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Posts posted by DogEater008

  1. such a waste of ram.. .Want to give me some rams guys?.. lolmy only worry about this is that.. the operating system is going to cost a fortune to own. Unless some elite hacker could crack it. .AHHAAHHA.. But it seems so tempting for hackers to hack it because microsoft will be putting all version of vista on one cd(DVD). And the only thing that is between you from owning the ultimate version is the cd key.The operating system is already a lot and for most people, they still need to upgrade their computer to be vista compatiable.

  2. I do not agree that belts are needed in every case, here is an example from my real life.....
    My grandfather is dead thanks to SAFETY belts... Here is what happend:

    He was a policeman... He was driving, about 90-100km/h, in his police car, and then one people in tractor came on road from right, my grandfather presses the brake, and then crashes into a tractor... The SAFETY belt was break his rebe's and died from heart damaging...

    Or this, my friend is deat thanks to Safety belt... Here is what happend:

    He was driving, and somewhere between two cities other car was going around a broken car parked with two wheels on the road. My friend was I supose must to turn right, and bam, he was of the road. Car was roling on the field for a while, and than it stoped. The reason of his death is same like my grandfather. Broken rebe's was damaged the heart...

    I can't say, in some cases peoples dies with or without belts, so, i think, the belts might be useful, but with a little changes in desing...

    you can't really say that because if the belts weren't there, they both might have even got into much worse damage. But both case, the impact was so strong that even safety belts are no help.

    And for those cases where safety belts actually killed peope, those people are most likely to put the belts on incorrectly; therefore, causes more harms than good.

  3. music is a form of language that is universally used to communicate. For example, i'm not japanese, but i could listen to some japanese music and generate a feeling that mostly everyone would feel when listening to the song.For that reason, i do not think rap should be considered as music because all it has is beats. You can't really translate those beats into feelings. Therefore, i think rap should be catagorize into its own catagory.

  4. lol. .honestly, they are making 10 times the money that they give you. .WHo cares if it's legit or not. You will probably be better off walking on the street picking up dropped coins and probably would make more than that... Seriously. lol.. Or maybe you can spend the time you would have spent click on those emails to create your websites and get alot of a visitor and make money off that. At least this way, it's an automatic system, which means you don't have to do anything after getting everything set up.

  5. i have to disagree with that. Atheism isn't a religon. An atheist is one that does that believe in existance of any supernatural being(s). Atheism isn't a cult, therefore it does not have to be organized like reglions. Also, i would like to point that that buddism isn't a reglion about supernatural beings that helped human through hard time, but instead, "buddha(s)" are teachers that teach moral to people. Through their good deeds, people decided to worship them as gods. And about you not being able to prove non-existacnce of god, maybe that is because god does not exist. I recently went to a Islam church for a field trip at my school (learning about civil liberties during wartime and stuff), there was a point that they pointed out that is very interesting. In christanity, they claim that Jesus is son of god. Jesus, however, claimed himself as god also. But as we know, God is not materialize, meaning he/she (or whatever) cannot be touch, feel, or seen. I'm not exactly sure that my information are correct, but if it is, then wouldn't there be a false in christanity?I'm not trying to make any reglion looks bad or prove it to be a fraud, but i'm just tired of people telling me that god exist and that i'm going to HELL if i don't believe in God. If god were that mericful, no matter if a person beleive in him/her(whatever) or not shouldn't be put to hell.

  6. lol.. yeah.. i read that while i was in class... The same thing for your computer's hard drive too. .When you "format" your hard drive.... it only erase DISK log (yeah. .i forgot the technical term for it. .but yeah).. the "disk log" stores all the information about where a file is located on which sector on your disk. I guess there are ways to recover those lost "disk log"...

  7. lol.. 13.. wow. .lol. .so. .what grade are you in... 7th... 8th? . lol.. Middle schooler should not even know anything about sex (at least most don't). lol..I'm sure that your school just started to teach sex ed.. am i right?.. Having sex is not really if you're ready or not, it's how mature you are to be responsible for any consequences. If you get your partner pregnant, you have two choices: get an abortion, or have the kid. In some case, your partner (being emotional like most female) refuses to have an abortion. That means you have to support the baby as well. Let's see.. you're 13, you need to be at least 3 more years to get a job at mcdonalds or somewhere because without an education, your chance of find a well paid job is very slim. I don't care how many people brags about how they didn't even finish high school and they still make alot of money to afford a BMW and a half a million dollars house, that is just in a rare case. It doesn't happens to everyone.lol... Well.. i can't really stop you from doing it, so if you just have to do it.. ahaha. .make sure you go and get some condoms and some "plan B" (if you know what that is). I still think high school kids (like myself) is too young for sex.. .wait till college.. lol

  8. lol.. it doesn't look like linux.. AHAHA.. i say it looks fancy like a MAC. I'm actually running the window vista transformation pack right now. .with topdeak installed (trial version =( ). It doesn't take up alot of my resources.. The reason why, i'm guessing, that window vista take up so much resource is because..IT"S STILL A BETA VERSION.Actually.. i don't agree with the post above me.. lol. .I don't think Bill Gates will gain anything from consummer having to upgrade their computer because MICROSOFT is a SOFTWARE company, not hardware. Unless they made some secret deal with hardware companies that we don't know about.....

  9. it's really depends on which model of a dell or alien ware you're getting. There are ones that are built for playing games. For example, a computer with like 250mb graphic card etc. Dell XPS is meant for gaming. What make a computer good for gaming is the PROCESSOR, GRAPHIC CARD, RAM, and some other hardware like motherboard. And of course you might need a BIG hard drive.. maybe 300gb to install all the games on your system without running out of space to do other things. Game these days are gigabytes size.

  10. lol.. window xp's recommandation RAM requirement is 128.. but right now. when my computer boots up.. it already using 580mb of ram. lol.. .So i don't think you would be spending more time on waiting for application to load than spending time on your homework...Honestly, i would tell your girlfriend to go buy a new laptop. Laptop arn't really that expensive anymore, compares to back in the days. Linux might be too hard to learn for a girl. Especailly a girl that doesn't know how to... simpily... format her own computer. Besides, she will need a faster laptop sooner or later anyway, so why not get one now and save the misery.

  11. lol.... i don't know. .but this actually would give the site's owner more money.. possible many times more. Let's say.. every email you click... they get 1 dollar.. and you only get 10 each.. .that means they made 90 off every of your click. Some of you might be asking... who would pay 1 dollar for one click?... well.. there are people that pay 20 or even 40 dollars for every valid click. THat's how google gets so much money. .and that's how sometimes... google would pay you 7 dollars for one click.

  12. i'm currently using a ViewSOnic 20" widescreen. It's really nice. My set resolution is 1600xsomething. If you are a movie person, widescreen is best for you because it has a better display ratio. the bad thing about having a big monitor like that takes up alot of your graphic card resources... My old 32mb graphic couldn't even handle the widescreen alone.

  13. first, remove everything, except for your RAM and boot-up your computer. If that doesn't work, then it could either be your ram, motherboard, or cpu.. but if everything works fine, turn it off, and plug in your IDE cable (cable to your drives: hard drives, cd drives). But from what you said, it's possbily that your motherboard is broken.

  14. i'm against religons. Most of the religons brainwash people into believing in nonsence things. Making countries fight between each other. Muslum killing Jewish and vice versa. For example, christians, they go around telling everybody that if they don't believe in their god, then they will go to hell. When a leader of a country is a religous person, it is easy to start wars with other country with a different dominate religion. Because of religion beliefs, stem-cells reason are stopped in the US because of our president being a "GOOD" christian. In this world, only the riches are right and the rest is wrong. United States is a country with many rich christian/jewish, that is why, i believe that Isreal always have our support. PS. i rather be a buddish than a christan.

  15. If humanity is destroyed, what is the good to having a healthy planet? The animals that are left would not have the ability to appricate our planet. Human are meant to destroy things around them; that's how nature created us. It is not our fault that we were born to wanting things, to enjoy life even if it might affect something in a bad way, to make uses to the technology that we have. Fighting against each other is the basic of survival. It is not only human that has the nature of fighting among themselves. Throughout the animal kingdom, which animal do you know that always get along and even if they do fight, you would not know.You said that humanity is like a plague, you as part of humanity, why don't you try to do something that stop us from destroying each other, polluting the world, creating mass destructive weapons that can destroy lives on earth X amount of time. You can start by not driving a car to work, turning on your computer, don't buy food at the supermarket and go hunt yourself. Or even kill yourself to lessen harm on this planet (don't kill yourself, i'm just trying to prove a point).

  16. i won't be starting school for another few weeks.. ahhhhh.. i haven't completed any of my goals for this summer, which made it like all my summer..... I'm looking forward to this school year because .. I GOT MY DRIVER LICENSE, no more school bus and waiting in the cold of every morning. I'm also looking forward for HOT transferred students coming to my school. lol

  17. I tried to download a few files from megaupload today; usually, i'm able to download 2 to 3 files which are about 200-250mb each. Now when i tried to download the second files, it says i have exceeded my free download limit... So i went to the main page to check for new updates. It is true that they reduced from 500mb to 250mb bandwidth for free users. Yeah, i know bandwidth cost money too, but megaupload has been reducing their download limits ever since they became popular. At first, even though the speed wasn't as great as it is now, but there wasn't any download limit. Then they reduced to 500mb. Now they reduced to 250mb. .... I know that megaupload is a good site, but it's annoying how you have to wait 418 minutes every 250mb of downloads.

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