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Everything posted by nakulgupta

  1. Go for it man....If u have any problems....we'll always be there (Rite Guys??)
  2. Hey....thats awesome...i keep getting these things, maybe its a downside of windows.....I have a game called Interstate 76' It never ran on Win98 But it works fine on Win XP....strange for a game meant for 95(?). Anyway thanks for the info....will try it the next time that it happens.
  3. Letter Collision Tutorial.This tutorial will help u make a basic collision in 3Ds Max using its inbuilt reactor feature.Requisites:-discreet 3Ds Max 7 (Does 6 have reactor?? I dunno....). Even the trial downloaded from discreets website will do.Time:- 20-30min.Skill Level :- Beginner (A basic knowledge of the menu items is a must for this tutorial)Introduction:-reactor is a plug-in for 3ds max that allows animators and artists to easily control and simulate complex physical scenes. reactor supports fully integrated rigid and soft body dynamics, cloth simulation, and fluid simulation. It can simulate constraints and joints for articulated bodies. It can also simulate physical behaviors such as wind and motors. You can use all of these features to create rich dynamic environments. Once you have created an object in 3ds max, you can assign physical properties to it with reactor. These can include characteristics such as mass, friction, and elasticity. Objects can be fixed, free, attached to springs, or attached together using a variety of constraints. By assigning physical characteristics to objects like this, you can model real-world scenarios quickly and easily. These can then be simulated to produce physically accurate keyframed animations. When you have set up your reactor scene, you can preview it quickly using the the real-time simulation display window. This allows you to test and play with a scene interactively. You can alter positions of all physical objects in the scene, dramatically reducing the design time. You can then transfer the scene back into 3ds max with a single key-click, while retaining all the properties needed for the animation. reactor frees you from having to hand-animate time-consuming secondary effects, like exploding buildings or draping curtains. reactor also supports all standard 3ds max features such as keyframes and skinning, so you can use both conventional and physical animation in the same scene. Convenient utilities, such as automatic keyframe reduction, let you tweak and alter the physically generated parts of an animation after it has been created. (Taken from 3dsmax User Reference)Now, this tutorial focuses on creating the individual letters of a word. You will learn how to make a ball collide with the word and get the individual letters to interact differently.Ok, First we will create the basic scene requirements.I1. Fire up the software.2. Goto Create->Shapes->Text.3. In the text editor type the first letter of the required word.4. Be sure to select the renderable option in the letter properties.5. Place the letter anywhere in the scene.6. Repeat the process for all the individual letters. You can alter the text later by selecting the letter and clicking on the modify tab on the upper right hand side bar.7. Now apply the extrude modifier to all the letters by opening the modify panel ->Modifier list->Extrude. Change value to 5.IIWe have finished creating the individual letters. Now, to create the "ball"1. Goto Create->Standard Primitives->Sphere.2. Drag and create a sphere such that it covers the letters that you want it to collide with. Move the sphere a distance from the word.Now the sphere is ready, But once we try to animate it in reactor all the letters would fall down into space with the ball. To avoid this we would give the sphere some velocity and create a plane for the letters to fall on. To create a plane1. Goto->Create->Standard Primitives->Plane2. Drag and create a plane below the letters and covering all of them.IIINow to give the sphere some velocity.1. Select the sphere.2. Turn on Auto-Key. The time bar turns red.3. Take the timer to Frame 10.4. Now drag the sphere horizontally to the other side of the word. Use movement in only one axis to avoid any errors.5. Switch of auto-key. We have now given the sphere some velocity but it would just go through the letters, thats not very realistic is'nt it?? This is where reactor comes in. IV1. Select ALL the objects in the scene and click on reactor->Create Object->Rigid Body Collection.2. Select all the letters of the word. 3. Goto reactor->Open Property Editor.4. Change mass of to 1 and under Simulation Geometry change selection to bounding box.5. Select the sphere and similarly change its value of mass to 2 and select bounding sphere.6. In plane propeties ONLY chane sim. geometry to "concave mesh"7. Open the utilities panel from the upper right side and goto->Reactor->Preview and animation-> Change start frame to 2.8. Now save your scene.VWe are now ready to view what has been created.1. Goto reactor->Preview animation.2. In the window that comes up check if you can see all the objects.3. Press 'P'4. You should see the sphere crash through the letters. If the sphere does not hit the word, try adjusting the positions. If you are satisfied with the result goto reactor->Make preview.VINow lets convert this into a video.1. Goto Rendering-> Render.2. Under File Output click on files.3. Select the location and the file type. Select any video extension (.avi, .mov etc.)4. In time output select Active Time Segment.5. Finally Click on render.6. Once the file is finished close the windows and view your file.Congratulations!!! You have successfully created a collision!!Now since you have an idea you can use this to create a variety of simulations....Also refer the user reference files and tutorials under help. Have Fun!!Experienced users can also try many more things to enhance the look and appeal of the video. For ex.1. Apply materials to the objects (A reflective plane looks good)2. Creating a camera and linking it to any letter to get the camera to shake after the collision.3. Getting the plane to rotate after a while would make the letters slide down.4. After doing the above^ you can create some lights and link it to individual letters.5. You can link the camera to a letter and watch it fall down and chase the letters. Dont forget to increase the time of scene. You will have to change the end frame in IV accordingly.You can e-mail me at meetnakul@hotmail.com if you have any problems or suggestions.Hope i was helpful.NAKUL
  4. I agree..till date i must've tried like five different hosts and was never satisfied with any of them. My friend told me about Xisto and i decided tto give this place a try. I kept posting and got my hosting. When i logged in and saw my cPanel i was S-T-U-N-N-E-D!!! No other host matched the sheer number of features offered. I am now hooked to this place and now am sincerely trying to keep up my hosting credits.
  5. My friends have a little forum running here. The problem is that quite often we get the following message when we try to open the page: Why does this happen and what can we do to avoid it??
  6. Well theres one thing that i picked up in school...Consider a prime number say 'n'(>6). Then (n+1) or (n-1) is divisible by six. Its converse need not be true. Now i dont know how this can be converted into code..I absolutely suk at computer languages(Never learnt one actually).
  7. I dont know any sites in particular....just run a google search on the topic...anyway ill get back with a list if u want
  8. I build my site in frontpage so i use frontpages inbuilt FTP client to upload my files... I just had to supply the info and everytime i change anything i just use the synchronize option to change everything....Have'nt used any other FTP client till date...though my friend tells me to change my client because frontpage is kinda slow(thats what he feels). I feel, then why have broadband if u cant keep it on???
  9. My user name is basically just my name.... Nakul Gupta. Nakul:- It was also the name of a Pandava. The Pandavs were five brothers(Arjun, Yudhisthir, Bhima, Nakula, Sahadeva) who were also well kings i guess(Dunno my mythology is'nt that good). This dates back to WAY old times. Anyway you can check out information about The Mahabharata which is one of the holy hindu epics and happens to be the longest epic in the world. Gupta:- The Gupta's were a dynasty that ruled India once upon a time. Their rule was called The Golden Age of the Guptas. I was named Nakul beause the time i was born (10.20 AM on a Sunday), a serial based on the Mahabharata used to come on the television. The names of the other brother's were quite common at that time. Till date i've met only one person named Nakul. Oh. btw....I used to be called NAKKA in school. Nakka is the telugu(An Indian Language) means a fox. Also Nakul=Mole (The animal in hindi)
  10. If u're using frontpage its a piece of cake...Just go to Insert-> Interactive Buttons and choose from a variety of options. If u want to use your own image, then u'll have to use its inbuilt DHTML editor which will allow you to change what happens when a person:-a) places the cursor over the button:) clicks the buttonU will have to define all the custom images yourself. 1. First enable the DHTML view toolbar in frontpage.2. Then select the button and choose the option you require i.e. Mouse Hover, Mouse Click. 3. In actions choose the one that lets you change the image(Forgot exact name though) and specify the file(s).If u still face any problems...then reply.Hope i was helpful.
  11. "Is it only in Hyderabad, because I'm going to Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India." Im not too sure about the other cities though..in delhi u must've heard of Paalika Bazaar though..Thats like the sleaze capital of the country...U get planty of CD's to cameras the size of matchboxes there....Too bad im in Hyderabad....Would love to visit that place though --Smacking his lips in delight--
  12. Thats true..Me and my friends use mySql for our forum too....really nice and easy to use..
  13. These here are some facts about pirated CD's and how to get them in "Hyderabad, India"(May NOT apply to other cities)Software piracy is probably one of the industries worst nightmares....if my information is not wrong there are pretty stringent laws in some of the developed countries... But out here...well read on.The first and best place to find such places is the classifieds section of the newspaper where u can find atleast ten different ads everyday abt Rs 35/- Games, Rs. 50/- Software(Btw. 1$=Rs 50(approx)) These ads also generally include a list of softwares availabe which range from Adobe(Yes thats a software for them) to Macromedia(Thats a software too) The people who do this are generally not very high-tech and most of them dont know what the software is for!!! But the plus point is these work and these people replace it gladly if it doesnt.COST:-The cost of these software's is dirt cheap3dsmax 7:Rs200 ($4)Photoshop 8 Rs.100 ($2)Corel Draw 12 Rs 70DreamweaverMX 2004 Rs. 50Maya 6.5 Unlimited Rs.50Complete Age of empires Rs. 40U can use this topic to discuss the state of piracy in your own countries.
  14. I prefer to use AVG with Norton Internet Security...nothing works better.
  15. Thing is...there hasnt been a full scale attack yet...we never will know if the site is legitimate if its well done. Like the hijack of one of the eBay sites..we could be taken to a duplicate site and be asked to give away Credit Card information or something like that..Only way to be safe...be alert....Its always good to do a visual IP trace on these sites before giving any information..Ex:- If the ping of a site....say microsoft.com lands up in some place other than the US....Theres definitely somehing fishy right.??
  16. well guess what??I just got the same error message.
  17. Pharming has been called the 'next generation' of Phishing. Phishing requires a person to respond to a phoney e-mail in order to be taken to an illegitimate site; in Pharming, the targeted person need no respond to anything- he or she is automatically whisked to the illegitimate site.Pharmers use 'DNS poisoning', or domain hijacks, to redirect users to illegitimate URL's in an attempt to gather personal data. Both methods can be used to direct users to fake WEbsites that look like legitimate ones, and make users disclose personal information.Pharmers are the same kind of identity thieves who used techniques such as phishing. Pharming is more sophisticated because it does not require the intervention of the user!The recent hijack of New York ISP Panix is typical of the type of threat that might emerge- such a domain hijac could well be the first step in a Pharming attack.
  18. U can also try POV-Ray. I've never used it but the things u can do with it is AMAZING!!. It doesnt have GUI. It's text based. check out http://www.povray.org/ for download as well as tutorilas
  19. Have any of u tried Ares?? I prefer it over any other software mainly because of its clean interface, no ad/spyware and really fast download speeds. If there is any other better client please let me know so i can use that instead!!
  20. You can also try downloading some freeware at download.com or just run a google search for the software. U can also try Dr. DivX to copy the DVD and then choose to burn them onto a DVD. There is another software called cloneDVD where u can copy the VOB files as it is then burn them using your favourite burner. U will have to download another add-on for this software to copy encrypted discs.-OR-U should have bought a DVD player which plays discs of any region.
  21. Windows +L is just a shortcut key for fast user switch and will not work if u have it disbled from User Accounts.
  22. Can i upgrade my hosting from a subdomain to a domain later??
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