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Everything posted by amkint

  1. nope... it would change its momentum... lemme explaini wanna know the position of a tennis ball (assume that i am blindfolded)..i throw another tennis ball to it and see when it gets reflected back so i can infer the position..but the 1st tennis ball will move and no longer remain in the same place!the problem is worse with electrons.. they have very light 9.1*10^31 kg mass so even the lightest particle (a photon) would disturb it.ummm... an electron is an elementry particle..it can't be compressed:-)
  2. i think Space Orangutan #2 is gettin confused with fusion and fission.. this new thingy described here is not the same as in nuclear reactors around the world and in chernobyl and three mile island. infact it is just the opposite (okay nearly opposite) nuclear reaction.when the enery produced is contained, there is no danger whatsoever...no nuclear hazard, no nuclear waste, no genetic disorder, no nothing!!its a totally different thing.and hey, wind power is just not enough for all our needs. solar power is okay.. but has drawbacks... not much power is produced.. most costly per unit power... only works at daytime.. better at sunny days and so on... the same applies for wind power... not consistenthence nuclear fusion is the energy source for the future
  3. okay maybe i am a web designer and a computer engineering student..but hey... i am a student of engineering physics.i was readin through the chapter on uncertainity principle in my physics book.ok... they say you can't make an observation without making any changes to the particle... even if u use a photon!ok.. but i had a thought.. check this out.. the deadly ray used for observation _____________> O <--- electronin this case, well obviously the electron undergoes cromton effect and the momentum changes... u got the position.. the momentum has changed!but i was thinkin.. suppose u shoot 2 photons from opposite directions... will they make any change to the electron?
  4. I just got my hosting account... and man..I AM IMPRESSED!!all those features (especially email features) are really cool.i never seen a free hosting site providing so much.you guys rock.. thanks a lot.. what more can i say?
  5. nice tips for beginners there...one more tip... use some software like macromedia fireworks and first create the basic layout of the whole page... don't add stuff like all the content and all.....then modify each part of the page and "slice" the whole image into the different parts..in the end, publish to html.. after that, insert the text and content using any html editor.there is one problem with my approach though.... if you want to modify the overall design and keep the content intact, you will have a hard time doin it.
  6. ws_ftp is what i use but i like cuteftp and smartftp.. but hey any ftp software is good enough.. its a small program anyways.
  7. "Oh, and not to hijack this topic, but has anyone seen that 1-terabyte email provider? O_o I think its name was hriders or something... does anyone know whether that's reliable or not? "yeah those guys stopped givin 1TB and are now giving 1 gb.... but the service hasn't improved... very slow, not reliable.. u never know when they reduce it to 500 mb next.by the way guys, i am a new user of gmail... how can i invite my friends to use gmail? where is the link? please reply...and i face one problem with gmail... works only on ie 5.5 upwards.... most cafes in bangalore still have ie5.
  8. okay maybe frames is not a very good idea... but iframes is a very useful tool for designers if implemented properly. it saves time on loading the whole page when you want to re load a small part of a page.Example:A form which contains a mulitple choice question on how good is my site is there on a corner of my main page... when someone clicks an option and clicks submit, only that part will show the results... no need to open new browser window or move from the main page.
  9. if you ask the best for designing, i would say IE simply because it supports all latest plugins and more importantly most of your website's visitors will be using IE.but just for browsing, i prefer firefoz.
  10. the best tool for html and php.. notepad.. yeah plain old notepad.okay maybe dreamweaver may help but i guess thats off topic as u guys are looking for something free.
  11. i am an experienced web designer... shoot your questions... will help.
  12. learn php dude....looks like u really need it badlytake my advice and go to phpfreaks.com now!
  13. i like msn.. google gives too much unwanted results.
  14. hey..let me tell you one thing... msn added my website to their list in one day... when i go to google and type amkint i don't get my website, in msn i get...what i mean is... msn search gives you more targetted and proper results...eg: if i had to buy a car and if i search buy toyota in google, i will all sorts of results... including some guy's blog who is thinking of buying a car. this is one of the major disadvantages of google. too much unwanted results.
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