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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. Do you have cPanel for your webhost? If you are using Xisto, you have cPanel. It would probably be easier and faster if you just went into the Backups section and download the database file there.But if you still want to use phpMyAdmin for this, then go into phpMyAdmin and click on the Export link on the right window. Then select the database(s) you want to export and press the Go button at the bottom. If you want the database compressed (zipped or gzipped) you may select those options before hitting Go. That should start the download.

  2. It's either a problem with the server or your browser.I had the exact same problem before. It would take like 10 or 20 minutes to load cPanel and even then none of the images would show up (only text). I was sure I tried this before, but around last week, I tried using Internet Explorer again to see if it logged me in. Presto! So if you are using Firefox as your browser, try switching to Internet Explorer or Opera.The other problem might be the server. I had some minor problems getting in cPanel yesterday...so I waited till a later time and then I got in without any problems (using Opera browser).

  3. I finally let go of Firefox last night as it became a pain to use (kept crashing on me from time to time...new and old version). I have used Opera in the past (it's been over a few years now) and was sure I wouldn't be disappointed to go back. So I installed it and everything went smoothly. I mean, some things obviously needs some getting used to, but the browser is much more stable than Firefox and it's quicker.

  4. Firefox is really getting on my nerves lately. Out of nowhere version 1.06 was crashing out on my daily. So I decided to upgrade once I saw this post. It was a bit more stable for the most part, but before I know it, it bombed out on me again.Firefox is really not that secure any more. Some say it's almost as vulnerable as Internet Explorer. So for now, I switched back to what I was using a few years back...Opera. Now it's totally free without the ads. No crashes yet B)

  5. You will get different responses to this, but I personally use SimpleMachines Forum (SMF). Have thought about switching to phpBB but was warned of the many security flaws it has in the code and the amount of time it takes the developers to release a fix for it. Not bashing phpBB here (not at all), but SMF does seem to be better (albeit even though more people use phpBB).

    InvisionBoard is pretty good also, but it's a paid forum system. SMF seems to be a little faster than most of these forums (free or not).

    Zony, I think wwheeler is talking about phpNuke, the content management system (CMS). What this basically does is that is shows many categories of information in one web page. See this site for more information. There are many CMS out there. Another one you might want to take a look at is Mambo. If you use Mambo, I think there is something called a Mambo bridge over at SMF that you can use to have this integrated with each other.

  6. Rae, try installing the Java program again and see if it completes this time. If it does, uninstall it again and use the older 1.4.2 version of Java instead. 1.5 is still not very good at this stage of the game yet. It's probably better to get a stable working version that works for most games than getting an updated version that screws everything up.Try deleting the applets that are downloaded for those games you are having problems with. See if that will fix the problem with the games. Go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files\ and look for the name of those games in there. Delete them if found...don't worry about it, they will reinstall themselves from the web when needed.

  7. William (wwheeler), yes I know my SSID. I even double checked it in my router settings to make sure I spelled it correctly and in the same case. Everything matches, but no connection.I have set both to the same encryption (at least I think I did). I made sure each (my Mac and PC) has the same amount of characters in it for the 128 bit encryption. Everything is the same for both the PC and Mac except I can't connect on the Mac. I click on connect in Mac and it seems to be getting it but nothing is really happening. I have waited a long time on it just to make sure...nothing B)Does it have to be Hex if I didn't set it? Mine were all digits basically. I did it on the router, my laptop's 802.11g card and also for the Mac computer. If I input it in Hex for the Mac, the number of characters for the particular encryption won't match (too little characters).Don't think the router is the problem. It's a Westell Versalink 327W 802.11G modem/router. It has worked great for me the whole year...no problems at all. Don't care if it's G or B either. 802.11b is more than enough for my 3Mbps DSL connection. No home network setup here, just sharing internet.

  8. All your public files that you want to be displayed online should be in the public_html folder. If you moved your files there it should work.Your website's address is the username you signed up for when you applied for the Xisto webhosting package. So if it was chris1234 that you applied for, then your site should be at chris1234.astahost.com

  9. I wish I could have my hands on the beta version for Windows Vista. Most of us are still waiting for it to come out as a public release.I'm sure some things have improved since Windows XP. Saw some screenshots in PC Magazine and it looks like a whole new way of navigating the beast now.It was mentioned that there may be other things missing from the Beta version that will come out (eventually) on the stable release. The new HPFS file system for one didn't get out on the beta testing OS yet. It should be "better" and more stable. But only time will tell.

  10. Thanks for the reply riceworm. Also welcome aboard to Xisto B)Might invest in one of these babies in that case. I will probably get the Microsoft Streets software that includes that GPS device.PS. Next time when you post, please don't include your own reply in the QUOTE tags. Otherwise, you wouldn't be getting credit for your own post. Ask a Moderator to edit your reply if you want credit for this post.

  11. Just like everyone else here, I too never had to deal with that password expiration message on my home computer.It's for the corporate environment only and I don't think they want (or like) users to disable that feature. Most users probably can't even disable it since they have a limited account with no admin rights. It's used for a purpose, to cycle your passwords every xx number of days to protect your account.

  12. OK, I'm kind of interested in getting a GPS device for my traveling from one location to another now. What are the GPS services that you guys have used? Any recommendations?I was told that Microsoft Streets is pretty good and it comes with the GPS device.For these services/software, do I have to pay yearly subscription fees? Like for Microsoft Streets, if I don't pay a fee (assuming one is needed each year) each year, will my service still work? I was told the GPS service itself is a government provided free service. So I assume that the worst thing is that I have a outdated map right?Thanks.

  13. Hi, I'm looking on getting an DC to AC adapter for my car. I want to use my laptop on the car and since the battery won't hold my charge anymore, I need one of these adapters. How many watts/volts should I be getting for using it on laptops? Also, can I use it for lower voltage devices like a cell phone charger?I'm looking online for these adapters and have seen ones that have one side for the cigarette lighter and the other end is like a regular power outlet socket. Are there any that have a direct cable from the laptop's power connector to the cigarette lighter? Just wondering about this one...Anyone know how much power it will take from the car's battery? Just don't want it to guzzle the battery dry B) Thanks.

  14. If you want, there is a disk defragmenter that can work in the background as long as you have your computer on. Take a look at DiskKeeper and see if that will do the job for you.

    You can have schedules set up telling the program when to do the defrags or just leave it running all the time. Keep in mind that it may slow things down on older systems since it's using resources when it's running.

    The good thing about this program is that you don't have to go away from the computer and don't touch it fearing it will restart. DiskKeeper will work in the background doing the defragging while you are still working on other things.

  15. That's the thing. Most users have spyware problems because they are still using Internet Explorer. Even with the minor tweaks to help prevent spyware infections are not working perfectly. Scripts run in the background and something else is installed. An alternative browser like Mozilla Firefox or even Opera would be a better alternative as some mentioned earlier.You can never be safe using IE since it's being targetted the most. You must get all the latest patches and even then you're still vulnerable.If you have a good antivirus, firewall and antispyware program, I would say that you are 99% safer already. Each has their own purpose to keeping your computer safe and although none are perfect, they will be very useful in detering most of these infections.rantsh, the antispyware program that Microsoft has is Microsoft AntiSpyware. I don't recommend users to use this program anymore as they seem to made an agreement with a spyware/adware company. Now instead of setting those spyware/adware related files to remove/delete, it's set to Ignore in the Microsoft AntiSpyware program...which is not what we want since we want them gone. Install and run it if you wish, but I say use Ad-aware and Spybot since those two will basically catch most of the known ones out there.

  16. Do you have to create one from scratch? How about using ones that are already out there and ready for use? There are many forums out there that you can use for free. The one I recommend using is SimpleMachines. I have been using them for a while now and they are great. Always improving the code and it has many mods for you to choose from.


    If you want a paid forum, I suggest getting InvisionPowerBoard. I love the interface and the admin settings are easy to learn and use.

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