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Posts posted by sportytalk

  1. We don't really play the sport very much here, although I find the game fun when I am actually playing it, throwing the ball at the net etc.I don't really like watching it, I find it pretty dull and lose concentration. I have to admit though, it's one of those great sports around that you can have plenty of fun with.This is just my opinion but no doubt other people feel the same way. With watching, you feel separated from the game. It's nice to interact with it and be part of it!

  2. I've never heard of it, and I agree, if it takes many files just to display one simple line of text showing 'hello world' then it can't really be any good (Even in java and c++ it's only a few lines of code!).It may show as a good programming language in the near future though, when there are many guides out and many people are learning it as a new language.For now though, I think i'll stick with php and maybe look into this when it becomes more popular.

  3. Yep, I feel this is a good idea, being able to listen to a story book whilst travelling on an aeroplane, bus, train etc. It's handy as well and saves the hassle of actually having to read manually. You can still observe the views throughout the journey, without not progressing with the book.I hope something like this does come out, as I feel they'd also be able to help little children to read. The voice would read out the words and if you're a teacher or a parent I imagine you would be able to get them to follow the words.

  4. I quite like solar power and feel we should use it more often than we are doing. It's also cheaper in the long run and doesn't use up the natural resources we could be using for other things. Although many things only really have batteries, solar power would be good and much more reliable (as long as the sun shines, then there's no need to replace anything - batteries need replacing ever so often).However, using solar power isn't all good. It does have it's disadvantage, which is that when there's no sun, the product won't work.I'm sure as time goes on though, there will be new inventions allowing us to overcome this problem.

  5. Well, i feel it's nice to have a unique kind of mouse available to use, but as said in one or two of the posts above, there could be compatibilty problems as only one or two applications may actually be able to run the mouse hardware. (These kinds of mouse are bound to be different to others in my opinion).The rest of the applications may not function correctly as they aren't use to mice that move around in the air or radio frequencies.Also, some of these programs may not be used to the sensitivity, so many programs would most likely be uncontrollable due to the mouse being too sensitive.However, on the other hand, it really can be an advantage if you need the extra room or want to be unique and have a different kind of mouse to the basic ones (if you can't resist being different and having different types of hardware to other people!).I don't think I'll have one of these though or even bother looking out for one. There's lots more that could go wrong, for example, there's the radio frequency or even something like the usb connection.This is just my opinion anyway. Maybe if they were more popular and I knew there won't any problems, I'd change my mind!

  6. I agree that msn spaces isn't really a very good website system to use. A few of my friends use it and they think it's really good, but I tried creating one. The microsoft server which the msn spaces are on was often going down and I found the thing quite complicated to actually set the space up (There was also a very long-winded signup process).For website blogging, I reckon there's many others which are a lot better than msn spaces and that are more user friendly.However, I suppose msn spaces are quite good for those people who use msn a lot, not just because it's exciting to do, but also because it shows the star (shows that you've got an msn space set up) and associates itself with the msn account.I don't really use blogging anyway, but if i did, i don't think i'd use msn spaces.This is just my opinion on using msn spaces.

  7. Hehe, I don't know whether this was just luck (that your usb drive still worked after being spun around in the washing machine) or whether it is, as you say, due to the fact that the usb drive is a good make with good protection (able to withstand the pressure of the water).Anyway, I haven't heard of this model before, but if it really did withstand the water (even if only by luck) then the Cruzer's are obviously not made cheaply.Thanks for telling us about these Cruzer usb drives :-)

  8. There is also a GoBack program from another company which is quite good, although i've forgotten which company it was (It definitely wasn't Norton though).Maybe system restore would work for you? Although I reckon it probably wouldn't work, as i'm not sure it undoes deleted files. It might do though (This program is pre-installed on windows Me, 2000 and XP i believe).

  9. I am an internet explorer user, although I do have Mozilla Firefox installed which I use as an alternative internet browser when I need to (For example, when internet explorer crashes).The reason I don't leave internet explorer, is that I find it is fast, easy to use and doesn't hog CPU/Ram like firefox tends to do at times. I've used it for quite a few years now and love the way it works.I've heard quite a few bad things about the new internet explorer version 7.0 beta, so will most likely wait until the final version is ready before downloading. I really can't see why people use it. If there are major bugs, they're patched up regularly.

  10. I don't really tend to create pdf's as I find Acrobat Reader rather slow, although if I ever have to create a document in the pdf file, I've discovered, quite recently, that Open Office (The freeware office package) contains a feature allowing you to export any document to the PDF filetype.I've only used it a couple of times, but both times, the PDF file came out without a problem.

  11. I haven't really come across many Amd processors before although I have heard of the Company name.I prefer to go for the more well known companies, therefore, I use an intel pentium processor. There is nearly always an advert on the television or in the newspapers / computer magazines.I may try Amd in the future though, as it seems to be becoming more popular nowadays and is very cheap in price compared to some of the intels.I'd imagine that both of the processors have their advantages and disadvantages.

  12. I haven't really heard abuot this new Nintendo Remote, but it sounds interesting. For example, being able to control racing cars by controlling from a normal remote control.I remember the old Nintendo systems, where there used to be just normal handheld game controllers interacting with basic games.It's fascinating how technology's improving nowadays.

  13. I've heard quite a bit in the news recently about how Wifi (wireless networking) is increasing quite fast.if everywhere was Wifi, all the important places such as high streets and train stations etc, then you would be able to access the internet if you had the compatible cards or adaptors.I feel that this is the way we're heading, technology wise. Satellite internet connections and wireless network cards are allowing us to access the internet away from home. They're not even as expensive as they used to be.I feel having a global internet connection is a good idea, as it allows people to contact one another without the need of a telephone. It also allows them to speak in their own time, without rushing a conversation.In the future, I predict that the whole world (maybe a slight exaggeration) will be wireless compatible.Hope this helps :lol:

  14. I agree with a couple of the posts above, that this topic is one which keeps re-appearing every where and is one of the major concerns nowadays. There still hasn't been an exact answer.In my opinion, the risk of cancer must be larger if you use a mobile phone, due to the radio waves passing around the atmosphere to reach the person you are in contact with.However, If we were worried about everything that sends out radioactive rays, such as microwaves etc, we would never use anything.The best thing to do, is to use these with caution, bearing in mind that the radiation can damage your body.For example, we should only use a mobile phone when necessary and for as short as necessary. If we all do this, the problem with the radiation shouldn't be as severe.

  15. Another cool tutorial. I was thinking about how people manage to have these panorama photographs on websites quite recently, but couldn't quite work it out. (I guessed that they must have just taken many photographs and connected them together).Now I've read this tutorial, I can see that I was fairly close, but I can see that I didn't think of the clever software required.Thanks for the tutorial, will certainly help if I ever need to use panorama photographs or if I ever need to know about them :-)

  16. I personally find that most of the content management systems take up quite a bit of space and are generally messy. I once used ipb mambo or whatever it used to be called (the system which contained an invision power board as one of the pages).There were also session problems because of the design of the template. These meant that users kept getting logged out when browsing from one page to another or whilst posting (the cookie would just randomly expire).However, content management systems are fantastic for displaying a website in a matter of seconds, but if you would like a professional website laid out in a user-friendly way, in my opinion, it's best to create your own.

  17. There is a php chat program which you can set up for your site under your cpanel (I believe it's called phpmychat). I've used this before and was quite impressed, although there were a few things i didn't like about it, the disadvantages below are what i didn't like the most.The script can be found under the pre-installed scripts section.However, using php for a chat room has disadvantages in that the only way you can really update pages is to keep refreshing the page to get the latest chat from the database or file. This means that the script is not bandwidth friendly and you may find that you run out of bandwidth quite quickly.I advise using a language such as Java or Flash to have a chat room that is updated in real time and which is less stress on your bandwidth/database. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough on these languages to tell you how to do it or to provide an example code, however, a google search should help. There's many chat scripts out there which you can use in java/flash which allows more of a live script than php.Hope this helps :-)

  18. Yep, I agree with a few of the posts that recommend smartftp. It's a fantastic ftp browser I've been using for a couple of years now. It's easy to use is realiable and performs all the tasks you'd want to do on an ftp browser.I've tried cuteftp before, but found this quite complicated (may just be me) so I uninstalled it and that was when I went over to smartftp.There are bound to be other freeware ftp clients to download that are as good or if not better than smartftp. You could try a google search, but I can't recommend any as I've only used cuteftp and smartftp.Hope this helps :-)

  19. cool, thanks for the list.I knew most of these already, but there were a couple I didn't know about.They're extremely useful, especially if theres a time when the mouse stops responding and you have to rely on using a keyboard.Keep up the good work with other tutorials like this one. It's always interesting to find out other commands you didn't know existed. :)

  20. Yep, I agree with a couple of the above posts in this thread. This data transmission links just shows how the modern technology is improving and how the connections are going faster.Like htdefiant said above, it'll most likely be 10 years if not longer before a connection of this speed is available for anyone to use. Still, at least we know technology's improving. Something more unique and/or stronger items of technology are being invented regularly.What's top notch stuff for us now, may be old junk in a few years time!I can't wait til the world's on fast connections like the speed mentioned in this article:)

  21. I found the runescape site last year and couldn't really get into it. However, many people on my msn contact list kept telling me that it was a site not to be missed and that i should get on there and start fighting. I decided on Sunday to log on again and have another try, to see what it's like.I must say, I was quite impressed at the quality of the game. I'm now playing it quite a bit, it's not boring, I really am enjoying it :)i would recommend the runescape site if you're into fighting, although It's not a very nice site if you don't like fighting.My username on there is nicknax11 if you ever clash into me!

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