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Everything posted by xChellesei

  1. Umm... I have a question. Before I registered here, I registered at Xisto first since I found it before Xisto. I think my registration there is one day earlier to my account here. My Xisto account's myCENTs are already appearing even if I have lesser posts there. So my question is, will I still be able to make myCENTs here even if I have an account at Xisto?Thanks!
  2. I used phpBB before. I liked it but I switched to vBulletin. I like Invision Power Board too but there's a mod that isn't present in IPB but present in vBulletin. I don't know if my search is just not enough but oh well... vBulletin for me now.
  3. Chocolate icecream or vanilla icecream? - Most of the time, I prefer chocolate ice cream. But there are times that I prefer vanilla ice cream too. Well... that depends on the brand of the ice cream. There are brands that I choose the chocolate over vanilla and there are also brands that I like the taste of the vanilla more. Blue or red? - Blue! That's my favorite color. It gives off the feel of peace and serenity. Just like what Iniyila said, red is good when it comes to love but it can also mean wrath and evil. But I've read somewhere and it says that too much blue feels like cold or uncaring. Whenever I choose a background, I always take a look on the blue ones first. My friend said that I'm really biased when it comes to colors. My first edited photo and website are also blue. Red can really attract attention but I just don't know why blue appeals to me more. I like red but I just love blue. Coke or pepsi? - Coke. I don't drink Pepsi as much as I drink Coke. I feel more refreshed when I drink it. It gives the refreshing effect more than Pepsi does (well as for me). Even if Coke's bottle is red, I still prefer it more than Pepsi. I didn't base it on colors this time. Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? - Milk chocolate. Their taste is what I really like the most. I don't find them too sweet but not too bitter. Miranda Cosgrove or Selena Gomez? - Hmmm... I don't like comparing celebrities. So I can't choose between the two.
  4. I agree that we can do something more productive instead of playing video games. I'm not that much of a gamer but I still play some games. In fact, I also consider playing video games as one of my hobbies. I admit that when I really like the game, I play for like 4-8 hours. Mostly when I play, I make sure that all of the things I have to do like school works are already done. There are times that I forget some things too but still, I can't not do them. So when I remember them while playing, I'll stop to have these tasks finished. I'm the type that only plays just to relieve stress. That's the positive effect of gaming to me. But, I've seen a lot of people, be it kids or adults, spending almost all of their time with video games. On my way to school, I can see few students going to computer shops to play games instead of going to school. I feel sorry for their parents who sacrifices a lot for them. Some adults, instead of working or finding a job, prefers staying in their houses to play games. Another bad effect is that these games don't give physical exercise. I don't own a Wii but I think this might be an exemption as I've seen some games which requires you to more your body like dancing. Still, going outdoors to play with others is still different. But as for me, who lives in the city, space for playing outside is the problem. Also, I don't really interact with my neighbors as they are not of my age. They're 3 to 10-year-old children and parents. So for me, like the other users said, gaming is fine as long as it doesn't consume too much of your time or doesn't affect your health and your tasks.
  5. Yeah. I want to be hosted here when I have enough myCENTS. I really think that this service is great. I visited the billing area and found the features to be awesome! I really love the idea of using virtual money for a hosting account. It's really a good thing especially for someone like me who doesn't have credit cards. I'll do my best to be an active member of this community and I won't hesitate to ask if I've got some problems that are still not posted here.
  6. That's what I thought too. I was shocked to see the list of programming languages to be very very long. Well... I know they're many but I didn't expect to be that many. I only know HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript so I'm thinking of studying other languages too. I think I'll further my knowledge on PHP and JavaScript then I'll start learning Perl, C, C++, Java, Python and Ruby.I hope that I won't go crazy in learning them.
  7. xChellesei


    I'm using this on my Kubuntu. It's pretty cool and it's an awesome alternative to MS Office.
  8. I agree to the other members. Installation of Windows 7 is a lot easier than in XP. The graphics are better too. I didn't install XP on my computer since my dad's the one who did that. But when my teacher demonstrated the installation of XP in class as a part of our lesson, I can say that it's more complicated than Windows 7. He also did a quick install but I think it's not that quick. I like XP too but ever since I installed Windows 7 on my computer, it has been my favorite OS. I don't know if I'll like Windows 8 more but as of now, I'm still into Windows 7. Yeah! This is what I do whenever I can't what I'm looking for in the control panel.
  9. I have tried both Windows XP and Windows 7 on my computer. Just like mahesh2k said, Windows 7 is an improvement of Windows XP. With just this, 7 already has an advantage over XP. Also from my experience, Windows 7 runs smoother and faster. My sister's laptop runs Windows Vista and the specs of her laptop is quite near to my computer. I once used her laptop and it's quite slow. I'm not so familiar with Vista but just that one time of using it, I already experienced its not-so-good performance. Even if it's an 'improvement' of XP, I still prefer using XP than Vista.
  10. This happened to me too! I really thought their service was good since I didn't encounter problems three weeks after I signed up to this web host. My website was almost done... just a few tweaks and then I'm ready to spread my website's link. Then just like you, one morning I checked my website, my browser said "Oops! Cannot find (website address here)". I refreshed it for like 5 times but still no good. So I checked my account at 000webhost then they gave me the reason "Closed for abuse (Too much MySQL tables)". Then beside it says "Read TOS". I read the TOS multiple times thinking that I might have missed the part saying that there's a limit in MySQL tables. Then I gave up... it's not in there. Because of that, I didn't continue building my website as I didn't had a chance to back-up all of the files. After that incident, I've searched if there are also some accounts that have been suspended without notice or if it's just my account. But then, I found out that I'm not alone. So, I don't trust this web host anymore.
  11. My first mobile phone was Nokia 3310. I got it from my aunt back in 2003. Its features are mainly sending text or picture messages and calling. I also remember playing the game "Snake" in it. The moment I got my new phone -- Sony Ericsson Z520i, my Nokia 3310 didn't work anymore. I don't know why's that. I didn't do anything bad to it though. Maybe that's because I had been using it for almost 3 years on that time.
  12. Thank you for welcoming me everyone. Let's do our best to be active in this forum. Yeah. I've explored the website and I'm seen some topics that can surely help and increase my knowledge. Wow! That sure is nice! My mom loves cooking too. Too bad that I didn't inherit her skills. I'm not bad at it but I'm not also so good at it. Congratulations on having your grandson on September! I love dogs too! I have a Shih Tzu and he's been with us for three years. I'll do my best to be active here.
  13. Thanks for tutorial! I might try this out some time~! @Guest_rainlover_*Nice work you got there! That's totally awesome! They look realistic!
  14. My favorite email service is Gmail. There are lots of services from Google like Google+, Google Docs that can be integrated with Gmail. It's really neat and there not much ads compared to Yahoo. Since I have two Gmail accounts, it will be troublesome to sign in and sign out to check the other. So, I really like Gmail's feature that let's you check both accounts at the same time with just one browser. With that, I can easily check my emails. :)I also have 2 Yahoo emails and Hotmail but still... I like Gmail the most.
  15. I have two Yahoo emails, another two in Gmail and one in Hotmail. But I use my Gmail accounts the most so I voted for it. Just like what the other users said, with Gmail, services like Google Voice, Docs, and Google+ can be easily integrated with Gmail. Another feature that I like is that I can open both accounts at the same time with just one browser.
  16. Ever since I was little, I've always been liking Mathematics. My mom told me that I love numbers and seem more interested in learning math than any other subjects. English was like a so-so to me but now, my interest in it increases. During my review, I realized that English has its quite complicated parts too. I'm not into History since there are lots of things to memorize in it. I don't like Biology that much but I like learning stuffs about the DNA. I thought Physics is really hard before but when I studied it last year, my classmates say that I'm pretty good in it. I also like the Computer subject. My interest in computers grew bigger ever since I studied HTML in my school.
  17. Hi~!I'm a newbie here. I just registered yesterday and I guess I should introduce myself first. I say "first" even though this is my second post. hehehe. :lol:Anyways, here I go. I'm Chelsy, from Philippines. I want to become a multimedia artist someday. :)I am someone who wants to do a lot of things but can't do all of them because of not enough time. Sometimes, I wish to have more than 24 hours a day. I also put a lot of effort on things that I really want to do or achieve.My hobbies are web designing, playing my guitar/piano, playing computer games, watching anime & reading manga, surfing the internet, drawing, editing videos and pictures, and participating in some forums.I hope to learn a lot of things here and get along with everyone in this website!
  18. I have a Shih Tzu. He's been with us for more than three years. Shih Tzu is one of my favorite breeds and the others being: Japanese Spitz Akita Pomeranian Golden Retriever Shetland Sheepdog German Shepherd
  19. My computer's specs: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 2GB Dual-Channel DDR2 Graphics: Intel G33/G31 Express Chipset Family (256 MB) Audio: Realtek High Definition Audio Hard Drive: WD Caviar Blue 160GB SATA (with 300GB external HDD) Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Monitor: LG FLATRON W1642S 15.6” wide LCD Mouse: 3D Optical DELL mouse Keyboard: DELL SK8-115 keyboard Netbook's specs: Intel Celeron M Processor ULV 353 @ 900 MHz RAM: 512MB DDR2 SODIMM Hard Drive: 30GB 7" LCD I want to buy a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. When I have enough savings, I'll definitely buy one.
  20. I have a laptop and a desktop. But I only use the laptop when I have to bring it to school for study purposes and when I go to our province during vacations. I prefer using desktops since I'm mostly at home and it's faster than my laptop. Another thing is that upgrading the hardware components is easier. From my experience, laptops tend to become obsolete after using it for 3 or 4 years. My aunt's Samsung N150 Netbook didn't last for a year. Two of my cousins have that netbook too, but theirs are still working. So maybe that's because of my aunt's and his son's usage. But if we're talking about Mac laptops, I think they're different as their components are more powerful than other laptops.
  21. Thank you for welcoming me.
  22. As we know, Microsoft has released the consumer preview of its newest OS under development -- Windows 8. Since this OS is not like those previous versions of Windows, some people, including me, think that this OS is going to be something good and refreshing while some others say that they'll be just sticking to Windows 7. I haven't installed the consumer preview on my computer since I don't want installing previews on it. But, I have seen some videos about its new features and user interface. For me, its tiles-based UI is one of its good points. That way, things such as the weather and mails can be easily checked and some applications can be easily accessed. Uninstalling the programs (on tiles) can be easily done by just simply right clicking the tile and choosing the uninstall option at the bottom. That saves some time. The 'snap multitasking' can also help me since mostly, I run more than one programs at the same time. Searching and sharing can also be navigated by just clicking the upper right corner of the screen. Another thing that I liked is the Windows Store. At first, when I heard this, I thought "Is Microsoft trying to imitate Apple's Mac App Store? " But... I don't really care about that now. Actually, I'm looking forward to this Windows Store. These are the system requirements: Before, I thought that Windows 8 would have higher system requirements than Windows 7. That's some things I like about Windows 8 so when the stable release comes out, I'll probably switch to it. What about you guys? Have you installed either the developer or consumer preview? Did you like it? Would you stick to the previous Windows versions or upgrade to Windows 8 when it comes out?
  23. Internet serves as communication, entertainment, and information for me --- I use it to communicate with other people through social networking sites and communities. Just last last year (2010), creating websites, editing videos and images, playing games, and downloading stuffs have been one of my hobbies. I also enjoy watching dramas, anime, and reading manga in the internet so it's also a form of entertainment for me. It also helps in my studies and in finding answers to some of my questions. Whenever I have to search for something, I just have to type the keywords and then with just a few clicks, I've already found what I need.Using the internet is always one of my daily routine. That's why whenever the connection is down, I just don't know what to do to entertain myself.
  24. I'm using Avast Internet Security. I've been using it for two or three years now. I like it and it gives what I need. I have tried NOD32 before but I like Avast more. I might as well try Kaspersky some time.
  25. Hi! Newcomer here. I'm an aspiring multimedia artist from the Philippines. I'm hoping that I can learn a lot of things here and of course, I'll also do my best to share good contributions. I hope to get along well with everyone in this website.
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