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Posts posted by DogEater008

  1. well ... the thinner .. the better because it would take less material to make and save alot of space, which means they can make gadgets much smaller.I heard samsung as a phototype of a PAPER thin lcd that you can actually fold and bends it. The screen is also power efficient too. I'm pretty sure if it is used on laptops, then your laptops would last at least for a whole day because normal laptops LCD absorb most of the battery.

  2. uh.. i don't get why you guys are debating.. Didn't apple already switched their processor to intel now? New MAC os can be installed on PC and vice versa for windows.Besides, people like MAC because apple makes everything fancy looking (well.. they like it for other things too, but mainly for the looks). Windows vista is coming out next year.. and the graphic and everything is so much nicer than MAC.

  3. lol. .i don't know if anyone has mentioned it.. but you could try an encript your files. This is a lot safer to do because there are programs that allows you to decript the password in zip file. It might take a while for them to get the password but it is definitlly possible.On the other hand, encripting the file is much harder to try to descript without the right security certificate. Even if a hacker get into your computer and steal the file, it would be harder for them to open the file.Note: before you try to encript all your files, make sure have backed up all your security certificate. Without it, you won't be able to access the file yourself. To encript a file, right click on the file and select properites. Then under attributes, click "advanced" and select encrypt contents to secure file.

  4. uh.. maybe you have your graphic card set on external monitor display. Try to press and hold the "fn" or function key on your laptop keyboard and look for another key that has something like "crt/lcd" and press it with the fn key. If it doesn't work, then wait for a few second and press it again to switch to a different setting. There are multiple settings.I don't know if it will work in safe mode, but you can right click on your desktop and the menu should have extra options than normal computer like "graphics options" and "display modes". Try to set it to the one that applies to you.

  5. yeah. .i read somewhere on bbcnews about a company somewhere in europe designed a car that runs on compressed air. I'm pretty sure it also run on gas because it needs an external energy to recompress the air.Well, to be more realistic, car running on air is kinda a bad idea even though it works because as the pressure in the tank decrease, the power of the car also decrease. An alternative is of course, hydrogen fuel. Honda designed a home electricity/heat/hydrogen generator. The generator connects to your already existed gas pipe and use that gas to generate electricty and heat. And of course, the most efficient way to extract liquid hydrogen is to extract it from gas (you can extract it from water but that would require more energy, unless you could find an effieicent way to generate electricity from solar power but then why not use the energy that is generate from the sun instead). So soon, you would have your own power plant / gas station right in your house.

  6. uh.. i think the pricing is right because ps3 is a very powerful console. The processor they use is as powerful as most processor used in PC today. As you all know that process are very expansive, let's set the price for the processor about $150 (reasonable enough?). Next comes the grahpic card, i haven't analyse the spec. for PS3 but from what i heard, the graphic is amazying. so i'm guessing the graphic card would price around $120+. So far with just the processor and grahpic card, that's half of the price for the PC 3. Also, they are going to embed the latest blue-rey disk drive, which will cost alot because it's so new. Let us say it cost around $100 for the disk drive.. that's $370. And another $150 for the other hardwares included in the ps3 (controllers, motherboard, case, ram.. etc. ). And of couse..they have to pay the employees money to develope the system, so it actually adds up to the price. You just have to keep in mind that the better the console, the more expensive it will be because it's better. Better = better hardwares, faster processor = MORE MONEY to make = MORE MONEY CONSUMERS HAVE TO PAY.

  7. it is most likely hardware problem. Why don't t you try to just take out all your ram except for one (i'm assuming you have multiple rams) and test it to see which one is malfunctioning. Actually, from what you discribed, i think the problem is your harddrive. Try to switch the hdd and reinstall window on the new harddrive to see if it still have the same problem. It might be that you have a bad harddrive and it drags your computer down too.

  8. yeah.. i'm pretty sure it takes up a lot of ram because of all graphic and fancy 3D stuff. I saw a few picture of the new window vista, i have to admit that it is really amazing. It seems like microsoft is coming out with fancy stuff that requires awhole lot of computer resources. Did you know that the recommanded requirement for window vista is to have at least 1gb of ram and at least a 128mb graphic card. LOL, that's basically running a game everytime you turn on your computer.Luckly, i just bought at 512 kingston from circuit city for 30 after mail in rebate (hopefully i get the rebate) and i just got another 512 replacement plus a 128.. .hopefully i have enought computer power to run all the new microsoft products.

  9. I read that they'd just move their servers to a new country if it turned out what they were doing was illegal in Sweden. Try North Korea; I'm sure they're not going to bow down to any pressure from a US organisation like the RIAA any time soon.

    lol.. actually north korea is under pressure from the US, china, south korea and japan right now to disband their nuclear project. I'm pretty sure they don't want anymore trouble than what they have now. Even if they weren't under pressure by the US, i doubt they would want to waste bunch of money to start a server just to let people download illegal contents while 1/3 of their population are dying from hunger.

  10. loll, i dont' think it's true about how guys like their girlfriend to be lliek their mom.. LOL. Well.. it doesn't apply to me. I love my mom very much of course, but i don't think i would want another people like my mom controlling me. One is enough, there is no need to have two. lol.. That's just how i would think aobut it. Ehh.. .. and the teasing part, lol.. i do that to alot of girls just for fun. It's really funny to see the way they react to it. loli would say out of 99 "facts" about guys, only about 40 is right. =PFACT #100 (by me) - Guys like girls that are independent instead of depending everything from surrounding people. It really annoys me when a girl just ask for help without even trying....

  11. i do have norton anti-virus and internet security running.. but i don't think that's the problem . Because whenever my computer exited the fullscreen, there wasn't any popups or noticfication. ... any other idea that might have caused this problem? hmm.. i'm currently runing folding@home .. not sure if that might be the cause. It shouldn't affect anything other than using my excess computer resource to fold proteins. lol

  12. i dont' know why, but whenever i trys to play game, sometimes it keep exiting out the fullscreen and repeatively doing the samething over and over everytime i tried to click back into the game. Do you guys have any idea on how to fix this because it's getting really annoying and i have to exit the game and start it up again. I don't think it has to do with any hardware problem because i have a ATI 128mb AGP grahpic card and a 1.7 ghz Pentium 4 with 900mb of ram. I'm pretty sure that's enough to play most games out there.

  13. well... i used to own an AMD duron 700mhz, it worked very well for a few years (i feed it with 900mb of ram). Just about last week, i upgraded it to a 1.7ghz Pentium 4 processor (got it from my teacher), and yesterday i just bought a 512mb ram stick for it; the computer now works pretty fast. I can't really say wheather which one is better than t he other because they have different modells that do different things. AMD now has a duel core processor just like intel, but i guess for now i would probably stick with intel because the duel core model for AMD is pretty expensive while you could get it for less with intel.

  14. lol.. in my case, i'm 20 pounds below my weigh so i don't really care about consuming all those FATS from mcdonalds. What is better than getting 460 calories (double cheese burger) for just 1 dollar? I have to admit that the reason why i'm so skinny is because i have a really bad eating habit. I barely eat anythign in the morning before school (usually cup noodle -- which is very healthy), and also i don't eat lunch because i don't think it worth spending 2 dollars on some *BLEEP* food that makes you want to throw-up. I'm pretty activtive in school activities too, so i usually get home around 4-5 and eat my dinner. So basically.. that's 1 meal per day for me. Then that continue for the next day.

  15. it is less likely that a virus caused that.. lol.. unless someone is good enough to program something that could alter the electrical flows on your motherboard or something and fried it. lolWell, a most likely reason for that is probably your CPU is overheated. If your computer is a AMD based, it will freeze when the CPU is overheated to prevent damage to your cpu. On the other hand, Intel chips usually automatically downclock the cpu to reduce the heat, that's why some user might experience their computer lagging or computer resource shot up really high. My best advice is to increase the air circulation in your computer by installing more fans or replace the CPU heatsink with a more powerful one. by the way, for most Intel pentium 4 chips, the maximum temperture the processor could reach before getting fried is 76 degree C. You should try to install those system monitor program to check your CPU temperature.

  16. lol. .why would they want to guard the canadian's border? lol..I doubt they canadian would want to escape to the US.... i mean.. you guys get free drugs.. Drugs in the US are expensive.. lol.. i could understand if the american want to illegally imigrate to canada... but not vice versa. lolI just finished watching "the day after tomorrow"....lol..it's really ironic.. lol The American were escaping to mexico but the mexican goverment closed the border and they had to imgriate illegally into mexico.. LOL. .i chose the perfect time to watch that movie.

  17. lol. that is true, final fantasy 12 isn't even out and yet they are annoucing about final fantasy 13. I personally think they kinda killed the final fantasy series after final fantasy 10. Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't that great; while final fantasy 11 requires a monthly fee. LOL.. since i'm not that interested in gaming, i think they should stop making final fantasy games, but start making final fantasy the movie. Most people play the game to kill some time and to know the story, but for lazy people like me, who don't want to go through the trouble of playing the game, a movie would be great.

  18. Well Molecules and atoms. I mean Atoms still have the shape of a sphere right?

    lol, no one knows what an atom looks like. The sphere that you see representing an atom is just a model used by sciencists of the basic structure of an atome (proton, electron, and neutron). Atom is known as a buidling block for all matter. It is so small, even smaller than light wave. Thus, atom cannot be seen.

    I believe what between molecules is energy. As we all know that when something is heated up, it expanded; while it is cooled down, it condense. This is because the energy caused the molecule to get excited and bounces against each other. Take water as an example, when water is at room temperature, it calls water. When it is heated up, we called it water vapor; although the molecule still stays the same (H2O). Water cooled down and condense and formed ice.

  19. lol.. hypercube.. i dont' think there are such thing. A pologon can have many sides, but no matter how you look at it, you can only see; length, width, and height. It's pretty hard to imagine a 4th physical demension since it is out our our comprehension.And yes , the fouth dimension has to be time. For those that know about einstien's special relativity theory, time isn't constant, so we can consister it as a dimension. Imagine if you were to live in a 1 dimension world, you might not be able to see anything (other 1 dimension creature) or move around freely, you will stuck in one place forever. In a 2 dimensional world, all you can see are lines and you can only move up, down, left, right. Those are the only direction a two dimensional creature can move. Next comes the 3 dimensional work, this time, you don't need to imagine because you could already see 3 dimensional objects now and can move freely everywhere you want.In all 3 worlds (1, 2, and 3 dimensional worlds), you won't be able to do much since time is not one of the varible. Time describe movement of objects, since there is no time, creatures that live in a 1,2, and 3 dimensional world cannot move or possibbly exist since they cannot think or do anything. The fourth dimension world is what we are living in right now. As i'm typing my thoughts right now, you can probably guess that i have to move my fingers inorder to type. This shows that time does exist in our world and therefore we are living in a 4 dimensional world.LOL... i hope what i just typed is coherent.

  20. lol, i'm posting on this 4 months old post because i want to bring up this post to everyone on the forum again. I would recommand everyone to install this program and contribute to science. Who knows, one day we might be saved as the result of this research.

    Why waste your computer power when just browsing the web or just listen to music that doesn't require much processing.

    there are hundreds of thousands of people that are running the program, so don't afriad of this as some sort of scam or people attempt to hack your computer. Just be realisitc, what would they benefit from hacking your computer?

    you can download the stand-alone version at http://folding.stanford.edu/

    it's a program that simliates protein folding and send the result back to the main server. This helps sciencists understand the structure of proteins and may result in curing a lot of illnesses.

    if you are running the stand-alone version and interested in join my team of computing then under "team ID" type 41708. Join a team to compete with other team for ranking (running on a credit system). THe more "work-units" you computed, the more credit you will get.

    If you downloaded the google version, i think you are defaulted under the "google team".

    Well, if most of you are still not convinced, then at least tell your friends about it to see if they are interested. I'm thinking to proposing this to my school to see if they are interested in running on school comptuer since it's just there for nothing.

  21. do you acutally know the guy in person? Well, if you don't know the guy in real life, just either make a new sn or just ignore him. but incase you do know him in person, then you should just tell him the truth. It's better to tell him now before he wonder off too far into his fantasy and hurt later on. From a guy perspective, i really hate girls who are not straightforward and giving people the wrong impression when they are really trying to say is, "i don't like you". It's really stupid and makes us guys feel like a fool afterwards. In most casse, we are not heart broken, but our pride are shattered into pieces.

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