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Everything posted by Mahanon

  1. I didn't know it was only a demo of the game that was gonna be the next Beta Game I play guess I just scratch that on off my list now, by the wat when is the complete version expected to be out does anyone know.
  2. HAHAHA......thats a good one the Old Times, hate break it to you but they are so gone and the outdoors is practicly ruined by pollution. Not to mention that everyone would rather be doing other things then running down a meadow chasing cute and cuddly rabbits like a certain TV show that I am not going to name because it is lame. This is just a price that was paid so progress could be made, and aside from anything major happening there is no going back only forwards.
  3. People I just started playing this today I am really enjoying it, then again it is a Phantasy Star game so of course Im'a gonna like it. But I had to take all my language pakes off before I could type anything, if anyone is haveing that problem just remove the language packs and it should work after that I'm really hoping that they will fix this problem in the final version. I'ma also wandering if they are going to let people pay to play the beta after free testing is over I'm really hopeful. Everyone should play this, a lot better than Ragnarok and I really like that game too.
  4. Does anyone play Phantasy Star Online, or has this just become one of those games that everyone has forgotten. In cse it hasn't Sega is releasiing a newer version just for the PC Phantasy Star ONline Blue Burst I don't really know the exact details but Sega is allowing free BETA TESING for this game, I for one am going to be playing this game with what friend enloy this game... Oh yeah and they are also releasing a new Phatasy Star game, Phantasy Star Universe which was shown at this years E3 show, it is also supposed to have an online capability as well as a single player story line but I'm not really sure about that part but the online portion is supposed to span a total of three worlds, can't wait to play it.
  5. I agree about this game is is really fun, bot to mention it is very addictive, I really need to buy this instead of playing it in the arcades, I really want to get on of the metal pads they sell seperately. But doesn't that may me a DDR addict...just kidding
  6. No problem and I really think that you will like the music they have up for download, not only do they have Final Fantasy they have music from other games as well
  7. Gee I don't really know which one will come out on top again I'm planning on bying a PS3 and a Nintendo Revolution for sure, and did anyone see the new design for the PS3 controller it's like a big silverr boomerang it looks a little difficult to control, why didn't they keep the original design of the controller, oh yeah and has anyone seen the Revolution yet, it's not two gamecubes duck-taped together is it...(just a joke) . And what of the Xbox are they going to be able to increase the owners of Xbox with this new version the 360 maybe if they get more games that have a large following.
  8. If it's the one I'm thinking of, the Albed Machina Tank at Lake Macalania, its defensive properties change constantly, what you want to do it destroy the that little thing over head, then use your magic that is opposite to the tanks attributes of you could just use your overdrives either way it takes care of it....But it has been a while since I played that I think that is how I defeated the Machina Tank....I think
  9. I've been to that site before it is really good, but if you like final fantasy music remixed might I suggest http://ocremix.org/ they have a huge collection of Final Fantasy music that has be remixed and not to mention but their library is still growing, it's a good site as well...
  10. Yeah it's a really good game you might want to get a copy and play it, and there is a sequal coming out sometime then there is the one that came out for the gameboy advanced, it suposidly ties both of the games together but I don't know. Oh yeah....such a good game
  11. I just love the ZSNES it is a great emulator I use it to play all the old games like, Star Ocean, Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma, and Seiken Desetsu 3=this one is my favorite right now. It's so great to have this emulator just to play these games that were never released here.
  12. Well I use a SNES Emulator, it is called the ZSNES I have used the SNES9X but I think this one is the best of them all for a SNES ROM, Unfortunately Rom pages are kinda illegal so you really need to find them for yourself but if you want to know the ones I use send a message and I will send the links.
  13. I use Photoshop CS for everything that I do for school, it is a great program I also use it to work on images of the Illustrations I have done after I have scaned them onto my computer, Photos as well I think is is far more reliable to use the Paintshop Pro even though I have it on my computer, I should probably take it off sometime.
  14. I believe that a good game should at least have a good story line, one that would allow you to get involved with the game. It should also have good characters, ones that you actually care about. I peresonly like the old 2D games more then the 3D games the graphics aren't over rated or anything I still like them but I really love the way the 2D looked. Thats why I held onto them for so long, like for example Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger, they both had a great story as well as characters that you cared about when something happened to them.
  15. I wish I could have seen that, but even if it happened here in the area of Southern California no one would be able to see it because of all the pollution, and that SUCKS. Those people are really, really lucky to see something like that happen, stuff like this only happens ever so often.
  16. Mahanon


    Hi, welcome to the site I've been here for about a month and it's a really great place you will like it a lot...
  17. Nice to meet cha I'm from Cali too, beautiful, scenic, BORING Orange County....welcome
  18. AHHHHHHH......Life without a computer I could not go on OMG, I can;t even bear to think about it no Instant Messengers, I use 4 of them by the way I just couldn't take it and evne though I have a social life I still love going online and checking the Forums, newest info on games, and Deviant Art, what would happen to thoughs poor people ghee, and all that art would be gone it would be a sad, sad world without a computers....
  19. I am really into stuff like this so I plan on watching it. I have seen previews for this and it looks great I think if anyone has the time they should really watch it.
  20. HI....I think you will like it here, welcome...
  21. Hi, and welcome this place can be a lot of fun
  22. The best SNES game of all time for me is Chrono Trigger all the way, this was my favorite gameon the SNES, course I can't forget about Terranigma, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, or Star Ocean. But I still consider Chrono Trigger the best one, not only because of the story, but also the gameplay and the battle engine, the way you fought battles in this game was great and the fact that you could combine attacks was great.The time travel aspect of the game is what really made this game stand out from all the others for me......
  23. K, for some reason my game listing posted twice.....pay no attention to the second list......
  24. OK, here is the list of games I own I might have fogotten some of them though TerranigmaSeiken Densetsu 3Secret of ManaRobotrekIllusion of GaiaPhantasy Star 2Phantasy Star 4Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11Wild Arms 1, 2, 3Brave Fenser MusashiLunarLunar 2Lunar Siver Star StoryLunar 2 Eternal BluePersona, Persona 2Legend of DragoonDragon Warrior 4Final Fantasy AnthologyFinal Fantasy ChroniclesCrono TriggerCrono CrossStar OceanStar Ocean 2Star Ocean 3Guilty Gear X IsukaSim City 2000Ark the Lad 1, 2, 3Ark the Lad Twilight of the SpiritsRay CrisisXenogearsXenosaga 1 and 2Devil May Cry 1, 2, and 3Chaos LegionNocturnTales of DestinyTales of Destiny 2Tales of PhantasiaTales of SymphoniaSkies of ArcadiaBreath of Fire, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5EarthboundThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastAct Raser 1 and 2Resident Evil 1 and 2Castlevania: Symphony of the NightCastlevania: Lament of InnocencePhantasy Star Online ver. 1 and 2R-Type 1 and 2GrandiaGrandia 2Kingdom HeartsSky GunnerLifelineLegend of Legaia,......Well thats all of the games I can think of at the moment, I place the rest later on :DOK, here is the list of games I own I might have fogotten some of them though TerranigmaSeiken Densetsu 3Secret of ManaRobotrekIllusion of GaiaPhantasy Star 2Phantasy Star 4Final Fantasy 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11Wild Arms 1, 2, 3Brave Fenser MusashiLunarLunar 2Lunar Siver Star StoryLunar 2 Eternal BluePersona, Persona 2Legend of DragoonDragon Warrior 4Final Fantasy AnthologyFinal Fantasy ChroniclesCrono TriggerCrono CrossStar OceanStar Ocean 2Star Ocean 3Guilty Gear X IsukaSim City 2000Ark the Lad 1, 2, 3Ark the Lad Twilight of the SpiritsRay CrisisXenogearsXenosaga 1 and 2Devil May Cry 1, 2, and 3Chaos LegionNocturnTales of DestinyTales of Destiny 2Tales of PhantasiaTales of SymphoniaSkies of ArcadiaBreath of Fire, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5EarthboundThe Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastAct Raser 1 and 2Resident Evil 1 and 2Castlevania: Symphony of the NightCastlevania: Lament of InnocencePhantasy Star Online ver. 1 and 2R-Type 1 and 2GrandiaGrandia 2Kingdom HeartsSky GunnerLifelineLegend of Legaia,......Well thats all of the games I can think of at the moment, I place the rest later on
  25. My favorite fighting game is the Gulty Gear X series, great game that all to say about it. The fact that this series is still using 2D graphic even when it is on the PS2 when most of the fighting games have switched over to 3D graphics is amazing to see something like this, the different characters fighting styles are great, some of them are a bit comical but that makes this game even better.
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