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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. What is this forum going to be used for? That should probably be a good starting point for anyone who wants to apply. Or do you just want someone to help set up the forum and that's it?I'll be the first to volunteer if you want. I played around with InvisionFree before myself and should know my way around it (more or less ;) ). I have created a InvisionFree forum for a college project before and it wasn't that hard to setup.

  2. Where's your antivirus program though? You only mentioned two programs for spyware prevention/removal but nothing on the antivirus.I have these on my laptop right now:Grisoft AVG - antivirusZoneAlarm - firewall (this is a must these days)Ad-aware - antispyware (detects and removes)Spybot S&D - similar to Ad-awareSpywareBlaster - spyware preventionIf you use SpywareBlaster there's really no need to use the Immunize feature in Spybot S&D since they should be included already ... and more ;)

  3. I bought a iMac and just got it last week. Played around with it a little and currently having some internet problems with it. See this topic. I think you replied to it unimatrix. I will post my followup shortly...

    But I actually got what you two mentioned just now. I bought myself a 700MHz iMac running on only 256MB RAM. It seems to run smoothly from what I can see here.

    I really want to wait but figured it's probably not worth it from my standpoint. I don't want top of the line, but just enough to run Mac OS 10.4 so I can learn more about the OS. Spent $300 getting this iMac...I know, some users will say spend a few hundred more to get the Mac Mini, but I'll pass. I'll learn how to use it first and if (when?) I'm used to it, I'll go for the upgrade.

    Thanks for all the comments on this.

  4. I bought a iMac and just got it last week. Played around with it a little and currently having some internet problems with it. See this topic. I think you replied to it unimatrix. I will post my followup shortly...

    But I actually got what you two mentioned just now. I bought myself a 700MHz iMac running on only 256MB RAM. It seems to run smoothly from what I can see here.

    I really want to wait but figured it's probably not worth it from my standpoint. I don't want top of the line, but just enough to run Mac OS 10.4 so I can learn more about the OS. Spent $300 getting this iMac...I know, some users will say spend a few hundred more to get the Mac Mini, but I'll pass. I'll learn how to use it first and if (when?) I'm used to it, I'll go for the upgrade.

    Thanks for all the comments on this.

  5. 1> Are you ready to accept ads on your website ?2> Are you ready to make a small payment for not posting?
    3> Do you feel that you are compelled to post? If yes, Suggest about other methods in which we can ask you to come up and support us. We are supported by advertising networks.
    4> Do you feel that the facilities provided by this host is enough for you. If not, what do you require.
    5> Do you require Cpanel. [ We provide the most advanced cpanel ]
    6> Can you comprise Cpanel with more hosting facilites like space and BW.

    1. I don't mind having ads on my site if it helps Xisto.

    2. This shouldn't be a problem for me. I usually find some topics that interest me and provide my feedback on them.

    3. Nope. I never felt obligated to post here. I have some problems with my account (you might know about this already - see below for more info).

    4. I think we have enough features for this free hosting service, but...see below again.

    5. YES. I need this more than I need FTP. I know this has been mentioned many times regarding the bandwidth for cPanel, but I can NEVER get into my cPanel without waiting for 10-20 minutes logging in. And even then all my images are not showing up in cPanel. If I click on, say, the File Manager, that would take an extra 10 minutes or so just to get me to that page. I have no problems with this at my old workplace, but can never get this to work at home. I tried morning, afternoon, evening and night times.

    6. Basically no. I actually don't need that much space and bandwidth. Just a decent amount like what we have now is great. I want to get my cPanel working though ;)

  6. I have said this to many users and will ask you the same thing. Do you have to keep Norton? Like Retaining said, Norton is a big resource hog and I usually ask users to switch to another antivirus and firewall program for security.

    The two programs I recommend are Grisoft AVG (antivirus) and ZoneAlarm (firewall). Both are free for personal use. You might have to do some digging to find the Free Download link for ZoneAlarm though.

    Those two programs should work smoothly on your machine and, in my opinion, are much better than Norton.

  7. Hi Stusrud, I wouldn't worry about this too much since it's only going to be for 2 weeks. Yes, as you noticed, they will take away ALL your credits and leave you with only 2 or 3 credits once your account is approved.The admins will NOT freeze your account nor give you extra hosting credits. I think they said it's been done before and the system was abused. So now you have to earn it beforehand.I said not to worry because your account will still be there after you reach a negative credit. Only thing is that your site will be down and you won't be able to login to your cPanel (I think). But you probably don't even have the site up yet, so it shouldn't matter. The only thing you have to watch out for is leaving the credits till negative 30. Then your account will be DELETED and can't be recovered.To become active again after your two weeks leave (you should be in negative by that time unless you rack up some credits), just post as usual (don't spam or post useless info) and once you reach like 4 or 5 credits, your account should be active again within an hour or so. If not, try getting a few more credits or post back here and an admin should take care of the rest.

  8. OK, I went by to followup on this modem problem. Actually had to add it back in the Phone and Modem options. I hope the generic one did the job since it did show back up in the Device Manager.I keep getting an Error 692 when I try to dial up. I used my laptop in their phone outlet and that works without any problems. Their modem has two ports - one for line and one for phone. I tried both ports and both returned the 692 error.I made sure all the settings were correct and they look ok. No conflicts in the Device Manager either. I opened up the case and tried to take out the modem PCI card and reinsert it, but the freaking thing doesn't seem to be screwed down ... let's just say it's a different case and I have no clue how to take that card out. I tried loosening it a little though (popped one side out) and pushed it back in again before trying out the dial up. Still Error 692.At this point, I'm all out of ideas. They said that it was working perfectly and then suddenly it stopped. I don't think it's a dead modem since it still can be seen in the Device Manager now. When I try to connect (dial up) it doesn't give me that awful screeching/dialing noise though. All sounds are turned up high.Any other suggestions?

  9. No, you won't get penalized for not posting one day or any other amount of days. But you will get one credit deducted from your account no matter what you do (post or not). That applies to everyone. Once you reach a negative credit amount, your account/website will be suspended. You will still be able to login here to post. After reaching like 4 or 5 credits, your account should be back to normal in about an hour or so. Just make sure you never hit negative 30 because once your credit goes that log, your account will be terminated and all your files will be deleted (not recoverable).You only "pay" the one time credit (unless you chose the lower end package and decide to upgrade later, then you're paying 10 credits and 30 more credits when you do the upgrade). But if you gather 30 credits at once and apply for the webhost account, you should be set after that. Just keep active in the forums and you'll be ok.I hope that clear things up with the credit system.Yes, I think all users have unlimited SQL databases. Great to hear that you're getting the higher end package. Just a piece of advice. Don't go too much over 30 credits for this package. I suggest applying for the hosting package once you hit like 35 or something because once you're approved, ALL your credits will be brought down to like 2 or 3. It doesn't matter if you have 100 credits even...The topics that don't give credits will usually be mentioned in the main topic descriptions. No, I don't think combining the credits between the sister site (Xisto) is allowed. I say this because Xisto works a little differently than Xisto in terms of posting (they are less technical and less strict).

  10. Astahost likes to give users webhosting based on credits instead posting because they want you to make knowledgeable posts. If your information is helpful, that would be great. If it was based on post counts only, we will have just a few words in a reply (simple example):

    Topic Starter posts:Which processor do you think is better, AMD or Intel?  Why?

    User replies with something like:
    AMD is better.

    There should be a little more added here as you can see. The more informative reply you have, the better it is for Xisto.

    Keep in mind what wooree said. Regarding your 20-30 days off, I would be careful there because once you hit negative 30, you can say good-bye to all your files and your account. Xisto will delete your account and they won't be able to recover those files. So rack up some credits before you leave for a long period of time. Post in the topics you feel will contribute to the forum, don't go around posting randomly since a Moderator will actually deduct your credits for doing that.

  11. That's not exactly good though derouge. The reason for the credit system was so that users can post knowledgeable information here at the forum. If Xisto based it on posts only, then I'm sure we will see one or two word posts from users. Example (simple one I made up):

    Original topic starter says:I think the AMD chips are better than Pentium.  What do you guys think?

    A user who wants to reach the 30 posts mark without caring what they post might say:
    AMD is better.

    See what I mean? We usually want to have more than a few words in your reply so the information is more useful.

    After all, Xisto did mention that they hope to have this big forum with lots of information for users to lookup on.

  12. Hi, I just got my iMac today and want to set it up to have wireless internet using my DSL Router. I got a USB Wireless Adapter (for the Mac OS) and installed the drivers for it. Then I restarted and plugged in the USB adapter.The manual said a flashing icon should be on the upper left, but I didn't see this. So I went into the Preferences (I think) and found the 802.11b adapter there. I clicked on it and on the left, chose Create... I left it at Access Point (hope that's correct) and set it to 26 digits for the password. Currently I'm using 128 bit encryption (16 hex or 26 digits?). I checked WEP and selected Key 1 since that's the key number I'm using.Then I hit OK and waited...nothing is connecting.My question is, what am I doing wrong here?Here is a little more information that may help out:Mac OS 10.4Netgear 802.11b USB Wireless AdapterRouter settings:SSID is not broadcasted (I chose to hide it)MAC address for the USB adapter is added to my MAC table so it has accessusing 128 bit WEP encryptionThanks.

  13. Were you able to login before when you first created the account? When you say that you can't login, is it telling you that you have entered an incorrect password? Or is it taking a very long time to log into cPanel (so long that it seems like it's stuck in the login page)? I have a very similar problem logging into cPanel and I think you might have the same problem here. So if that's the case, it doesn't seem like there's anything that could be done about it. I was told by the admin that they limit the cPanel bandwidth and that might be causing the problem.


    Change what? The password? If it's stalling on the login page, then there's nothing they can do. I'm stuck with it now myself and nothing can be done. But if your password is incorrect, then yes, PM a admin and they will change it for you. I think Nils is one of the admins here who you may contact.

  14. You are talking about the free webhost and not the paid one right?

    Where (and probably also when) did you see this package listed here at Xisto? The only two that I'm aware of are the individual packages with 20MB or 150MB of webspace (see main page).

    My guess is that you are looking at a very old posting regarding the packages. It's been long updated since then and I think Xisto only supports these two packages (listed in the main page) now.

  15. I always wanted to learn Linux but never had time to. Installed Mandrake Linux twice before and since then have formatted my laptop...again. I didn't install it back again since I only fiddle with it once in a while.I will definitely give this one a try since it doesn't take up much space and it runs in Windows, which is always a big plus for me ;)

  16. To answer your question, no BitTorrent will not get any data from your computer (assuming that the download is clean like you said). Careful on the torrent program that you are getting though. If it's just the original BitTorrent program, then you should be ok. There are a few out there that contain spyware, just for your information.

  17. I am going to have to disagree. phpBB is a great free bulletin board system, as is Invisionfree. They are usually reliable, and both have good staff. I have also heard good things about Simple Machines Forum.


    Same here. You can't count out free forums as being bad. I have used Simple Machines Forum for a while now and have grown to love it. Security is great and the speed is fantastic (even compared to some of the paid ones).


    I have to say though that ezboard is definitely not for me. I recall trying to create one of these myself and either I was too dumb to understand how it works or they are just making it more complicated for everyone. I think they want a local and global account also. Never quite got that either.

  18. You sure you're site's address is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/Make sure you upload a index.html file like yordan said. For your images, you are not closing the html tags correctly. Do something like this instead: <img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Don't forget that equal sign after "img src". If you go directly to that link, your image should display on your browser regardless of whether you have a index.html page set up or not.

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