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Everything posted by deivid1405241470

  1. thanks and congratulations for your site, but i want to know how you solve this because some people who watch this topic want to know. It was a installation from a downloaded post-nuke or directly from the control panel ?uhmmm phpnuke still don't work ?? either from the Control Panel ?, maybe is something wrong in database, well, you have your portal up and that matters.well i'm glad to help you.greetings Deivid
  2. uhmmm legally maybe not, but if you are looking for a software to create flash movies and stuff I recommend http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have programs to do flash content at really low price compared to macromedia flashmx, the best product is SwishMax and it's cost only USD 99.95 and also they have fully trial versions. If you are looking for something more cheaper they have too, like swish2 and swishlite.
  3. Well all depends what we are talk about, the best way is simplicity and niceness.For example if I create a website for a bussiness company, we must know clearly what'sthe purpourse of the company and don't distract the attention with thousands of graphics and animations, this just make the user get lose and frustrated. Let say, I'm searching info about x product, so I check the homepage of company,if I get a 5 minutes flash movieintro , click and close, because i get bored,and search another company, because i'm not seeking graphics, i'm seeking informationabout something, just i want to know where's the information, prices and how tocontact nothing more, nothing less. Well either we have to leave aside the desing, but it has to be clear and intuitive in order to the user come quickly to information in apleasant way.
  4. It's easy my friend, there are two ways, if you want phpbb, just go to the control panel, under preinstalled scripts and choose addon scripts, and there is phbb preinstalled, just pick a name for a folder in your site, and install. If you want more advanced version with more advanced features you can go to http://www.phpbb2.de/ '>PHPBB2, and download this version, then you have to upload all files and the next time when you go to the installation folder, (example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) will be appear the installation setup, and some data to configure in order to work, if you are confused with settings I can help you.
  5. I was testing your site, ok, blank screen ummmm, and try to open your admin.php and I get error line 28, this line, refers to a mysql line, are you sure that you imported the nuke.sql correctly, try to import again, and you have to see the imported data nuke_authors, nuke_autonews, etc.. if doesn't work.... I have a solution, sorry but just today the idea come on to my mind, this hosting is professional, of course, here is everything, looking the demo control panel, I find the php nuke pre-installed, so it's preconfigured, now it's a piece of cake.Go to your control panel.Find Preinstalled Scripts .... find Addon Scripts and inside ...hey there is it, PHP NUKE, justo click in there, choose a installation folder, and enjoy your nuke portal.NOTE: Create immediately the superuser... for security reasons.PS: Before do this, is good idea erase your uploaded nuke files from your account and the data imported in phpmyadmin, for not to have incompatibilty problems. If you install nuke, let me know.
  6. The electric motor works with magnetic fields, they have bobines inside, when you apply a currect to this device create an electromagnetic field which is principle to move the motor, and that can hurt the monitor, keep it away from everything related to pc, harddisk, diskettes, etc.
  7. if you have phpmyadmin installed you can also do this. first go to phpmyadmin click in export you will see something like this select the database that you want to export, check save to file, and choose a name and you have the database.sql file
  8. If you have uploaded everything, now first you have to create a database Go to control panel and find MySQL Database, and get in 1- You have to create a database pick a name, for example nuke, this database will be created like "yourdomain_nuke" 2- Now you have to create a user for that database, click add user and password. 3- after you created the user, go select the user, and datebase, make sure that you have the correct user in the database, select all, y click grant permissions. After it's done, go to phpmyadmin and select the database recently created, get in there. You will see this labels click in SQL, click browse, and go to folder where you have downloaded nuke, you will see a folder named sql, inside is the file nuke.sql, choose this file and ok, now click in go, after a while all tables will be appear like this. well now we have all set, but still we need to edit the file "config.php" to set the database options. in config.php find this: $dbhost = "localhost"; ---> usually if not, use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ $dbuname = "domain_nuke"; ---> username $dbpass = "*****"; ---> database password (or user password) $dbname = "domain_nuke"; ----> name of database leave other settings intact. Well now is time to upload config.php to your server... and test the nuke http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is good idea, create your super user following the instructions first. I hope that it help. If still you have errors, feel free to post your doubts.
  9. so the question is who is better, of course firefox has vulnerabilities, but the same security program manager use firefox....come on it's something to think, which program at the moment is the best...Hails for firefox...
  10. Well it depends the type of device that you have beside monitor... if you have a scanner, printer and they have right norms of security and radiation, they must not have problems, but if you put a device near the monitor and you will see some changes or strange behaviors like change of color, just move away this device.and yeah why lcd monitor take care about health, all my life I have used crt monitors and still I see..... I think so. ... they are dangerus? I never heard that..
  11. If you want more speed and memory free, you can also safely remove unnecessary services in win xp, for example, if you dont use your pc to receive and send fax, why have this service running eating memory.. well check this page and you can see all winxp services and description. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. uhmm there is no better or worst operating system, all have weaknesses and strengths, windows maybe is better because you have all set, i mean, when you put a cd, if it contains music, the program will be launched and started to play the disc, in linux is different you have to configure this action, this is the beauty of linux, you can configure almost everything, the backdraw is you have to search, read and learn, how to do these things, and for some users with timeless or not very handy with computers is very difficult and choose windows, the weakness of windows are the security holes and their tipical errors, like as I said each one has its strengths and weaknesses but it is thing of each user wich one to choose.
  13. Let see, if you want to edit your movies the best to start is adobe premiere, it's not very difficult to learn, but the capture card has to be compatible with premiere or have wdm capture driver in order to work. Premiere can do almost anything, but if you want something more profesional, you can use after effects for post production your edited video to add effects and some goodies, it's fully compatible with premiere and photoshop secuences, permite layers, transparency, almost everything that you use in others programs.If you want more, maybe you can use SpeedRazor or Avid, but these programs are extremely powerful, a little hard to learn, and more important extremely expensive, but all network televison broadcasts use these programs.
  14. I'am totally agree with you, but before to make a copy from cd, you may see this ... it will help to make a better decision.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. In interview Stephen Toulouse Microsoft's security program manager, he was caughted using firefox , maybe ie really sucks, themselves not dare to use it... and beside it have 102012923239231 security holes... https://www.wired.com/2004/09/microsofts-war-on-bugs/
  16. Gmail is the best webmail around the net, well his interface is great, lots features, beside it put a new concept in webmail, all providers become afraid with gmail, just, think hotmail 2 mb, yahoo 4 mb, etc. ... gmail 1 gb ....what?????? are you ok ???? yeah, so all webmail was forced to increment their space, yahoo now offer 100 mb, and hotmail announced 250... well still wainting.. until now gmail remains at the moment in top of the list of webmail providers. Well nothing always is perfect, some page talk about it's bad, well for me it's great, check this website and post comments. http://www.gmail-is-too-creepy.com/
  17. If you want to start to work in linux, I recommed Red Hat or Mandrake distributions, there all simply to use and ready for final user , or if you only want to try, donwload knoppix, it work from cd, no partition to adjust, nothing just put cd, and run linux. Well if you want more, linux fedora for some people is the best distribution, but it's very difficult to handle. Well if you become a linux user, you can decide what distribution is the best for you.
  18. I use to make complex selections, the pen tool, select tool go to up toolbar, and select paths instead shape layers, now go to path window, make new one, now start to draw with this tool, you create points, beizer curves, etc. Once you have the path, with control key pressed you can select andmove points or adjust curvature, click in same path and you can create a new point for better adjustement, if you dont like the curve press alt key and select point and you can redefine, also if you select with alt key, "controls point" a litle lines with small circle at end, you make this point to be a curve. When you finish the shape, go to path window right click make selection, and you have almost perfect selection.
  19. Very useful article how users see your website, it can help to make a better page... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ how do see a web page ?? something like this... check the page, it's great.
  20. for all users that have gmail, this utility permit knows when a new email arrives. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/10960?hl=en PS: Only works in winXP and 2000
  21. The Pc can be underclocked, check http://www.cpuidle.de/ CpuIdle is a CPU cooling and power management software. CPU cooling will help you achieve these things: * decrease CPU temperature * enhance stability * enable overclocking (overclocking increases temperature- CpuIdle gives additional headroom) * increase CPU life (a decrease by 10°C doubles the life span) * cut power consumption CpuIdle uses several mechanisms to keep your CPU cool: * shutdown CPU when not used (online cooling) * optimize CPU for maximum cooling effect * optimize chipset for maximum cooling effect (supported chipsets only)
  22. Ummm I've one quick and easy, first open photo, now duplicate Background Layer, delete original background, pick lasso tool, make the selection, go to menu select / feather choose a radius feather value between 1 and 250, try some values, example 10. After it's done, go menu selection / inverse, now press delete, and you've the transparency effect.
  23. If still the computer takes long time to shutdown, you can also use some registry trick to finish running programs faster ... Load regedit (Start / Run / regedit /ok), now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control now find the WaitToKillServiceTimeOut string, dbl click to edit, change from 20000 (default), to 10000 or some lower number, keep in mind this value is in miliseconds, after that is done close regedit and reboot your computer. Now the computer will shutdown a little faster.
  24. maybe is because an error from some program... right click My Computer .. Open the Advanced tab under Startup and Recovery, select Settings. System Failure, remove the check from Automatically restart.
  25. This video is cleary wrong (I don't know how much intel paid for that ), because every who know and has AMD Athlon and good motherboard, goes to bios setup, hardware... shutdown if the temperature goes to x degree, I've a athlon xp 2800+ and Motherboard Asus A7V8X, and I did the test, I remove heatsink from the processor. After a couple of seconds, the system shutdown instantly, and the processor still working....
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