spammers/harvesters are getting smarter and smarter each day. I'm sure they know how to decode this automatically by now.

    If you encode the whole page, there might be some benefit if you don't want users to see your source code. HTML Cipher also provides features to, in a way, "secure" your webpage so the source code can't be viewed easily. But there's always a way around this. And like the email method, it can be decoded within minutes.

    My suggestion is to go with the contact form. Take a look at mine here. No email address to be shown anywhere there. It's just using PHP to do all the processing behind the scenes :D

  15. Hmmm. Well I'm up :DI guess helping others solving their computer problems. I remember having so many questions on computers when I first got one (not too long ago - around 1997). Not too much help or don't know where to find better help. So I learned on my own and gradually gained more knowledge in the area. I don't want others to go through what I did, looking for answers but going nowhere.So there. Helping others with their computer problems pumps me up LOL. Keeps the adrenaline alive :P

  16. Yes, basically if you put up a webpage for the public, it's available to be copied. Unless you really know how to secure it (possibly using PHP or other methods), users will be able to copy the webpage without any major problems.


    If you still want to know how they do it, then here it is.


    To disable right click, there are many ways to do this. See these two just as examples:



    Angel fire site


    I'm not exactly sure about the printing part. But from what I found, other programs can do this. For example, take a look at HTML Encryptor. It's not free though. No need to buy it though since it's most likely not fool proof anyway.


    You should be able to save that whole page if it's not using PHP or some other server side languages for the webpage. Try this out and see if it works (should work if it's just a plain HTML webpage with the above simple methods):


    1. Go into Internet Explorer or whatever browser you are using.

    2. Go to View->Source.

    3. A text editor (Notepad usually) should open up.

    4. Save that file with a .html extension.

    5. Double click on that new file you saved and it should be that webpage.


    It may be distorted sometimes due to the fact that you didn't download all the required files associated with the webpage (for example, the images if it has any).


    The method above should work most of the time if it's a normal HTML website with those simple restrictions they put on the user. But if it doesn't work, I know of another tricky method.


    Since you looked at the website already, theoretically, it should have been cached in your browsers history. So just go there and look for the website. If you want, just go directly to that history (internet temporary files) folder and copy that file over to your desktop or another folder.

  17. I never used Gmail Notifier before, but here's what I found:

    Getting to Your Inbox
    To get access to your inbox, you need to set up Gmail Notifier with your username and password. If you hate remembering passwords, you can select the "Remember password" option on the login form. Firefox will then skip this prompt the next time it gets online, and you'll log on automatically. Once you are logged on, simply click the toolbar or status bar icon and you'll display your Gmail inbox. You can open this page in the current tab, a new tab, or even a new window, depending on what you have configured in Notifier's Preferences pane.

    The link is here. This is assuming that you are using Mozilla Firefox as your browser. You just need to install the Gmail Notifier extension (Tools->Extensions) and follow the setup in that site. It should be self-explanatory.

  18. LOL. Don't worry about the delay. I was waiting very patiently :) I really appreciate you taking your time to do the testing for me.

    OK, do you know what went wrong there and if it will be fixed? Probably no need to worry once I upgrade. :P I try to do some of these manually by looking at the threads there, but some are over 25 pages long. Eyes go blurry after page 10 or so :P I guess you found the code buried somewhere there. I will give this a try now. Just need to wrap things up in the forum first, back it up and then put it in maintenance mode.

    I never installed the shop on my live forum before but did take a look at it and think my users will like the idea. Thanks for posting this at SMF.

    Will post back on the status of the upgrade when I get it done. Just have one more thing to ask you to do before I upgrade (please :P ):

    As for the File Manager, I dont have a clue, ill test that aswell

    Were you able to extract the upgrade zip file and replace the older SMF 1.0.5 files correctly in cPanel? If not, I will do this manually then.

  19. As much as I hate to say this, I think that most companies like Norton/Symantec. The company I work for bought the enterprise edition and installed it on all the computers throughout the whole building. Luckily it's just the antivirus. I heard horror stories about the Internet Security Suite. Causes more trouble than it's worth for some. :)

    My suggestion is to give Grisoft AVG a try (as someone else has mentioned here). I think there is an enterprise edition for AVG also. Since this is more for a corporate environment, the enterprise license would be best. AVG Free is only for personal use. I second what rapco said. At least I think it's the best antivirus program out there that's free. Free is not always bad. I've used it for years now and have no complaints about it.

    Keep in mind that no antivirus program is perfect. I usually ask users to use one or two other antivirus scanning methods (preferably online) to make sure that they are virus free.

    but I think that Ad-Aware is good, and it's free

    Ad-aware is not an antivirus program. It may catch some viruses/trojans at times, but that's not what it's used for. It's mainly an antispyware program.
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