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Everything posted by amkint

  1. anybody needs a gmail account.. PM me. will invite
  2. ahh... either u r in love or you wanna drink someone's blood. hey just kiddingi like the site design good work. maybe red isn't one of my fav. colours ;-)what more can i say.. i don't understand the site language so i can't comment on the content..but good work as far as i can see.
  3. my dear friend... this is not java... its javascript. These two things are totally different and not related to each other... lot of guys get confused between the two.
  4. good suggestion..but i think the Website review section is precisely for this...on a different note...hey i didn't know geocities was a community in the old days! too bad its no longer the free host it used to be..most of my friends consider it a place to find dirty stuff if you know what i mean.
  5. you've spoken out my thoughts tattoopunk.... i never said this out in any public forum though...(no offence meant to any american Xisto member)
  6. This javascript will show when the page was last modified. You can replace "This page was last updated on" with your own message.. <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function initArray() { this.length = initArray.arguments.length for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) this[i+1] = initArray.arguments[i] } var DOWArray = new initArray("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); var MOYArray = new initArray("January","February","March","April", "May","June","July","August","September", "October","November","December"); var LastModDate = new Date(document.lastModified); document.write("This page was last updated on "); document.write(DOWArray[(LastModDate.getDay()+1)],", "); document.write(MOYArray[(LastModDate.getMonth()+1)]," "); document.write(LastModDate.getDate(),", ",(LastModDate.getYear())); document.write(".");</SCRIPT> i have posted some javascripts in munim.liquidpulse.net check that too.
  7. its best to have a right balance between technology and normal life.. i used to have this problem some years ago.. stuck in front of the PC... then my parents advised me to go out and play some sport... now i am really into sport like cricket and football and tennis etc etc..whatever fun and excitement you get from playing computer games, you can NEVER really compare it to really playing some sport... for those who never tried, try goin to play football tomorrow afternoon for a change.. you will see the difference..i am serious try it out
  8. i think this topic was there somewhere else... search before you post.anyways i use macromedia dreamweaver mx, fireworks mx and flash mx. i am a big fan of all macromedia products.but hey.. i also use notepad very often :-)
  9. i use the mysql prompt or sometimes phpmyadmin. phpmyadmin is good.... easy and fast.
  10. AVG and panda are good... i don't mind paying for antivirus (i was using norton for nearly 5 years) but norton and all use too much of system resources and really reduces the time the pc takes to boot.. which is VERY irritating.
  11. sigh... microsoft and americans and capitalism... what can i say? (no political abuse in this forum)
  12. the website is crap..don't read it.and just tell me how google can manage by not deleting a single thing since day 1?? i am talking about email inboxes.. i can understand search engine database.. but hey emails??the website is made by some mad duck who is jealous of google.
  13. dreamweaver is easy... didn't take more than a week to master it.ofcourse i knew HTML and PHP very well before hand..lets see... it depends how big your site is and how much work it needs...and also how much time you can put into redesigning your site..maybe if you tell me all this i can tell you how much time it will take.can you tell ur website's URL?
  14. never buy domains from these sites...yahoo is providing domains for really cheap now as a special offer.. its much more reliable... godaddy and register.com and also big names and reliable.
  15. hahahha.. this ROCKS!! but hey.. that is some seriously cool php programming. ##edited later: you just gotta see this one.... http://www.meetme.com/ Ms Word: Write letterz n ****,yo. hahaha... i've fallen down and i can't get up
  16. yeah i think its possible on phpBB... i remember... you can make a forum topic public or only open to registered users.
  17. some counter... i tried to register and it always gives the same error.. email address not entered.. inspite of the fact that i entered it everytime... even the first.this thingy looks like some spam website.. just look at the website.
  18. ummm guys i had contacted the admin (Opaque)... they say you can't advertise on your website on Xisto.
  19. amkint

    Invision vs phpBB

    i like phpBB... nice and simple.
  20. i believe in islam cuz i was born a muslim and my parents thought me that....but now i believe it myself..its sad how the terrorists are portraying a very bad meaning for islam to the world though... makes me sad.
  21. believe it or not.. i don't use any spyware remover.. i am not lying.. i never had the need to use it.. my comp works fine since the first time i brought it.... never downloaded any freebies like toolbars or password managers or p2p softwares or visited any spyware site... so my comp is safe...i had adaware once but it was useless... nothing came from the scan.
  22. i like WinMX.. its small and sufficient... works fine no popups and all.
  23. yeah linux rocks.... but winXP isn't that bad either.. i use both of them about KDE and Gnome, i think KDE looks better.. Gnome looks a bit too simple for me.. but at functionality i guess they both are on par with each other..
  24. don't know...i have to work on wireless broadband from my cell phone as my college and hostel is some some corner of bangalore where gettin a phone line can be difficult!! but there are lots of cell towers around so no problem :-)
  25. good work...the body requires a bit of work.. make the baby a bit more fatter and chubby ;-)
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