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Everything posted by spacewaste1405241471

  1. indeed browser wars are healthy and what did you say about discontinuing explorer i didn't here about that damnit.... now i think I might go back to mozilla like on my linux os sighs and just when I started liking microsoft they go and kick me when my back is turned
  2. hmmmm.....try adding more virtual memory in the control panel or someplace in advanced configuration depending on what os you got...Xp is the easiest to configure when it comes to that
  3. I'd have to say my favorite distro of linux is by topologilinux or something like that its really simple to use and I love it lol but it doesn't work on my new computer.....only on my old one for some odd reason...And if you do download it I say you take the version right before there newest cuz thats hte one I liked most, but it's your choice
  4. what is your linux provider...more details n what not and for your nat settings alamo nat is just something for firewall settings if you wanted to share your conneciton u'd need a long as cord or you the phone line kinda thing....I suggest buy to reallly big satalite dishes and use a wireless connection...but you'd need tons of cash for that...try to get your town to pay for it you could provide them all internet
  5. lol yeah.....you should go with frame on this setting and for your first post leon umm..... learn a lil more english we are on a english website after all
  6. yeah you're right, but I when I say remove spyware at your own risk I assume that you know what you're doing and have a good idea of what programs make you keep the spyware and what programs "alow" you to remove it without corrupting your files like I said before...Kazaa lite allows it...Kazaa doesn'tn btw your signature picture isn't displaying n e more
  7. lmao i think they might have one that fast someplace in china.....that is pretty insane but you prob could have it done.....but the box would have 2 be so big 2 fit a cooling system and enough fans to actualy support it:P
  8. yesh phps great...but it doens't support any good free streaming chat programs so i suggest java aswell
  9. Ahhh touche...You got a point there maybe microsft should give a little more support instead of continuously coming out with sp's and os's...
  10. OH i understand you now lol u were trying to say avant is a good skin that makes using IE a lot simplier and a lot faster lol sorrry for the misunderstanding
  11. BLAH iE is not a spawn from hell its a loveable internet program that can be used by any skill level
  12. Look for a java or a ccs I prefer java but ccs is much more udnerstandable and easier to work with but meh its up to you
  13. I'm gunna have to go with php and jsp the to best But I can only vote for php in the polls
  14. BLAH tot he quote above spy ware being removed from a program wonj't always corrupt the uninstall mechanisme for exmaple...Kazaa lite...you can remove the spyware and still have the program uninstall but kazaa ont he other hand won't allow the program to work anymore if you remove the spyware unless you have extensive knowledge of the prgram and you rewrite some of its lines....I say remove the spyware at your own risk...or you could always buy the program legally and not worry about spyware all together
  15. All my sql is is a storage based system for logging files user name files etc for most php scripts and other scripts I hope one day a scripts do not need mysql but for now they do so I say find yourself a good account and go crazy
  16. I say stick with Ie its a very amazing browser and for me isn't even slow unless I have the security settings way to high up.....a down side is java default settings and built in java problems(N) The web broser I like most is one of the oens built in to linux...But look for yourself linux isn't for everyone
  17. All g-mail fs does is use g-mails security loops to use g-mail for storage instead of e-mailing
  18. Hi as I am becoming a active member I'm answerings as many forums as I can but I was just wondering why you require 50 posts to get a free website
  19. I suggest flash mx at http://www.adobe.com/ its simple and easy...For help on using flash just post a reply and I'll get back to you
  20. Css files are perfect for creating websites faster and more precise...You only need one ccs file for basic websites and with it you can just specify what you want your website to look like instead of making page after page after page...It's perfect for the lazy webmaster
  21. .htaccess files are used to password protect websites, redirect websites, use for custome error pages and so forthinfo off memory there could be mroe stuff usefull with htaccess
  22. if you ever want to install a very simple and easy to use forum onto your website I suggest you download one from https://www.phpbb.com/ it's the leading software for forums in my opinion....I have plenty of other php scripts for example a chat program just reply for more links
  23. just upload the backed up system into your cpanal...I don't suggest using back up though because it doesn't back up everything and when you upload it and u've made new changes it doesn't delete those etheir...I suggest backing it up using ftpjust download your files and if you ever fluck something up delete everything and upload what you downloaded with ftp
  24. just hold control if you wanna temporarily turn off the pop up blocker
  25. if you install sp2 into a computer with less then system requirements you could suffer...but you won't if you know how to configure it...I suggest buying more ram...or once you install it turn off the advanced virus protection settings...it really eats up proccessess
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