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Everything posted by lhunath

  1. lhunath


    make a robots.txt in your root dir, write this in it: User-agent: *Disallow: /path/to/tutorialsAnd keep the first page of your tutorials out of that directory, or add this to every page you don't want to have included : <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
  2. wannabeeaweak, the code you provided is a nightmare. Anybody who read this and considdered using this code, DON'T First of all, making a form is as easy as slicing pie. <form> and </form> All done. Then adding elements to that form is just as easy. Something where you want to type text in one line? <input type="text" /> All done. What did you say? A list where you can select things? Sure, why not? <select> <option> You can select this </option> <option> Or select this </option> <option selected="selected"> But this will be selected by default </option> </select> And I know, you want a button to submit all the results as well, <input type="submit" /> Or if you rather have a custom text on the button: <input type="submit" value="Click here to submit the stuff ;)" /> All those of your choice inbetween the <form> and </form> tags, and you're all done. Here's an example including all of them (I included <br /> to go to a new line as well): <form action="the_results_go_to_this_file.html"> Your name:<br /> <input type="text" /><br /> Your gender:<br /> <select> <option> Male </option> <option> Female </option> </select><br /> <input type="submit" /> </form> Now, wannabeeaweak, as for what you said: First of all, your code is flawed. Badly. You open loads of tags which you never close. The option tag, for example. Secondly, you include evil javascript, with alerts etc. Horrible. Thirdly, not only is your code riddled with errors, it's also messy and unreadable, it doesn't follow any standards, you use upercase tags where they should be lowercase, you don't use quotes around attributes, you don't close your tags, and whatevermore. Don't try and help people that don't know how to make forms by means of this .. ..... incorrect code.
  3. Very interesting indeed, r3d, I'll read through it once I have some time
  4. FrontPage is evil. Please, please stop using it. Forever. It makes HTML that is illegal. It screws up your site, and it makes the most ugly sites ever. Dreamweaver is good, use that.
  5. Honesty first, so Current impresion: Good navigation, easy and straightforward. Horrible layout. Far too many animating gifs etc. Terrible colour contrasts. Suggestions: Make everything flow over into each other more. Break the rectangular block views of the site. Remove all and any sort of animation, that includes the marquee (which is an illegal element of HTML, btw) Keep the navigation but frame it a little into something nice. Make the colours match better.
  6. I suggest you stop suggesting frontpage before I .. *swallow* I study applied informatics, but the best way to learn things, is learning them on yourself. Google to find tutorials & howto's, experiment, and make as many mistakes as you can.
  7. :)Yeay. Unfortunatelly, since my pc is a mysterious assemblage of unexplicable errors, Linux won't run on it properly, so I'm under Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. Using VMWare to get into Gentoo, though.
  8. That's where things go wrong, avalon, because alot of those kinds of scripts work in IE, for example, but fail in Opera or Mozilla / Firefox / ... This is where you should be using CSS rather than JavaScript anyway. CSS alows for far more dynamic adjustments. Keeps things clean & easy & simple, whereas, if you look a JavaScript code..... it's all but clean, easy or simple. Not compared to CSS anyway. IE does have alot of difficulities with CSS, but I'd rather use a http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/intro/ '>compliancy patch for IE (IE7) to fix IE, rather than JavaScript scripts to do that.
  9. PuTTy is an SSH client for windows, it comes with SFTP, SCP, Telnet clients as well, but I don't think it allows for things like these :/ sadly.
  10. I don't understand what you mean with "in order of preferrence sequence", what exactly do you want other from the default polls?
  11. Rightclick the page, Go to Reload every => pick the reload interval (probably the turn interval)
  12. Because Metal generally belongs to Alternative :)Btw, Hardcore is not a metal-kind of music, it's crappy techno beat **** ;pBlutEngel, Lacrimosa, Diary of Dreams all the way
  13. Not really, we're assisting you and telling you off for where you're ignoring the rules. We're even helping you, but you seem to misunderstand, or think we're attacking you.
  14. Removed them a few days ago Like the mplayer Ascii Art module? Sounds great
  15. I don't think that's possible. If you connect to a proxy, you do a HTTP/... request, and the proxy resolves it, and replies to you with the result. The proxy decides what path it follows to obtain the information, not you. Therefore, you only say what -for example- webpage you want to fetch, and the proxy fetches it.
  16. Actually.... that's a great thing.Because if it has to reload each time you press back, you'll have to wait at least about 5 seconds for the page to load & render. Opera is FAST. Opera, is SMOOTH, if you do this, you'll **** it up. This system allows you to very quickly go through alot of pages, in a blink of an eye, because they're all still cached in memory. OpenDOS & DrDOS are still under development, they're alternatives for MSDOS and are still used. This opinion of yours only just demonstrates your shortmindedness. Alot of companies, for example, still work with DOS software, because they haven't the budget to upgrade their systems & re-train their people. Secondly, DOS is still a marvelous OS, and I personally use it to be able to play old games etc. A web browser for DOS is a great thing. I'm reconning you'll think anything that works with letters only in a black background screen is old and stupid? Linux console is the most powerful User Interface. GUI only ever slowed things down.
  17. palestranger, about google being the best, I wouldn't be too sure. There are loads of other systems out there, which provide great results as well. Have you ever heard of Cluster Search Engines, for example? They work quite context based, they're a great alternative.Btw, it's not right for any company to dominate, because they may now be good, but you can impossibly say that they'll stay this way or even improve in the future. On the contrary, experience showed us that dominating companies only fell for advertising, marketting, and surrendered quality. Since everybody comes to them anyway, whether they have quality or not. They don't know any better. Perfect example is Microsoft.
  18. There are too many routers in the world that support the net. It can't be taken down. It can only be ripped apart etc.And I'm not at all pro war, I'm realistic, I wasn't expressing my opinion.But alas, we're all human, and we need to kill to feel good, therefore, war is our doom.
  19. Keeping the noobs & money wolves away from a beautiful OS
  20. phpbb2.com This domain is for sale! More details... Bulletin boards - we recommend these sponsored links:*frowns*
  21. Very nice, but appearantly these algorythms only work for one specific variable, and they don't allow storage & retreaval of data in memory?Hmm.. or they do but youave to manually control the pointer and move it around.. Sound pretty tough, even ASM is easier =P
  22. And hope that the PHP function "mail()" hasn't been disabled for security reasons
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