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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Getting fined for walking too slow, ridiculous!


    Posted Image


    LOS ANGELES (AP) - An 82-year-old woman received a ticket for the equivalent of $130 Cdn for taking too long to cross a street.


    Mayvis Coyle said she began shuffling with her cane across a busy road when the light was green, but was unable to make it to the other side before it turned red.


    She said the motorcycle officer who ticketed her on Feb. 15 told her she was obstructing traffic.


    "I think it's completely outrageous," said Coyle, who described herself as a Cherokee medicine woman. "He treated me like a six-year-old, like I don't know what I'm doing."


    Los Angeles police Sgt. Mike Zaboski said police are cracking down on people who improperly cross streets because pedestrian accidents are above normal. He said he could not comment on Coyle's ticket other than to say that it is her word against that of the citing officer.


    "I'd rather not have angry pedestrians," Zaboski said. "But I'd rather have them be alive."


    Others, however, supported Coyle's contention that the light in question does not give people enough time to cross the five-lane boulevard.


    "I can go halfway, then the light changes," said Edith Krause, 78, who uses an electric cart because she has difficulty walking.


    On Friday, the light changed too quickly even for high-school students to make it across without running. It went from green to red in 20 seconds.


    Councilwoman Wendy Greuel said she has asked transportation officials to figure out how to accommodate elderly people.


    "We should look at those areas with predominantly seniors and accommodate their needs in intersections" she said.


    Source: Yahoo! Canada News


    This is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Speeding, I can say, but walking too slowly??




  2. Revolutionary New Free Service Lets Users Create, Access and Edit Any Word, Excel or PowerPoint File Without Extra Software; Includes 30 MB of Upgradeable Storage, Blog Embedding and PDF Creation

    NEW YORK, NY [C3 EXPO] - June 28, 2005 - ThinkFree Corp., the leading developer of standards-compatible office software, today announced the initial beta release of ThinkFree Office Online the world's first free online office suite. ThinkFree Office Online includes the same easy-to-use Microsoft Office compatible software suite found in the acclaimed ThinkFree Office 3, but like free email, online briefcases and search engines, is absolutely free to the user, relying instead on keyword-driven advertising with industry leading advertising partners to be announced. Users will also be able to purchase additional storage space and services, as needed, but the core application will always remain free.

    "The typical user does not want to buy a separate $400 office suite for their home computer just to read and edit documents they compose at work," said TJ Kang, founder and CEO of ThinkFree Corp. "We believe this is the next 'killer app' for commuters or anyone, who uses multiple computers. It will also be of great advantage for students or travelers who use shared computers in public libraries, schools or Internet cafes. ThinkFree Office Online combines great functionality with ease of use and at no cost to the user."

    ThinkFree Office Online offers the same great features as ThinkFree Office 3, a cross-platform office suite of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation graphics applications, allowing users to effortlessly exchange files with friends, co-workers and fellow students who use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats. The ASP model also provides a high degree of flexibility, security and reliability.

    ThinkFree Online Also Adds Blog Embedding and PDF Capabilities
    Two exciting new functions of ThinkFree Office Online are the ability of the user to embed the application into a blog and the suite's instant PDF capabilities. With the blog embedding, the user can create a mini-version of the software inside one's blog, allowing all who visit the blog to be able to read, edit and manipulate Microsoft Office files. For example, a blogger can now create "what if" scenarios in a spreadsheet and let readers fill in their own variables, all without having to install or even call up a Microsoft Excel program. A blog's readers can also execute a Word document or Power Point file right from one's blog, regardless of platform or installed software.

    Meanwhile, ThinkFree Office Online's instant PDF feature allows users to take any Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint document and change it into a secure, unchangeable Adobe Acrobat-compatible PDF file - again, without owning any standalone Microsoft or Adobe software.

    "Standards are important, but at a certain point in time they become larger than the company that created them, such as IBM-compatible computers," noted Kang. "We have developed interfaces and algorithms that allow the highest level of compatibility in manipulating files of these worldwide standards, for free, without the need to install any of the underlying programs that were used to create them."

    ThinkFree Office Online delivers a complete set of office applications. ThinkFree Office features integrated, Internet-based file sharing and storage with end-to-end security. Its powerful, easy-to-use applications can seamlessly open, edit, and save directly to the corresponding Microsoft Office file formats like .doc, .xls, and . ppt. Other features include a full featured drawing module, chart module, HTML export, and XML (WordML and SpreadsheetML) support.

    Thinkfree Online will work with most computers and browsers, including Internet Explorer 6.0 (or higher), FireFox 1.0.1 (or higher), Safari 1.3 and Windows Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP, Mac OS X 10.3/10.4, Linux Fedora Core 3, Redhat Linux 9 (Over Gnome 2.6.2 or KDE 3.4) or Haansoft Linux Workstation 2005 for software. Recommended hardware includes Pentium IV with 256 MB RAM (512 MB recommended), 200 MB free hard disc space and 8x CD-ROM or higher. HDD: minimum over 200 MB Free spaces for PC format or Macintosh G4/G5 for Apple.

    Source: http://www.thinkfree.com/whatsnew_con.jsp?seq=117

    This is for FREE!

    You get: 30 MB of online space, ability to save on local machine, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and much more!


    Check it out!

    NOTE: It is slower than OpenOffice and M$ Office because it's 100% Java and it reads from the webserver. Java 1.5.x is required for Windows/Linux users, Macintosh users can use Java 1.4.x.

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