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Posts posted by tattoopunk

  1. I am looking at starting a forum and image gllery focused around tattoo art, piercings and their history. I am looking for some advice as to what software to look into using, what kind of forum to use (and where to find code for it), and also what kind of software to use to create an online gallery. Also I am looking into what kind of work to include on my site, ie. flash, tribal, b&W, etc. I'm not very proficent with coding, though it is something that i could learn, are there any good visually based programs, I am a pretty good graphic designer, so that would be preferable. I also have Flash MX and am learning to work with that, if you have any ideas for a catchy intro please include that. Any advice and helpful knowledge will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help people! Look forward to hearing back from you.

  2. Personally I think that religion was created for the masses to have hope and as a rationality behind certian laws. There are many arguments about which religion is the true religion, but look at it this way, what do you think of when you hear the word cult?Got that image in your head, good, now what do you think of when you think of your religious belief.Are these two drastically different images? They shouldn't be, for one simple reason, all religions started as a cult.If you are to say that cults are all based of of some insain idea of a 'false god' then what is to keep someone from saying the same about your religion.It does not seem to follow human nature to worship an idol, I think that religion is something to offer peace and hope for the masses, but religion is not for everyone.I hope that I didn't offend any of you by writing this, it is ofcorse my own personal belief, and thus you can disregard it as mindless dribble.In conclusion, just remember religion is no excuse for ignorance of others and is never to be a just cause for violence or hate.Thank You

  3. good movie if you havent seen any of the others. The inconsistancies between the other films and AVP are numerous. The queen was way bigger than any of the queens from the other film and the aliens tails were all extreemly long. Plus, the predator befriends a human? And if there was a survivor, why whas there no record of the events in the future? Someone would have believed her. Over all I though that this was a terrible film, not even worth the $5 to rent.

  4. I've found that 2000 is great if you want to run older software as well as all the latest stuff. I have a great selection of old games and apps, and wasn't able to run them with xp, but ran into no problems with 2000. Overall I like 2000 more, but it just a personal preference.

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