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Everything posted by lhunath

  1. Depends what you call punk rock, alternative rock: Tool, A perfect circle, Adema, Anathema, ...
  2. Thank you finally somebody who agrees with me. Even though I doubt he wrote it. I'm sure he copy pasted it from somewhere... *sigh*
  3. Opera:All that, but a little bit more.Then again, it may be faster, but it's a bit more bloated, you have alot more you can do. It's alot more professional whereas Firefox = simplistic.
  4. You don't understand qwijibow. He said that he had that as well, but only after it having switched to static, it didn't switch back.qwijibow, you should've gone Network Connections, rightclicked your connection, gone to properties, clicked Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Properties, and there selected to have the ip & dns settings been detected automatically. You're right, it doesn't mention DHCP unless if you press Alternate or Advanced config or something.
  5. pedro, he solved the problem already, if you have a better solution, paste it, but say why you think it's worth still mentioning it now.
  6. Things I see as bad:The flash thing screws your layout up.The yellow doesn't match your colour scheme which is quite good.Replace the logo.
  7. Yeah, Dreamweaver is ok. But the saying doesn't work, I wasn't saying anything else than that. :)Because most often, all open source is better than non-open source.
  8. musichere, I only concluded my "insults" from your sentences in a logical way. Meaning, the virusses are there because alot of people are there to make them. If that's the reason the virusses are there, then if all those people moved to Linux, the same reason would apply, and there would still be as many virusses, for Linux, now. Meaning Was that wrongly interpreted? Is there a huge flaw in my logic, then please do point me to it. I'm sorry if I sounded to harsh or rude. I didn't mean to. I was wrongly uttering a general irritation towards clueless users at you. My appologies for that. Nevertheless, my arguementation still stands. That's not true I would love a chance to argue with you, as long as you have some decent knowledge on the subject and an argumentation worthy of discussion. I'm wrong more than Bush W. Junior himself; and would love you to tell me so when I am. I'm just a member here, I won't use my permissions unjust :)And about the making people disappear, I just wanted to prove a trick. I swear I was gonna magick him back.
  9. Another one of those people that never heard about the mysterious beast called Open Source.
  10. You'll need to change quite a bit about your layout. First thing you'll need to do, is change all the content pages you have (the ones the navigation links to). You'll need to remove all tags except for those inside the <body>. For example if one of them was: <html> <head> <meta bla> <title> blup </title> </head> <body> <p>and other stuff</p> <table> <tr><td>tableness</td></tr> </table> </body> </html> then you have to finally only keep: <p>and other stuff</p> <table> <tr><td>tableness</td></tr> </table> (btw, do this for your nav page as well) Then, you make one new index page, which will later include your navigation & content pages : <your doctype> <html> <your head> </your head> <body> [your design] </body> </html> You can do the design in several ways. The goal is to put your nav & content pages in the design so that it shows them neatly next to each other. You could with tables, but that's being a noob. I'll write it here, though, since the alternative is CSS and is a little too advanced for me to explain here. [example design] <table style="width: 100%;"><tr> <td style="width: 20%;"><?php include "nav.html"; ?></td> <td><?php include "welcome.html"; ?></td> </tr></table>
  11. You do live in america. =PUruguay to be more specific.
  12. That's where you've got it wrong. You have got to let go of the idea that things are final. You'll need some abstract thinking for this, becaus in everyday life we don't witness infinity. But in space, the only one thing that can be infinite in distance, is emptyness, because that way there is no breach of laws of nature, and that way there is a finite amount of energy & matter.Now, you have to imagine, space. Nothing in it, no light, no heat, no energy, no objects, no matter, nothing. Wherever you go. And because this is all empty, it's infinite in it's three dimentions. Because after a certain point, there will always be another point. Imagine it in coordinates. They have no limit at how far they can go, they just keep on getting bigger and bigger the further you fly, but just like numbers, they are infinite in length. In that nothingness, on a specific point, there is some matter. That matter exploded out of a singularity, meaning it's moving away from each other, because of the kinetic energy spun forward by the explosion. Light, heat, rays, whatever, it all flies in all directions. Filling emptyness. However, filling is such an odd word, because something infinite in depth cannot be filled. Energy and matter would be spreading forever, if there are no other forces active causing the accelleration to at a certain point drop below 0, but anyway; the point is, there are no limits to distance. Just like there are no limits to how far you can count. And, pedro, please don't double post, I don't want to hit your warning meter again.
  13. yugioh meant, you should use PHP instead of frames. What you do now is making 2 pages with content, a navigation page and a content page, and you put those next to each other with a frameset page. If you use include, you have 1 page, that brings the 2 pages together. <?php include [url-to-page]; ?>is how it works, and it actually takes the content of the page at the url you specified, and inserts it into the current page, on the position where you have your include : page 1.html blalblalblalbla page 2.html muhahaha page 3.php pompom <?php include "1.html" ?> pom <?php include "2.html" ?> pompidom If you show 3.php in a web browser, you'll see : pompomblalblalblalblapommuhahahapompidom ---- What I meant was, you need to make it so that it doesn't appear as though there are rectangular things there. You have to make it so that every single object you see flows nicely into the object next to it; that doesn't have to be literal, but decent colours you can do alot.Some examples: http://browsehappy.com/ my pages: http://lhunath.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (buggy ;/) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (under high construction)
  14. You mean OO foundations and such. Standardised development sollutions like Singulars etc? That's very interesting. I'm studying Java at the moment and I'd love to learn more about it. I've got a course concearning this. We'll be learning XP soon and many more.Please do explain how XP works, as I would love to hear as many angles towards it as possible
  15. lhunath

    About Php

    wtf?Care to explain a bit better..? ;O Edit:/ I read it again a few times and if you're meaning that you want to print the content of the txt files, you could use include, or just read the content of the file into a variable. http://be2.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php or http://be2.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php Good luck
  16. Wow pedro, either you've suddenly upped your grammar and spelling skills and gained an increadible amount of intelligence,or you copy pasted that.
  17. Christ pedro, make your own thread, don't put this stuff as a reply to another.
  18. Actually, practically every program asks that, any that changes something about the startup settings. And every driver install asks it. Don't talk crap when you know that you are. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just google for it, you'll see that all experts say you should defrag at least once every month... You can get along without doing it, sure, but then again, you also noticed how your drive gets slower. And if you haven't noticed, then you're denying the indenyable. This is physics, nothing to do with your opinion, or your pc, or whatever. What kind of a stupid arguement is this? You've just proven that Linux is better. Safe = No virusses at all. Linux. Sorry = Thousands of virusses and try to protect you with expensive anti virus software. If you try and defend something, at least think a little about your arguementation... These tools will make your pc corrupt. If you still can't be convinced, read on from here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/79798-topic/?findpost= You're one of those people that just doesn't want to be proven wrong and goes for the one thing we can't prove you wrong with, because it's a scenario that doesn't even exist. Right, what you say is there will be as many virusses for linux as there are for windows now, should everybody use linux. Proving things with something you don't and can't know, very thoughtful. But nevertheless, not enough. Are you trying to deny the fact that Linux is far more secure than Windows? Are you saying that windows and Linux have the same security issues? Then I advice you to do some research first before you start ranting. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://parked.olo.com/Jees.... you have got to be joking..... There is a limited amount in games in Windows as well, I think... Solitaire, Minelayer, and a few more; if you're lucky, you have about 10. In Linux, depending on the distro you use, you have a few thousand. If you didn't know that, then I can only say one thing to you: "Get a clue."Your favorite applications aren't compatible? What bull? Your favorite applications were written for Windows. They do not run in other OSes. In a way, since you're a windows user, that does make sense..... Somehow. Think about it. Have you given all Linux replacements for them an equal chance? For example, if you learned Photoshop, it probably took you a year or maybe 2 to know as much as you know now, and do all the stuff you can do now. Have you spent that same amount (whatever it is..) with the Gimp? If not then you have no right at all to say what you stated. I recon you haven't even tried OpenOffice yet...... Before you try ranting, get a clue.
  19. It's actually very easy and simplistic. Just takes a bit more to figure things because it's low level.
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [] Xisto.com [] Your nameservers haven't broadcasted, which means, you will need to wait before you can access your website. The IP of your web domain still points to the wrong server (not Xisto). Normally you need to wait 48 hours after applying it. If you need the site to be able to upload things, you can make a little change so that you can access it yourself already, but remember that other people still won't be able to get there! Ok, this is what you do : Either you change your hosts file. Open notepad and open this file: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts (or replace whatever the dirs with what they are with you..) and add this entry to the file: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; My Temporary DNS Solution Or, what you can do as well is the following : Go to your network settings, I'll presume you have windows: Control Panel => Network Connections => Rightclick on your network connection => Properties => Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) => Properties => Use the following DNS server addresses : => add (which is ns1.astahost.com). All done. If after the second thing, you experience problems surfing the net, set it back to what it was. I don't know whether it's a good idea to use Xisto's NSes for DNS, but it should help you now. Remember! This will only fix things for your pc alone.
  21. Sadly, by doing that, you're bringing webpages onto the web which are full of mistakes; and which are just plain ugly. Degradation of the web, especially because it's so popular. It should just be found illegal to use it.
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