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Everything posted by JC05

  1. That is simpy unbeleaveable! I can't beleive some one would go hacking into the goverment just for the sake that they want to find aliens of UFO's or something. Thats totaly insane. And that they would even have a book that tells people how to do this kind of thing? Just think of all the mental cases out there that would love to get a hold of something like that. Or a terrorist group. Who know's what could happen! Our govenment is not very tight. It has cracks, cravas's, and and Hole big enough to let someone in. Sinply unbelievable.
  2. JC05

    Can't Open Pdf

    Yeah i will try to re-intall it. If that does not work i'll come post again Thanks everyone for you help.
  3. JC05

    Can't Open Pdf

    O.k. guys, i got a problem here. I cannot open any pdf files. I go to a web page and click on the link and a page come's up but then stops. And i tried on another computer and it worked just fine. What's wrong? I use to be able to pull them up just fine. I have tried to use mozilla firefox and internet explorer. please help.
  4. Thats pretty amazing dude. I didn't know that they could go through the wash and come out alive and an harmed. lol. I think i'm going to look into this, I have been looking for a good flash drive lately.Also, everyone, If your looking for a good SD Card for a good price, Tigerdirect.com has 2GB SD cards for 45 dollars. Good buy.
  5. Hey i have 100 gmail invites that i suppose i could give out. You may have a couple if you want and if i deside. Email is jonathanirocc(-you know what-)gmail(thats right)com or just PM me.ok, everybody. As of right now I will no longer be giving out anymore invitations. I have had so many people emailing me. Sorry. Updated:5-8-06.
  6. I got my gmail accoun from my brother, who got his gmail account from a friend here on trap. I love gmail. I have gmail, google talk, and google desktop. There all really good. Infact everything that google makes is good. No one can match them.
  7. Very cool! I think i want one. Although I want all the new technolgy. lol. I'm not sure how much i would use such a thing though. I like resting my hand on my desk. lol
  8. Well I like dell. I'm not sure about Apple's quality but i thing there a really good computer also. i know someone that has a Inspiron and the only thing that went wrong so far was the dvd drive. so i'm not quite sure.
  9. Totally wierd! I can't believe this guy is acually doing this. It's amazing that you can get so much from one red paper clip. I should try trading a rock or something. lol. This guy will have a house in no time at all if he keeps this up. And for free too! And once he has a house, Who's to say he has to stop there? He could trade it for something even bigger! He could take over the WORLD! lol
  10. DUDE! you forgot mine! lol But you got someone that I do know. How did you find all those? I get bored to, But i have never gone browsing websites. Might have to give it a try. LOL.
  11. It would be very, cool. Being able to charge your palm or phone while your walking along. But there's bug problems with it as others have mentioned. How would you control the flow of electricity? What would send it, and others. Very unlikely.
  12. JC05

    More Help With Php

    Alrighty! I have found all the help I need. And i'm thinking of looking into php. Thanks all you Guys/girls that have helped me. Topic un-officialy closed.
  13. JC05

    Slay Here!

    Welcome Slay! I have been here about a year and have many members come. I can't say that I believe in aliens and sasquatch or how ever you spell it. I live where theres supposed to have been siteings though. And I AM a geek. I know more about computers and technology than my family. If anyone needs anything they ask me. Don't no squat about HTML, PHP, or anything related.(I feal like I'm making an introduction of my self) Anyway, welcome to the family of Xisto!
  14. JC05

    More Help With Php

    Well, lol. Thing is, I have a form already that Inspiron just made for me, And it works perfectly! And I'm afraid if I do anything else that it won't work. It would be great if I could could keep the form but just put in the stuff you mentioned. But I'm no PHP expert. So if someone want to just try doing it for me for free, than I would appreciate the effort, Especially if it worked. If not, I'll hope for the best.
  15. JC05

    More Help With Php

    It looks to me as if you took out the mail sent part. I still want it to say that, But I also want a link. And trust me, As soon as I get this part done, My form will be done, And if I NEVER see PHP again, it will be to soon!
  16. Hey guys, I have this code that send you to a page that say's: Mail Sent after you fill out this form on my site. Well I would like to put a Link that says Click Here. And it will take you back to the home page. this is the code. How do I do this? <?php//Edit the configurations below ---$to = 'jonathanirocc@gmail.com';$subject = 'the subject';$from = $_POST['email'];//Do not edit below ---$message = "Name: \n".$_POST['name']."\n\n";$message = $message."Question/Comment/Ordering: \n".$_POST['question']."\n\n";$message = $message."How did you here about us?: \n".$_POST['hear']."\n\n";$message = $message."What is Computer for: \n".$_POST['comp']."\n\n";$message = $message."What package? \n".$_POST['package']."\n\n";$message = $message."For Custom Specs, Use box below: \n".$_POST['customspecs']."\n\n";$message = $message."Questions/Comments: \n".$_POST['comments']."\n\n";$message = $message."\n\n\nMailing script created by Inspiron.";if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from")) echo "Mail sent.";else echo "Mail send failure - message not sent";?>
  17. Hey guys, I think this dude is on to something. I just about installed this thing when I read the little agreement thing. It says it can embed personal information in what it sends. I'm would not encourage any one to install this. It could compromise your personal information. And make you an easy target for virus's.
  18. I have tried this. It works worth beans. I have dial-up, So naturally, I try to speed this up any way possible. But this was the worst this I have tried yet. In fact, I would have thought it was slowing me down. So I took it off.
  19. Sound good. I am actually starting a custom computer thing online. So people fill out a form and send it to my email and I build it and ship it off. But does anybody know WHERE to buy wholesale? Soon as I figure THAT out, I can start building.
  20. Yes but the price will have to be raised if I include a mouse, Keyboard, and monitor. What do you mean I should be able to buy at wholesale price? I don't know of any place to get really good deal except Tigerdirect.com And there not whole sale. Do you know of any places? Anyone that knows of any place, Your info is very appreciated.
  21. Is that really true? I have left my computer on for days with out giveing it a rest. And it still works fine. What part blew up and how did they know it was the computer?
  22. O.k. But What I really want to know is what someone would buy this for. I don't want it for myself. I'm starting a business you see. I and I need to know what to sell for. I mainly what suggestions. So what would you buy something like this for?
  23. Hey guys I need some help! I need someone to build this form for me. Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and check it out. The drop down box's show what I want to have in them. A friend here at trap will supply the Credits. I really need help. I have been working on this for days. To all Mods I had no idea where to put this. If it needs to be moved I apologize profusely.
  24. I agree totally with this dude here. I don't know who you are but I think you are on the right path. Except for the burning FOREVER. The burning forever translated from Greek I believe, And actually means UP, To completion. So you will burn, To the ground! It says that once every thing is burned up that the righteous will go out to trample on the ashes of the wicked. Which does not mean your going to go out and be like, Hey see this pile here? He was mean to me in the 7th grade. *stomp stomp*. It means we will see what the outcome of sin was. What happened to the wicked. One thing I do know is who will burn the longest, And that is Satin. I think that every one will be punished according to what they did here on here. So a serial killer will burn longer then someone who just lived their life but never excepted Christ. It really is unbelievable that Satin would go to all this trouble just so that when he is in the lake of fire he can look up at Christ, who will be saddest of every one. just to see him do sad and to be able to say, look at the ones I got. To every one that reads this, You do not want to be down there in the end. It is as real as you and me. Now just because I'm writing this, doesn't make me perfect. I do still sin, You can't help it. But Jesus can. He will forgive you if you ask for it. I can't make any body believe and I won't push my belief on any one. I just want every one to have the chance before its to late.
  25. WOW! You must be an EXTREME gamer or something. Compare this monster to my computer now, and the monster would eat mine! The website I have started has a place were you can tell exactly what you want in the computer if you want it totally custom. But I think most people would drool for something like this. I could build the one your looking at here for about $1500 US. Do you think that's a good price? Or should I shop around some more?
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