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Everything posted by marijnnn

  1. aight.ps3 won't be out until 2006, so let's talk about ps2 instead.xbox ownz ps2 when talking about power. but this is no more than normal as ps2 had been out for quite some time when ms released their xbox. ps3 will own xbox and xbox2 will own ps3. but when we're talking about the looks, xbox truly sucks. ps2 is great.games: a lot more games for ps2. yep yepso i think ps2 is the best choice. unless you can wait another year and buy ps3
  2. when are people gonna learn that html can hardly be called "source code". i wouldn't even spend a minute of time trying to protect the code.
  3. hey euh, halo 1 came out for pc ages ago :Pi guess halo 2 will come out too. no prob.
  4. i agree, but i'm sure we'll see some real great games based on the d3 engine. D3 the game itself is a little to dark for my opinion.
  5. hm, i think he's talking about this hostwell, you can. with any ftp programif your domain is yourname.astahost.com, then so is your ftp server -name.
  6. not being meant for the general public doesn't mean it sucks. i dig it. tabbed browsing is great, ie could learn something from that. mozilla & opera have had it for ages and still ie doesn't have itmaybe it's not meant for noobs. but it rules once you know how to work with a computer.even my mom uses it. i gave it an IE theme and she's not having any problems with it.
  7. isn't that video like... really old. i remember tom's hadware doing a thing like that a year ago or so. amd got it fixed as far as i know.as for best option? right now i'd go for the amd 64 as it has the best durability expectations. but the new intel machines, are pretty good too at lower clockspeeds... don't know what to think.
  8. well, he can't be sitting behind his computer all the time responding to messages now can he?if you post some decent messages, things that don't seem like the kind of messages you post when you just have to post 10 messages to get something so you'll post just anything, then you'll get your hosting allright.and you'll be satisfied :Pso just hang on a little, ask things you really need to know and give your opinion about some subjects.
  9. just a couple of things1) don't put single quotes around your variables. they will not be seen as variables but as actual strings2) don't just put posted data right in to your db. if they post quotes in the fields, it'll **** up everything. what you want to do is this:insert into ... (...)values (addslashes($...),addslashes(...)and when writing out the data from db, go: print(stripslashes($var));hope that helpsif not, post the mysql errors please
  10. you french kids should learn english. if every person here would want a section in his own language, that would give us 45 sections, each packed with about 2 users each.and by the way: the rules say that you need 10 G00D, LONG, DECENT & INTERESTING posts to get hosting, not 10 copy pastes from other sites & things like this post.
  11. well, go like this:think about what needs to be stored in your database. think about good names for the tables, for example: users, and the fields (ie: username, id, password, rights, emailadress,...)then you make that table with phpmyadmin, which can be found in your c-panel and is quite easy.accessing and modifying data can be done with the php functions that start with mysql_, just go to php.net and search for mysql. you'll find all the info & examples you'll needoff course, you have to know sql. because the php function mysql_query will only do what it's instructed to do by the given sql queryfor example: select * from users where username="bigyan"will give you an mysql_result object with all the info of that user.then you have to fetch that info, but the howto of that can be found on php.netso what you'll need is:-phpmyadmin-http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ a short sql tutorial. all you need to know is: insert, update and select.
  12. as far as i know you can put anything on your site, as long as it's not copyrighted by someone else and you do not have the right to spread it. for example: mp3 songs from metalica , full programs like ms office or so,...but as it's for your own pictures & stuff, it seems ok to me.but! take in mind that you have only limited storage & bandwith.if you put a 100mb video on your webspace and 20 people watch it within 1 month, you're ****ed, as 100 *20 = 2000mb = max bandwidth /monthbut without thinking about the concequences and just answering your question: yes, you can do that.
  13. i went through 1 and found it rather boring at times and great at other times :Pit was too long: the part where you have to follow this flying robot that opens about 12 gates for you was way too long. it was really boring.i'm wondering what's the story with halo2. didn't the ring get destroyed? :s
  14. wel, in belgium, they say the max cable speed to be around 6.6mbpsdsl should be able to get speeds up to 8mbps, but that'll cost you quite a lot too i thinknext to that, i think cable is still being limited because servers can't handle it. it apears to me that cable should be able to become faster as the signal travels faster... not sure though.one thing is for sure: if you live in a forgotten place, go for cable. dsl slows down the further you are away from the server
  15. you can put it anywhere. keep in mind that it slows down your site and most of the users don't like it. if you do want it, search google for a flash music player. include that in your site so the users can turn sound on & off.
  16. well, save your flash animation to... let's say popup.swfand then do this:in your html file in the main window, make the body tag into this:<body OnLoad:window.open("popup.swf","title of the window",'width=50, height=100')>(width & height should be given values so your flash movie fits exactly in the window and is just the size you want it to be. put both files in the same directoryshould workthere are more options, like hiding the buttons & statusbar. do a search with google for 'javascript popup'. you'll find some tutorials for surebut take notice of the fact that a lot of people now have pop up blockers: there's one in service pack 2 and in mozilla/firefox/...so if you want them to see your flash movie, you should still provide a link.
  17. put mysql_close(/descriptor/); at the end of every php file that opens a mysql_connectionreplice descripter with your access descriptorexample:if you open your connection with : $db=mysql_connect(...)then close it with mysql_close($db);but i'd be surprised if invision didin't include that already.maybe it's just that the hosting company has limited the nr of simultanious connections? i don't know honestly.
  18. tucows.com en download.com also have a lot of freeware. download.com has the option to do an advanced search so you can only search for freeware.
  19. tswebeditor. free, php syntax highlighting, knows the functions of php and tells you the arguments you need,...crazy cool
  20. hey, did you write it all yourself or did you use an existing script.if you did it yourself, i think lhunath might be right. after you did all the necessary queries, you should close your mysql connection, especially when you get a lot of visitors.and i can't help wondering which programs and websites you blanked out
  21. why wouldn't it be possible to create a dynamic website with it? just have php/asp(.net)/jsp fill in the text inside the table, and you have a dynmaic website. make some parts into links and it'll work just fine
  22. awe come on, you know that's not true. bush doesn't however. if he would respect those people, he'd let them come home, because now he's putting them under unnecessary riscs. they are dying for no good reason at all. our freedom? uh, yeah, whatever. we lost that a long time ago by the way. and believe me: neither iraq nor bin laden are interested in making us to their slaves.
  23. cindy frikkin laupher!! check the movie '"the goonies"!!!!besides that, i remember michael jackson begin quite big back then. and WHAM!i can come up with more, but maybe you should search amazon.com for tracklists of some 'best of the 80ies' cd's :)oh yeah, wasn't newbeat rather big in the 80's? or was that 90's?oh: culture club! karma kameleon!
  24. i suggest you stay away from ms frontpage as far as possible
  25. well, michael moore is often said to be too subjective. and they are right. but too often, that argument is used to vote for bush anyway. don't! a lot of what he is saying is still the bare truth!
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