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Posts posted by sportytalk

  1. Yep, this is a very interesting theory and one which I don't think we'll ever be able to answer.I agree with Paul's post above, it really is very similar to people who are colour blind. They tell you a colour is another colour, when really you think that colour is something completely different.It really is confusing stuff and is just another one of the mysteries of life.

  2. This is a great tutorial for those who are sporty and those who've always fancied having a go at skiing themselves but never forced themselves to go to the skiing centre and give it a try, or those people who've fancied ski-ing but didn't know what clothes or what equipment is needed to be able to ski.I still don't think I fancy ski-ing. I don't mind watching, but when it actually comes to doing it, I'm not very keen.

  3. This is a very nice tutorial on how to block pop-ups on the various internet browsers. The internet explorer pop up blocker only works on the newest version though, but I've found it works well.I've got the google toolbar installed on my internet explorer, and I've enabled the feature on there to block pop-ups. I quite like it and find it does the job well, although i don't think it can be configured as much as the internet explorer pop-up blocker.Whether you use an addon containing a pop-up blocker or whether you use a pop-up blocker installed in the internet browser by default, it pays to have it set up correctly so that those sites chucking adverts at you, which may contain viruses are blocked from appearing.

  4. I think the BBC are doing some coverage similar to this with the world cup to people who live in the UK and have an internet connection.It allows you to watch the match of the day program, which is showing the live match(es), live over the internet.I had a quick look at one and the quality wasn't too good but I'd imagine it could be fine tuned if you were that bothered.The internet tv broadcasting is one of those things which is becoming more and more popular nowadays and I am sure there will be many more tv stations broadcasting over the internet in the future.

  5. Wow, i didn't know that live messenger was out of beta and didn't know that there had been a special messenger plus version launched already. I knew there was bound to be one eventually though, as the msn messenger network is probably like the busiest instant messaging network and Messenger plus is like msn messenger's most well known third party addon, which lots of people think is good.I might download this live messenger now it's out of beta, as it would be interesting to see what it's like.I like the ability to be able to send instant messages to a contact who's offline - one of my contacts used live messenger and sent me an online message. I still received this on msn.I'm sure both of these programs are good though, thanks for sharing with us that these are out :)

  6. Ronaldinho and Ronaldo are both very good players, although if I had to give an exact answer of who I thought was the best out of these two, I'd say Ronaldo, although they are both great players and there's only like a little difference between them.I'm sure both of these players will play great in the remaining games of this world cup.

  7. I haven't watched many of the world cup matches this year, but I have watched a couple, especially the England matches, as I live in England so I am supporting my home country.I feel that Sven Goran Erikkson, our manager hasn't handled our squad very well this year. He's placed this attacker guy who hasn't really played a premiership match, so he can't be very good at a national match.Also, now our attacker, Michael Owen, has been injured, we haven't really got anyone decent up front. Admittedly, we've got Wayne Rooney up there, but I still don't think he's fit enough to be relied on like he is. He's only been back from a 6 week injury since like last week, he needes to still work on his match fitness.I personally feel Argentina are in with a chance of winning the world cup this year, as I don't think Brazil are on a very good form and are certainly not playing as well as they did in the last couple of world cups.The final will probably be Argentina vs Brazil though, as Brazil tend to play well even when they're not on form.The world cup should get quite interesting now, as we're through to knockout so everyone knows that if they lose they will get knocked out. They'll be playing their best so they stand a chance of winning!

  8. Yep, the file's don't get deleted properly, even if you try emptying the recycle bin and then trying to manually delete the content from the recycler file. I tried debugging a friend's computer once and found this out for myself. This person had an infected file on their computer and I moved it to the recycle bin. I then clicked empty which worked fine, we thought the file had gone but we were wrong. When we restarted the computer, the virus program alerted us that there was this virus, the same one i removed, in a folder called recycler.Eventually, I managed to remove this in safe mode i think it was, although can't really remember. It was quite a long time ago. What i do remember though, is that I spent quite a while working out how to do it, as when I tried deleting, I was receiving access denied and unable to delete messages.

  9. I also feel the same way as some of the other posters on this topic. I really do not feel it is necessary to add a new file type, unless there's a particular reason that the old formats, gif/jpeg/png etc, are unfunctionable on the new Windows Vista, which I very much doubt, as the internet contains many images, nearly all of which are one of these file types.I would be able to understand it if it adds an extra effect to the image on the new Vista operating system, for example, a shadow that bonds in well with the colour scheme/background of the computer.I very much doubt this wouldn't be the case. It's likely to just be another file type which Microsoft have created because they want to be different, have a new file type for images.We'll see in the future though, when or if this new file type becomes popular and when Vista is out, being the most popular operating system.

  10. I'm not too strong at bios flashing, although had heard of it and kind of knew what it was about before I came to view this topic.I would definitely not want to risk damaging/messing up the way a personal computer works, as bios flashing is only really used to improve a computer. If you tried to improve by bios flashing and failed, then you've most likely lost a whole computer. In my opinion, a working computer is better than a non working computer, no matter how well it works.If it badly needs doing, I recommend going to a professional computer shop or somewhere where there's someone who knows how to do it professionally and has experience at doing it.

  11. I agree with the above post. Microsoft have been creating many different versions of the basic paint program for many years, with each operating system.I would be very surprised if Paint did actually have extra tools, as Microsoft only ever seem to have programs with the basic ones, such as draw with a pencil and paint with a paint brush.However, I suppose there's still a chance that this could be true, especially with the upcoming vista operating system. It would be a program that attracts new users to the operating system.I guess we'll be able to see whether or not this is true when Vista is released :)

  12. I agree. There are many office programs out there now. You don't even have to pay for some of them as they are open source or released as a piece of free internet software.I quite like Google and would wish them luck if they were to go and compete with the highest of the high competitors, such as Microsoft.Why shouldn't Google be able to create software as good as some of the free programs, such as Open Office? They certainly have the programmers and it would probably attract new users to the Google Company.I'm sure we won't find out whether Google are going to fully launch a Google Office package until things have been decided and Google get too greedy for users. If this happened, they would then decide to release Google Office. Whether they do or whether they don't, they'll certainly need to try their best to compete with the existing companies and make their product stand out as the best.

  13. Yep. The internet's progressed so much in the last 10 years or so.Back in 1996, there was none of this broadband connection to the internet or wireless network via a router, it was a simple slow wired network and a modem connection to the internet, with a maximum download speed of 56kb/s.I agree with this article, that nowadays, all young people are using the internet and none of them actually think about what life would be like if these computers and the internet didn't exist.I also agree with the part of the article where it mentions that people won't think about connecting to the internet, they'll be thinking about whether they're still connected and having competitions with each other to see who can stay on the longest.Even though it's predicted that in 10 years time, no person under the age of 40 will be unable to imagine life without computers, I'm sure there will be a few that don't have the internet, especially young people from poorer families. I really do feel that this is a slight exaggeration.

  14. I don't really have a need for using a java programmed address book at the moment, but if I ever do need to use an address book or something similar, I will use this tutorial to get an address book up and running.The code looks like the program's good, but it needs compiling before it becomes of any use. Have you got any examples of this application or somewhere where you can download the compiled file of this program?Thanks for sharing this anyway, it'll be extremely useful to those who prefer to keep an address book of friends/relatives on their computers :rolleyes:

  15. When I was studying French a couple of years ago, I often checked with Google's online translator.Fortunately, I was quite good at French so I was able to work out whether or not the translator displayed the correct meaning. My opinion on online translators are that they're not very intelligent and often display the incorrect meanings. It's best to use these only when you're really stuck or if you want to check something and know what you've written is vaguely right.

  16. I've been creating websites for quite a few years now and it's only been within the last couple of years that I've actually understood the full capabilities of PHP.


    I always used to use html and found it easy to produce pretty good websites, but then got fed up with having to edit the files every time I wanted to update. I wanted something dynamic, something that you don't need access to the ftp server to do. I was then referred to PHP.


    I've used php ever since and find it a great language, however, I disagree with lalo's post above. Not a lot of hosts support php like they used to, the main program language now are languages like javascript. The hosts that do support php don't support the databases like MySql.


    The php manual (http://php.net/manual/en/introduction.php) contains a lot of background information about php and is quite an interesting read.


    Hope this helps :)

  17. It's been quite a while now since Microsoft announced there were plans for a new operating system. They then modified windows XP greatly, removed a couple of features, replaced by new ones and then changed the layout and fonts producing a completely new system. Whilst testing, they originally called this Windows Longhorn. I don't know why they didn't keep the name as Windows Longhorn, as I feel this was a nice name and sounded different, it's new name, Windows Vista (which had the name change in one of the recent preview versions) sounds kinda boring in my opinion.After all this testing and great modifying of Windows XP it will be a shame, and I'm sure Microsoft would find it a shame if they were unable to have longhorn/vista as their new operating system. It should be quite good, although I have to admit, I haven't really heard of anything that really stands out from windows XP. No doubt there will be something though.This is my opinion on the new operating system. I don't know whether it will be called Windows Vista when it's finally launched (it might have another name change) but I'm pretty sure this will be the next operating system out for sale.

  18. I also haven't heard of this flying car or seen it advertised on television before, although I imagine at some point in the near future, cars that fly in the sky really will be a reality.There is this problem of finding the primary sources needed to run the car at the moment, although as time progresses and more of these cars come out on the market, there's bound to be more locations where you can pick up the relevant fuels etc, which are needed for the car to run.I personally would like to see space cars out on the market, as I feel with modern life, most of the space on the ground has been taken up by giant factories and new buildings meaning that there's less road space for the ever increasing amount of cars being produced. I feel space would provide more space in which to drive.I imagine that there could be a problem with crashing though, especially if too many of these cars go in the air at the same time. I know they're meant to have this special computer card that can detect where the nearby cars are located and can stop crashing, but what if it actually crashes and the passengers go tumbling out of their car, full speed and kill themselves by the heavy fall? This same problem could occur if there's a breakdown whilst high up in the air. The car would just fall down full speed with gravity.I'm pretty sure these problems will be looked into before the fully functional flying car is produced. Can't wait to see one! :)

  19. Getting water from seas and oceans is one of the things we really need to look into, especially here in EnglandAs mentioned briefly above, In the South / South East regions of the country, there has been a drought order passed, meaning that the use of hose pipes is banned, sports centres are unable to pump water through swimming pools, golf courses are unable to sprinkle water over the fairways and greens etc, water is desperately needed.We're not short of sea water in England though. We have the British Channel, The North Sea and we're also close to the Celtic Sea. The problem with the sea water, is that it contains the salt and sewage, so it's nowhere near fresh!Even though the sea water isn't really fresh, I fell we should get our water from these. I know it would cost a lot of money, but I'm sure once things started settling down, more efficient ways of filtering would be thought up and it wouldn't cost as much money to do.I'm not sure whether solar panels would help out enough with the water crisis, although in my opinion, we really should use these to store energy.I guess we'll find out what happens with the energy sooner or later. If levels are indeed lowering (as the government etc say) then there is a possibility that we may run-out.

  20. I wouldn't pay anything just to search the internet. Although Google has the good reputation now and is like the top search engine in the world, I would seriously move elsewhere, probably Yahoo, if they started charging just for the advantage of being able to search the internet.I know many other people will agree. Internet users pay enough money for the actual internet access in the first place, so why should they pay to search the internet?

  21. I agree with some of the other posts in here. I, for one, would not fancy owning an ipod and having it connected upside down on one of these tripods. Not only is it easy for it to fall down and possibly break, or stop functioning correctly, but it really doesn't look right.I feel looks are important and give products a larger price value.These are probably good, the way everything works, but I still think these could have been produced in a smarter way.

  22. yep, i agree, it really is amazing how Nintendo have developed their console systems like they have. I still remember the old Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Then there was the old black and white Gameboy (Original). These go back some years now!Nowadays, there's console systems which playback DVD movies, CD's and all sorts, when you played the old Super Nintendo, you'd never have imagined these kind of things would be out, but they're out now.The most modern game system like the Gameboy, was mentioned in one of the posts above. This is the Nintendo DS which supposedly has the wireless integration so you can play with others without the need of cables. I haven't tried this so not sure whether it works, or how good the quality of it.Overall i'm impressed with all the Nintendo systems I've tried, but my favourite just has to be the Super Nintendo. I don't think anything can ever beat the classics. I still remember the old internation superstar soccer and Mario Karts (these games brought hours of fun!).

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