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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. ok, even though I know where to get these Vista leaks, but I'm not allowed to tell you under Internation Law, but Windows Vista Beta 2 is going to be made PUBLIC.@abhi...: Windows Vista's minimum specifications requires you to have AT LEAST 512 MB TO EVEN BOOT AND RUN WINDOWS VISTA.My prediction, Windows Vista will not be out Q1 2007 and they say waiting 6 months for Windows 95 was a big deal, how bout now w/ Vista :lol:Good thing I get bleeding edge technology from Linux.xboxrulz

  2. or try to port it yourself, their using MingW, which is gcc on Windows, so I guess you can easily port it.


    To build this package:


    * For generating the executable file (notepad++.exe), you can use VC++ 7 or MinGW 3.0 / 2.X (a makefile is available)


    * For generating the dll files (SciLexer.dll) , you have to use MinGW 3.0 / 2.X


    All the binaries will be built in the directory notepad++\PowerEditor\bin


    Note that the executable file npp.exe built by MinGW 3.0, for the reason of

    the runtime lib static-link, has almost 160KB more than the one built by VC++ 7.


    There's no remedy for the moment. If you can reduce the exe size by adding/changing

    the compiler flag or linker flag, please let me know.


    Download Notepad++ source files


    -- https://notepad-plus-plus.org/


    Why don't you use WINE, it won't kill u....



  3. Faced with former Massachusetts CIO Peter Quinn's harsh appraisal of the real reason behind the "inertia" of Linux in the business world, Linus Torvalds and OSDL have come up with an action plan for rebranding the Linux image and the image of its core developers. They have jointly agreed on the formation of OSDSU, the world's first Open Source Dress for Success University.
    Torvalds himself will teach a course on "Introductory sandal wearing," placing particular emphasis on sock selection. "Color is so important," Torvalds notes. "You want both socks to share the same color base, and yet it needs to stand out from the pale flesh of a kernel hacker and show off the sandals to their best advantage."

    OSDL CEO Stuart Cohen said that in all his years at IBM, Dell, and elsewhere in the corporate world, he never saw a good idea come from anyone with a ponytail. "Haircuts are key to brain activity," Cohen says. "You learn this in MBA school. I don't know where these scalawags on the LKML ever got the notion that long hair and sandals were conducive to good code."

    "We're determined to break out of this inertia thing," Torvalds says. "If we work hard enough, and long enough, on perfecting the image of our developers, we can deliver a better kernel. I'm revising git now to accept developer labels indicating hair length and the date and grade of their last appearance review. I can be a cruel bastard when it comes to accepting patches from unkempt hackers."

    Cohen concluded their opening remarks with the observation that if OSDSU works as planned, the open source community "can be as successful at delivering new products, bug-free and on time, as Microsoft is doing with Vista."

    Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    your comments?


  4. I disagree. I think that SuSE is very easy and newcomers can use it without problems. Mandrake for me was a hassle, so was Fedora. It took me 3 hours for configuring Fedora to get it to print on my Windows machine on my network! Mandriva was just a pain. It never does things correctly.Kravur, the funny thing about SuSE is that it's powefulness on the guru side makes you not needing to leave SuSE. Anyways, the most advanced Linux I can think of is Linux From Scratch (building your own) or Gentoo.xboxrulz

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