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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. to prs.you need to delete the unused partiton, then expand the windows partiton to occupy the whole disk.if you dont mind paying, use partiton magick.if you want to do it for free boot knoppix, and use qtparted, its in the main menu.
  2. no no no no no no no ! if one more person surgests going through the hole installation procedure when a simple "grub-install" command would surfice, im gonna negative reputation them too hell right... from what ive seen, it looks like you have several ethernet / network interfaces... eth0 fails either means its not plugged upto a networkm, or the network it is attached to doesnt have dhcp and u need to set the ip manually. not a problem. what is ppp0 ??? do you have a dial up modem ? how is your machine connected to the network ??? ethernet card ? usb broadband ? what ? and what is the graphical desktop problem ??? a resolution problem ? a screen refrsdh rate error ? or a failure to enter the graphical environment at all ? please describe as best you can. is ppp0 user / needed ? i dont think its crashed, just trying to connect to a networj which isnt there. you want to install grub instead of lilo ? if you do, here is the procedure.... #as root#first install grub from your mandrake cd (probably an RPM install)grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/hda then you will need to write a /boot/grub/menu.conf file... if you post the contents of your /etc/lilo.conf file, i can convert it to a grub.conf file for you.. or maybe some1 else will... im not going to be home at all tomorrow
  3. i could get used to dual monitors quite easily...i have 4 virtual destops on my monitor, and i make heavy use of thembasically to seperate downlods / compiling's from things like web browsers chat windows / hatever.
  4. Most countried that MS cares about rules that Lindows is not infringment of windows because hey,, there pronounced, and spelled differently.so Ms did what its best at, and threw money at the problem and it went away.they paid a HUGE sum of money to Lindows to get them to change the namr to linspire.as far as commercial distro's for the newbs goes, i think Xandros is one of the better.
  5. Its Access rights that mean somthing like this http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/1565.html could never happen in linux in linux, the suer, and therefore vius would not have high enough privilages to stop securety programs, that would need root. however in windows, any user, or virus with zero privilages can easily send a shutdown message telling the kernel to terminate whatever program it likes.. even the virus scanners.
  6. dude ! no ! to re-install lilo you only need to edit lilo config file, then run the ocmmand "lilo" as root. linuz is modular... you dont need to change the whole system to edit a module, you can recompile a whole kernel without re-installing, the boot loader is nothing. how is your machine connected to the internet (PPPoe stands for Point to point protocol over ethernet) ??? what do you mean searching for PPPoe ? when you say weired sequence of checks, are you talking about all those lines that end in "[ OK ]" ??? thats the starup sequence, its starting your daemons and loading drivers / services. if you dont want to see that, you can use somthing called "boot splash" its a pretty graphic and percentage bar, like the windowsXP bootup style. personally, i prefere Grub boot loader to lilo, but lilo should work. did you change your partitons after installing lilo ? lilo can be sencitive ot this i think. linux shouldnt crash while trying to activate ethernet... but it may ppause for several minutes if its lookwing for a DHCP server and doesnt find one. give it a few minutes and hopefully it will continue to boot without network. also, have a look through your vitual consoles (ctrl + alt + Fx where Fx are you F kys on the top of the keyboard) is there any output about a error ??? if you have truely crashed, you will see a "Segmentation fault" "kernel panck" or the system will stop responding completely. im a little confused... mandrake is usually painless to setup. have a look aroung /var/log for a boot file... please post its contents here for us to look at. so.. you are in command line.... you run "startx" what happens ???? in the Linux section of How-to's and tutorials, there is a tutorial on how to change default runlevel.... maybe yiou shoul have a look at it. or is your porblem with the screen--size / resolution ??? post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for us to look at.
  7. cool... plus, to switch runmode without a re-boot you can run telinit 3 ortelinit 5
  8. not necceserily.. like i said, if micfosoft co-operated with the wine and cedeger projects, it wouldnt be too dificultto build a 100% compatable win32 emulator. for windows applications. Plus, MS are always making changes to the way they want developers to write applications, first it was MFC, then .NET and next AVALON. Porting to QT or GTK or raw X11 wouldnt kill anyone. soon QT will be available for windows, meaning any windows porgrams using qt will be even easyer to port to *NIX. To peopl who think Linux who think that linux would get virii if it was a more popular os, i dont think you understand how *nix works. for example... lets say i am fooled into running an application from an untrused source that contains a virus.. (social engioneering is commonly being used by virii developers) that means that the virus has the same access rights, as the person who executed it. the virus cannot.... cannot Write to the main file system cannot read system logs cannot read keystrokes unless it has focus (cannot key log passwords or email) cannot read or chanmge the firewall. cannot ping broadcast (see smurf) it cant write to the file system, therfore it is unable to infect any files. all it can do, is delete my homework. and this is assuming that it even managed to run in the first place... my machine is setup so that only files owned by root can be executed... so any virus i download, count run. (but this is not default on most systems) the ONLY way a virus could infect my computer is if it knew a privilage esulation exploit in a locally running server. windows virii do this all the time... the majority of Windows machines out there are all windowsXP, sp1 or sp2.. only 3 different versions, some versions have common exploits. in linux, every machine is different... there are hundreds of different distro's each with different versions of different porgrams, compilled with different compilers, and different securety settings... if an exploit was known to a virus, that virus may only be able to infect 1 in every few hundred or maybe thousand linux machines... and as the formulae says.... if the rate of discovery of infection is larger than the rate at which new machines are infected, then the virus dies. and with all the detection tools on linux, like packet sniffers, tripwires, rootkit hunters, and system logs, virii are usually discovered very quickly. there are many many linux virii out there...but only very small number of machines are vunerable to them, and systems are patched sooo quikly, that none of them can breed fast enough to survive. *nix envoronmenst are very hostile to virii.
  9. Here's an idea. (more of a crazy dream, but its interesting)What if MS borrowed a MacOSX idea, and dropped there current OS.. just binned it.then, took a *BSD or GNU/Linux OS, but instad of using GNOME or KDE, ported the vurrently existing windowsXP Desktop Envodonment to run on Xorg-x11.They could build a portage free like what Gentoo uses, except with pre-compiled binaries.Now you would have an OS which looked and felt exactly like Windows, except running on a BSD or Linux Kenrel and libraries.Good bye securety issues and virus scanners, hello inherrant securety that comes with a true multi user envoronment.THEN... Microsoft would work with the Wine / Cedeger project (which emulates windowsXP)at the moment Wine and Cedeger are good, but they dont quite run all windows porgrams, and are not yet DirectX9 compatable.IF microsoft gave the WIne hackers access to see, and use Windows source code, they would very quickly build a PERFECT emulator.Also, MS could give the kernel hackers access to the windows kernel, and allow them to use parts of it.armed with the window source code, the Linux and BSD kernel developers could build a compatability layer into linux / BSD that would allow Windows Drivers to work with Linux / BSD.Windows software and drivers ould all work on linux.HOWEVER.... Windows would keep its Graphical Desktop environment closed source, and not free.this way MS could continue selling Desktop OS's similar to how MacOSX is sold.. the base of OSX is free, however apple makes its money by selling the graphical component of the OS.OK, this is all just a dream... but is MS were so inclined, there is no reason this couldnt be done.however im sure MS would never ever dream of doing this, maing windows and linux this compatable would almost certainly tempt windows users to have a look at 100% free desktop's like KDE, GNOME, NEXTSTEP BlackBox and so fourth.
  10. wow ! thats really bad ! BSD and Linux server uptimes generally average around 5 years. and even thn they are only shutdown because of powercuts, hardware and kernel upgrades.
  11. and 250,00 bytes is not 250kb. base 2 unit 2^10 bytes in a Kb in other words 1024 bytes to the kb. so its more like 245kbps
  12. ask MS windows users what the difference between windows 98, windows 2K and windows XP is...the vast majority of users are just the home users who know nothing about computers, as far as they know, the only difference is differentt shades of blue, and prettyer interfaces.Here's a great idea for MS....make the GUI modular, and seperable from the OS.then, to keep the home users happy, all they have to do is continue wioth the service packs and updates... then every 6 months, relase a new GUI.
  13. WOW.... i know gentoo is bleeeeading edge, but wow.i did an "emerge --sync && emerge -U world" about a week before the exploit was announced.the above command updates every package to the latest version.maybe its because im running a 64bit OS ?
  14. sure, its very pretty.. but what i want to know...what are they doing to prevent virii ?no, virus scanners arnt good enough, they dont work untill after youve become infected.what are they doing about disk fragmentation problems ?what are they doing about slow patch times ?what are they doing to remove unnessecery re-boots after software and driver installation.
  15. i used a 3D desktop for a week or so aaages ago when i fedora core just came out... i gotta say it took ages to learn how to use with the speed i can use a 2d desktop, and it didnt reealy make anything any easyer.sure it saves space, but thats what minimise is for.3d desktop just seems like more bloat that nobody will ever use.
  16. thats a terminal.when linux loads, by default you have 6 seperate command login terminals, and one graphical login terminal.the graphical one is the sventh, andyou can switch between them with ctrl+alt+F1 or F2 or F3 etc etc etc.Linux uses somthing called runlevels to allow users to quickly switch on and off different daemons and programs.for example i have runlevels set up on my machine, "default" and "server"if i give the command to switch to runlevel server, the graphical interface will shutdown, the firewall will re-congigure, and ftp and ssh servers will start.i think mandrakes default runlevels are "3" and "5" where 3 is command line and 5 is graphical.you can switch to runlevel 3 from tunlevel 5 with the command "telinit 5" or "startx"some distro's default to runlevel 3. like slackware, some dont. in mot sure about mandrake, but switching default behavior is a 2 second job ;)if you ever pluck up the courage to try again, let us know.
  17. freeware... hello no... better. open source the asyest way to use it is on the knoppix disk. http://www.knoppix.org/ every self respecting computer guy has a knoppix disk lyin around somwhere.
  18. to be honnest.. the DOS interface is pretty lame.1) the slashes are the wrong way round, back slahs is an escape sequance.2) space escape sequences dont work, instead you have to use "DOS names" where files like "Hello World" get abreviated to "HELLOWO~1" which is stupid.with an escape sequance it would be as simple at "Hello\ World"nothing wrong with command line, aslong as its well designed, like BASH.
  19. wow ! and i thought WindowsXP was too cuddley, fluffy and child like.it looks like the kind of interface you expect on a childrens game, like "maths fun" or the sims.too much wasted space on the screen.
  20. i think you are wrong here. Solaris is POSIX compliant, and so it Linux, and also BSD. however the binary's dont run on different OS's (i have access to Linux and Solaris) i think POSIX compliant software will compile on different POSIX compliant OS's without source code modification. Windows isnt even compliant with C++ standards.. in a proper compiler, the following code is valid int main(int argc, char *args[]) { int A=1024, B=0; cin >> B; char *memory = new char[ A+B ]; delete[ ] memory; return 0;} in proper c++ compilers this code would grab 1024 add a user entered number bytes of memory, in MS visual C++ comilation failes because A+B is not constant at compile time. sometimes you dont know how much memory you will need untill runtime, like with artifical intelligence applications.
  21. one thing i dont understand....how does the Archive know if the pages it holds are out of date ?for example if i visit and bookmark an ebay site and put a bid on somthing, if i go back to the page an hour later, wont i just get an out of date cached page ???
  22. Just Like X is a shell that runs ontop of Unix / Linux / BSD. the fact that the graphical components of the OS is modular isnt a bad thing.
  23. here is how i woulld rate OS stability. 1st place.... OpenBSD 2nd (very very close) FreeBSD Joint 3rd place MacOSX / GNU/Linux / Solaris DOS Windows 2K / NT Windows XP Windows 98 Windows 95 Windows 3.x windows 2.x windows 1.x So windows has been getting better.... unless you count Dos... which i dont, MS didnt develop dos, they just sold it. Some may argue that Linux is more stable than MacOSX, some will argue that MacOSX is more stable.... its way to close to call, and all depends on what Distribution and hardware.. so although i am linux biased.... i have to give them a draw... however i dont think anyone would argue that BSD doesnt deserve the Stability Crown ! what do you givs think ??
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