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Everything posted by deivid1405241470

  1. the eternal question, you can upload anything what you want.... however you must have the rights for what you are uploading... if you think upload mp3, no problems if they are free if not... you have to watch your back because the RIAA maybe come to get you . Here some quotes from Xisto TOD Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5769-terms-of-service-and-acceptable-use-policy/ .... No Copyright material without written permission from the copyright holder is allowed. ..... Your use of our service is at your sole risk. Xisto.com is not responsible for files and data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on Xisto.com servers.
  2. yes you've to go to phpmyadmin check this thread i wrote a mini tutorial http://forums.xisto.com/topic/79835-topic/?findpost=1064273743
  3. If you use your for printing, jpg is no good, well you are doing 1600x1200 images is pretty big for banner images, if you still save in jpg format you must adjust slider of compression until you find the best relation between quality and size, if you use photoshop, it shows the image in real time the degradation as you move the quality slider.If you want for high quality images I recommend PSD (Photoshop Format) or TIF (Tagged Image Format) format, both support layers and they have lossless compression it mean they compress the image without quality loss.
  4. All me life I've used windows systems, since win 1.0 (if somebody wants I have it ), so to me is very dificult move to another system almost completely diferent, for that I vote for winxp because for my point of view winxp is more friedly and functional.Well in security it have serious weakness, just only to have always checking updates for security patches. Another reason is I have a capture card, I work with that and the card didn't have drivers for linux.
  5. Do you like satellites photos? Check this cool site, you can view how your neighbourhood looks from the sky. You can zoom and pan to find your place or just put your address. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. I Know a better way, first create the page and save as index.htm, create a directory inside your www folder, create a folder called site for example.Then go to the control panel under Site Managment Tools, select Web Protect. Now you have to select the folder to protect, select site, create user and password. Now upload index.htm inside of site directoryYou have to tell to the user go to page for example: your site.com/sitewhen somebody tries to enter into this directory will be appear a logging screen.
  7. Hercco it's right you must the same ip as the ftp servers, you have to check your confirmation mail from 100webspace, but I test this webhost and always have problems, always downtimes, slow speed... if you want something serious you have to get out of there.If you still have problems, send email to support, they must be answer if not, their service really s...s
  8. Well maybe this could happend, they can sell the email database when something goes wrong (I doubt it, privacy), if you use this service (and all others service free from other companies) don't not use a regular or personal email, just use some free email from yahoo, hotmail, etc. Beside the privacy police: https://www.hightail.com/privacy.aspx
  9. Let see, first go to control panel, and you have your administrator account, now protect it with password... now create new guests accounts named "sister" and other named "dad" for example, you have only put your protected files under My Documents. Now you have to do, is close your session and log for example with the account "sister" and try to see your files "my documents".... you can't, they are protected with your administrator account and password, and this user only can see their files. If you go to C:\Documents and Settings\ and you try to see your directory from a guest account.... ups you can't... Access Denied.Ps: don't forget to close your session after you use the computer, because if you let it open, because if your sister use your session, she can change the password for your account.. and yeah I understand perfectly the sisters are a p*** in the a**
  10. mmm this form .... ok ... you press submit, but the data, where it goes ???? email, dbase, page ??? this form is incomplete, well if you started i have one a little better to send mail from a webpage. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Send your comments</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#cccc66" text="#003300" link="#006060" vlink="#006060"> <? if (!$HTTP_POST_VARS){ ?> <form action="form.php" method=post> Name: <input type=text name="name" size=16> <br> Email: <input type=text name=email size=16> <br> Comments: <textarea name=comment cols=32 rows=6></textarea> <br> <input type=submit value="Send"> </form> <? }else{ $body = "sent form\n"; $body .= "Nane: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"] . "\n"; $body .= "Email: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] . "\n"; $body .= "Comments: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["comment"] . "\n"; //send mail... mail("name@host.com","Received Form",$body); //thanks for email echo "Thanks for fill the form. It has been sent correctly."; } ?> </body> </html> now you have to save this code with the name "form.php" and put in your server. If you want some more advanced and better features go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have a lot of scripts, mail forms, gallery, tell a friend, etc. and all free. The scripts have a little link to stadtaus.com, if you want to use without the link, you have to buy this script.
  11. There is no point system only you have to post, if you have 10 quality post, you can get the starter pack, a small part of the complete hosting server, if you made 50 post you can request full package.Keep in mind, it's not only post anything like spam, you have to make meaning post in order to get the full package. Now start posting something and enjoy.
  12. Protect administrator account with password, and make a guest account, if somebody log in guest account they cannot see your files and can't make any modification to your system files.The programs has to be compatible with winxp system account, like when you are installing a new software it tell you... select: anyone who use this computer or only for me. Maybe you have to reinstall this software in orden to hide from guest account.
  13. sorry my mistake Eric Straven is right, your uploaded file will be deleted in one week.
  14. if you want make a quick page and save a lot of work to can use a web templates, they are pre-builded pages , just change text images and links and you have a complete design. Well exclusivity is out of question, but for some page it's really useful. Or maybe you can pick some template and make some modifications, it's more easy than start some one from the beginning. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (free registration requiered) 827 templates http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 319 templates https://www.freewebtemplates.com/ 1227 templates
  15. If you want send a large file to somebody, just go to https://www.hightail.com/ and put an email address and upload the file. The file doesn't come to the account mail, just a link to download the file. enjoy it. PS: The link expire after one week
  16. After you created the menu whith links and rollovers etc. press save and put some name mymenu.js for example and the page should be like this <html><head><title>NAME OF YOUR SITE</title><script language="JavaScript1.2" src="ajlib.js"></script><script language="JavaScript1.2" src="ajmenu.js"></script></head><body onload="loadMenu()" onresize="loadMenu()"><H1>Name of Menu</H1><script language="JavaScript1.2" src="mymenu.js"></script><script language="JavaScript1.2">displayMenu();</script><script language="JavaScript1.2">createMenu();</script>YOUR CONTENT OF PAGE</body></html> you've to include in the same directory 3 files or this shouldn't work ajlib.js ajmenu.js mymenu.js and very important is include all the graphics files used in this menu.
  17. Just replace the image http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for whatever you like... just keep the same name and proportions or if you want can be a little bigger.
  18. First you've to remove quotes <img src="under construction.png" alt="Under Construction"> and somes server doesn't take very well spaces in filename, just delete the space and the name of file too. This image will be called from the root of www folder. ROOTFOLDER page.htm (inside this page is the code for call the image) underconstruction.png (this has to be in same directory where page is it) If you want to create a folder called images ROOTFOLDER page.htm ........IMAGEFOLDER ...............underconstruction.png the code inside of page.htm for this <img src="IMAGEFOLDER/underconstruction.png" alt="Under Construction">
  19. I've open case, the temparature never pass 45Âş degree, and yes it get a lot of dust, well now i'm thinking to start to seed something there any suggestions .... exist some programs like cpuidle, they can be underclock your pc, sincerely I had never used http://www.cpuidle.de/, I have just a big noise fan, but I prefeer this before burn my processor. There some other alternatives to cool your processor, like OpaQue said, tom's hardware has the answer and have videos, if you want to see check these videos.... CPU Cooling With Liquid Nitrogen is something hard to do and expensive .... Cooling the cpu at -51ÂşC using a compressor cooling ... Water cooling this seems to be the most feasible idea to normal users. PS: you need Divx 5 to see this videos.
  20. Another tip is prevent spywares before they can bug you. Spybot Search&Destroy came with this function, inmunize, you can patch certain areas of the system that can be vulnerable to spywares. If you want more proteccion just download spyware blaster, it can be also inmunize the system for a better proteccion, also has features for ie and firefox, and it's doesn't remain running in the background. Another great feature of this program is something called snapshot it creates an "image" of your system settings, when you computer become infected with new spyware, you can use Snapshot, it help to remove infections. System Snapshot can also reverse the changes of many browser hijackers. Other great feature is restrict sites that are know for spyware contents. http://www.brightfort.com/spywareblaster.html
  21. First to change the initial admin welcome screen, you have to log in superuser mode, to do that http://ww38.yoursite.com/nukefolder/admin.php or http://ww38.yoursite.com/admin.php if you installed the nuke in the root of the site. When you get in, go to intial screen (home) then you see the welcome screen and at the bottom of all text you will find Edit, just click there. Now you can edit the initial message.... if you want to add images or styles, you must use html code... like <b>Here this text is bold</b> <img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; for spaces between lines use <br> ...... anyway all html code After you have all set, press save changes and click in home to see the initial screen. if you have doubts, just contact me, or PM the site to check it. Deivid
  22. I find that signature identify each one of us and something it's funny see the images and also it gives life to the forum. If you don't want to see, it's easy... Go to your control above My Controls Options / Board Settings and under Board Display Settings you can disable the settings there like show the signature, avatars, etc.
  23. I have a better screen capture program Screenprint, has many advanced features, like print a user-selected area of the screen. Print the whole screen. Print only the active window, etc. And the most important.... this program it's free. http://www.screenprint32.com/software/screenprint32.asp check it you wont be regret. Deivid
  24. Another powerfull tool to edit animated gifs is adobe image ready, just open the gif file and you can edit and change almost everything with the power of the same tools from photoshop. If you want something more easy to use I suggest Ulead GIF Animator. You can do some cool effects too.
  25. Hi mysql is a open source database, you can handle data between pages, load data, remove data, etc. Do u know you know that now you are using a database for this forums, in this database they are all menssages, registrations, emoticons, etc. if you want more info you can visit http://www.mysql.com/ and other thread with this same topic.. check it.. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/79719-topic/?findpost=1064273195
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