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Posts posted by tattoopunk

  1. #1 and #2 tent to swap places every now and then.1. Clockwork Orange2. Dr Strangelove... or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb3. Full Metal Jacket4. Pulp Fiction5. Jackie Brown6. Akira7. Leon: The Professional8. Reservoir Dogs9. Blood: The Last Vampire10. Metropolis, the old silent film though the anime is quite good also

  2. There are alot of mistakes people make when it comes to designing a webpage. First is over designing a page, you don't want too much information on a single page. This includes pictures as well as text. Noone wants to scroll through pages of text to get to the info they are looking for. The best thing to do is to create a different page for each topic. Pictures, try a thumbnail gallery with individual pages for each image, not a bunch of different sized large ones, it just looks unporfesional.As far as color is concerned, never use yellow (or other light) text on a light background. Also along the line of background selection, try and choose one that is not very busy. Text logo's are a terrible choice, they just don't look good for a background. A nice solid color or a high transparancy pattern can be nice (bonus if you darken the area around the main interface area as to give a nice 3d effect. Also, black tends to be overused, and I'd stray away from it unless it works really well.

  3. I just finished setting up my account and am now hosted, but i cannot login to cpanal or even access my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    This is the info I have, excluding the username and password.

    WWWAcct 9.2 Š 1997-2004 cPanel, Inc.

    Using Delegated Ips List!
    | New Account Info |
    | Domain: inkedinflesh.astahost.com
    | Ip: (n)
    | HasCgi: y
    | UserName:**************
    | PassWord: **************
    | CpanelMod: rvblue
    | HomeRoot: /home
    | Quota: 20 Meg
    | NameServer1: ns1.astahost.com
    | NameServer2: ns2.astahost.com
    | NameServer3:
    | NameServer4:
    | Contact Email:
    User inkedup added
    Changing password for inkedup
    Password for inkedup has been changed
    Removing Shell Access (n)
    Changing shell for inkedup.
    Shell changed.
    Copying skel files from /home/Xisto/cpanel3-skel/ to /home/inkedup/
    Using redhat 7.1/mdk 8.0
    Using new quota support
    (uid 329 20480 20480 ):
    Filesystem blocks soft hard inodes soft hard
    /dev/hda2 14532 20480 20480 3628 0 0
    Name Virtual Host already exists
    Added Entries to httpd.conf (noip)
    Bind reconfiguring on panda using rndc
    Bind reconfiguring on ns2 using rndc
    Bind reconfiguring on ns3 using rndc
    Added Named File
    Using Frontpage 5.x!

    Starting install, port: 80.

    Creating web http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
    Chowning Content in service /.
    Install completed.

    Starting chown, port: 80, web: "/".

    DocumentRoot: "/home/inkedup/public_html"
    Setting Password
    Frontpage passthough auth enabled!
    Restarting apache
    wwwacct creation finished

    Account Creation Complete!!!

    Ftp Password Files synced
    Vhost Passwords synced

  4. in a barter system, the workers still produce goods, mosy liky by their own means, in capitolism this would mean they were creating their own capitol, and thus have a commodidy to trade for food, or another product that they need, they decide what they get, they set their own standards, if you will we would be like the ancient aztec people, but with some more advanced technology. I think that this system would force people to use alternative power supplies, if the want electricity in their homes they would have to use wind and solar power. It gets a little difficult to see happening in a country like the US short of post-nuclear war, but possible in smaller cuntries.

  5. fair trade not free trade. we need to establist a system that supports the working class, not just in the United states, or whereever you may be, but world wide. we need to stop exploiting the cheap labor over seas. A company can take a job that would pay about $10 an houre in the US where as they could pay some one 25 cents an hour. They are exploiting this and not truly providing for their laborors. why not double ot tripple their wage? it is easy enough to afford, and it will help that countries economy.Personally i believe in the barter, or trade, system. It just seems to be the most benifitial to everyone involved, though this leaves little oportunity for vast wealth, somethin most people strive for.

  6. I am currently using dreamweaver mx. My site is going to be a forum/gallery focusing on tattoo art and history. I've made a few changes, mostly a little color, but am not so sure about my choice of colors. I know a bit of html, and am looking into PHP. As far as the color schem goes, I would like to use a lot of dark colors, like in tribal art, but also incorporate some eye catching color, like what is found in falsh art. I don't know if i like the orange and black, too halloweenesque, and black and red is soo over used, mabe black with some hot pink? I really want to make this the best site i can, and really appreciata any feedback I may get. Thanks for the help!

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