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Posts posted by tattoopunk

  1. if i'm not mistaken, sects are just parts or diviations from larger faith structures. like the janes are sect of budhism and evangelicals, may god have mercy on their misdirected and spitefilled souls, are a sect of christianity.


    Its terminology has several different meanings, though the one most commonly associated with witchcraft is a group of witches what pratice thee magik together. In a sence a covenet and a sect are atleast to the onlooker the same thing. Since Pictish is a solitary worship and it's magik rituals focous on the individual to cast it is not really a religion of sects and covenats.


    Sect has in the media view become a group that is an offshoot srom a major belief system, like the branch davidians, though you could also call them a cult. It's an interesting thing, because all religions really started out as cults and just grew in size, which is why I find it funny when the Catholic Church condems cults and other minor religious groups as being radical or evil, I mean, they forget there roots and are very elitest about there place in the world of religions.

  2. Does being pictish explain the tatto/ink in your username and forums? Do you use that millenia old art as inspiration, perhaps? 

    And I guess if it's solitary then you don't have to worry if you're practicing 2000 year old ideas correctly...


    In a way yes, but I've always been interested in body modification. Its just a way to feel one with yourself and nature, though it is sometimes hard to pratice in a city like Boston, it is really the ideas and the healing, spiritual and physical, that are always applicable.

  3. Amazing game, need a good computer to play though, each person, even civilians, have there own skin and frame! I thought this game deserved much better than a 2 out of 5 it was more like a 3 or a 3.5 of 5. The story is amazing, great Idea, bonus for being so unique. If you get good at the game there is plenty of time to watch the more important stuff, you just cue when nessicary, don't constantly be active ore you'll arouse more suspission. As you gain support you are able to attack your enimies both politically and physically. Its like the sims but good. I definatly recomend it.

  4. Anyone else familiuar with Ghost in the Shell? But seriously, this is amazing, and a little scarry at the same time, were one step closes to becoming cybernetic beings. What about the principle that a machine will last longer than a human body? If theye were able to keep the brain alive wouldn't that make extending life to 200 or more years plasable? We have to also look at how the technology could be abused. It's a great idea, though has its complications.

  5. Just a good old athiest/pict, I don't believe that there is a god, though I believe in the ancient Scottish beliefs of the Pictish, that everthing in nature has a spirit. There was a creation, but not of much religious significanse, there are two dieties if that's what you would refer to them as. They are somewhat the mother and father, It is an interesting religion, praticed for the self. Though since it is mainly about witchcraft, most people would not even consider it to be a religion, more of a sect or covenet, though that is also incorect, it is a solitary pratice, so it is really none of the above.

  6. I just got the latest distro of Ubuntu linux, and it looks amazing, but I have a major problem. When I boot I get an error talking about my timer not functioning, so I have to boot in recovery mode to make it work. Once in recovery mode everything is painfuly slow and I'm wondering what I can do to repair this. I also am having trouble connecting to the net, I use a college LAN connection and can't quite figure out how to configure it. I haven't used Linux for a few years now so the simplest of terms would be appreciated. Thanks for the help guys!

  7. Where did you collect them from? How old (if you don't mind answering) are you? How long have you been collecting?Me, Used vinyl shops and my newer stuff comes from the original Newbury Comics. I'm only 18 and have been collecting for almost 10 months now, so lets say 1 year. I would have a much larger collection, but my parents lost there 200 album collection about 6 years ao when our basement flooded :P I'f only I had had an intrest in them back thev, but I was only 12 and thought CDs and Pokemon was all there was to life :P But they had some amazing albums, Beatles, Queen, Blondie, Cream, Yes, and Heart just to name a few.

  8. Love the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and I will admit, I finally broke down and bought an mp3 player, nothing much just a RCA that holds 8 hours of musig, about 240 meg. The quatity is on par with cd's not much difference, maby if I had good headphones I could tell the difference, i's just nice to have for when I'm out skating through Boston, because a cd player tends to skip or die too fast. I still will only play vinyl on my home sterio, but MP3's are nice for on the go, so I guess both have their own place in my life.As a side note, my collection is up to 63 vinyls and my goal is 150 by the end of summer and over 600 by graduation in 2008!

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