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Posts posted by WeaponX

  1. It shouldn't have done that. If you disabled it, I don't recall ever seeing it updating on it's own. Even if you set it to automatically update, which I do for all my users, I usually choose the option to at least ask you before it actually installs the updates.

    It should be easy to add those IP addresses to the HOSTS file in Windows. If you are using Windows XP, the HOSTS file should be located in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\. Open up the HOSTS file (no extensions) in Notepad and add something like this to it:

    Notice the space after Then save the HOSTS file. That should block it out.

  2. It all depends on what online advertising company you are using and if they are paying by the click or by the impression. Most companies will pay webmasters by each user <- snipped -> The payout for each click will vary depending on how much the advertiser wants to give. Don't go click happy either as these advertising companies will most likely have some sort of IP tracing to prevent illegal attempts to click on your own ads...which is a no-no.Don't expect to "earn" money from the ads unless your site has a lot of good content and preferably ones that are unique enough to place you on top in search engine results. This will attract more users looking for your information and they may be interested in some of the ads you have.}

  3. @mitchellmckain: You should be able to restore back Windows the way it was before the Service Pack 2 update. I don't recall if Windows does this, but I'm sure it created a restore point (or at least have the uninstall entry for it somewhere) before it installed the update. If not, you can always create a manual restore point before doing the service pack update next time. If anything goes haywire, revert back using the restore point and see if the system is running normally again.I'm sure we all experienced problems with a firewall program before. I have been using ZoneAlarm for many years already and don't have much to complain about it. It did lock me out once before since I denied access to the Generic Host Process. This was after a new Windows install (which I do yearly) and I must have accidentally hit Deny by mistake.If this problem happened after the SP2 install, I wouldn't think it could be ZoneAlarm...

  4. Not sure about your location, but I think even sharing live recordings and b-sides are not legal. Live recordings might have two sides to it but I know some performances that are released on DVDs after a short while, so that means they will be making money out of it. Anything that interferes with these guys making a buck out of it seems to call for legal action.I saw some sites that just provide links to these downloads and they were issued some kind of summons. These were BitTorrent links from what I remember too...

  5. I would get like 2 points for a relatively short post, and only once i was in the clear would i get half a point or a point for the same post length.Was that just my imagination, or does it actually work that way, I don't know.

    Nope, it's not your imagination. From what I read on the credit system, it should work that way. It gives those with fewer credits a chance to build up the credits quicker in the beginning. But once you have more credits, you will need to add more content than before to get the same amount of credits. As long as you are an active member here, that shouldn't be a problem :P

  6. but, when you say its the disk does that mean its the install cd that im using or the hard disk? also, how to i run the disk utilities to check the disk?

    It's the hard disk drive. You will need to use the Mac OS CD to run Disk Utilities though. Boot from the OS X CD and go to Installer->Disk Utilities (if I remember correctly). You can select the hard disk drive and choose Verify Disk to see if it finds any errors.
    Since it's under warranty, take it back to Apple to get it fixed.

  7. No problem Tallkid. You can burn your important files to a CD/DVD or hard drive for backup. Make sure you don't forget any of your favorites/bookmarks, emails (if you save those on the computer) and others. Once you copy them over to the CD/DVD or hard drive, just open them up to make sure they are working. Usually there will be no problems when you copy them over, so there's probably no need to open up each file individually. Once you reinstall Windows, just copy those files back to the computer and you should be set. You will also need to reinstall any programs you had earlier as you can't back those up.Don't worry about the spam here. Just ignore them and report them to us. We are working as quickly as possible to eliminate them here :P

  8. How can I know, whether its the problem with CMOS chip or not! unsure.gif and I'm not aware of much hardware stuffs! tongue.gif So, can you explain me, how can I change the CMOS chip? or do I need to get one new Motherboard

    Try the suggestions mentioned earlier to try resetting the CMOS using the jumpers/pins on the motherboard. The chip should be working if you can get in. Might just need a good reset.
    You can't replace the CMOS chip unless you know how to solder. It's built into the motherboard.

  9. Niran, what type of computer do you have? Does the BIOS keep some sort of event log? I see these on the Dells and didn't know about this myself, but you MUST clear the Event Log if the new battery still won't work. It's definitely worth a shot if you have this option.For some reason the log seems to be like some kind of 'restore point' for the BIOS. Had a battery issue on a Dell machine last week that got me pulling my hair out.

  10. Hi Tall, when was the last time you reinstalled Windows? As mentioned earlier, if it's been a while, you might want to backup all your data and reinstall Windows. It might just be all the junk building up that's slowing things down.

    I'm not sure if DDR2 will be compatible on your system. According to Crucial, this should be compatible for your Sony desktop computer. From the system specs you gave us earlier, your original system configuration should have DDR266 (PC2100 SDRAM) in it. You can probably get another 512MB of memory and add it in to have a total of 768MB. That should be sufficient enough and you will see improvement going from 256MB.

    If you want, go use the Crucial System Scanner and see what they recommended.

    You can always buy the memory from another place. Just using Crucial since they have the information there for you and you can narrow it down to the correct part when shopping :P

  11. I haven't used either of these personally but have worked on machines that had them.Totally agree with you nightfox. My old co-worker had a similar issue around a year ago and had to disable McAfee (phone support walked him through it all).Not a fan of Norton either as I have seen it suck up resources on many machines before.

  12. Was trying to avoid this, but having worked with this user remotely for a few hours, I need another brain here to help out :P

    The user was originally having problems sending emails using Outlook 2000 because it said that it couldn't find the Windows Address Book. Well, we fixed that issue but now stumbled on another one. This one was most likely caused by changing the registry value to 0 for IsInstalled. The error he's getting now whenever he tries to run Outlook is:

    Outlook requires Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 or greater. You can install Outlook Express 5.0 by running IESetup.exe from the Internet Explorer folder where you installed Outlook, or download it from the Internet Explorer site on the Microsoft Web.

    This is the error message that pops up before Outlook opens. Once he clicks OK, all seems to be working again. But this is kind of annoying if he has to do this every time.
    I tried to follow the instructions here but it seems to apply to Outlook Express 5 only. The user has Windows XP installed which is using Outlook Express 6. Outlook 2000 seems to be connected to Outlook Express in some way and that's why it's causing that error.

    Just remembered something as I'm typing this. I actually haven't tried using one of the system restore points yet. Maybe that would help? With all the trouble we've been through, I doubt a simple restore will fix it, but we'll find out tomorrow.

    If anyone has encounted this problem before on a Windows XP computer, please feel free to post how you resolved it (if it was resolved in the end).


  13. I'm using ZoneAlarm 6.1 and have problems posting items to sell on eBay. One thing that bugs me the most is when you get to choose the category. I click on, for example, Consumer Electronics and the next column should open up with more options. But it doesn't. It just stays blank. Refreshing doesn't help. Once I disable ZoneAlarm and refresh the page the categories will expand on each category happily again.I have already tried adding eBay.com and that cgi...whatever into the Trusted Sites list in ZoneAlarm. Nothing is working.Has anyone else experienced this problem before using ZoneAlarm?Thanks.

  14. I agree that it doesn't elmininate the real problem at hand, but it does have a "trend" to it. Red could indicate a more serious error as pointed out earlier.I'm surprised some of the users haven't seen the blue screen of death on Windows XP. I have seen it both happening on my own computers and on computers I work with in the field. Usually driver/software related when these errors pop up.@xboxrulz: Hmm...I remember reading about this a while back. I think the errors are a "tad bit" more detailed or clearer in Windows Vista. If memory serves me right, the screenshots I saw with the error message (not Red Screen of Death :P) were from PC Magazine.

  15. Yeah, he's getting close to something. Too bad he won't let me work on it (it's not his so he can't just give it to me LOL). I'm sure I know what to look for in the processes. Didn't think about the possible network processes causing the problem last time, otherwise I would have looked at it already :P Live and learn...hehe...UPDATE: He got it working again. He went back to disable the programs and finally got McAfee (that little devil) disabled. I guess we didn't "disable" it properly last time when he brought it over. He just configured the McAfee Firewall to allow the internet access and all is working well now :P

  16. @black shadow: You seem to have a different problem there. You are trying to connect to another machine and it sounds like it works except that you didn't share any files on the laptop. So go to the laptop and right click on the folder you want to share and go to Properties->Sharing tab. Enable sharing for that folder and you should be able to see that folder now on the network.I have an update on the wireless problem. He tried Knoppix yesterday and the thing went online (both wireless and wireline). Told him to disable some of the network programs and see if it helps :P

  17. I agree with tommydanger. Go into ZoneAlarm->Program Control->Programs tab and either delete the entire list there or just delete the ones you blocked. Restart your computer and then go online. See if you can stay online for longer periods now...make sure you monitor what services/programs you block/allow during this time as well. This could be causing the problem.If that doesn't do the trick, go back to ZoneAlarm->Firewall->Zones tab and look for your network that's listed there. Make sure it's set to Trusted under the Zone column.

  18. @Levis, this one was mentioned actually above. But have you tried Chitika? Some users like to use this as an alternative to Google's Adsense program. The thing with Chitika though is that your site probably needs to have some products for resale in order to qualify. I'm pointing this out because my site didn't qualify specifically because of this (I only provide free computer support services on my site).

    If you have a lot of good content on your site, Google Adsense will usually win the contest hands down. Used it for years and let's just say it covers the web hosting expense and leaves a little more for you to earn.

    The bottom line when it comes to these ads is your site's content. If people are searching for something specific, you would want to have these key terms in the body of your site. Details usually will help your site out more. That's why Google is one of the top advertising people will go to...almost everyone is using their search engine these days.

  19. I'm also not a fan of these browsers that have these password managers built-in. But I have actually used them recently due to the time it saves me having to remember all my usernames and passwords for sites I visit a lot.


    I remember trying out AI Roboform as it's become very popular but it didn't support Opera. I didn't know it supported Firefox either (maybe just recently). Just did a search and see that they have the extension for it on their site. Switching back and forth on Opera and Firefox as I love both browsers :P


    Firefox has an extension called SpoofStick but I don't think the author updated it to support more recent Firefox versions. Found another one called Petname Tool that will help users avoid those phishing/scam sites. This should users help weed out those suspicious looking sites.

  20. We tried all of that already. He has a modem & router that are separate. I have the all in one router/modem. Both of our routers/modems work since other computers we have connect to them without any problems. I even disabled all security settings and used another wireless adapter to see if they work. I'm sure some software is causing the block but he doesn't want to waste more time working on this laptop...it's not his, but one of his neighbor's laptop. So he'll see if they need any data backed up first and then just reinstall Windows since they need it back. I know it's not the best approach, but it's worth it to them since it will probably take around 2 hours to install Windows and other programs they have (which doesn't seem to be a lot).

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