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Posts posted by DogEater008

  1. I don't believe in not being selfish or prideful or self-sacrifice for love. I believe we should be selfish about our relationship, be prideful of whom we are dating. And i definitely don't believe in self-sacrifice. I don't mean the whole relationship has to be about yourself. When i say not to self sacrifice is like letting her go if she is happier that way. If you are truely in love with someone, you should never let them go, you should fight back.If you really love her, you shouldn't hold back on your feelings. Don't keep it to yourself. It takes two people to create a relationship not one. So why the one side has to be the one that are sacrificing. I think that is the only way to find "true" love. If they can't stand or understand the reason for your selfishness then i don't think that person is the right one.Prideful: Well. .actually i guess there are two meanings for this word. 1. Proud of your partner on how smart or beautiful she is and show her off to your friends and want everyone to be envious of your relationship.2. Your partner has to be the one that loves and wants you more than you wants him/her (her in my case) or something simliar. I don't believe there is anything wrong with definition number 1 (that's probably just me .... but from what i know.. .that is probably for everyone). For definition number 2, well.. i don't believe there is anything wrong with that in a non-serious relationship. The effects won't be as strong when you guys break up or anything similar. It's easier to get over with if you had that kind of thinking in mind. EHhh.. that does sound insensative.

  2. lol. .i don't think some girls are that obvious.. AHAH. .you know.. some girl actually have their own pride like we men do. .AHAH. You don't want to love the person more than they love you. .AHAH. .to some people. .that just means it's low.. AHHAHAwell.. from experience as a man i am.. lol .. i think this is true7. His voice gets softer ("Hey you") whenever you two talk.usually.. i notice when i talk to a girl i like or close to that.. i alway soften my voice. .AHAHA.. it just happend naturally. I guess that could be a hint for some girls =PMost of the thing on the list isn't realistic to me. That might happens in movies.. but not in real life. .lol

  3. how fast is the downloading?.. IF it's any less than 50kb/s .. then http://www.clubbox.co.kr/ would be better. For beginners .. you get 100gb of storeage.. This site is in korean.. .so you need to find tutorial on how to sign up for an account. .Just google it. .there are many. When first signed up for an account, you get a silver metal. .that means if you upload a file.. it must have at least 10 people downloaded the file in 10 days or else the it will be delted. It doesn't have any size restriction. If there are alot of people download from your "clubbox" then you will get an upgrade to GOLD.. where your files will stay there forever and you get 200gb (but i saw people with like 1300gb .. .that isn't a typo).The bad thing about this is that.. you must download there clubbox program in order to download the files. .It doesn't work with firefox. .only with IE. You don't need to signup to download. Speed is capped to 50kb/s for free members.

  4. wow. that is crazy.. did mircosoft announce about the new chip yet? or is it still a rumor... this is outrageous. They should never do that.. or else it will kill the entertainment industry.... everything will drop.. .Well.. if this ever happen.. i will continue on using window xp =P and not connect to the internet.. so my computer will stay 100% clean.. HAHAHAHh

  5. wow.. first the sperm count... that made us men suffered already.. and now brain tumor. .lol.. maybe they will make cellphone illegal.. It's like murdering everyone around you.. loli wonder if it would be possible to invent a cellphone that great a force field around your body so that harmful radio waves can't get pass.. AHAHAH.. If that ever happans.. it would waste alot of batteries.. lol

  6. i seriously don't believe in distant relationship. .because you will never know if you she is cheating on you.. Second.. it is worse if you have never met the person. For dating. .(i'm assume that you're young).. i think it should be for fun now. .nothing to get serious about...and dating a person a few states away isn't my idea of fun dating.. you won't get to do anything =PAHAHA. .i never knew people would actually have phone sex.. i thought that was just amercian pie. .maybe i'm just too asian =(Hmm.. about the part of seeing if she really likes you or not.. try to analyze things... lol.. Like what time does she usually .. initialivly call you. If she calls you during the best time of the day (like right after school.. during 5... not when she isn't doing anything), not when she's bored and think of you as a talk to person.. Just think logically, what would you to if you like someone.. I'm sure she will do the same..AHAHA. .i never knew people would actually have phone sex.. i thought that was just amercian pie. .maybe i'm just too asian =

  7. OMG.. .we all are NERDS>... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. i doin't want to be one....lol. .just kidding. .i just don't see anythign wrong with nerds... as long as they act normal.. lol.. well... my purpose on this is different from you. .AHAH .i'm here for free hosting of course.. and well.. i really want to learn how to design and program websites.. but .the problem is. .i'm too lazy. .Attempted to learn php. .but i gave up the first week =(.. .It's so hard for me to edit .php files and other website related files.. I'm not really here to waste time.. i'm more of a person that everything i do has to have a purpose.. .. something that would benefit me.. lol.. But if i get lazy and have free time... i rather spend it on watching drama or anime.. .Yeah.. i watch drama.. asian drama.. there isn't anythign wrong with that.. AHHA (i meant drama as in tv-series.. doesn't have to be emotional.. lol.. just to clear that up because most people have different meaning to it)..

  8. actually.. .you need you buy two graphic card. .and a motherboard has to support it. .For example. .you need a mother board that has 2 AGP slots. Then most likely.. that mother board supports dual graphic card...wait.. nvm. .that isn't right. .sorry for the wrong info.dual graphic means it uses two graphic card (one to process the upper half of the screen and the other one process the lower half)... But the cheapest way you could get dual monitor is.. to buy those spliter box that they used in stores to preview their mointors.. .The dual screen view you're talking about is.. for a tv-out.. Graphic cards these days usually comes with either an a/v port or a s-video port out port. You could then plug it to your TV and use it as a second screen or extention to your desktop. This means you could drag window media player over to the TV screen and watch movies while chatting or browsing on your main screen. But make sure you have a fast computer so it doesn't lag whatever you're watching. I have never seen a graphic card that supports more than two screens at the same time. Like my brother has a laptop that has a monitor port and a s-video port. You can only have two screen (including the laptop screen).

  9. Before i would die for an 60gb ipod video. but now.. i'm more into 3rd generation phone that plays music, video, calling, etc. You could do so much more with a 3G phone than a ipod. Sure.. .mp3 phone usually dont' have much space and you can't really store that many files in there. .but i'm sure you barely ever listen to all the songs on your ipod. Beside... after listening to a song a few times... it gets boring. I'm sure in the future.. the limited memory problems for phone will be solved. There's a new samsung phone that hold 8gb. That is crazy for a phone. .that is like 2 times a mini ipod. Also, my w600i battery lasts longer because it doesn't have any moving parts (hard drive).

  10. holly crap.. and i thought the next generation blue-ray disc or hd-dvd is alot.. .30gb... but 300gb per disc?.. that is crazy. They said it's possible to go up to 1.6tb per disk.. .who would ever need that much? it's like all the anime/movie/drama you ever downloaded in 3 years worth would fit into one disc. .AHAHA that's pretty coolbut really now.. lol.. .the writer is as much as a decent new car... not to mention people have to buy the disc reader... plus... 100 dollars per disc for 300gb?.. i would rather buy a 300gb external hdd or internal hdd for 100gb.

  11. wow. .that's the phone i want.. lol.... I have a w600 and it isn't that good... lol.. still slow like heck and keep on crashing.... and i have to keep on sending it back to sony to get it fixed...1.3 megapixel.. .alot of phone are not 2.0 megapixel... It would be great if the internal memory was more.. .How much does a SDIO expansion card cost? It would be great if it could play divx. so you odn't have to reencode your video files.. ehhh. .the phone i want.

  12. dang.. where do you people live?.. i live in america and the fastest i have ever seen is 8mega bits (earthlink dsl). But most people are using comcast which is only 6mega bits.. which costs around 50-60 dollars a month. I doubt there are 30gb. .because the newest network card available for public is only 1000mbits/s (unless you start using fiber optic) ... 30gb... that equals to 30 000 mbits/s .. divide by 8.. that is equavilant to 3750 mega BYTES per second. .. divide that by 1000, that's 3.75 giga bytes per second.. Your hard drive can't even read or write that fast. Ahhh. thinking of it.. America sucks. .we have the gayest tech... we have the gayest cell phone and slowest internet connect. There are still alot of people like me that are still using dial up connection...

  13. hmmm.. well. .i believe mircosoft have the MUI (Multilingual User Interface) like i mentioned above. I kind of skimmed through the description of it.. and i think it's a program or add on to window xp professional to change the language of everything. But it said you have to buy it or something.. Oh well... anyways.. thanks for trying to help =P... and bufflo help.. thanks for the info. i never knew that.. ahaha. By the way.. i thought the encryption chip is located on your motherboard.. not cpu.. i heard that the new vista version of window take an advantage of the chip to make the system more secure.. i forgot where i got that fact from....so i'm not sure if it's true or not. .AHAH

  14. i think child support is alright. .but it is outrageous when the women is asking for more than it is needed. But in this case.. i would say the man should pay for child support. After all, it is his daughter.. it isn't someone's else daughter... So i think the most he can do for her is to pay the child support. It's only $500 a month. It's not like he doesn't have enough money or 500 dollars is like 50% of his paycheck. He's a computer programer. .I'm pretty sure he will make over 2 grand a month. The mother's efforts of raising a child is more than $500 / month. So i don't think he should be complaining about it.. If i were him, i would pay, unless she's a *BLEEP* and i don't know if the child is mine.. then i would get a dna check.

  15. ehh. .dual core... wonder why Intel is't making 64bits processor to compete with AMD. Maybe they haven't finished the research yet. anyway, i'm running a duron 700mhz now.. for about two years how. .HAhAhA.. but since i don't play game much or do anything that requires that fast of a processor.. i don't need to upgrade my computer.. I'm happy as long as it plays divx and other video files and won't lag.Actually.. i would like a newer and faster computer because i want to watch movies while running other stuff like AIM and download using bit torrent, etc. But doing all that don't really need an expensive proccessor.. About the heat sink that came with the computer. .It doesn't work very well.. I remember i once tried to play need for speed underground with this computer. The heatsink cannot handle the heat from the CPU.. so it keept on restarting like every 1 hour. Which sucks when i'm in the middle of a really hard race... .because then i have to start over. Didn't really know what was causing the problem until i touched my heatsink and found that it was extremely hot.. so i replaced it with my spare copper headsink that was meant for a 1.7gb cpu. Suprised how the heatsink still get hot when i play games.I have my computer under the desk so it doesn't get much cool air down there. But i have two system fan to cool it down when needed.. I usuaully don't turn them on because it increases the noises.

  16. aahaha. i love watching his show. it's pretty entertaining. .used to be on air at where i live.. but haven't seen it on TV anymore. He lives in seattle which isn't far from where i live .. lol.. but never met the guy. >AHAHAehh.. how old is he?... he must be pretty old now. .because his shows are like wayyy back there. =Pby the way. .the link doesn't work anymore... and i'm like one month late on the news =(

  17. I have a friend that wants to install a korean language pack on your window xp. She wants everything to be in korean (like a korean version of window xp). I searched on microsoft.com and found the Multilingual User Interface. Which i believe you have to buy them separately. Does anyone know how to upgrade a english version of window xp to a korean version of window xp?.... Is it even possible to do that or do you have to purchase a korean version of window xp.....PS. I'm not looking for language packs that only let you type in different language packs...

  18. i have the same problem with everyone.... i used to keep my hosting credits at 40+.. right now.. after one hour of posting.. i managed to get it up to 30 points... I had to force myself to say something when writing up a post. .but i'm pretty sure most of the main points that i said is already stated by someone else that posted before me... but then i guess that can't be helped.from what i noticed... ever since the forum was upgraded ... the amount of points you get for the lenght of the post is lesser than before... And i noticed some repeated thread...well.. i don't want to sound like a newb by complaining.. .but.. is it possible to increase the number of points for the lenght of posts?

  19. I got my sony ericsson w600i about... 2 months ago from amazon...bought three of them actually.. .one for every of my brothers. too bad i didn't read the amazon rebate form carefully enough.... it said you could get up to 5 rebates for each household.. .but then it also said only 1 rebate for each phone plan... which i completely missed that.. so we basically had to pay like 250 for 3 phones.. .including tax. ...i guess that is still a good deal.. because it's a nice phone.. great features...so.. you guys are all wondering.. why would i hate it if it's a great phone that has alot of cool features?.... Well.. i would have to blame sony ericsson for that because they did a terrible job in programming the firmware for the phone....If you ever owned one.. you probably already had the "White screen of death (WOSD)" at least once. For those that doesn't know what the white screen of death is, it is when the phone crashes and won't boot up. The only way to turn off the phone is by taking out the battery... WOSD is unexpected.. it can happans while trying to play a mp3 file or calling someone.anyways.. .i got another WSOD today.. and i just sent them in to sony ericsson. This is the second time that i did this. The support person wasn't any help in fixing the problem.. all they know is.. you have to send the phone in. The first time i sent them in.. i had to pay 10 dollars for shipping..... .The phone lasted for about 3 weeks until the same WSOD came back. So i told them that i didn't want this model anymore because if this continues on... i will have to keep sending them in every 3 weeks. I wanted to trade it for the w900 but they said they don't have any exchange policies...From what i read from other people experiences with different models... they said that the cause of the WSOD is the firmware.. but then sony will not be reliable for anything that happened during upgrading the firmware. Since the w600i was just released last july of 2005.. they didn't have any updates.Ever since i got his phone.. i had so many problems with it. The first day when i got the phone.. i actually got the WSOD but then it wasn't pernament.. it booted itself back up after like 15 minutes (while i was calling ericsson for help). Then my charger broke and i had to call them for a replacement.. which they replaced it for free since i'm still under their one year warranty. I have to admit that they have a great when it comes to replacement because i called them asking if they could send me a $50 replacement headset for free and they did.. unfortunately.. they didn't have any in stock so they had to back order it...PS.. i just hope that they will get it completely fixed so i won't have the same problem in the future...

  20. that would be awesome... ipod + phone = the greatest phone ever... lol.. j/k.. i probably overexagerated about that... but i'm pretty sure their first phone won't be that good .. .because they have to have many trials and experiences with the devices... like how when sony ericsson first came out.. ttheir phones have really bad reception comparing to other phones.. .but now they're gettting betterthis just reminded me... .i had to send in my sony ericsson walkman phone... w600i today... this has been the second time... as most of you people that have owned a sony ericsson phone before.. i'm pretty sure you have heard of the "white screen of death" aka WOSD.. lol.. the good thing about it this time is that... they offer to pay for my shipping... the first time i had to pay 10 dollars to ship it with UPS... ahaha. .this time i shipped it with FedEx Priority Overnight (i like to think it as a way of taking my revenage againist sony ericsson).

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