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Everything posted by cryptwizard

  1. Try Debian as it has a very large package base.
  2. I, personally, have learnt C first.To be honest, I have never learnt any programming language "properly" like in school or anything, only by online tutorials and other code.Here's my languages in the order I learnt them:C ---> C++ ---> PHP ---> JavaC++ is pratically the same as C, there's just the addition of more strict typing, a new comment type (which was added to C after C++ came (the // type)), OOP and built-in memory allocation functions (new and delete statements).
  3. <?phpini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 1);header('Content-Type: image/png');$im = @imagecreate(250, 13) or die('Cannot Initialize GD Image');imageantialias($im, TRUE);$back = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);imagefill($im, 0, 0, $back);$text = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);imagestring($im, 2, 0, 0, ''.$_REQUEST['s'], $text);imagecolortransparent($im, $back);imagepng($im);imagedestroy($im);?> Request it with something like: http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=asdasf&e=com If you are using Xisto, you can replace every occurance of png with gif as it is using PHP 4.3.9 which supports GIF. My ISP doesn't, so thats why it has PNG. A live demo is at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have chose to use the pixel-like font which is the best looking out of the built-in ones.
  4. I also play Dark Throne. It's not fully text based, it has a few graphics. I've been playing for a long time now. I'm a leader of an alliance called The Imperial Legions. Register and post at the following site for an invitation: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Actually, Debian's aptitude (tree view for apt-get packages) rocks.It contains almost every package you can imagine.After all, who would want to sit around for 10 years waiting for some optimised package to compile when you only save around a total of 1 second through all it's usage?Well, at least not me!
  6. I would also recommend photobucket.It has these advantages: - Can keep original file name instead of getting 3de42op3.jpg - Can organise pictures into folders - High maximum file size - No "branding" or ads, etc.
  7. I like to use shades of off-white blue, my eyes really like blue.Sometimes a a light gradient header strip won't hurt (like the one on this forum where it says Latest Shouts In The Shoutbox -- View The Xisto Shout!) Also,Adobe Photoshop- Excellent, but very expensive, program for the designing the graphics your site layout. Adobe Image Ready- Good for slicing the design you creating using photoshop and exporting it to be a xhtml compatible page with image slices. Same except it comes free (or should I say is included in the cost) of Adobe Photoshop
  8. Yes, if you can login but not transfer, and you are behind a Firewall/Router, you will most likely need to use passive mode (PASV).
  9. RAM Usage Compare 4 IE Windows to 4 FireFox tabs. Notice how FireFox is the leader when you make it a fair test? Starts Slow Check out the unofficial optimised builds for Windows from MOOX: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They run a heap faster than the official FireFox, which is alredy fast anyway. Using GetRight Activate Clipboard URL catching or whatever the name of that setting is in GetRight, then right click the download link in FireFox and click Copy Link Location. Now, you should get a GetRight Save As window after you click Copy Link Location. User Interface Explain how MSIEs interface is superior to FireFox. I'm actully really fond of FireFox's UI, especially the tabs. Hopefully, I got you's anti-{the worlds best browser (FireFox)} users to switch back to {the worlds best browser (FireFox)}.
  10. OK, I don't need the brand/mode/etc. here.Now, I'm not sure of what port/s POP3 run on, so I'll give you an example for SMTP.Enter the same thing for both Public and Private ports. (In the case of SMTP, 25).The port type is TCP in the case of SMTP, POP3 and HTTP (WWW) and usually is.For private IP, you'll have to enter the LAN IP address of the computer your running the daemons (servers) on.And, obviously, you check Enabled. ^_^Hope that helps.
  11. Precisely.If you want to hide your real IP address on the internet, use an high-anonmity proxy.However, note that will greatly reduce your speed.My DSL line is 512/128, but after passing through and local proxy, a speed test returned an speed of about 200kbps, whereas it normally returns 434kbps.
  12. To get a host name (something like xxx.70.233.220.exetel.com.au) run the IP address through gethostbyaddr($ip). Like jipman said the IP address is accessible through $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. To get their contury, there's an API here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/geoip/ I never used it myself, but I've seen it in use on mySQL.com and it works for me. It has APIs for a wide variety of languages. Hope that helps.
  13. I have approximately 10 invites, but I will only be giving 2 initially, as if you you more than 2 of your invites, GMail decided to take it's time with refilling your invited.Just reply here with your email address, and I'll send you an invite.
  14. Well, I'm half way there.25 more posts to go.Oh god I want that JSP...
  15. Anything but IE.It can't render pages correctly.Do an internet search for "box model" and I'm sure you'll find lots of debates relating to IE.I personally use Firefox becuase it's uncluttered to gives me a lot of page viewing area.
  16. All that means is that it changes the IP address on your LAN and not on the internet in case anyone gets confused.
  17. Then whats with: I should get JSP as well.
  18. I have joined this webhost as I saw on the front page that it supported JSP. However, I got this simple JSP script from a tutorial and it won't work. Can anyone tell me why? The Script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Try looking at http://www.invisionize.com/index.php They have lots of skins and mod(ification)s. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for there. Sorry, but I don't have time to look right now.
  20. Try PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) (preg_*), it's much faster. And, convert the email address to all lowercase first. <^[a-z]{1}[a-z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]+\.[a-z0-9\-\.]+$>
  21. I actually think Perl is quite slow and is very hard to learn as it has a strange syntax that is similar to no other scripting or programming languages.If you know and are familar with PHP, ASP, etc. I suggest you don't learn Perl as you'll find it very hard to catch on.That's what happened to me .
  22. I know quite a few that fit that quota: - FileZilla - CuteFTP - Konqueror - That GNOME browser (Nautalis I think...) - Good old GNU command line ftp (has the basic commands )
  23. Try InkScape: https://inkscape.org/en/ It's free and open source and has a few features beyond the basics. Hope you like it.
  24. Well, to me, it seems like this is very complex.I think you'll need to know something about interrupts.And, also learn how hardware signals are formatted.I would recommend that you look on the net for a tutorial about interrups in C++ before you start.I think interrupts are really complicated.The tutorial, I think, will be specific to a particular platform, so be careful.
  25. Now, eveybody already has GMail.Also, I think my invites aren't getting refilled.
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