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Posts posted by DogEater008

  1. the one thing i hate about it is that. The client messes up your buddylist if you sign two sn's. But i'm still using it because i have my own computer without sharing it with anyone.This is a great program if you dont' want to have 5 different IM clients running at onces. And don't want to put away message for every one of them

  2. I don't really know what life is. To define a person if he or she is living, you would probably say having the ability to feel and think, but what is it that enable us feel or think?. As you all know, your brain is basiclly what make you who you are. Brains are made up of cells and cells cannot think on its own. So really, what are we?

  3. My previous website was hosted by geocities. And the one thing i odn't like about it is that,not enough bandwidth (even though they said 2gb of bandwidth, but i think it is divided out so you won't use all 2gb before the month is over)Space is very limited, all you could do is host pictures and that's itDoesn't support FTP for free acount so it takes much longer to edit html files and to upload pictures. And you can't mass upload files at once (like using a gallery generator to generate html and thumbnails. Think of how long it would take to upload a few hundreds files with the "easy upload" that yahoo supports.

  4. I would get a PS3 because the spec. is wayy better. And it has more game. I believe all microsoft did for xbox 360 is making the xbox live better and improving it and Adding some extra features like media player. But on the other hand, PS3 improved its spec. that is about twice the speed of the new xbox.i rather have more games to choose from and better graphic. And i heard soemthign about playstation 3 using sony's next gerneration dvd (blue ray disc). That means bigger space for better graphics.

  5. I started playing the violin in 7th grade. I'm currently playing for the school orchestra. And our orchestra sucks. It combines with beginners and advance people. Which sucks because the beginners can't keep up. Our conductor gave us a hard song and expects us to be ready in 3 weeks. Half of the time in class is just arguing instead of playing. I really want to play the piano and guitar, but it is so hard. And i'm too poor for private lessons. =(

  6. I've heard about multiple variations of the "water" fueled engine, including different hydrogen engines and the most popular fuel cell design. But haven't heard anywhere that it'll use so much water that its a problem! One thing to note is that you physically cannot destroy water. You can change the form and appearance and even react it to other elements but you can always get it back :huh:


    that is not true. Because when you break down the molecules to release the energy. Some of the mass will convert into ENERGY (that's how you get energy). So therefore, you will have less water. BUt water is an abundant source so it's nothing to worry about and it's easy to make water anyway.

  7. so there's this girl that I like at school


    One of her friends... er... I think said that someone in my grade liked me, and I said "is it *****?" and she just goes "uhh...hh Mabie..."


    so how should I ask her out?


    I'm a good gfx designer, I could make her a nice book cover

    I could write a song about her (I play bass guitar in a band)

    what else...


    Making her a nice book cover just make you look extremely nerdy, and i don't think that is a good first impression. Writing a song about her is too early right now. So the best thing you could do right now is like ask her to a dance. Since school is starting or started already, you could ask her to homecoming or the first formal dance at your school (this is if you're in high school). And if she says yes, then go and ask her out during the dance.


    And if you want to know if she likes you, get the information from the source, don't go ask around because sometime her friends don't want to hurt your feeling or whatever their excuses are to be, will tell you lies.

  8. usb have all kind of shapse. From what i know, each company could have a different type of port but one end will alway be the standard type "A". Like the usb cable for my phone (motorola v180) is a Mini-usb to "A" type cable. All computers use the stand type "A" port. I have never seen one with anything different. And back to the problem, maybe your mouse have an extention that converts it into the standard usb port.

  9. I'm looking forward to the new windows. Everything is so much nicer, the graphic and the default taskbar and everything. I tried the beta 1 and it was awesome except for a few bugs (like the search engine doesn't really work) and my computer was extremely too slow to run the operating system. It takes more than 5 mintues for it to boot up into window. And the new internet explorer 7.0 that comes with the new windows looks nice too. And yes, it can be run on a 32bits too, since my computer is way too old to be a 64 bits.

  10. This question has been in my mind for at least a year. My friend told me that water fuel engine has been developed but can't appear on the market because it will reduce the oil companies' profit and use too much water to cause water problem all over the world.


    Is this true that the water fuel engine has already existed??



    i think you're talking about the fuel cell engine. It runs on hydrogen gas. The by-product is water. It is not practice for a water fuel engine because the amount that is being uses is the same as the amount the water will create.

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