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Posts posted by tattoopunk

  1. So I install Windows 2000 and everythig is running fine right. Well thats what I though untill I noticed that my Dvd Rom wouldn't read DVD's and that My DVD burner wouldnt burn. I went and downloaded the most recent drivers off of HP's website, but when I went to install them, I get this following error.Philips DVD8401 8x DVD+R/RW Drive Firmware UpdateYour system is not configured with this drive.It does not need to be updated.I havent even tried to update the DVD-ROM yet, I am planing on switching to Linux, and just need my burner to work so I can mount and burn my boot disk.Please help, this is an emergency!

  2. My buddy's on the mod team for reActionHalflife 2, if you know Action Halflife, Unreal etc, you know that Action Unreal will be there last production. Well my friends try to get the rights to the name, but were refused, now they came up with reAction HalfLife. It's an amazing mod form what I've seen, don't know what the release schedual is going to be, but it looks amazing!

  3. And guess what, I fixed the E-mail problem, now the only issue is with windows screwing up my burner so I cant make a boot disk! That is what I call irony. Fore some reason, I can't install the correct driver because windows says that the system is not configured with this drive? It was working fine, then I downgraded to windows 2000 and for some reason it thinks it is a Lite-On drive but its actually a Phillips?

  4. Amazing Idea, though the permadamage, don't know how well that would work if say, someone blew up the only weapons store in the city! Though if youve played mercinaries, they use a simular idea that works really well. Either way I'd play, though I usually wont pay to play online so I'm not 100% sure on that aspect. Good luck, and I be waiting for this game!

  5. what's more SHOCKING for you LINUX folks , that in the near future ( 5 years ahead ) 64-bit architecture will dominate .. and starting years ago , AMD & INTEL has been working closely with Microsoft and testing out Windows XP 64 bit beta ... as thier TEST POD for a 64 OS ...  it's not using Linux 64 or whatever it's called ..


    Um, linux has a 64bit system already, and it it is seriusly the best thing I have used in a long time!

  6. Microsoft has proved time and time again that they are stupid and make very bad statements and decisions. I don't have any idea why anyone would listen to them at all. They rarely make any kind of good sense. Everyone that knows MS exists should know by now that MS is full of bugs, bloat, and lies. MS is scared shitless of the ongoing support for linux and it shows. I think its funny. MS is untrustworthy and in a lot of cases they make inferior products.

    Also, I simply hate Microsoft because they represent everything that I am against. I havt big corporate empires, like Microsoft, Nike and Phillip Morris. They don't help us they just want our money. Linux is the way to go, i am currently in the process of experimenting with my to get it to run my schools e-mail server in linux (it post updates to everyone through confrences, so it doesn't all go to my mail box). The second I figure this all out, I'm ditching Windows 2000 for Linux.

    How bout some quotes to back this up?

    The idea that people know what they want is wrong. They need to be pulled through the Web. -- Laura Jennings, Vice President of the Microsoft Network

    I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see of it the more it looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel. I don't find anything technically interesting there. In my opinion MS is a lot better at making money than it is at making good operating systems.-- Linus Torvalds.

    When you say 'I wrote a program that crashed Windows', people just stare at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, for free'. -- Linus Torvalds.

    If you can't make it good, make it look good. -- Bill Gates.

    p.s check out this link ;) :Microsoft Is Evil

  7. The program can actually get quite anoying, I don't know what version, but the last one I used, if you just duplicate a layer, you can keep the exact same layout, you just can't rename it, so if thats not an issue, then just duplicate and hide (the eye or no eye in the layer browser) to keep everything lined up nicly. If you have any more questions dealing with photoshop, imageready or illistrater, let me know and I can help with pretymuch anything. Good luck, and have fun, its a simple program but its great fun to use and easy to pickup.

  8. new problem my forum crashed and now all i get is the following message...Database connection error!!!A connection to the Database could not be established.Please check your username, password, database name and host.Also make sure config.php is rightly configured!When connecting, the database returned:Error 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

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