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Everything posted by Neverseen

  1. A lot of people told me that http://www.templatemonster.com/ is one of the best templates source. There you have a VERY big choise. Paid template, but also alot of FREE ones. And of course with php and stuff.
  2. first you should have a good working proxy server, then you have to insert it in your browser's preferences.For example for Opera it's Tools>Preferences>Network>Proxy Servers Then you enable them. I think that for Internet Explorer it should be View>Options>Connection...
  3. The best civilian flight sim I've ever played was X-plane. It was longtime ago, but it's really very very realistic! You have a big choise of aircrafts and you have all the Earth to fly around and even some parts of Mars
  4. Arcanum. What struck me most about this game was its open-cahracter creation. Instesd of having classes, you decide what attributes, skills, or spells to give to your character. You could anything from a dwarf sniper,to a half-ogre fighter, or an elven smithy. Another thing was the balance between majick and technology. If youre a powerful mage you can bet on not getting a good dealfrom the gun smith and guns may not even work for you. The same goes to technologists and majick weaponry. With all this you expect they must have slacked off on the plot, well they didn't. It twists and turns, taking you from fantastic location to fantastic location. And the voice acting is well done, you can hear the uncertainty in virgils voice when you ask him of his past. Combine this with good graphics and excellent turn-based or real-time combat and you have a brilliant game.
  5. Flash MX is a good software. I'm using it for some months now. Very intuitive and easy to understand. Actually I don't know any other flash software to be honest. And yes, there is a lot of websites with tutorials and examples: how to create a button, how to create an animation, adding sound, etc..
  6. I don't see a reason to upgrade to longhorn since longhorn is really only for high end business users and servers with some graphics - not really a home OS yet - not for another 4 years.....
  7. If I had Sims 2 I would build a house with no exits, bathrooms and limited food. Then I would watch how long it takes for them to die. :Pj/kI've played it once on my couasin's PC... didn't really get catched by the game. Maybe I would if I played a bit more.
  8. quite easy to make with Studio Max 3D. You have a background, light flare, sphere with some texture.... and some light effect on this sphere Looks very nice. However it's a bit too dark in my opinion..
  9. A friend of mine has got the same problem, but his problem came from poor power supply. He had to upgrade to more powerfull one and only then it went well. But as you say it shows you something, so I'm not sure if it's power supply or not. Because when his PC was shutting down it didn't show anything. Anyway, check out with some specialist if your power supply is strong enough
  10. Actually I was thinking about that. And I noticed that only FORUM is just a it slow. The hosting itself is OK. My webpages are loading quite fast.
  11. I've seen some screenshots, that looked amazing, but when I got the game I was quite disappointed. The graphics could be better indeed. Maybe for some hunting fans it's a good one, but not for me
  12. I'm on Intel atm but I was told thousand times that AMD is much more powerfull. So my next CPU will be definitely AMD. Intel is more about GHz's while AMD is more about power.
  13. uh ? why do you need a bot for multiplayer game if there's already a "ONE PLAYER" option ? playing with bots is playing with computer, in Need For Speed you can play with computer in single player mode. And multiplayer is to play with other HUMANS BTW, if you're talking about Counter Strike... Counter Strike (not Half Life itself) is multyplayer ONLY game (except zero tolerance I think) that's why people are making bots.
  14. thanks for the link I hope I'll find something interested when I'm bored.btw, another site I'm often visiting is http://www.break.com/ it's updated very often... almost daily. adn you can see a LOT of amazing videos!
  15. Please don't laugh at me -1000 MHz Celeron-196MB RAM-5 x 40 GB Hard Drive-Plextor CD-RW-Sound Blaster 5.1 LIVE!-GeForce2 MX200-Windows 98Yeah, that's it :PBUT I will upgrade very soon !
  16. Uh, I'm not hosted yet, but when I read these comments of happy people I just can't believe it's true )) Posting in forum isn't really annoying btw
  17. I'm using Opera for a long time and I'm so used to it now ! Not sure that any reason would make me change. now this is new for me.
  18. LOL , I've got this plugin as well and it's really funny to see how people are surprised when you tell them that you see when they close the dialog window I think this plugin is usefull because you can see if the person closes your window all time so it's not the best moment to talk.
  19. can't wait to see it out on PC. I really enjoyed GTA3 and Vice City. Now this one looks very promising. And I suppose that if there's a 2players option for Playstation, so there should be a Multiplayer option for PC version
  20. FF7 has a really nice story, but FF8 has more nice graphics so I prefere these two. I didn't finish any of these tho, hehe. Anyway, cool rpg games.
  21. This isn't new at all. I've seen this about 3 months ago. Quite useful tho...
  22. It's really stupid to invent such a long domain name... they reduced alot the chance to get the visitiors on their website. Honestly I wouldn't type such a long adress to see this website. Or do they think their website realy worth it ?
  23. Looks pretty simple but good font If I was you I wouldnt make it so big, because it looks more like a banner. I think the logo should be more 'square'... and besides the letters it could use some image, symbol with different interesting effects.
  24. I recently created my gmail box and am quite happy with it. It's awesome when you have such a big mailbox and you can receive big files. This service is very usefull. And another cool thing about it is that the size of the mailbox is traising every day
  25. Oh I'm having EXACTLY the same problem as the person who started the topic. But I think I have almost found the solution. I think you should try to tweak the so called "bpm options"... there you can choose if it should be taken as "losless gif/png" or "jpeg" and then you have an option "allow smoothing" something like that... and so when I changed this my images turned more clear... maybe that's the problem. otherway if someone has got more logic solution, please post it here, as I'm interested in having a response too
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