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  1. MSN because they have a monopoly which they abuse and force their product onto all our computers
  2. I really really havn't understood any of that. I'm managing fine to send files through USB but I can't figure out how to get my 802.11b/g wireless LAN to send files. I'd have thought it would be much quicker since it's like 100mb/s or something.
  3. Noooooo too late ;)In any case I'm still using verison 7 because it's never caused me any problems. I still think Opera is truly one of the most underrated and complete browsers which is unrivalled in user-friendliness
  4. I thought they already did this since many years ago.I used to use a cracked version I got in China and that would never let me download any updates but I recently 'borrowed' a copy from work and that lets me download updates without problems.
  5. I'm having problems trying to send files between computers on WiFi.I know you're supposed to locate the computer in the network connections, but when I press 'View Network Computers' I always get nothing.I need to send some big files to my desktop so I can burn them onto DVD. Does anyone know how I can do this?
  6. I can tell you for sure that there will not be a $40 iPod in any country in the world. Contary to popular belief, actually electronic products are more expensive to buy in China than in most countries in the world, and this is because the government don't want people communicating as much and there are very high taxes especially on electronics.A typical CD player will cost about twice as much in China than here in United Kingdom.
  7. Oh my ISP is just a pain..... I's quite infamous now about what 'Ticsali' are doing with their customers in United Kingdom, it's disgraceful. They are pretty much the only major ADSL ISP in the United Kingdom which DOESN'T GET SUPPORT BLOODY OUTBOUND MIGRATION. That is in fact illegal here in my country, but the authorities are arguing over whose responsibility it is to deal with them, and in the mean time nothing happens and they continue to 'not bother' or 'forgetting' or 'delaying' outbound migration services. It's so bad that in fact there has been a hate website set up called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is a speakeasy for outraged Tiscali customers (like myself) to just hate them. I'm getting 512kbps broadband, at a whopping price of ÂŁ24.99, becuase apparantly my line has problems and it's more expensive. Yeah righ, BT have told me I can get 2mbps. In any case I hate my ISP but theres no way out because they don't support outbound migration. Or so thats what they say...
  8. I think they are fine for video quality if you have a decent enough digital camera, but the main problem in my opinion is the quality of the audio. Usually it will be through a poor quality receptor and as has already been stated, the files save in MOV which is not as useful as AVI or MPG.
  9. I don't see how the T7 looks any better than T5 to be honest, except it is brushed steel look as opposed to the black look that the T5 has. In fact, I think the T5 looks more stylish and friendly to look at.I never run out of batteries on my camera because I don't like using liveview and I always switch it off when I'm not using it. I'd get whichever is cheaper, which I guess is T5.
  10. I really don't get what the big deal is with RSS and Microsoft's complete effort in pushing it as a major feature in Internet Explorer 7. I really highly doubt many people will be interesed in it, and even those that are will already have their own way of accessing it without using bloody IE7
  11. I have recently been trying to cut down on the amount of P2P that I'm using simply because I know that in the United Kingdom they have begun sueing people for downloading music, which is quite worrying since I have downloaded more than my fair share.At the moment I'm using eMule a bit (since they only seem to be suing Kazaa and Grokster) and also from time to time a Bittorrent if I really badly want it.In any case when they start sueing everying (it's bound to happen, they lose hundreds of millions of dollars a year) we're all screwed.
  12. I think what they did was that one of them was of their own creation but they decided to buy out another company, that they thought would be a successful part of their own but it ended up being craptacular and Tripod being much better.
  13. The ads are awful with Opera. My domains are hosted with Lycos (I get the barebones domain only package becuase I don't like their webhosting). Iknow lots of people that host large files on Lycos becuase they can have instant registration and unlimited bandwidth, but they have a close screening system and they send you a warning nearly immedaitely if you upload a large file and they shut down accounts very frequently.
  14. There are lots of free redirection domains that you can get for free on the internet. My favourite is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ becuase it looks the most professional, as opposed to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but apart from uni.cc most of them won't give you advanced DNS options for you to have full domain control. With a redirection domain you get the choice of having your domain masked or have a redirect. If you get the masking one it's much slower to load becuase what it does is create a frame for the actual address to load into, which is much slower to load. Domains are not expensive these days. If you shop around you can get a domain for around $7 which is not expensive at all, especially considering the money you're saving from getting free hosting from Xisto.
  15. One of the best things about Simple Machines Forums is that they have a very good support team. If you posted exactly your problem, their admin would sort you out on in a few minues. The SMF admin panel is easily better than the IPB one, it's all categorised and once you've gotten around it it's so much more versatile and especially the way modifications work.
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