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Everything posted by MajesticTreeFrog

  1. I agree that everyone interprets, I call them literalists because that is how they often refer to themselves.
  2. Actually, you don't have to patch your kernal at all. There is a program called "sleepless" I believe that will keep your powerbook from sleeping. However, its not suggested to do this, since the design assumes an open case for thermal dissipation. Which basically means running your powerbook with the lid closed will cause it to overheat if you do anything real with it.
  3. I have guild wars, and I love it. I love it because, as others have stated, its not REALLY an MMORPG. Its more like a co-op single player RPG. A really good, really long one. On top of that, it has fantastic PvP. Basically, the game is just really really different in style from other things. If you expect it to be "like other MMORPGs, but better" you are expecting the wrong thing. Its sorta MMO, its sorta standard RPG, its also sorta squad based real time tactical strategy game. The problems people usually have, and the reason they may not enjoy it as much as it can be (cause it can be damn fun), is that they expect it to be yet another MMORPG. It was developed to be the game for the people who hate MMORPGs, such as myself.Oh, and its free each month, that helps.
  4. Which one to use I think depends mainly on what your friends use. It is easy to link to other journals/blogs on the same service, but harder between services. You could also select based on features. One feature to look at is whether there are client programs for posting to the service, that may be easier than the web interface. I know Livejournal has such programs.
  5. I don't really care about IE 7. Really, RSS support, or any of the other things they promise either don't interest me, or seem like they are just playing catchup to other browsers.
  6. Perhaps, but unlikely. Most of the people who bother with the religion and philosophy forum here will answer, if not in a post at least in the survey. Besides, there isn't much to be gained or said from clicking a button next to a selection.
  7. Is it cheap to live in Thailand? I think I might like it there. Nice pretty women, nice pretty weather, Buddhist monks... I just wonder how cheap it would be to retire there....
  8. Whether or not the two views are compatible really depends on whether one is a biblical literalist or not. The literalist can't deal. Granted, as far as I am concerned, most biblical literalists are either shockingly ignorant, or rather insane. That view just doesn't sit well with just about anything we know about the world.
  9. This is why, as far as I am concerned, those writings don't qualify as anything more than "standard" advice. They are too easy to get wrong. The good stuff, what I consider "transcendent wisdom" is generally very robust against (large) misinterpretation, particularly BAD misinterpretation, that causes conflict and suffering.
  10. As more such problems are discovered, programmers will learn to be more and more security savvy. Open source has the best chances though. The people who are open source tend to care about security, and having their programs work. So, it will probably get fixed in FF in the not too distant future. IE may have to wait till version 7, whenever the hell that comes out.
  11. No, I have the best summer job ever, which is why I haven't been posting much. Being a game tester for Red Storm Entertainment (the tom clancy/splinter cell/ghost recon/rainbow 6 people). I would tell you all about it, but its covered by NDA :lol:Still the best summer job ever.
  12. Yeah, but the earthquakes hit california, which as any self respecting Neo-Con pastor would tell you, is a den of villany, pornography, and sin, so it is only natural that there would be quakes. LOL.
  13. Responding to the words of conservative pastors on television, I feel this strange break from the ideals of companssion and humility comes because of a change in the purpose of one single thing in the "christian mind". That thin, is Doubt. Doubt used to be part of faith. Finding doubt, and overcoming it, understanding a deeper truth behind the doubt, was part of the christian spiritual tradition. Now, doubt and the subsequent questioning is seen as an enemy of faith, not its brother. I personally think this goes back to the evolution debate, but it really doesn't matter where it came from. That it happened is sad.
  14. You know, it seems to me that why one believes what they do is usually more important than what one believes. The beliefs can change, but the why rarely does.
  15. I think windows is both bad and good. Froma technical standpoint, it has some serious issues. From a useability standpoint, its a hell of a lot better than linux currently is. This is primarily due to vendor support of devices for windows, but its still true for the end user. I think that windows has a more intuitive, well designed, and well placed section for configuration. That isn't to say its perfect, just that linux, so far, needs some major help when it comes to user friendly GUI config stuff. As for the comment about "knowing" how to use a computer..Why should you have to? When you build a tool, like a computer, you should build it to be used by humans. Having to learn to use a tool, especially if the learning curve is steep, is a design flaw in the tool. Granted, this is not to say that windows isn't horribly flawed, but most people are used to it, and its still easier to learn than a lot of linux.
  16. I like the look, as far as colors and general aesthetics go, but it has a few flaws. Some fonts render badly in firefox. The layout of the forums does indeed need some changes, but its no big deal for me. The hosting credits at the top is also wise.
  17. I don't say whether its a good or bad thing because it really isn't either. While it may appear to be bad long term, by a lack of responding to the environment, it isn't actually for the same reason the genetic changes have stopped. Modern medical tech continues to improve, and is just now hitting the area of gene therapy and manipulation, in order to solve the problem of genetic diseases. So, right now, the weak live when they would previously die. In the future, it is looking more and more like there will be no more of the weak. The potential downsides to that are: Cosmetic gene manipulation, which I wouldn't mind provided it stayed small scale, because looking good causes others to treat you better, and be nicer to you (basically, looking good has health benefits), and species weakness created by engineering a lack of individual differences. Such a lack opens up the potential for super-diseases because they don't have to adapt to each, individual, host anymore, and can simply be perfecty for a single (or close to single), genetic makeup. The two issues are actually very related. They can be solved with the same type of regulation: limits on acceptable alterations to genetics. Solve nasty disease: fine, Strengthen bones and natural immune system: fine. Most anything else: off limits. The other thing I fear is that we will look to medical tech to solve all of our problems instead of doing things like exerciseing or other more 'natural' and holistic remedies.Responding to your other comment, you are right: One species of extremisim breeds another. The level of anger in this country right now amazes me. With so much hostility, and with it mounting, we all need to take a chill pill.
  18. @MitchellmckainActually, I don't know if it was how I wrote the article, but much of your commentary was actually what I was trying to get across. Your comment about why fighting keeps happening in the face of so much commonality was part of what I was attempting to address. The answer being that views that are extreme or exclusive (ONLY our god, and our view of god, is correct), are the core. These views but artificial and arbitrary divides between people.
  19. Well, evolution, the process will not stop, but one of its effects: genetic drift, may. With a large enough population and a stable enough environment, this slows down a lot. Realize that the only genes taken out of the pool these days are those that lead to immediate death. Genes don't care so much if you die after making a couple babies. So, diseases that affect only the old are not getting weeded out. In fact, with modern medical tech, even diseases that would normally kill the young are not taken out, so that is gone as well.
  20. I have a blog. I have a weird work schedule, so it helps to keep in touch with friends and such. My girlfriend is also away, so she can read it to help keep in touch as well. If you are thinking of making your own blog, its often best to use the service of friends, because that usually makes linking them easier. Otherwise, choose something like blogger, because of the features. Or, the best is to use something like wordpress and run your own blog on your own site....like your Xisto space.
  21. Power PC yo. Even microsoft plans to use it, in the Xbox 2.PPC uber alles.
  22. Well, what I don't get is why people need to know. Whatever the point is, it wouldn't change anything from what already exists. Conversely, the point, if there is one, must be contained in the things that exist already. I should note I use the concepts of "things" and "existence" rather loosely here.
  23. Well, if you read my article (I admit its long), I go over what should count as a misinterpretation, or, more precisely, what specific types of misinterpretations and viewpoints should be guarded against (the extremist ones).
  24. You could also use gmail. You have to use a gmail account, but thats hardly a bad thing. I use applemail. I have used thunderbird and a few others on the list, but Applemail is easily my favorite.
  25. I just use itunes. Not the store, but the netcast. It works well. Then, if I like stuff, I see if I can find it on allofmp3.com
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