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Everything posted by VJgamer1405241488

  1. I couldn't believe that all these features were free! I was so excited and began posting almost immediately. Now that i am hosted I am very happy with my hosting and I would rate it a 15 on a scale from 1 to 10!Anyone unsure of joining should read this topic. I was just doing it for the free web hosting, but I highly enjoy being a part of this community. I also like the arcade alot. Being able to not only communicate with your fellow web designers, but also being able to compete against them is one of the most innovative and also one of the best online experience I have yet to have!
  2. Hey... I wouldn't worry too much...Everyone's passwords arn't working for cpanel or FTP. Whatever was on your website since your last update will still be available! So just be patient!
  3. Thank You,I have taken your suggestions into great consideration and have purchased my own copy. It should arrive any day! I can't wait to get cracking on some new algorithms!!!
  4. Don't worry... You are not the only one currently having this problem. I havn't been able to access mine all day long. I just used it the night before to delete a couple of files and when I turned my computer on today it didn't work. I think we'll just have to stick this one out!
  5. I liked being able to use the edit button, but I can understand if people were abusing it then it needs to be taken away. I noticed that the edit button was gone a couple of days ago. Since then I have been using the preview post button very frequently. I find using the preview post button can also be a time saver and prevent you from getting embarassed by a imple misspell or gammatical error.I hope that people will stop abusing the many features of the forum, and keep a nice honest community. I first joined just to get the web hosting, but now I just like being a part of this community.
  6. I know what you mean... Most programs that package their software with spyware claim to be spyware free. They try to pass them off as "useful" programs, like a clock synchronizer??? Why would you need a clock synchronizer when Windows XP has one built in? These clever ways of passing spyware off as programs that are useful is very depressing especially when they affect the lives of hundreds of people. I try to help my friends avoid these schemes as best I can. The other day I had to completely reformat my friends hard drive just because of the amount of spyware on it. His processor was maxed the whole time his computer was on. I would suggest carefully reading about a program before you download it, and take user opinions into serious consideration.
  7. There are alot of people currently having issues with logging into cPanel and FTP. I am also having problems logging in. I was told to wait for an admin to say something when one shows up. I guess we just have to be patient, i'm sure everything will be working once again soon. I can't wait to update my site...I have a major update waiting on my computer, but I can't access my site via FTP. I cannot wait to continue working on my site...
  8. I choose Full Spectrum Warrior due to it's relism and deatil.I don't consider Counter-Strike as a "Squad" based game. Full Spectrum Warrior really gets into what a squad should be and trains you on how to conduct yourself within a squad and also how to command a squad. This game also shows how the divide and conquer technique works as long as there is good communication.You can really see this come into play when you are commanding one squad and some random person is commanding the other over Xbox Live. You must have near perfect communication in order to accomplish your objectives.
  9. I would also suggest: http://www.tools-on.net/' target='_blank'>They have a whole sleuth of tools. It is also pretty fast. I find myself using this website all the time.There are many websites of this kind...If you cannot find one that you like just go to goole and type in Network Tools.
  10. When it comes to just regular cola, I like Pepsi better. If you compare the two companies, I also prefer Pepsi. The Pepsi-Cola company has a greater variety of sodas. (Including Moutain Dew)Between Sprite and Sierra Mist, I would definetly chose Sprite (Coke).One of my favorite sodas is Dr. Pepper, although Dr. Pepper is an independent company, it is distributed by Pepsi!
  11. I also cannot access my cPanel or FTP to my site.I had just accessed my cPanel 12 hours ago and it was just fine.There must be something wrong, I have not changed my password and I still have 7+ credits. My site is still up and is running just fine.I would relly like to post some updates to my site!
  12. I love my GMail account. I don't see why it's still in beta when they are giving everyone with an account 50 invites. Everbody most likely know someone with a GMail account. With the ever increasing storage space, and the exciting new features being implemented with every passing day, who could afford not to have an account. I highly recommend getting an account with GMail, you won't be dissapointed.
  13. I think this is what you were looking for... The easiest way to edit Startup Programs is with a program from http://www.mlin.net/. It is called Startup Control Panel. There are two versions, a Stand Alone EXE, and a version that puts an icon in your control panel. This program shows you the four different ways programs start on your computer (Registry User, Folder User, Registry All, Folder All) and it also shows the names, command line, and a very useful icon of the program. This is a very easy interface to use, and I suggest it highly! ~Tim
  14. I have a couple of suggestions: I would like to nominate Startup Control Panel again: http://www.mlin.net/ This is the best program to view and edit which programs startup when your computer boots. It shows a list box for HKCU (Current User), HKLM (Local Machine), User, Common (Everybody), and Run Once. It also shows the name, command line, and icon of each program. When you delete an item it is moved to the deleted tab, then from there you can completely remove it. There is also four tools from http://www.freshdevices.com/ that are very helpful: FreshUI - Edit hidden windows settings. (Very Useful - Descriptions for every setting!) FreshDownload - I would have to say this is the best download manager. Turn the connections up to 8 per download if your on a high speed connection to double download speeds from slow sites! FreshView - A nice photo viewer, you can also watch movies and listen to audio through it. Has a nice feature to compile selected images into an html photo gallery. FreshDiagnose - This program is like MSInfo and DXDiag, but tells you way more about the hardware/software on your computer. It also has a bookmarking feature to really test the speed of your hardware! This program also can compile a full html report of everything you see about your computer. All these programs require a free registration sent to you via e-mail. They do not give away your e-mail address to anyone, all they do is send you an e-mail whenever they release a new version of one of their programs.
  15. Hello,I was looking at purchasing Visual Studio .Net from Microsoft, and I was wondering if anyone has had the chance to use it. If so, would you suggest I buy it. I currently already know Visual Basic and I want to learn C++. I was hoping this would be the all in one IDE I was looking for. Any thoughts would be helpful.~Tim
  16. Is there anywhere I can go to find a resource for Direct X coding in both C++ and Visual Basic. I was wondering if there was also a place to find 3D models that are distributed freely, or maybe a freeware 3D modeling tool.Any help would be greatly appreciated!~Tim
  17. I am now 17 years old and have been programming for about 5 years.I currently develop programs in QBasic, Visual Basic, and Flash Action Script.I am currently learning both Java and C++. I know QBasic and Visual Basic very very well, and am getting relly good at programming in flash.
  18. Also, you need something to create the flash game in. You need Flash MX or a newer version (Flash MX 2004 or Flash MX 2004 Profesional) in order to start developing your game. In the help file there are very good tutorials on animation and buttons. There is also a good ActionScript code tutorial. ActionScript is the programming language that Flash uses.
  19. I like using Flash just because of how easy it is to create dynamic content.I also like how you can nest objects inside of movie clips allowing you to make an animation inside of a movie clip then animate the movieclip allowing you to have two animations being performed at the same time with minimal work.
  20. You can play my Pong Recreation that I made in Flash at http://timtimmytim.tripod.com/pong.html The page has ads at the top and a pop-up because it's at Tripod. I can't help this until I get a new host.
  21. I just started creating games, but I have created:1. Snake Clone - QBasic2. Bomberman Clone - QBasic3. Black Jack - Visual Basic4. Space Shooter - Flash5. Pong Recreation - FlashI also have many unfinished and games that were horrible failures!So far I like making games in flash, but I plan on learning C++ and DirectX over this year to create some games with more depth.
  22. Additionally,For editing images, there is nothing better, in my opinion, than Adobe Photoshop CS.For file uploads I use the upload tools built into Dreamweaver, but if I don't have access to Dreamweaver I use FileZilla.
  23. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 to create webpages. I have created my school's website and the local volunteer fire departments site. I also like to incorporate some flash content that I create with Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Professional. I like the Macromedia suite because you can set-up templates to save time, and keep a consistent style on your web site.
  24. Hello,I would like to learn C++ in order to start creating a better game that actually runs offline, unlike the Flash games that I have been creating recently. I would like a website with a decent tutorial, and like a refrence of the keywords used in C++. Also, is there any freeware IDEs for C++, or would you recommeend buying Microsoft Visual C++? Any suggestions would be helpful.Thanks,Tim
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