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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. I started out with Notepad. That was good for simple web designing and it gave me more control of the site. Then I started using Frontpage. Don't know why, but I never liked that program at all. I think Frontpage Express is better than that. It's more simple to use.Next thing you know, I'm using Dreamweaver and have been using it ever since. It's definitely one of the better WYSIWYG HTML programs out there. I guess you have to get used to it first. Notepad still comes into action from time to time, but Dreamweaver is the main software I use for my webpages.

  2. We have to get it clear here. Which one is it - ctfmon.exe or ctfmon32.exe? There's a big difference between the two. The latter one is a trojan. The ctfmon.exe file is legit in most cases, but if it's not in the correct directory, it may also be a possible trojan.

    OK, I will need you to do the following listed in the site below:


    When you are up to the HijackThis log, post the log here. I wasn't sure if it was allowed here (to post the HijackThis log). But after doing some searching around here, I saw other users posting it without any problems. So hopefully it's the same with you.

    Do all the steps outlined in the site I mentioned above. When ready, post your HijackThis log here for review. PM me if you wish and I will return to this topic to help you out. Otherwise, I might lose track of things and forget about this post.

  3. I'm not 100% sure, but I would think you would need to be 18 or older to apply. It will ask you for personal information like your Social Security number. They need permission from your parents usually when they do this.

    I looked all over the Google Adsense site but can't find any restrictions in regards to the age limit. My suggestion is to contact them. Or if you want, use your dad's name instead of yours. Input his Social Security number so that the check is made payable to him.

    That's the other thing. Google pays me by check (I forgot if they have a wired bank transfer), so I'm not sure if a 15 year old can sign their own checks. :)

  4. That is very cheap indeed. I heard of 1and1 before but never gave it a try. Just went to the site and it says $5.99 per year. Do they force you to get hosting from them also?I have GoDaddy for about 2 years now and have no problems. Is the company name important at all? I mean as long as you have a good host, GoDaddy, 1and1 and registryfly should all be good to use right?

  5. Was away for a while. OK, I just tried again and it's still very slow. I have DSL and it was very fast the first few times when I used it. The slowdown started to occur for no apparent reason.I guess I can try using FTP instead then. The only reason I like doing it through cPanel is because of the zip files. I don't want to upload all the files like that. Rather, (more convenient) I want to upload the zip file only and then unzip it in cPanel. I think it's much quicker than using FTP to upload the unzipped files.Don't know what else could be wrong since I barely used my account at all this month. I guess it's happening to everyone then.

  6. Nope, basically if you are downloading copyrighted software, you are breaking the law. I guess it depends on what country you are in also. Some have less strict rules.So unless you are downloading something that's publicly and legally available for the public to freely use, you will be doing something illegal by downloading it.Don't take my word for this, but from what I heard, if you limit your uploads they most likely won't go after you. I say go with the safer approach and buy the software/music/whatever if you like it. Like you said, it depends on who you talk to. I say it's illegal if you download copyright content.

  7. Yeah, google satellite images.. Hang on.. Isn't there another thread about this thing somewhere?


    Not sure if I saw that thread. Could it be Google Keyhole? Are they the same?


    Will give this program a test drive as soon as I get home from vacation. Sounds good. Keyhole is not free as far as I know and it may be a different program than this one mentioned here.

  8. Is everyone else having this problem? I logged in but it takes a long time to load. Even after it loads, the images are still not loaded yet. I clicked on File Manager and that also takes a while to load. I tried to access the forum and CMS I created and they work. No problems there.Not sure if it's me (maybe my ISP?) or the server at Xisto. Could someone take a look at this?Thanks.

  9. Hi, I will be leaving for 5 weeks starting tomorrow. I just have a question about the wi-fi in hotels. Are they secure (I mean it's never 100%, but does it have any security at all)? If not, is there anything I can do on my end to secure my internet activities? Like at home, I enabled the WEP protection (since I don't have WAP) and that helps me keep some peace in mind. :lol: I have a firewall already, but not sure if that's enough since all the incoming and outgoing data will be open if unsecured (right?).Thanks.

  10. Point taken. We really do appreciate the free service that Xisto provide here. I'm sure all of us here (in this topic :lol:) don't mind posting and reading here. I know I learned a handful for the few days I've been here. Tutorials are great. But there seems to be others who don't participate as much. I guess they will be "phased" out once they reach the -30 credit inactive status :DI just checked. 128 members in the past 30 minutes. But not a lot of new posts here. I'm sure we have enough topics here to interest everyone. :lol: Enough of my ranting, I enjoy this free service and will be more than happy to contribute back to the forum here. :lol:

  11. Thanks for the explanation Trekkie. So basically this fix_ownership.php file is used to chmod all my files and folders for SMF to 777?


    Yeah, I saw that my backup permissions were modified (not 777) but the newly created file was. Anyway, the problem's there already now. Since the mod didn't install completely (it was the Donation Mod), I have duplicates now (two Donation buttons :lol:). Luckily, it was a test forum. Is there any way to undo this incomplete MOD installation, if say, this was a live forum? Manual way is only method?

  12. Welcome aboard scryoko.You may reply to several users at once (in a topic). For example, both m^e and Quadfreek posted here. If you want to reply to them, you may do that all in one reply. No need to create multiple replies to this :lol:LOL. Careful though. Try not to ramble on too much :lol: Here at Xisto we usually want quality posts (except in some of the forums here). So don't just post for the sake of posting, that could get you into trouble. One example, could be point/credit reduction. You don't want that. :lol:

  13. I knew I left out something :lol: Yep, they compress them also. Thanks for the additional info there Brian.I doubt that the CPU speed will matter. Maybe just a little if the web page is huge, but still I think it really depends on the users line (which is dial up :lol:).Last time I saw this, it was $9.95 per month. I think SBC Yahoo has their DSL service for $19.95 for 6 months now. So if you don't mind forking up and extra $10 for blazing speeds :lol:, I say go for it. Otherwise, your downloads will still be slow, only you might see a little faster loading time for some of the more popular webpages.

  14. I think m^e mentioned that before already. Either him or someone else tried putting accounts on hold (because of "vacation") and then he said he got like 30 PMs or something LOL. I'm sure some of these people just want to avoid posting for that purpose.I'm going away for 5 weeks starting Monday, so that's why I gathered some hosting credits beforehand. Will try to post here when I'm in the hotel also.

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