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Everything posted by Tobias

  1. I had around 11 credits and was unable to post for a few days. Now I've started posting again and have around 18 credits, but I'm unable to reach my subdomain or my cpanel. I'm not sure if you can get to it, but it's tobias.astahost.com . If someone could explain to me why it is that I'm unable to reach my site or cpanel, I would greatly appreciate it. Notice from NilsC: I can see your site this is the only content there "I WILL EDIT THIS PAGE LATER, WHEN I MAKE A NEW LAYOUT AND SUCH STUFF. CHECK BACK OFTEN TO SEE IF I'VE MADE ANY UPDATES. BE SURE TO BOOKMARK MY NEW SITE'S URL."
  2. Well... you all have been programming wayyyy longer than me now. I've just started to learn ASP.NET, PHP, and JavaScript. I'm 15 now, and probably wouldn't have gotten into webdesign if I hadn't tried to add music and images into subprofile, but it turned out that AIM can't render html. So, I decided to make my own webpage. Quickly realizing that my website was very simple, I began to look at source codes of other sites and realized that I needed to learn a few new things. That brings me to the present, which I'm currently typing this with an ASP.NET book in front of me.
  3. Pi day is cool, so is just the number pi. In 6th grade on pi day (3 years ago) my teacher printed out a huge page of pi. I'm not sure how many decimal places it went out, but it took up about 10 pages single spaced. Anyways, our teacher told us a formula to find our birthday in pi. Pi contains everyone's birthday. Ex-020568 It's pretty neat.
  4. Hmmm...I think that is CRAZY. If they can prove to me that aliens exist and that they would receive my message, then that would be cool. But if they have no proof, then they shouldn't even have registered their domain name because nobody in their right mind would register with them. If could prove it though, I may consider paying for 5 minutes or so.
  5. Try Download.com and search for free design programs. That may be a good place to start. Hope you find what you're looking for.
  6. I agree with almost everyone else here...THOSE DOMAIN NAMES ARE ABSOLUTELY INSANE! I would go crazy if i had to type that everytime I was on a new computer that I didn't have it saved on. I think I'll stick to the short domain names...keep my sanity.
  7. I like the idea. But like she said about the knee popping out, that's a problem. Also, on your contactar link at the bottom of the page, it has a very small hotspot and is difficult to click on. But other than that, it's good. Keep working.
  8. Mine will do the same thing when my computer starts to run slowly. Just restart your computer and everything should work correctly again. If that doesn't work, then I don't know. Maybe you're missing something IE needs to run correctly.
  9. Where did you find this stuff? You had to be bored man, lol. Man, no more of those sites for me...
  10. http://www.zymic.com/ also has some nice templates, but I don't personally use them. I prefer to create something original and that I can be proud of when I'm done...I just don't get that feeling from templates.
  11. The template looks great, very well done there! Everything is laid out fine in IE, but like some others said; the images take a while to load. Maybe you could use a javascript code to preload the images and have it all show up at once instead of having the text show and then the images come around it. Anyways, good luck to you.
  12. I use Flash MX too. I find it great for creating buttons, animations, and many other useful things for websites.
  13. Do you have your browser set to view movies at a low quality? That could be your problem.
  14. I like the banner, great job on it. Make it a little faster and add some more detail to the rocket. Good luck on your site.
  15. I think you did a great job! But like they said, there is too much white space...it just looks empty. Good luck.
  16. I think it looks good as long as everything on your site will relate to it. LIke you've already heard, it is a little blurry...if that's what you want then cool.
  17. you can also try javascript.com for other scripts. I don't personally have a favorite.
  18. It looks to me as thought you have both if statments linked to the same page...maybe that's the problem.
  19. Zymic has some nice looking templates, although I'm with the last guy about using templates.
  20. I'm going to say the best way would be by CSS. <html><head><title></title><style type="text/css">body {margin: 0;padding: 0;}</style></head><body><img src="YOUR URL" width="?" height="?"></body></html> That should do the trick.
  21. You don't even need php to make a scrolling window. You can use div's inside of div's to create the same effect as an iframe. <html><head><title></title><style type="text/css">#box {font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-align: center;font-size: 10px;width:160px;height:160px;overflow: auto;}.newscontainer {margin-bottom: 20px;}</style></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#800080"><div id="box"<div class="newscontainer"><span>You can put text in this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div><div class="newscontainer"><span>And this</span></div></div></BODY></HTML>
  22. I agree that the layout needs to change. The color of the font is hard on the eyes if you're reading it for a long length at a time. If you're going to use that layout, try to get rid of all the blanks space on the right; maybe center everything up, maybe a border around the content and a different color around where there is no content. Good luck.
  23. Since I see you've already got the html code for adding bg music, here are some sites for the actual url's for your music. Lycos has a music area and Espew also has a nice collection. Good luck.
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