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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. I remember playing some of those poker games online, but it was just for fun. Don't recall the name of the sites now...been a while.I actually never played poker in a casino before. Only went to them a few times but never sat down and played a hand or two. It's really intense, even when I'm not the one that's playing it. See people throwing in money like it's nothing LOL. One day, I will try this out. Just don't want to get hooked on it :D

  2. Thanks for the reply KnightEagle. Yeah, I went to that site also and my popup was perfect - right smack in the middle of my screen. She has it so that the popup is basically "hiding" from the screen. She has to see where it went to (it zips by fast) and move her mouse to touch that corner or side...then it takes a few tries just to move it out so she can see it again.Screen resolution is ok. I had her test it out and warned her about those tiny icons if she makes it any higher (she had 1024x768 and increased it to 1280x1024 - changed it back once that didn't work).I'll ask her to check the font size also but I don't think that's the problem since she didn't complain of it being too big or small.One more thing to add here. She also mentioned that her mouse just disappears when she moves her mouse to the right side of her monitor. I asked her if she's sure, because in most cases you can still see a little piece of the mouse's edge, but she said it's just not there.

  3. I'm not sure if Xisto has a counter. There should be a log of the number of hits in your cPanel setting though, but this is not viewable by the public....just you.

    There are many of these scripts online. You just have to search for it in Google, should be pretty simple. There are a lot that are basically complete already but might need some minor changes here and there. Take a look at Matt's Script Counter. See if you can get that to work.

    If you don't want to go through all of that, I think RapidCounter might be better since it looks like it's easier to setup.

  4. I would like to test these out. Are these betas free or does Microsoft limit you to 30 days? I read it and they say if you register within 30 days you get those free ebooks from their site.I suggest PMing a Moderator to fix up your problem with the BB code there since you most likely don't have the Edit button - and they will edit and adjust your credits accordingly if they see that you didn't use the BB code correctly.

  5. Is there a program that will allow me to have one HUGE line without any limits? I have thousands of lines of text in a Word document and I used the replacement method for paragraphs and that did part of the work. But I still have a lot of lines leftover. I want them ALL to be in one very lone single line only. Word seems to limit this and I tried using other text editors and they were about the same (still have many lines leftover).

  6. Hi, I have a user who's complaining that a popup (legitimate one) is being shifted to the right of her screen. It's not a virus, spyware or popup blocker that's doing this as far as I know. She has scanned her computer and it's clean...even tried disabling popup blocker.

    The problem is that the popup moves all the way to the right of her screen. Actually, it's not always right. I think it's somewhere else, but she looks to see where the popup "flies" to and then she moves her mouse over the edge to try moving it back to the center of the screen. I have asked her to try holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key and exit to see if it stays, but it's doing the same thing.

    Monitor settings all seem to be ok. The site is TicketMaster and she just wants to see the Seating Chart for a football game (the chart is the popup that's going crazy on her screen).

    Any ideas?


  7. They better shape up now. It's been taking the heat for ignoring some of the other spyware programs that all security analysts remove. Users run a scan on their computer and certain spyware (forgot which ones exactly) are set to Ignore only. The novice user might not know what to do here, so that's definitely a bad move on Microsoft's part. It's a partner$hip with these companies. Because of this, I now don't ask users to download Microsoft AntiSpyware and run a scan on their computers. It's not as reliable now.I didn't know the authors of that darn Messenger Plus program were working with Microsoft. I always thought they were two separate beasts. I have started to ask users NOT to use Messenger Plus. It's scumware. You can't believe how many users I run into who don't know what the "sponsor" program is for and installs it anyway. That's no sponsor program, trust me. It's the LOP spyware program. With programs that bundle this junk into them (even if they have an option not to install it), I advise ALL users to remove their product.

  8. I am a bit confused. So we don't get space to store our .html and .php or whatever they are? What DO we exactly get? Could someone clear this up for me because I did not understand very well. Thank you.


    Where does it say that? vujsa only said you can't upload any of those files since they will consume lots of bandwidth and some users are uploading illegal content - which is prohibited here.


    You may upload any other website files you want like your .php, .html, .css, etc....

  9. Which ones are you talking about here? I now see that Ad-aware also has a version for Business users. If you are just talking about the Home users version, they have the free one and a Pro and Plus edition. I think the only difference between them mainly is the real-time protection program called Ad-Watch.

    If you are referring to the Business user version, then take a look here for more information.

    My suggestion is to not get it. Hey if you want to support them you may upgrade if you wish, but there are other free programs that will provide real-time protection also. Spybot's TeaTimer and SpywareGuard has the free real-time protection features. I have all of these programs' links listed at my site along with other anti-spyware information if you are interested.

  10. Thanks Calixt, I never thought of that before. That will connect all of those lines together? How about the commas? Any easy way to do this? So far, I'm just creating two macros:1. One is to add a comma to the end of a line.2. The second one is basically mimicking what I did with #1 above except I'm running it through a few pages of lines first.Then I save the second macro and run the second macro many times so it gets to the very end.

  11. I have a huge word document that I want to be able to add a comma to the end of each line and then concatenate the whole document together. For example:



    testing 1

    test 23 4


    I want that to be something like:


    test,testing 1,test 23 4


    I tried doing this using a macro (not very good at), but couldn't get them to come out right. Basically I want to make sure that each line connects to the previous one followed by a comma at the end. My document so far has over 4,300 lines now and growing.


    Any VBA experts out there or does anyone else know of an easier way to do this?



  12. Thanks for the reply m^e.


    I'm not sure how to use mysqldump from the command line, so I usually get it directly from my SMF Forum backup section. I don't see that though. This is what I have:

    # ==========================================================


    # Database dump of tables in `Edited_Prefix_yabb2`

    # August 10, 2005, 11:02:17 AM


    # ==========================================================




    # Table structure for table `yabbse_attachments`



    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `yabbse_attachments`;


    CREATE TABLE `yabbse_attachments` (

      ID_ATTACH int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

      ID_THUMB int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      ID_MSG int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      ID_MEMBER mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      filename tinytext NOT NULL default '',

      size int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      downloads mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      attachmentType tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      width mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

      height mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,




    ) TYPE=MyISAM;



    # Dumping data in `yabbse_attachments`



    INSERT INTO `yabbse_attachments`



    I get that from the top. This keeps going on with other thinks like dumping ban_groups, ban_items, etc. So how do I change the CREATE TABLE? For all of them.


    Also, I have to use the same folder/path for my SMF install at Xisto right? Because I see a lot of these entries:


    ...just means any other folders listed there (too much for me to list).


    I did the full database backup of SMF by checking these:

    Save the table structure.

    Save the table data. (the important stuff.)

    Compress the file with gzip.

    I downloaded here at my work computer and it's only 8MB in size. I assume this is because it's compressed. Once I unzipped it, it's 40MB which is the filesize download I get at home. How can I download the 8MB compressed file at home? I don't know why this happens. All my settings are the same and I'm using Firefox at home and work to download this. Still work could get 8MB backup, but at home I could only get the uncompressed version.

  13. Hi, I have a forum with over 1000 members now and want to use that to do my testing. I'm using SMF 1.1 beta 3.Will it work if I download the full database backup from my other webhost (not Xisto) and import it directly into Xisto? I know that it will always append a prefix to the database name. I just want to install a test version of SMF in Xisto and do all my modding there. How can I change all the prefixes to the one I have in Xisto (assuming that it's required)?Thanks.

  14. Hi...i dont know how to install phpbb...

    I'm using apache server with window xp pro...


    I cannot start new threat!


    Do you want to install it locally on your computer or in a website for everyone to see? Sounds like you want to do this on your computer only, so I will go with that.


    Some questions first:


    1. Do also have MySQL and PHP installed? Without these other two componenets your phpBB Forum won't work. They need the database and the PHP scripting language.


    2. If you installed those already, did you run the installation file/process? There is an installation tutorial on how to install phpBB here.


    Assuming you only want to install this locally, all you have to do is install Apache (which you said you have), PHP, and MySQL. Then unzip the contents of the phpBB file to a folder. I think you may have to move this folder to the main root in Apache (or was it PHP?) called htdocs. Move it there and run the install.php script from your browser. For example, type in localhost/phpBB/install/install.php (assuming you called the folder, you unzipped the files to, phpBB). That should get you on the installation screen. Everything there should be self-explanatory. If you have questions, feel free to ask.


    Hmmm. Not sure, but I could start a new thread here. I don't recall this being for hosted members only. Try again. If it still fails, I guess you may use this topic/thread instead.

  15. It seems to work on my account. I opened it up and it tells me how many new posts were made since my last visit.I hope you don't mind, but I think this is a forum bug also. When I go to the Xisto main forum page, I can't login directly. The Go button seems to be unlinked. I have to click on Login link at the top first and login through there.Anyone else experiencing this problem as well?

  16. There are a handful of these out there. Do you want to make your printer wireless also? I recall seeing that you can make everything, including the printer, wireless using bluetooth.


    But if you just want the printer plugged in and everything else connecting wirelessly to the router, then I recommend getting a Netgear. This one should do what you want. If you want, you may also take a look at this one from Barricade.

  17. Hi again, usually you can backup and restore just from IPB itself. Most forums will allow you to do this without any problems. Check again in IPB to make sure you don't have that option anywhere. Or if you want, create a test admin account for me (or let me use yours) and I'll check it out. I only played with IPB for a short while, so nothing is sticking much :DBut yes, you should be ok with cPanel backup also if you said everything checks out ok. Forum backup and restore should be easier though (if they have the restore option). If not, have you tried using the forum backup file on cPanel? Try backing up the mySQL database in IPB. Then delete and reinstall just to test it out by uploading/importing the MySQL database (you just saved) into cPanel->Backup->Restore Database.

  18. I got it. It's a little buggy. I was testing it out and hit No on purpose but it looks like it stilled cleared the memory :D But I did another hard reset and chose Yes to make sure.It's definitely the screen protector because it still wouldn't work after I did the hard reset. I basically have to peel at least half of the screen protector in order to use the screen taps. Right now, my screen protector is not sealed 100%. I have two sides (bottom pane and left pane left open - big bubble).Are there any screen protectors that actually fit the Axim X30 screen? I bought this and the seller said it will fix this model and others. When I sealed it today, I had to push on all the sides so they hide the cover/sheet. I'm not sure if that's how it's suppose to be done, but it looks good when I finished that. But it killed the tapping. No air = no good? I might need to look into getting a smaller screen protector if this is how it's going to be.

  19. Before I do this, will my default programs that came pre-installed on this PDA be deleted as well (Pocket Word, Excel, etc.)?

    more than likly you will need to reinstall the programs that reside on the SD or MMC Card as some of the files are saved to internal Memory.

    That's another thing I didn't know about till now. Still learning all the quirks on this thing. Thanks.

  20. :D No problem, glad I could help :P I'm almost 100% positive that by downloading that file in the Backup Database setting, you will get the image backup of the whole forum (including the tables, topics, memberlist, etc.). I do this in another forum that I'm an admin in and was told that by backing up everything using the forum backup method, it will save all those data. I would think that it will do the same for a big and popular forum like IPB.When you went into the Backup Database setting, didn't it say what it's backing up? I'm sure it will say it saved the database tables and others there. Like I said, I thnk by default everything is checked for you there already.If you are still concerned over this, then just login to your cPanel (for your webhost) and go into the Backup setting. Look for your forum database. Click on it and download it. Save that file in a folder on your desktop called IPB Backup 080705 (just create a new folder and give it a name and a date so it's descriptive). Next logout and use a FTP manager to login to your webhost's FTP server. Navigate to your main forum folder, but don't double click on it to look at the contents. I want you to click on that folder and download it to your computer (IPB Backup 080705 folder). Save it to that same folder you downloaded the database backup to. Now save that folder to a save place (CD, USB thumb drive, etc.).That should do it. You have both things (forum backup method and cPanel method) just in case something goes wrong.

  21. So you went with IPB? I read on your other posts where you were asking which one was better - IPB or vB. I guess you made your decision.OK, I used this for a short while before, but I think I can remember enough to walk you through the backup procedure. Login to your IPB Forum. Then click on the Admin CP link (usually on top). Login with your forum password there. Now on the left pane, look for something called Backup or Database Backup. Click on that. I think, by default, it should back up the whole forum there. If not, make sure to check the appropriate boxes. Then just hit the button to download the full backup. This is the file you want to use in case you run into problems in the forum.To restore a backup, I think it's in the same setting. Just go back to the same place and look for the link to restore the database. That should do it. Everything should be back to the way it was when you did the backup.

  22. Man, these things just keep coming :D


    CoolWebSearch has many different forms. It also mutates sometimes to make it even more complicated to remove.


    My suggestion is to use other anti-spyware programs along with CWShredder because it can't handle ALL those different (mutated) variants alone. I'm not 100% sure how far CWShredder went in terms of the updates (last time I checked, it was updated in May), but one other main tool to help remove the mutated CWS is to use a program called About:Buster.


    The usual Ad-aware, Spybot and Microsoft AntiSpyware should be run regularly also. All those programs are free to use. Just make sure to check for updates weekly and do weekly or bi-weekly scans to be safe. Spyware, these days, are more wide spread than viruses. So get those anti-spyware programs installed and run them.


    Just have something to add regarding Sunbelt's CounterSpy program. I heard that there was a previous agreement, when Microsoft bought out GIANT AntiSpyware, that Microsoft has to supply Sunbelt with their updates until around 2006. So I'm not sure if CounterSpy would be any much more effective in removing spyware as the free Microsoft AntiSpyware program. Just a note...

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