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Everything posted by VJgamer1405241488

  1. Google is by far the greatest search engine ever! They are the fastest, and hosts of the most unique technology. This technology allows them to offer over 2 gigs of email space to anyone and everyone! Their toolbar (https://www.google.com/intl/de/toolbar/ie/index.html) is the best thing to come to internet explorer. I couldn't imagine using another search engine. Who uses anything besides Google anyway? Just Kidding! As you can see, I clearly hold Google above the rest.
  2. I have been using the spell check feature thoroughly for a good week now, and it works as very well. Almost up to par with Microsoft Word. (Microsoft Word also checks grammar.) I don't know why Google even releases beta versions. It seems like they always work??? For Example, their Gmail service is in beta, but as for as I can see i works flawlessly!While using it, I have yet to run into a malfunction. If it was just a big heap of junk, then I most likely would not of posted about it.
  3. I have been using the Google Toolbar for the longest time now, and I recently discovered that they released a beta of version 3! I looked at the new features available, and the one that caught my attention. The new toolbar has a web form spell checker. After installing the free toolbar (which has a popup blocker and of course you can perform a Google search right from the toolbar) you will see a button with an icon that is a green check mark with the letters ABC going across it that has the word Check next to it. After clicking this button it turns the text color of all the misspelled words red, and then all you do is click on these words and a context menu opens with spelling suggestions. (similar to Microsoft Word) It is very easy to use and is very fast. You can use it in any text box on the net, including the post entry box here on Xisto.com. You can find this new toolbar here: https://www.google.com/intl/de/toolbar/ie/index.html Then just click on the link: Try the Toolbar 3 beta
  4. I took learning HTML on as a summer project. I spent a little time each day reading about a new HTML tag. I then signed up for a free tripod account. (Back then Tripod didn't have any ads on their pages :-( ) I began to practice my HTML. Although I never actually composed a full web page, I did know HTML very well. Since the people in my school are about the most computer illiterate people you'll ever meet, I was the only student that knew HTML, and for this reason, me and my teacher are the only ones who built, and currently maintain the website. We use Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. You don't really have to know HTML to use this program, I still find myself writing a lot of code to get the web page to come out just right!I am currently a senior in high school, and I feel sorry for my teacher next year for I have seen the next wave of students coming in. I think you can find more computer experience in a jar of mayonnaise!!!Now that I have mastered HTML, I am going to take on my next summer project, CGI/Perl Scripts.
  5. I would highly suggest http://www.flashkit.com/. They have many great tutorials, and also a huge amount of resources to browse through. They cover almost every aspect of Flash/ActionScript that you would ever need help with. This includes topics such as: Getting Started Actionscripting Animation Optimization Physiscs These are just a few of the topics available at Flash Kit. I have used this site on many of occaisons.
  6. I would definetly have to say goo with an Intel Pentium 4 that is HyperThreaded. The hyperthreading allows you to multi-task unbeliveably well. I was encoding an hour long video while doing whatever I wanted to do with no problems. I was also designing a level for Battlefield 1942 and I was testing it, and I accidently clicked to test the level twice. This meant I had two instances of Battlefield 1942, at full graphics, and there was no loss of frame rate. I couldn't belive it!This is why I say to get a P4 HT, especially if you want to multi task!
  7. If you are trying to draw a rectangle with rounded edges, then what you will need to do is, in your toolbox (the window with all the tools on the left) find the rectangle tool, and right click on it. It should then give you a drop down of different shape tools. Select the tool called "Rounded Rectangle Tool". Then goto your image, and click and drag to your heart's desire!
  8. I havn't yet submitted my site to goole, but I did alot of reading on how google works. They do what is called a "crawl" of the internet. They do these crawls a few times a year. They do a few small crawls and a couple huge crawls. Thier Spider Bot will scan sites until it has reached it's quota, or until it can't gather any more sites, and that is when the data is integrated into google's search results. Depending on the size of the crawl, your site should be on their listings any day now. I'd just have a little bit of patience!
  9. I also saw a show on the discovery channel about terrorist attacks, and what might be done in the future to help protect us. One thing was that nanomachines could be imbedded into a plate of glass that would be used for a window, and whenever the window came into contact with a harmful chamical such as anthrax, it would change color. In the dramitization they showed the whole window turn to a bright red tint, and then different tints for different chemicals. I found that to be really interesting. Who would of thought that one day a piece of glass could just start changing colors due to the chemicals floating in the air?
  10. I have a copy of ResHacker. It's a handy little tool all right. I have used it to extract items like the face of the cards you see in programs like solitaire from the Cards.dll file in your System32 directory! That was an interesting find. I used them to create an ActiveX control for use in this BlackJack program that I had created in Visual Basic. It came in handy, not having to worry about loading images from a resource file, or a directory.
  11. I find that the only way that I can remain awake is just being in constn motion. I can't stop moving. I like coffee, but I like to drink it. Coffee dosn't make me at all hyper. If I have too much caffiene I get a terrible headache. I also find that doing something like writing posts on the internet, or being in some sort of discussion can really keep you going. It keeps you thinking, and the fact that your talking with other people is enough to keep me up.The only reason I like to stay up late, is becuse it makes going to sleep so much easier! I full asleep almost instantly if i've been up all night.I would say, just stick to natural things, not any drugs to keep you awake. A light snack can go along way as long as there is some sort of crabohydrates in it. For example, a granola or grain bar. Those usually do the trick.
  12. I would have to say that in twenty years...Virtual Reality will be (excuse the pun) reality, it will actually exist.Talks about colinizing a planet maybe, but no where near enough technology to actually do it.Hopefully the "War in Iraq" as the news channels put it, will hopefully be over, and the UN will have will have changed again just like they did after WWII. (League of Nations)Japan will continue to excel in the area of technology, and will slowly take over the autmobile market completely in america. Laptops will run for days at an incredible speed, with ultra bright, super thin, plama displays. A PC today will look like an old IBM that runs Windows 3.1!!!A DVD will hold 500 Gb - 1 Tb of data.Like I said before virtual reality will exist, and you will have to buy a Playstaion Virtual or an Xbox Xenon Virtual 360 to play all your favorite games.I think thats about it... oh and Google will have taken over the world, and will be working on taking over space exploration, and mind control!!!(This is not meant to be mean to google, I love their services and will continue to use them everyday.)
  13. At home on my computer, I have no problem with it, but at other places when I'm using a slower computer like at my Dad's house or even at school. I find that it freezes the flash games, and the game does not continue until the ad has completly faded in or out. It also fades very slow on slower computers.I have a P4 HyperThreaded 3 Ghz processor, and whenever it starts to fade, my CPU usage for iexplore.exe (Internet Explorer) rises to anywhere between 44 - 49%. That is a little rediculous. Good News... In IE goto Tools - Internet Options...Under the Security tab click on Custom Level...In the dialog box, find the radio buttons for Active Scripting under the Scripting Heading. Then select the radio button with the caption "Disable".This will prevent the fader from fading in and out, but it dose not disable or hinder flash games/animations, thus preventing it from maxing out your processor every 5 - 10 seconds! Before leaving the site I would suggest renabling this option. Many sites use this in many different ways, so you may only want to use it while playing flash games.
  14. Google is like any other internet company, except they don't use spyware to track what you've been doing. Spyware is designed just to find out what you've been doing, and what ads to send you. Google just uses what you do on theier site. They are so popular that they have to floodyour computer with spyware to get you to notice them ad their ads. I don't mind a computer scanning my e-mail. It's not like some pervert or thief is sitting at a computer at the "Googleplex" reading all my e-mail, and watching my every search. Companies pay google good money for the effectiveness of their adWords ad targeting system. This system is not only deadly accurate, but it dosn't effect your computer in anyway. Some websites put these adWords ads on their pages, and their down the right side of your google searches. This is the main reason for watching your searches. It is all about statistics and switching from keyword targeted ads to content targeted ads. I will continue to use gmail and all the other google services offered at https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl!
  15. I like doom alot. I only play it in school, because we play against each other over the schools network!. We also play a spin off of Bomberman called Bomber. We love blowing each other up, and shooting each other. For a couple weeks we played Unreal Tournament 2003, but that didn't last long! I am an intern at the school so I don't get in trouble for playing these games as long as I have all my work/jobs completed. I have alot of fun playing against my classmates in the middle of the school day. It is a great way to relax. I don't know what I would do without First Person Shooters to get me through the day!!!
  16. That is very helpful!I am an Intern for a high school, and we find ourselves having to create new images for computers all the time. This would greatly decrease that amount of time it usually takes for updating the current OS on the machine. This was a very interesting article to read, and I am glad you posted it. I had just recently recieved a copy of a SP1 Windows CD, and I was wondering if I could somehow make an SP2 CD. This will save me so much time.
  17. I have been recently programming, and wanted to make some Icons to accompany my programs. I have been using a .ICO file type plugiin for Photoshop.I usually create the image, and use an alpha channel to display transparency. I find this to be more compatible. I was wondering how others make there icons.What program do you use?What format do you save it in?Are there any special techniques you use in order to make your Icons?I have been wondering this for a while now. I felt that this would be a good time if any to find out.
  18. I would agree with the majority. It is a nice banner, but the bluriness in the letters make it hard to, which would really not make it a good banner to dislpay on it's own. I to have been trying to design a good banner to be on my site, but it is hard to get everything right, and it may take many attempts to find what works. I found that having a crisp and clear image is the key. Profesionals don't often use "noisy" or blurry images. I recently made this for the upper right corner of my site. I am giving my site a complete overhaul, and it will most likely go through many, many, changes! Good Luck with your banner making, and I hope your website comes out good!
  19. I have been spyware free ever since I upgraded Windows to Service Pack 2 and have installed McAfee Security Center 2005. I have not even needed to download Ad-Aware SE or any other spyware removers. This has got to be the greatest thing ever. I have been spyware free for a good 2 months now. I say it was worth the money to get McAfee. By the way, im not even using Mozilla or any other browser, I am using good ole' IE 6!I say spend the money and the time to update/install Service Pack 2 and McAfeeSecurity Center.
  20. I would highly suggest . They have many great tutorials, and also a huge amount of resources to browse through. They cover almost every aspect of Flash/ActionScript that you would ever need help with. This includes topics such as: Getting Started Actionscripting Animation Optimization Physiscs These are just a few of the topics available at Flash Kit. I have used this site on many of occaisons. Good luck with your flash movie, make sure you post a link to it once you complete it so we can all enjoy it!
  21. Hello,When I first came to Xisto, I was a little bit of a skeptic, but I am glad I stuck around.The people here are very nice, and the web hosting is very very nice. I originally thought that having to keep up in the forum may become a little bit hectic, and I was wrong. This community is a very good place to be a part of, and is a good place to get web hosting. Let's just say, you can't get a better deal than free!Once you have enough hosting credits you can partake in the arcade, and challenge some of the high scores! This is makes coming here much more fun than it seems at first. There are many benefits of becoming a member here. The web hosting is one of the very few that will give you ad free space, with the ability to add cutom scripts and not to forget, cPanel access!I would highly recommend staying an active member in this forum, and goodluck with your web site once you get hosted.
  22. Thats interesting. I didn't know that. I just got rid of my old Tandy 1000. It had two floppy drives (both 3 1/2) and enough chip memory to hold MS-DOS. I had also recently rid myself of my old IBM that ran WIndows 3.1 with 72 mb of memory. Those are the computers I learned QBasic on. So happy (belated) birthday windows, and keep up the good work Microsoft!
  23. This is my computer:3.00 Ghz Pentium 4 HyperThreaded - 800 Mhz Front Side Bus1024 Mb PC3200 Ram250 GB Hard Drive (7200 RPM)Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro Sound Card7.1 Surround Sound Speakers128 MB nVIDIA graphics card. ( I bought my computer 2 years ago, and they released 256 MB cards the following year :-( )I find myself dreading having to use anyone elses computer!
  24. I second Google News. It searches many different web sources for current news, and categorizes it in very easy way to find what you are looking for. You now can customize the front page to suit your needs! There are thumbnails next to all the stories to help you identify them, and in bold text it shows how long ago the story was reported. You can also search through all there news articles in order to find the story or story relating to the one you want. They pull articles from sites like : ABC News BBC News CNN New York Times USA Today This provides a very broad range of news articles for you to scan/search through!
  25. I use Knoppix to recover files from a broken windows installation. Knoppix supports USB Thumb Drives and reading of NTFS Hard Drives! This makes it very easy to recover a huge amount of data due to a corrupt windows installation.Knoppix is also good to give to a friend that has never really seen a linux deskyop before. This way they can explorer it with out having to do any work, or reconfigure their computer/hard drive.You said you really want to play around with the code that runs linux/GNU. So I would agree and say install a hard drive version of linux. Each distro is different, and it might take som experimenting with the different distros to find the one that suits you!
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