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Everything posted by Artluo100

  1. i'm using wordpress on 3 different sites and it's great. it's easy to use and the web gui is easy to navigate through. i highly recommend it plus it's FREE!
  2. wow it's been a long time sine i've used one of those typing programs. i'm pretty sure i'm above 100 WPM and maybe below 250WPM. I should be in between those two.
  3. need for speed carbon was alright. the graphics weren't like "whoa". but ive been a bit used to the need for speed series now and it's boring me. no offense to those who like it but i just can't stand doing the same thing over and over again in order to get through the game.although it does have some good features. i really like the tuner, muscle and exotic groups. that's a great touch. drifting is a plus (seems like it's being copied off of f&f3 tokyo drift).anyway i think this is a great game is you want to play it once in a while when you're bored.
  4. I thought that apple and cisco already agreed on the the iphone trademark.
  5. I liked OpenGL anyway. I'm also not liking where Microsoft is going with their operating systems this is exactly why I'm switching over to Apple in a couple of weeks.
  6. Looks like a fun game. I'll try it out. I've played UPLINK and I liked it for like the first week or so then it got boring. Thanks.
  7. I think Gran Turismo 4 is the most realistic racing game. I just wished I had the GT Wheel to justify my opinion.
  8. It shouldn't be a problem. I do this all the time with my laptop. I use it wirelessly when I surf the internet and use AIM but I use the hardwire connection when I play online games or games over the network. Just make sure your wireless is disconnected when you do so.
  9. Eh.. I'm not so happy about Windows Vista. I tried the Beta version when it was out and I was not happy at all. I'm leaning towards an Apple as my next computer. I may try Vista when they get all their bugs and crap flattened out but that'll be in another year or so.
  10. 1TB is getting more common these days. Look at all these 250GB and 300GB hardrives that are so cheap. I'll be @ 1TB if I add another 250GB hardrive.
  11. I've always liked Linux/Unix but I prefer Windows OS because I'm so used to it and all the programs that I need to run is available for Windows and not so much for Linux. Don't get me wrong, Linux is a great system but it's different for everybody because of different needs. I'm considering on switching over to Mac OS X in a few months though since these new Intel Core 2 Duo Apple machines can run Windows and Mac on it.
  12. It's possible, they just released OS X 10.4.8 just for the AMD. I'm not telling you where I found it but Google.com is a great place to start.
  13. I like SUSE and Ubuntu. I've tried both of these Linux distributions and they worked flawlessly.If you're talking about a server OS, then I recommend Freebsd and Red Hat Linux.
  14. I think that's sufficient for a 6 year old. It's not like she's going to be doing any video editing and photoshop or anything. =)
  15. log into Freebsd as root or SU into root.type in 'sysinstall'from there go to configuration, and the rest should be straightforward. you can try this or what the guy above me wrote. I just find 'sysinstall' easier since you don't have to edit anything.
  16. I recommend NOD32 but check out this website https://www.av-comparatives.org/ for more info about anti-virus software
  17. Well liquid cooling systems are not that hard to install if you buy a kit (for beginners). IMO the kits don't work as good as customized liquid cooling systems. Koolance systems are pretty good, they even have their own watercooled cases that come with everything. http://koolance.com/ If you have the money to buy those cases, then try them out.
  18. Super Smah Bros both melee and original, all the Street Fighter series, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Mortal Combat
  19. ?? More info please??I never heard about it
  20. Ahh I hate my ipod! The battery life is so poor
  21. I like ws_ftp the most, it has never failed me, very fast and reliable, give it a try. https://www.ipswitch.com/
  22. I've always thought that Linux was much better than Windows as far as the servers go but IMO I tried Suse 9.1, Mandrake, and everything else. I thought it was confusing, because you have to use terminal to do stuff while in Windows it is easier. I had switched back to Windows 2003 Server. Last but not least, if you had the money try for one of those Dual G5's with OSX Server, a lot of people told me that was the best server os they had ever use.
  23. About 2 week ago, my package was the regular 2 gb bandwidth package but now today, I seem to have gone back to the beginners package. May I switch back to the regular package?
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