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Everything posted by deivid1405241470

  1. It's very easy Go to your site cpanel http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if a login box popup click cancel, you will be transfered to cpanel configuration and find If you have lost your password, you can reset it by entering your username: enter the username and you will receive a email with the new password Greets Deivid
  2. apparently doesn't exists a free pdf editor, but you can try other alternatives more cheap. PDF Editor 2.2.6 Limitations: Watermark on document Jaws PDF Editor the evaluation version is a fully functional product time-limited for 14 days Advanced PDF Tools v1.3 product time-limited for 30 days Foxit PDF Editor Watermark on document Greets Deivid
  3. Start outlook express, and on the tools menu, click Accounts.Click add, and then click mail to open the WizardType your personal details, and when the configuration shows upIncoming mail (pop3): mail.astahost.comOutgoing Mail (smtp) : mail.astahost.comAccount Name: yourmail@yourdomain.astahost.comand put the password.Click ok, and you can send and receive emails.Greets Deivid
  4. I think soleimanian is talking about how to extract zip online, it's much faster than upload a whole directory with a lot of files. For example if you want a new version or modified version of phpnuke it has approximately 1274 files and 119 folders with a size of 5.44 Mb. But for every file and folder, the ftp client use commands to upload and create files taking a long time. But if you compress the directory with winzip, now upload one file it's much faster than 1274 files.Then go to the Control Panel, Site Managment Tools, File manager, go to to where you uploaded the zip file, click in zip file and in the right corner appears a menu with the options :Show File ContentsExtract File ContentsDelete FileEdit FileChange PermissionsRename FileCopy FileMove FileNow click in extract contents and the zip file will be extracted.Greets Deivid
  5. The original page from phpbb: https://www.phpbb.com/ (this forum is in cpanel of Xisto under Addon Scripts) If you want the modified version of phpbb with more features phpbb2 plus http://www.phpbb2.de/ Greets Deivid
  6. Hmmm you can't see the dark side of the moon, but you can listen... go and buy the album Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd. Here is a page, about the moon and explain everything about it http://school-for-champions.com/error/404.htm
  7. It happened to me too, some folders didn't have anything inside and still says "you can't delete unempty folders" so the solution I found, go to your Control panel / Site Managment Tools / File Manager, click in the folder and in the upper right submenu, click Delete this folder and all files under it , then go down and Trash to erase it for ever. Greets Deivid
  8. .htaccess can be used to stop hotlinking too. Hotlinking, also known as deep linking, occurs when one web site links directly to graphics files on another web site. RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?yoursite.com(/)?.*$ [NC]RewriteRule .*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|zip)$ http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/leech.htm [R,NC] The 2nd line checks the referer, the allowed pages to do hotlinking. You can duplicate the line and add another site. The 3rd line are the protected extensions, and the page to redirect... like DIE LEECHERS!!!! or something more extreme . Greets Deivid
  9. Probably you've a integrated motherboard, it's mean that the video card is inside of the motherboard and the video card requiere memory (video ram or VRAM) to work, but in this configuration the integrated video card take ram from the system. In your case the video card is taking 8 mb. You can go to the bios setup and configure the amount of video ram shared, generally he options are 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 ..... MbGreets Deivid
  10. The situation didn't changed much since you last visit to hubs. Like I said, exists hub with high sharing and others with low. I'm a user of one these right now I'm a member of 3, the first hub "the minimun buy in" are 120 Gb and 80 and 60Gb. They are extremly great hubs, I find all movies that i want (i've approximately 970 movies ). Another thing high sharing users mean high bandwidth users (almost always). Well this is mi point of view, maybe others users didin't like dc++ because the sharing, but for me it's great. Greets Deivid
  11. Let's see, go to your control panel go to site management tools / ftp manager, inside go to anonymous ftp controls here you can allow anonymous access to see files and allow anonymous uploading. Take care about your anonymous ftp, it can eat all your bandwith quickly.Greets Deivid
  12. well first of all congratulations for the work that you're doing. really I'dont understand your question because Opengl it's not a program, is a library of shapes and forms and it's is used to represent graphcs in computers. If you want to modeling a 3d character of course 3dmax it's a good option but I recommend to try POSER, It's a 3D character design tool and easily create 3D figures from ready-to-use human and animal models. For realism map facial photos, grow and style dynamic hair, or add dynamic cloth that flows. Quickly output movies and images for use in any project. Poser 5 is easy to master and affordable, yet rich in professional features. http://my.smithmicro.com/index.html?/poser5 Greets Deivid
  13. I'm tried all designs programs but nope always win photoshop it's tremendly powerfull, features, etc. For now none desing program can beat phothoshop rules.Well maybe i'm a little extreme, but I have used phothoshop since 2.5 version and I'm accustomed to working with it. If you find a little hard to use, the only way is with practice, find tutorials in web and learn how to use, it's not so hard to learn.Greets Deivid
  14. Hmmm the exact reason I don't know, but it's just a number and it's like a standard others host has the same rules hmmm maybe it's a magical number .Well I think it's a good number to check how the user is helping to community and a very small price to get 150 mb space, 2 gb of bandwidth, and all features included here.Well i'm going to tell a secret, don't think to get fast as you can 50 post, just start posting with patience and dedication, thinking how to help the community and learn from others users and you will see how the points are incremented litle by litle and finally some day you are going to have the necesary points to request the final hosting.Greets Deivid
  15. Hmmmm really good idea, but what is the maximun file size that you can upload to the gmail account ??? really i've not idea, maybe somebody here knows ?Another question others users can dowload this files or only the owner of the account?. like a month a go, i saw files in yahoo briefcase, it's work like a webspace, ok, I saw files inside later when I go to mail.yahoo.com ??????? I was logged into the owner account the same as briefcase user , maybe with gmail is the same thing ????. Well for now I don't want to lose my gmail account , it was very dificult to get. Greets deividPS: I've invitations for gmail, if somebody wants send PM.
  16. hmmm helix is right, i forget tell this before. maybe it's not good idea send to friend primary mail from this site, but as I said, to use these services, use some secondary emails from yahoo, hotmail, etc.Greets deivid
  17. Yeah google is the most powerfull search engine for now, they've gmail, for me the best webmail, and now they are developing a browser... maybe in a near future google can provide us a goggle OS .But also google is not just only a search engine... it's a calculator type in search box: 32121+12145 and press search ... and a metric conversion tool tootype in search box: 64 feet in meters .... you don't know the answer google knows ...Greets Deivid
  18. I desagree with Hercco, I really like Direct Connect, i'm a member of 3 hubs, and seems that your comment: "The hubs often requite ridiculous amount of data to be shared" It's not ridiculous, if you want download, other users also want donwload too, this is the principle of the p2p networks, supose nobody share, there's nobody to download so you can't download anything, if you find ridiculous the sharing size, go to antoher hub with less required data. But if you join to hubs with high sharing, you can find almost all.greets deivid
  19. no firefox it's faster and better and exists for all people, check this sites: Chinese Simplified China Firefox 0.8 Chinese Traditional Taiwan Version 1.0 PR Greets Deivid
  20. Knoppix runs from cd-rom, just imagine your cdrom all day spinning like a hardisk reading data, cdrom drives are not designed to function like that. So if you use your cdrom drive in that way of course it will be die soon. Give it a shot, download knoppix and try it, you will see. Well I'm not saying knoppix it's bad, but if you use so much, the life of your cdrom will be shorter. Greets Deivid
  21. Why search or write you own counter ? if you want an easy way and a ads-less counter, just go to your Xisto control panel, under Preinstalled Scripts / CGI Center / Counter, you can choose between 35 diferent types of counters and configure almost anything. After you choose your desired counter, press preview to see it how it's going to be and if you like, press make html and it will write a code to insert in your page.Greets Deivid
  22. compare?????.... it can't be done, for my Xisto is the best hosting ever. Just check requieremets 150 mb and 2 gb for stay active in forum, just great. Until now every works fine speed, mysql and the server uptime too.greets deivid
  23. First let give to all users some data about partitioning. Partitioning is one of the necessary steps to prepare a hard drive for use in a system. It's the process of defining areas of hard disk for the operating system to use. When you've a new disk, you have to partioning, because they came "blank" without nothing, so we've to prepare to recieve data. Well although most hard drive have only one partition, but you can do is divide a hard disk into several distinct partitions. Each partition occupies a physically separate area of the hard drive and the functions almost as if it were and indepent hard drive. if you want to do an extra partition on your hard disk you'have to: BACKUP YOUR DATA!!!!! It's doesn't matter what software do you use or if you are in another planet, always exists a little chance were something can goes wrong. Well before to do a partitiong, ask yourself... why i want to do a partition ?, if you can't answer this question forget it don't do it. The most simply answer for that question are a better order in hard disk or antoher OS, some users can have another answers, but these two options above are most common. I use long time a go the dos command fdisk to partition hard drives, now I've winxp and it came with Disk Management from there you can partitioning a disk. If you want resize the partition of your disk (personaly I don't recommend) in order to create another partion you can use Partition Magic, i've heard from some users is the best option. Greets Deivid.
  24. uhhmmm very strange, i always backup the database in that way, do you try another browser, maybe you ie has something wrong (configuration, spyware, etc.). Try use firefox, opera or netscape.Greets Deivid
  25. Knoppix it's a good choice to start learn linux without configure the partitions on the disk, because it boot from cd and run from cd, but use this only to try, because if you always use knopixx in that way, it will kill your cdrom drive. The better choice is partitioning the disk, to install directly to the harddisk, it's something hard to do, there is not GUI (graphical user interface) to do this, then you have to use linux command, if you want something more definitive you can try the easy sides from linux, they are Mandrake and Redhat distributions.Greetings Deivid
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