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Everything posted by Mahanon
I kinda thought that unlimited space was a bug cause I signed up for the 150 MB of space. Actually I found the problem the files went bad cleared them out and not it's fine no problem.Thanks.
The problem is not uploading that goes smoothly but past that point......It refuses to link the song even when you post the URL nothing happens!Yes I am talking about Xisto otherwise I wouldn't care but this one has never given me any problem until recently, it's just kinda wierd.Has anyone else had this problem to?
Yeah for some odd reason or another my hosting site has for a lack of a better word stoped hosting music for me. Now that I think about this it quit working around that time they fixed that little unlimited space thing on the hosting packages.Someone fix this......PLEASE.
I hope that it not only makes the security for Windows better but I hope that it will also fix some bugs in Service Pack 2.But how long will it be until Microsoft starts releasing patches and fixes for their Service Pack 3, I'm sure that everyone is awaiting that as well.Hopefully it will come with several new features to it.....But the real problem with this coming out is how long do you actually need to wait to install it if you remember when Service Pack 2 came along it caused some major problems with computers sometimes it was fixable other times if forced you to reformate your computer and if you didn't have anything backed up you were just completely out of luck.Maybe this time it will not cause this problem but I'm betting that it will, because of the simple fact they try to get it out as quickly as possible not really ensuring that it will function properly.
And what is removing the ESRB rating going to accomplish. And what is the rest of the world that abides by the ESRB rating system going to bow down to the United States. The only area that would feel the effect would be the United States.This rating system was put in place for a reason and should still remain, as we already know there are video games out on the market that are so violent that it would be best to keep them out of the hands of adolesence. Without a system such as that it would allow anyone to purchase these games.Parents aren't going to keep there children away from these games that is what this system is attemting to do.
Thanks for the input so far and I to know very little about the game itself, only what I have learned in my former Game Design School and someone that constantly talks about it, by the way that really kills the mood of a party.But I do agree with you on that Sarah81, in moderation it could possibly be something good, however when they become addicted to it and quit attending classes for three weeks to go "Campaining" there is a serious problem going on in there life.I myself can never see me or the majority of my friends even contemplating playing that game, but I have heard rumors of people that began playing this game when it first came into being during the 70's and are still playing this game for some reason I guess this is the type of D&D person you do not wish to ever become.
Personally I feel that even knowing of this game has somehow lowered my I.Q. I have seen this game turn once productive members of society into virtual shut-ins, recluses, in a sense hermits.Even shy people become so inthralled with this game that they literally turn on what was once considered great friendships.Although I do know of some people that have managed to forge a career out of games such as this. But other than this I do not see another positive side to this phenomina.If you have anything to say to it pease don't hesitate I would really like to see what other people think of this......
I'm sure that at one point in time that Dragons, at on time, existed not just in folklore and ledgend but also in reality. Much like the Dinosaur the Dragon just becam extinct due to drastic climate change and the encroshment of man and civilization.I think I did see somewhere that they managed to find an intact, preserved Fossil of a dragon to study didn't they, or it might have just been a creature that resembled a Dragon, but then again they have managed to find prefectly preserved fossils of Dinosaurs as well.
Who Is Your Favorite Game Character? Please give details of why.
Mahanon replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
There are many, many video game characters that are near and dear to me not to olny for there personality but also for how they motivate a person to keep pushing to see what will become of them in the end.There emtional ties to other characters within a game are another important part to becoming important to someone......Take for example Cloud and Aeris from Final Fantasy VII, there was some heavy ove intrests going on between them and when she dies in the middle you see that Aeris was important to him.This question I really just can't answer with only one character I would honestly have to answer with a long list just to proberly answer it.... -
This game might look good but when you think of the other Tomb Raiders games it really doesn't get you hopes up for this one, I mean did you even play the others, it's like tha games themselfs were put together in such a hurry they didn't even care about how it played.
Florida Is To Vote On Stem Cells
Mahanon replied to WilliamServator's topic in Science and Technology
It is an interesting article true Stem Cell Research would be a giant leep forward in Medical Research but I don't really think that people will understand that in a sense they will see it a destroying a Human Life.If it does pass it will be a major step forward for everyone, once they see what the Stem Cell Research possibilities are. -
Plants Can Generate Energy Electricity from Plants?
Mahanon replied to andrwxsCOL's topic in Science and Technology
That is quite interesting a plant that when burned can genterate electricity, I am assuming that it would be of low cost to raise this plant and in turn use it to generate the power. But what would happen if it too bacame as what fossil fuels today are, on the verge of being exausted we might end up in the same place we are as of now racing to find, "the next best thing" that would prodice energy for a time. -
Halo 2 all the way for me!!!!!At least in this game you not only get a story line you also get co-opting gameplay, you also get more challenging features to it the more you play this game, online gameplay, and a ranking for the character that you create.....
What if this isn't the only Universe that exists, what if this Universe that we exist in is only a newly formed one coexisting in conjunction to countless others. It is something I have thought about for quite some time actually, I have always wondered how all this was created, and somehow I started to think of it as a living organism able to create, it could be possible after all what we do know about the Universe itself isn't much.And what we do know about the Universe is almost mere speculation, what we know about it could be all wrong.
Let us face it this game is kick and will be for years to come, not only are the graphic mind blowing but the over all game play is tight the stroy is also worthy of mentioning as well. I don't have anything bad to say about this game, I still wish I could get my hands on the limited edition version but it is just to hard to find.I know how great this game is and I can't wait to see what they have in store for Resident Evil 5 if it is anywhere as good as this game is it will be worthy of praise as well.
1) What is your favorite Zelda Game?Peronally I The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.2) What is your favorite sword from any Zelda game (not counting the Master Sword... )?I'm not really sure whichsword I prefer the most, I like them all.3) What is your favorite sheild?The Mirror4) What is your favorite boss?5) Gorons or Zorons?The Gorons, I kinda like them.6) Which do you like more 3D Zelda games or 2D Zelda Games?I prefer the 2D versions of Zelda more than the 3D versions.7) Orcina of Time or The Wind Waker?The Wind Waker, for some reason it reminds me of th earlier games.8) Deku's or Fairies?Faries all the way!!!!!9) Horse or boat?The Horse over a boat anyday!10) Ganon or Ganondorf?Ganon of course.
Yes you are quite right, there are Many Shin Megami Tensei games that came about before the creation of Nocturne, I actually own several of them and it seems that Pokemon style of collecting Demons is quite popular in this series and who wouldn't agree that it isn't.It is to bad this game isn't as popular in America but what do you expect, no one really wishes to play something that you have to think about what to do or if you do something will it affect the end. They prefer something that has a set path to follow, Nocturne does have this but depending on what you do it affects the end, like for instance going into the Laberyinth of Amala this negates virtually everything that you did in the game giving you a hidden ending I beleive, well that is what I am striving for anyway.And I beleive that two of the Shin Megami Tensei games on the PS1 have been translated, but they were quite hard to get your hands on since they came out in limited quantities.I think they were of the Persona series, but I can't exactly check at this moment the games were.PersonaandPersona 2:Eternal PunishmentThere was another that followed before of after the second one but it never was released in America, that is just sad, sad thing.....I heard it was a really good game...
It's is a nice thought to finally be able to use a clean and reliable source of energy, of course before anything big can happen with that the major companies that produce electricity have to first stop and realize the situation at hand, eventually the fossil fuels they depend on for money will one day be depleted. Once they discover this they would have to turn to other power sources, the only problem is that they want something that is profitable to them and they would probably shun this system of producing energy.That the major problem that must first be dealt with before new sources f energy can become a reality even if they are being discovered today...
We all kinda of know what the Theory of Relativity means for space travel.... but for instance what if it was wrong has anyone even stoped to consider that.I'm not saying it is wrong but everything we knew of formed from that theory would be wrong also wouldn't it guess we won't know until we get out there and start exploring.
Pompeii And Mt. Vesuvius Will it happen again?
Mahanon replied to lasto i glemyr's topic in Science and Technology
Well it did happend before so the odd of it happening again are qute high, but I really doubt that something that major will happen again very soon anyway. At least now we have systems in place to detect something like that, so it won't cause anyone to loose their life like Pompeii. But I am sure that something like that could happen again the only problem is detecting when it will actually happen again that is the major problem, after all a volcano could go dormant for centuries and them become active yet again whenever. But another incident like that could happen again, just in another part of the world. -
So that's what a calorie is I had never really thought of it until I read this thread, and it makes some sense to me.So that's explains why everyone is so crazy for counting the calories in what they eat, go figure...
Man Dies From Playing World Of Warcraft Gaming? Harmful?
Mahanon replied to half1405241509's topic in Science and Technology
Someone died from playing WOW (World of Warcraft), how could someone sit there for 50+ hours how on the world couls someone go that long without getting up and at least taking a bathroom break and no food for that mattersomeone would get a massive headache from not eating alone, (that much I do know), cause it has happened to me before. That alone would not allow someone to play something like WOW, it would force them to take a break.Maybe the guy had a heart attack while playing it and was unable to call for help or, maybe he needed some medication and just forgot to take it. Well no matter what he died playing WOW, so that is kinda bad, well that is bad. -
OMG I found yet another person that loves this game like I do, so that comes to the total of three so far.I totally agree with you that this is a very philosophical game not to mention in some ways pshycological as well, it has become an addiction for one of my friends that just sits and watches in hopes of seeinf the ending she wants to see.And you mentioned that there are only five endings in total, I had heard a rumor that there where a total of eight endings, but them again it is just a rumor.And I also agree that using a guide to this game doesn't make it as enjoyable, and when I play it sometimes I do feel like I am playing Pokemon trying to acquire all the demons, it just makes it even more addicting.And by the way what is Soul Hackers
I just checked this game out when I got bored, it seemed really cquel, but I'm not really into Online RPG's anymore since I discovered Nocturne again, but it seemed cquel I really suggest it also, go play it.
It sounds almost to good to be truem the fact that they are now on the verge of developing actual 3-D screens is truely an amazing feet, it is just to bad, for one it will be 2009 before we will even see one, two they will only be produced in a small number at first, and three it will take an obscene amount of money to purchase one, so start saving up now.But on the up side this will cause a drramatic decrease in the cost of Plasma Screen TV.s that can be mounted up on your wall, maybe they will drop close to the price of the regular TV, well one can only wish.