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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. but you're missing this problem. Linux/UNIX aren't for developers or professors, I use Linux and I am an experienced user (though). People who use my computers with KDE installed on top Linux could figure out how to use the system with only like a little help like where's the start button (it's the K-Menu in KDE).Linux/UNIX is as easy to use as Windows B). Plus, Windows doesn't have one command installation system that Linux has (APT/Ports/EMERGE/YUM/YOU). Windows users usually need to search for their software, download, go through the Next --> I Accept -->Choose installation location --> Next --> Install --> Finish process.xboxrulz

  2. The funny thing is that KDE and Mac OS X's Aqua system and Windows XP's GUI is almost the same in technology and "advanceness". For people to say that Microsoft puts tonnes of money to fund it, would show that they're just wasting more time and effort than KDE and Mac.Mac OS X and KDE are very easy to get hold with after at least a month; same with Windows.Windows much more easier? No, it's as easy as KDE/Mac.xboxrulz

  3. unimatrix, not everyone is an "elite or 1337" user. Those who are and will be running Linux are mostly "standard" users, an "average joe". They won't know how to create funny libraries, they'll just use it because it just works.For example, Opera and Firefox. They are successful examples because they've been releasing Linux versions when a new software version is created. They support Linux users quite well too.Running into odd libraries wouldn't happen unless the programmer chooses to do so. If the programmer knows that they're going to depend on a weird library, then include it in your binary.xboxrulz

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