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Everything posted by Vagodeoz

  1. Oh, another thing I need. I'm backing up everything on dvds, even making backup copies of my movies dvds. The problem is some of them are more than 5 gigs of size. Wich app can I use to make it smaller?I tried DVDXCopy but the final result sux. It looks like if it had 3 fps.
  2. I guess we all agree that it depends on what you are going to use it for.For working, macs are more stable (no one can argue that). And for games, downloads... etc pcs are better (more compatible). See ya.
  3. Well, I didn't find another place to post this...As all (most) of you, I started posting here becouse I wanted to get hosted, but now I feel like a part of this forum. It's like a huge family.You guys want to make a quality forum with quality members posting quality posts. I think you are on the right way to do it. Keep up the awesome work
  4. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice graphics!I'll add that game to my wish list. =)
  5. subasteve: Costs for keeping up BattleNet games and an MMORPG are not the same. Lets say Warcraft 3: They have some bugs, they just make patches and keep some servers. For MMORPGs, they need huuuuuuuuuge servers with huuuuuuuuuuge speed. Also (as far as I know) MMORPGs are never finished. Developers keep adding worlds and missions and everything. They should have maybe some ads system to pay their online bills, but I think paying 15$ pero month for playing a game (even if it was Metal Gear 3) is ridiculous.
  6. I forgot aboutDiablo 2Warcraft 3Starcraft(How could I forget the blizzard masterpieces...)
  7. I have a many games (don't remember half of them) but the ones I mostly play are:===PC===Call of DutyEnclaveGTA Vice CityMetal Gear 2 SubstanceMorrowindRise of NationsSacredSerious Sam 2Silent hill 4 (creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppy game)Stronghold CrusaderThe battle for middle earthTribes VengeanceWinning Eleven 8Worms Armageddon ==PSX== (When it was still alive)Twisted Metal 3Fifa 98Tekken 3==N64==Zelda: Ocarina of time (I didn't like much Majora's Mask)Super MarioSmash Brothers (Hilarious)==Snes==Super Mario (yup, I still play it often)
  8. Don't forget about THE game of THE games... Super Mario!!!
  9. I don't know if they are the best, but these are the ones I use and none has let me down. PSX: epsxe N64: Project 64 Snes: Snes9x GBA: Visual Boy Advanced Too bad there aren't any emulators for PS2, Gamecube or Xbox...
  10. We use second edition, but we will upgrade to third soon. Do you play it?
  11. Same happens to me, but I runned antivirus and antispywares and it stills getting closed. Right now I'm using Opera.Yamato: I think there is no way to uninstall IE.
  12. Here happens the same.But they don't put the price based on software, but on cds the software takes.So you can get photoshop for about 2$ (1 cd) but you get Metal Gear 2 for 9$ (8 cds).
  13. I also love fantasy RPGs, but there are Gazillions of them.I think you should do a medieval RPG, but make it as realistic as it can be, like no fireballs, spells...etc. Just simple plain people with real abilities, like leadership (if you are for example a general of an army, you could make your army belive in you and fight with more courage....)I think that would be awesome, but I'm not sure if it would be... commercially succesfull...
  14. Giniu: I guess I would like to beta test.Some things about what Lyarandae:Male and Female are a must in an rpg. I think the more customizable your character is, the better. Also there should be many faces, hair colors, eyes colors...About that flashing thing, you could do what Metal Gear 2 does with radars. You have your radar in low difficults (I think in Very easy, easy and normal) but when you play on hard, you no longer have it. So you could add that flashing things in low difficulty levels and remove them on high difficulties. Or... you could just let the user choose :)I haven't played Fable but I think that thing about getting old is just awesome. Also the fact that you can hear people commenting (it also happens in Gothic 2) is awesome.To make the game extremly customizable, I think you should allow user to choose race and sex, but you could also allow him to choose his side.So the player could for example choose about being good or evil. If he is good, he can be a mage (he would live with mages and make their quest), or paladin... etc.Well... I guess I'm short of ideas right now.I'll be helping you in any way I can.See ya.
  15. I can't do anything to the folder with the files. Move, Open, Copy... nothing..I think I'll try copying the files from DOS.Eh... anyone can tell me how to rename a folder, and how to copy files in DOS please?
  16. Hmmm... *wondering why the edit post option is disabled*...Well... for a graphics card you don't need a great card. I think you could get a GeForce 3. And for memory, I really think you should get 1 gb of RAM.Apart from that... tell me when you get the computer, so I can steal it from you. =)
  17. Thanks a lot! Gracias vecino :)They are quite more expensive than I though they would be....I think I'll just stay with https://de.godaddy.com/ 's 9$ domains =)
  18. Thanks a lot to everyone. I'm ordering my cd right now.It will take less to wait for the cd than to download it
  19. The only reason I can think of what happened to you, is that you requested your hosting when you barely had enough credits, and when you were trying to create maybe some time passed and in that time some of your posts were deleted becouse of spam or changed the credits awarded by them.
  20. hmm... I think it's a bug in your credit system or something like that.... or only to freak us out. Becouse after I posted this, I posted like 2 more messages, quite short, and checked the credits and they got up at about 1 credit.
  21. When you hear a game is good, or you want to buy a game, do you use a reviews website?I almost always check http://www.gamespot.com/ before I buy a game, even though they make some mistakes sometimes. Only 2 I have found: They rated Dungeon Siege expansion set and Postal 2 with somethink like 5/10. Huge mistake, since both games rox
  22. I'm going to play Dungeons and Dragons today From 4 pm to 10 am =)Damm... I love that game...
  23. It sounds great for what you (matt87) say, but... 250$?!?!?!?! I don't think so...
  24. Thanks! I have been looking for a great free MMORPG for a loooooooooooong while. I just hope it's as good as you say
  25. No problem If you need anything (including beta testing) just ask me.I'll post some more ideas if I have.And about multiple endings, I don't like much open ended games, but what you could do is.. don't know... maybe different campaigns for each race (even though that would take a looot of work). Or, you could make a huuuuge storyline and campaign in wich each character (race) would make an important role. Their paths could even cross sometimes to make it more fun.
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