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Everything posted by dissipate

  1. it stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. flat files (.txt) vs. RDBMss (relational database management systems) problems with flat files - when the file gets large (if you store tons of stuff), it can be very slow to work with. - searching for a particular record or group of records is difficult - it's a problem if many people want to access the file at the same time, e.g. if you are using a flat file for an ecommerce site and two people are placing orders at the same time. to avoid this problem, file locking is used. but what if there are 100 people placing orders at the same time? people will have to wait for the file to be unlocked -> bottleneck. - inserting records into or deleting records from the middle of the file is quite difficult and significant overhead is caused if the file is big and you do this. - it's not possible to offer different levels of access to the data in the file as you can only set file permissions. RDBMss in response - provde faster access to data compared to flat files. - can easily be queried to retrieve a record or sets of records. - deal with concurrent access with built-in mechanisms, no worries on your side. - provide random access to data, addressing the middle of file issue - have built-in privilege systems. i think if you're just trying to store small sets of data and not many people are going to be accessing the database at the same time to write to it, flat files are alright. otherwise, RDBMss are better.
  3. overture: hmm i'm not really sure what you mean sorry. could you elaborate further? do you mean you're putting up downloadable files like zips, rars, exes and you don't want people to download them or something?? *boggle*
  4. oh. wow. sorry i don't think this is possible. and i reckon it'd be way easier if you just shared the DSL connection instead of trying to be a dialup service provider.
  5. once again, if you're already at the mysql prompt, there's no need to add mysql to the command.the database "db_name" should already exist and be empty.
  6. i think i should point out that the bin directory is where you installed mysql, whatever comes after -u is your username and whatever comes after -p is your password.also, most people typemysqldump -u root -p your_DB_name > back.sqlso that their passwords will not be shown as clear text on the screen.
  7. the Intel reaction is much much better than AMD's. i mean imagine yourself driving a daihatsu at 200kmph. it'd be shocking if the car reacted to being pushed so hard by exploding or catching fire lol.
  8. could you further explain the shutdown part? did you see the shutdown screen that says windows is now shutting down etc? or did it the whole computer just suddenly go off? did the monitor go off too?
  9. pIII 733 here *sob* time to upgrade but not enough savings yet.
  10. hmmm.both are scripting languages that can be used within ASP pages. there's a lot of documentation out there on using VBscript with ASP. however, VBscript can only run properly on IE. so if you're designing pages which you want to work with other browsers such as netscape, use jscript.
  11. no offense, there's always a chance of picking up incorrect methods or impractical ways of doing things by looking at scripts and purely learning by this method.
  12. i've used asp technology, php and perl before and enjoy using php and perl the most. there's no "best" though, sorry, as they're used for different things.
  13. i assume you're talking about images. here's what you can do - 1. create a separate folder and put all your images (or the images you wish to protect) in it. 2. create a text file called ".htaccess" in the above folder. 3. the text file should contain these lines - SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^http://www.blah.com/;locally_linked=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^blah.com; locally_linked=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^http://blah.com/;locally_linked=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^blah.com; locally_linked=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^$" locally_linked=1 <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g)$"> Order Allow,Deny Allow from env=locally_linked </FilesMatch> - and replace blah.com with your domain name. 4. now when someone tries to steal bandwidth by linking to your image from their site, the image will not be displayed. if there are other files that you want to protect e.g. zip files, just put them in that special folder and add the zip extension to the FilesMatch line - <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|zip)$"> - that's it! hope this helps
  14. Software that I use to clean my registry and that I think are good are Registry First Aid and RegSupreme Pro.
  15. sorry, i'd actually recommend not using popups to display your welcome message because nowadays everyone is using some sort of popup blocker or have installed SP2.
  16. another way to block spiders from visiting and indexing your website if you have your own domain is to create a file called "robots.txt" in the root directory of your website. put this in the text file -user-agent: * Disallow: /*- this means that all spiders that are reading this file should not visit or index anything at all.with this file, you can also actually specify which directories and files you do not want the spiders to index, e.g.user-agent: * Disallow: /index.htmlDisallow: /animals/*Disallow: /objects/toaster.html
  17. I just use WS_FTP Pro (FTP) to upload my files because it's less of a hassle and faster. Using file managers to upload lots of files is a lot of clicking work. Probably why some webhosts restrict free users to file managers and only allow paid users to have upload their files by FTP.
  18. I'm really interested to know how much more stable and secure it will be compared to what we have now from Microsoft, and whether there will be hundreds of bug reports and fixes soon after its release.
  19. webmonkey's tute at - https://www.wired.com/?tw=programming - excellent for beginners. (more webmonkey tutes at https://www.wired.com/) then i'd say go through the ones here - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - they teach more than basics for beginners.
  20. agreed. or if you prefer not having an extra thing hanging around in your browser, try the mozilla firefox browser; it automatically blocks all popups. i'd say get a good anti-virus program as well.
  21. read this - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ hope this helps.
  22. Probably the safest way would be to check your laptop manufacturer's website for screen cleaning instructions.But what I usually do is get a soft cloth or anti-static cloth, damp it very slightly with water, and wipe gently.
  23. How about checking the number of processes running in your background press ctrl-alt-delete and task manager (for windows users) should pop up. you can see what "hidden" programs are running in the processes tab and close them from there.
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