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Posts posted by sportytalk

  1. I would hate to think that the water i'm using to wash with and the water I'm drinking was once used to clean up someone else's body or to disinfect various germs.Even if there is a way they can recycle the water cleanly and it meet the appropriate standards, there is still the small chance that as a one off, the water may not meet the required standards.If we managed to drink sewage, then diseases such as cholera would become an issue. I remember studying history at school a few years ago, studying when cholera was at London and seeing images of skeletons in the River Thames.I suppose if every millilitre of water was monitored, i'd use it, but I still wouldn't be happy. Maybe with the modern age of technology, it will be possible to manage our water a lot more effectively in the future.

  2. It's always nice having the ability to be able to drive from one place to another, especially for the younger people who need to be able to get to college, university etc.I don't think changing the age limit to 21 would make any difference to the amount of accidents/drink driving, as said a few posts back, it would just cause riots and possibly illegal driving.At the end of the day, it's not just the youngsters who are idiots when it comes down to driving, I feel the older audience forget how to drive after a while. In an ideal world, I'd force a retake after 20 years or so and have the limit maybe as 18, not 17.Anyway if they do decide to change the age limit to 21, there will be unhappy people and the amount of problems won't decrease, if anything it may even get worse! They government would do better worrying and investing money in some other topic such as global warming than wasting their time/cash debating about whether or not the legal driving age should change.

  3. I don't have an xbox360, but I do know from friends and other people that i know, that the system's graphics are excellent and apparently, when you take the games online, they become realistic and having the ability to play other real people over the internet makes the game 10x better.However, as said above, I don't have an xbox360, but other people say they're really good. One of my friends says it's well worth the money.

  4. There are many ways to reduce your lag, one of them is mentioned in the above post (By adjusting your graphics and sound settings so that the computer isn't putting as much effort into ensuring that these are of a better standard than they actually need to be.However, it is not just the game settings that are causing this high ping. Nowadays, many internet players, maybe from different countries, have faster connections than others. If the majority of the players on the server have a faster connection than you, then you will experience lag (They will be making the speed of the game quicker).Also, when joining a server, on the browser list, it is a good idea/good practice to check the ping of the server (Shown as latency on the server list). The lower this number is, the better the speed/quality it will be on your computer.You will never have top notch quality when playing over the internet as many people come and go, different events within the game happen (which cause the game to freeze for a very small amount of time whilst the server updates).Even I receive the high ping / there is a problem with your connection message. It becomes quite annoying at times, but the only real way to get rid of it is to have a faster connection and check for the latency on the server list. Software and hardware firewalls are also responsible for quite a few slow-downs on the game. However, these are required in order to ensure that your computer remains stable and virus free.Hope you find these tips helpful :blink:

  5. I love the rollercoaster tycoon games. I find them enjoyable and personally, I feel they are quite realistic. In real life, it must be terribly difficult to run a theme park and concentrate on finances, marketing campaigns, attendance and whatnot. The game itself, I find, is quite a difficult one. In order to succeed, you need to be able to master the skill of balancing between these items. You can't put a No Entry sign at the exit just to stop guests leaving the park (so that the attendance will reach an all time high), as you will find that guests will complain that they're lost or stuck and in turn, your park rating will go down and then you won't get as much money so your park and company values will decrease aswell.I don't think I like the newest rollercoaster tycoon, Rollercoaster tycoon 3, as much as the other two. Although it's 3D which some people like, I quite liked the 2D birds eye view of the park. I really don't think that this Rollercoaster tycoon is user friendly. I find it quite complicated. However, there really are some good features in here. I quite like the fireworks display and I can't moan at being able to actually see what my rollercoaster ride would be like.I'm sure there will be another rollercoaster tycoon game, or another tycoon game that is more user friendly than Rollercoaster tycoon 3 that will be out in the future. Even though Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 isn't the most user friendly pieces of software, I'd still highly recommend anyone to go out and by any tycoon games. They're ever so realistic, you feel that you're actually there in charge of it all and you find that you don't get as bored playing them as you do when you play other games.

  6. I haven't really been on to the javascriptkit website recently, but from what I can remember of it, it provides good resources for those who need something to improve their websites but don't know how to code themselves. As said by zain500 in the top post, the site also offers tutorials, so if you don't know javascript and want to learn it and haven't got a lot better to do (or if you are just bored) there is a place there where you can learn the javascript language.I haven't really learnt javascript or taken any of the javascriptkit website's tutorials, but I remember browsing the site once to see what else the website contained. I remember browsing a couple of the tutorials. They looked fairly easy enough to read and understand.However, just like nearly all websites, javascriptkit still has or did have its disadvantages. I remember using this site, I believe it might have been when it was called Website abstraction. I used one of their javascripts for my website which I created in school and found out that the code which the site gave me didn't work. I put it down to the fact that the javascript code which had been posted on the internet was invalid code. The teacher also confirmed that this was the case. (He gave me a different code and it worked without a problem).I haven't had the need to use javascript codes lately, so I'm quite confident they would have improved with their process of accepting their users' javascript codes.I do highly recommend the site to people that just want javascripts or to people who want to learn about javascript etc, most of the codes do/did work, even when I used it. (There was only a few that didn't).

  7. I think that having ice cream injected into cookies is a good idea.It would probably be quite difficult getting enough ice cream in the cookie so you are able to taste it. Cookies have quite a strong taste, or at least the cookies that I've eaten (In England) have quite a strong taste.Also, the cookies are quite small, so there wouldn't be a lot of room where you can place the ice cream.However, I can't see why it couldn't be done. All it needs is someone to produce it and bring it out on the market.I reckon something like this will be out in the supermarkets fairly soon. Cookies and ice cream sound like they go together nicely.

  8. Well, I never really took a liking into Biology when I was studying Science at school. I found it confusing, the teachers weren't very nice and I found the subject pretty dull.I knew that there were things called Amino acids, although I have to admit, my knowledge isn't very good on the subject and I know no more than what they're called.Thanks to this topic though, I now know a little more about Amino acids etc. I just wished I had studied Biology for longer than I did, now I'm older I can see how useful Biology can be in later life and how interesting Biology actually is.

  9. I remember studying this in one of my Physics classes when I was studying my last year of physics. It was advanced stuff and I never did understand it all. I found this double slit stuff quite confusing.After reading this topic, I understand the double slit experiment a lot more than I did when my teacher was trying to teach it to me.This really is an interesting topic. Being able to see dots or lines on the wall (showing how matter or a wave is moving) is clever and strange in a way I guess. Anyway, thanks for sharing, I found it interesting going back to double slits, one of the physics topics I didn't quite understand fully. I just wish this thread was online when I was doing my physics, it would certainly have helped.Ah well, I guess it's still able to help some of the other users of this website who still do study physics.

  10. There are many topics on there forums about which internet browser is the best; whether it be Opera, Firefox or Internet Explorer.I can't see a reason why internet explorer is as bad as people make out. As long as all the security patches from Microsoft are installed, then the computer is immune as much as it can be.As said previously on this topic, the only reason spyware, adware and viruses etc are found to be more on internet explorer than some of the other internet browsers, is due to the fact that internet explorer is the default browser installed on everyone's computer. If this changed and the new default browser was to be Opera, Firefox or some other internet browser, then I'm sure internet explorer would be a good browser, it would be the default browser that got the spyware and other harmful files.I guess at the end of the day, it's down to the user which internet browser they would like to use. If this thread is true, stating that Microsoft seem to like firefox (which is most likely true), maybe they're just using firefox as a guide to help them with their production on their internet explorer browser :).I guess we'll never get to find out if the employees use/like firefox or not, because I doubt they'll want to admit that they don't use their company's software!

  11. I agree with the above post. CRT monitors, which are used as screens for television and screens for computers are being used less and less, due to the modern type of screen, LCD, being available.As said above, LCD screens are a lot tidier, so many people are moving to them. They take up less space and do the same job. High Definition Television is also possible on the LCD screens in great detail, this will be one of the major features which pull new people towards the type of monitor.Cost is still an issue at the moment, but I reckon that in a couple of years time, these high tech LCD monitors will be available at the price of the current standard CRT monitor. If this laser monitor comes into the market, I believe with what the above post says. I feel that both LCD and CRT would be knocked out. Laser would probably do just as well and be less expensive.

  12. I haven't heard of macbooks before, but after reading this topic, have learnt that their are Macintosh laptops out there to buy.I haven't used Apple computers before, so I don't know whether they're any good or whether it's best to stay with Windows. Windows seems to have bult itself such a reputation, that wherever you go, there's bound to be a computer with Windows as its operating system. Whenever someone mentions a computer, the image people view in their heads is a picture of a computer with the Windows operating system built in.I know Windows can get boring sometimes and that sometimes you fancy a change, well, I suggest forgetting about getting rid of Windows. It is by far the best operating system in my opinion, and I know others agree. I haven't really heard of Macs, i believe they do have quite a bit of functionality though, so are probably the next leading operating system after Windows.Anyway, as I said, I'd suggest trying Windows. If you decide to definitely go to Mac, then do that. I've never used a Mac, so I wouldn't really know whether to go for that or not, but I know Windows is the leading operating system. However, cost sounds like it could be an issue for you. Windows, as it's top, costs a fair bit of money, however, I assume that Mac isn't a lot cheaper. It sounds like software is cheaper for Mac, but there's less software around. It's really up to you.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Let's try to stay on-topic with our posts, okay?

  13. Thanks for your post explaining how to go about adding dynamic signatures without having to trick the internet browsers, this will almost certainly help those people who want to have an updating signature, logo or even banner I guess.I don't really include dynamic images on my website, at least I haven't done yet. I may, however, put a dynamic banner or something on my website in the future.Even if I don't use this method, no doubt there are other people out there who are pleased they've read this topic. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. If Tesco are going to be selling this software, then I also can't see a reason why it wouldn't be successful.Tesco are one of the biggest supermarkets here in the UK, as said in the above post, and is possibly a big supermarket in other countries as well.Tesco have been around so long now, that they have a good reputation and I don't think there's many people living around the area that have never heard of a Tesco.The name of the Company in itself, is enough to be able to sell this software and be successful.

  15. It's always nice to see new images of those planets that are the closest to planet Earth.After seeing many images from Mars, I feel that the planet doesn't look as dead as we've previously thought and if it's possible for humans to go up there, it would be a great thought knowing that in the future, we may be going up there on holidays or evacuating Earth if this global warming crisis becomes a serious issue.That's a nice picture of the Mars crater, nice find :)

  16. Ouch, it's scary just looking back a couple of decades at what computers were like, the specification of the computers, we regularly used in the past.Just the fact that there was only 16k of memory, proves that we now take what we've got for granted. The people who used computers in those days and don't use computers now would have done anything for the current computers to have existed back then.I'm totally sure things won't just change here specification wise. There's bound to be a few more changes in the near future that we couldn't even have dreamt of, that's one of the main reasons I like technology. There's always changes which improve and/or change the way we live.It's nice to see that the computer hasn't died off after 25 years, it's just got better and i doubt it ever will in the foreseeable future.

  17. I'd like to thank those who have posted information about resistors onto this topic. I knew the basics of what resistors were, what they looked like and the basics of when they would need to be used before reading this topic, however, I only knew the basic facts. After reading this topic and reading the informative threads, I now know a lot more about resistors.I didn't think of the resistance in the way Bhavesh explained it above, the way of having an infinite current if the resistance is 0, but thinking about it, it all makes sense and I can now see why a resistor is needed.All the information in here is helpful, resistors are found in neally all the modern electronics that are around nowadays, so it's good that we know about them.

  18. I feel being able to send text messages direct from your pc, over the internet, is a good idea. If you do not have credit on your mobile phone, your mobile phone doesn't have any battery or I suppose it could also be if a friend has a mobile phone when you haven't (This shouldn't really be the case nowadays as the majority of people have mobile phones).I don't agree entirely with these sites that claim to offer everything for free, the text messaging and whatnot. I've heard that the way these are able to offer such services for free is by means of their advertisements etc. Everytime you text message someone, you have to enter their phone number on the site. I assume the site could then spam this number, send it junk text messages etc.Basically, I think it's best to steer clear from the free internet text messaging services unless you're absolutely desperate to send a text message, for the simple reason being that every internet site has it's downside. The most reliable and best method to use would be to use the text messaging on your mobile phone. It's also more direct, so it could mean that the person receiving the text message receives it quicker.

  19. I agree, It's amazing how the internet speeds are changing so dramatically and even getting faster than the connection speed from one computer to another, possibly in the same room, on the same network.At this rate, in a few years time, the current speed for this wifi network will not be at the suggested 1-5GB, it would be more like 6-10GB. However, they're bound to find some limitation somewhere along the line which delays production.It would be nice though, knowing there was a super faster wifi connection.

  20. yep, is a very nice tutorial. I know it's over a year old, but I've only just come across it after it was bumped.I did know a bit about CSS, but it isn't my strongest language / part of website development. After reading this tutorial, it has basically reminded me of everything relating to CSS and pretty much confirmed what I thought I knew.If I ever need help on CSS, which I probably want, (i have needed help a couple of times before though) I can now come into this topic on this forum and reread. The topic looks easy to follow and looks fairly easy to understand.Thanks for sharing, even If I don't really have a use for CSS and don't need to keep referring back to tutorials or user guides, i'm sure there's other users on the site that will need the guide, or have needed to use it since the topic has been online :)

  21. It doesn't affect a lot of people with only being compatible with XP or newer as many people use Windows XP nowadays, however, I feel sorry for those people who like using IE and have got an older operating system.I can understand the reason behind this though. In order for the browser to be as secure as it could possibly me, it needs to work on a stable and secure operating system and have the ability to use functions within an operating system that help secure the computer over the internet.Looking on the bright side for XP users, it could have been that Microsoft were only creating a browser for their new operating system being launched in the near future, Windows Vista. It's good that it supports XP.

  22. Steve Irwin was a very good presenter of a very good wildlife documentary. I'm not really into those kinds of TV programmes, but I have to admit, i've watched a couple of the episodes he's hosted.It's a shame that he's accidentally killed himself, I don't think anyone would be able to host crocodile hunter as well as he did. For everything he's done for educational / interest purposes, he really didn't deserve to die.I really do feel sorry for his family, and agree with what's said a couple of posts above mine about feeling sorry for his sons. They will grow up with only their childhood memories reminding them of what their father was really like. I guess they'll have a couple of videos of his crocodile hunter episodes, but watching on television isn't the same as actually seeing in real life.

  23. I live in England, also in Europe and a place where we don't get hurricanes really. We've had one or two in the past, but generally because of the position England is located and because of the seas and opposite winds and everything, the hurricanes are usually steered off course before they reach us.Looking at how all these people who live in America have posted on Xisto, it seems that they have been affected by these hurricanes quite regularly.All I can say is that I'm pleased where I live, but feel sorry for those who have to put up with these hurricanes on a regular basis.At the end of the day though, nature does what it wants to do. If nature wants us to have a few hurricanes, there's nothing we can do to stop it without creating even worse problems, which may take years to build up, but when they've done, the effects can be catastrophic.

  24. I quite like these free forum hosting services and have even used a couple when I've needed a free discussion forum for my website quickly when I haven't had the time to set up manually using a hosting account.One piece of advice though, I wouldn't use any web hosting account like Xisto or any other free web account service for creating forums, especially if your forum is likely to be popular, as there's a high chance that there isn't enough bandwidth for the board and the hosting account will be suspended for running out of bandwidth.Additionally, many webhosts don't like people having various bulletin boards, such as invision power board, on their servers, due to security vulnerabilities. I believe Xisto have even banned various versions of invision power board from their servers.The advantages of using these free forum hosting services are that if you don't wish to pay to have your own dedicated server, this method ensures you have enough bandwidth, it is also extremely quick and easy to set up. The only main disadvantage is that you have advertisements.At the end of the day, it's down to you, the users, whether you want to set up a free forum hosting account on one of the free forum hosting websites, or whether you want to run it on your own server.As said above, I would go for the free forum hosting. There's only a few things that have been disabled on the free services.

  25. Happy birthday imacul8, I hope you had a good day and didn't drink too much drink.What's so fascinating about turning 21, the younger you, the better it is, why bother wishing your lives away hehe :DI guess it's a good birthday for those who like to drink as they can buy alcohol from many supermarkets at the age of 21.

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