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Everything posted by Darren1405241470

  1. I think MSN concentrate to much on advertising. They have copied google by putting the sponsored links on the side (or did google copy MSN?) which is ok i don't mind that, but then they have some of the same links in the main search. I agree that some serious improvment is needed. One of the only things I do like about MSN search is that they have taken out the necessity of going to more than one page to search a range of things like encyclopedia, dictionary or just the web.
  2. I still use ie mostly and switch to opera when ie comes up with errors. I have also tried firefox. I can't really find many differences the between browsers except the in-built poppup blocker and that opera uses the pages in the cache whenever it can but ie prefers to reload them. For some things the auto-use-cached-page thing can workout quite well however most of the time its just frustrating. Haven't bothered testing out wether firefox does this too. I think Microsoft should upgrade soon but if not i am going to change my default browser. IE is just getting to outdated.
  3. What is it that you study? I'm moving into year 11 soon and have been looking at the different things i can study at Uni. I was thinking that something along the lines of computer programming would be quite good. Any advice would be great.
  4. I very much doubt that this information is reliable and I agree with Gods Chicken, your site should be something that is individual and represents YOU and what YOU want to tell the reader. Your site should never try to stick to any rules set down by others.
  5. Full flash sites are only good when you have nothing better to do than sit in front of a blank screen for 5 minutes per page for a bunch of crappy moving pictures etc. I really dislike them, I mean a flash in the top corner of each page on a site to catch the attention is okay but pages and pages full of them? There is just no need for that much flash!
  6. I think that the best layout is a simple one that has a pic or flash or something up the top to grab the attention, then a frame with links on the left and the info in a central frame. The most important thing about an internet site in my mind is simply having the content that the user is looking for. The best graphics and layouts in the world are useless without decent content.
  7. As I said in the other Forum I have also used statcounter and suggest you at least try it. It is ad free and u have the option to make it invisible or give it a range of colours. You can also with the one acount use it for multiple sitesand pages.
  8. Personaly i dont know why you would want to use a template that hundreds of other people could already be using however, I suggest downloading yahoo site builder 2. Its free and has over 300 designs that you can use. Theres also a manual to tell you how to use it. download it here- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. I first learnt to make a web page simply using very basic html in notepad. I dont suggest doing it this way it wasnt exactly easy. I would start with an easy and popular - (so that you can get advice off others easier) WYSIWYG program like dreamweaver or frontpage.BTW- do dreamweaver/frontpage have tutorials built into them? and if so are they any good?
  10. I use a free invisible stat counter http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can use it for more than one site and it gives you stats on each page on your website. It tells you how many times each individual person has looked at your pages. It is very detailed and not hard to use. You can choose to have an invisible counter that others cant see or of course there is the option to show your visitors the counter in a range of pretty colors (there is also a bit of a dodgy option to start the counter on a number of your choice). I've looked through a few and this is the best i can find.
  11. I've never used any WYSIWYG programs for any major site creating but i have tested front page and some other thing (for some reason i can't remember the name). I dont like WYSIWYG programs for one reason, limitations = frustrations (look at me i can rhyme). With some editors you can insert some raw html but it is just annoying switching between modes. When i switch i often get confused and end up putting it in the wrong place or something. I will stick with notepad thankyou very much.
  12. I would suggest three things. 1- get a spyware protector to stop spyware downloading itself. For this i would suggest either spybot (which i have and have found very usefull) or adaware which i have heard great things about.2-get a popup blocker. I have never tried one and dont actually know whether it will work.3-get a personal firewall. For this i strongly suggest Zone alarm, (You can either downlaod a free version or pay for one with a few more features). This firewall is very good although anoying sometimes with the amount of warnings.I hope this helps you with your problem.
  13. I use mostly google to search for all manner of things. I only use Altavista when i want to use one of its speciallised searches (one i find particularly useful is the mp3 only search). I also use Ask.com (previously jeeves.com) when i need answers to a particular question. I've never used any other search engines and dont plan to. The three i have mentioned should more than cover your searching needs.BTW-I also use google because of the funky little logo's.
  14. yes I know. I only really made this for those of us like myself who cant be bothered with trial and error and prefer to use some of the typical colors.
  15. N-Y Navajowhite-FFDEAD Navy-000080 Oldlace-FDF5E6O live-808000O livedrab-688E23 Orange-FFA500O rangered-FF4500 Orchid-DA70D6 Palegoldenrod-EEE8AA Palegreen-98FB98 Paleturquoise-AFEEEE Palevioletred-D87093 Papayawhip-FFEFD5 Peachpuff-FFDAB9 Peru-CD853F Pink-FFC0CB Plum-DDA0DD Powderblue-B0E0E6 Purple-800080 Red-FF0000 Rosybrown-BC8F8F Royalblue-4169E1 Saddlebrown-8B4513 Salmon-FA8072 Sandybrown-F4A460 Seagreen-2E8B57 Seashell-FFF5EE Sienna-A0522D Silver-C0C0C0 Skyblue-87CEEB Slateblue-6A5ACD Slategray-708090 Snow-FFFAFA Springgreen-00FF7F Steelblue-4682B4 Tan-D2B48C Teal-008080 Thistle-D8BFD8 Tomato-FF6347 Turquoise-40E0D0 Violet-EE82EE Wheat-F5DEB3 White-FFFFFF Whitesmoke-F5F5F5 Yellow-FFFF00 YellowGreen-9ACD32
  16. F-M Firebrick-B22222 Floralwhite-FFFAF0 Forestgreen-228B22 Fuchsia-FF00FF Gainsboro-DCDCDC Ghostwhite-F8F8FF Gold-FFD700 Goldenrod-DAA520 Gray-808080 Green-008000 Greenyellow-ADFF2F Honeydew-F0FFF0 Hotpink-FF69B4 Indianred-CD5C5C Indigo-4B0082 Ivory-FFFFF0 Khaki-F0E68C Lavender-E6E6FA Lavenderblush-FFF0F5 Lawngreen-7CFC00 Lemonchiffon-FFFACD Lightblue-ADD8E6 Lightcoral-F08080 Lightcyan-E0FFFF Lightgoldenrodyellow-FAFAD2 Lightgreen-90EE90 Lightgrey-D3D3D3 Lightpink-FFB6C1 Lightsalmon-FFA07A Lightseagreen-20B2AA Lightskyblue-87CEFA Lightslategray-778899 Lightsteelblue-B0C4DE Lightyellow-FFFFE0 Lime-00FF00 Limegreen-32CD32 Linen-FAF0E6 Magenta-FF00FF Maroon-800000 Mediumauqamarine-66CDAA Mediumblue-0000CD Mediumorchid-BA55D3 Mediumpurple-9370D8 Mediumseagreen-3CB371 Mediumslateblue-7B68EE Mediumspringgreen-00FA9A Mediumturquoise-48D1CC Mediumvioletred-C71585 Midnightblue-191970 Mintcream-F5FFFA Mistyrose-FFE4E1 Moccasin-FFE4B5
  17. I have here compiled a list of colors in Hexidecimal code. I have listed them in alphabetical order. I put them in three different files so ill put them in three posts. A-D, F-M, N-Y, dont worry i know my alphabet, their are just no colors starting with E etc. A-D Aliceblue-F0F8FF Antiquewhite-FAEBD7 Aqua-00FFFF Aquamarine-7FFFD4 Azure-F0FFFF Beige-F5F5DC Bisque-FFE4C4 Black-000000 Blanchedalmond-FFEBCD Blue-0000FF Blueviolet-8A2BE2 Brown-A52A2A Burlywood-DEB887 Cadetblue-5F9EA0 Chartreuse-7FFF00 Chocolate-D2691E Coral-FF7F50 Cornflowerblue-6495ED Cornsilk-FFF8DC Crimson-DC143C Cyan-00FFFF Darkblue-00008B Darkcyan-008B8B Darkgoldenrod-B8860B Darkgray-A9A9A9 Darkgreen-006400 Darkkhaki-BDB76B Darkmagenta-8B008B Darkolivegreen-556B2F Darkorange-FF8C00 Darkorchid-9932CC Darkred-8B0000 Darksalmon-E9967A Darkseagreen-8FBC8F Darkslateblue-483D8B Darkslategray-2F4F4F Darkturquoise-00CED1 Darkviolet-9400D3 deeppink-FF1493 Deepskyblue-00BFFF Dimgray-696969 Dodgerblue-1E90FF
  18. I have always been a loyal windows supporter and will continue to be. I had a look a linux a couple of years ago and it just didnt match up. Perhaps its different now. Should i take another look?
  19. 100.com has to be one of the most hopeless search engines on the net. I aggree with killer. No-one beats google for searching and ask.com for any homework questions.
  20. I didnt know google was british. I always thought it was american like almost everything else on the net.
  21. While i agree that cookies are good if used in the correct way i dont think there is any need for most sites to use them. BTW-the person who came up with "cookies" is probably the same skinny little guy who first said "You see that cow over there, I'm going to squeeze the little pink things under it and drink whatever comes out".
  22. My friend loves that thing but dosent no where to get it, can you tell me so i can tell him?
  23. No i dont think so because when you test your site your trying to find any mistakes and in fixing mistakes you are developing your site. Development is a broad term that is used loosely.
  24. I dont really use any template. For html coding i just use notepad and create from scratch. For images i use paint shop pro.
  25. does anyone no if i can get a free or trial version of dreamweaver? Everyone says its the best but ive never tried it. I use notepad for html editing, paint shop pro for images and my browser is IE.
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