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Everything posted by Vagodeoz

  1. 1 TERABYTE HD?!?!?!?!Does that quantity of space even exist?Arghh... About how much do those babies cost?
  2. I have a very crappy built in sound card, but since I'm making a home studio, I'll get a Terratec. It's quite good: 150$, 10 ins, 10 outs, MIDI I/O. Here it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Does it work for games? I mean... let's take Medal of Honor. The gun is in the middle of the screen, so if the screen is splitted in 2 monitors, there would be half a gun in each screen?Or how does it work? becouse if it splits half and half, then I say it's a baaaaaaad idea, maybe unless both monitors are extremly close.
  4. Ehh.... what happens when your processor heats?Becouse about 90% of the day my pc is on. I also sometimes leave it 2 or 3 days on nonstop.It's Pentium 4, and the case (Delux) has 2 fans that go directly to the processor, I think that should help a lot.Also leave at least 20 cm between the back of your cpu and the wall (or desk or anything). It needs that space so the air can freely circulate, wich obviously helps with the heating problem.
  5. I didn't vote yet, becouse I had a Maxtor disk and it was awfull. I had to get another one after like 3 months. But now I'm using a SATA Maxtor (I'm almost sure it's maxtor) and it has been working great for me.I also had terrible problems with a IBM drive, a lot of bad sectors.
  6. I don't think there are motherboards with ONLY SATA. Even though... It might work for Servers.And like qwijibow said, it would be a waste to make SATA cd/dvd drives.
  7. I think GeForce MXs are not that good. I mean, it's ok for the price, but not for a die hard gamer like me :DMy FX 5700 has worked perfectly for me, except for some little graphic problems I have playing Winning Eleven 8.And by comparing Ati and Nvidia, I guess the best way is to compare their latest cards.
  8. Hmm... it will be quite difficult to reach 50 hosting points for upgrading the account, especially since it costs 1 hosting credit per day to keep the webspace...
  9. I might have some problems with credits...My life is all abount music, but posts in the music category don't count... Can I ask why?
  10. OK. here is the devinitive poll. Wich one is better?I haven't played fifa 2005, but winning eleven rocks so much that I don't think any game can be better, so guess where my vote goes...
  11. I want to play a MMORPG but can't afford one. Anyone knows a good free MMORPG? I mean a good 3d one, no those crappy ones that look like atari...Thanks.
  12. I think there is Super Mario (nintendo version) for PC. But I downloaded the ROM and play it on an emulator.Hang on there, don't ban me yet.I have the original game, but my Super Nintendo died (same as my psx) :'( And it is legal to have the ROM if you have the original game, wich I have.
  13. WTF?! How come no one has replied on this one?This is THE game!I had no idea this was going to be that good. It was made by the creators of Command and Conquers, so it gives you a clue how awesome it is.The timeline is like in the movie. And it has some awesome features, like you are about to fight the Isengard battle, and you put your mouse in the part of the map where Frodo and Sam are, and a there is a little cinematic taken from the movie showing what were they doing at that time.It's probably the best strategy game I've played.Oh, and you can play both good and bad sides.
  14. Anyone played any of these?Gothic 2 it's a lot like morrowind, but I liked this one a lot.You can also choose guilds: Thievs, ehhh... regular people (don't remember the name) and mages.Dungeon Siege is from Microsoft :-o and it's quite awesome. You get to play with up to 7 warriors. You even can get one or two mules to take your gear Both games are awesome.
  15. I played it. I must say I HATED it. No idea why. Just not my type. Same with Baldur's Gate. They were... don't know... just awfull to my taste.Probably becouse of the graphics.
  16. Violence in video games can be good. I heard somewhere that Japanese enterprises give their employees FPS games so they won't be so stressed. When I heard it, it made sense to me. I usually don't fight at all and I'm quite pacific.Try that. When you are extremly pissed off, play some FPS, and see how you feel after it.
  17. First one I played was Duke Nukem 3d in my mom's 233 mhz mac. Damm.. those were times...I think then it became Quake 1, and then the allmighty Counter Strike came in with my new pc.
  18. I only played it once :'( but I LOOOOVED it. I was about to buy it but I heard Battlefield 2 was coming out :-o
  19. I'll quote a part of one movie (even though the point was other):It was something like "God makes everything, he created the world and all the beautifull things on it, but when he makes a mistake, it's not his fault, it's mother nature."
  20. I don't have the slightest idea of what is the meaning of life, but I think Christian's meaning of life is absolutely stupid and pointless.They say that you come to this world to see if you are worthy of being to hell of to heaven. BUT God knows everything, even if one person is worth being in hell or in heaven, so why tha hell are we here?Also, my sister (who is christian) tells me that god sometimes puts us tests. Example, you are in the street and have little money for going home and there is a poor needed person begging you for money, if you give him the money, then you get some good points with god, but since he knows everything, why did he put me a test if he already knew what I was going to do?For me, christianism is fuuuuuuuull of holes and nonsense.
  21. Every theory has it's own holes, but I stay with Darwin's theory. It's way more credible and has less holes.
  22. MSN: Can't see my life without it.IE: Obvious reasons...Photoshop: Even though I am having seeeeeeeerious stability problems.mIRC: Nothing much to say...Macromedia Flash: Good when I have nothing better to do...
  23. 3.0 Ghz P4512 RAM160 gb SATA hard drife40 gb IDE hard driveDVD RomCD-RW 52x32x52xDVD-RWGeforce Fx4700 256 mb
  24. I still play quite often (belive it or not) Super Mario (yup, the super nintendo version) and Worms Armageddon.Long time classics for me.I also used to play fifa98 a lot, but not anymore since my psx died.
  25. I need a forum in the website, and I want to know wich one do you guys think is the best one.I vote for InvisionPowerBoard. Free, easy, nice looking, customizable...Even though phpBB is also nice, but I don't know... I preffer Invision.
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