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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well luckily for me I didn't design the logo , and your right it does look like the Nike symbol, of course it could be a Chinese character design as well, or rather how the characters are designed with the brush strokes .
  2. YEAH!!! I was the second or third person to try it out and stuff , and I have to say it looks uber and junk. Opa already got my suggestions and even added them YEAH!!! Although I didn't get to have a sexy image of me there .Did I mention the layout looks uber and junk?? Makes me wonder if the forums will get a similar green look ***begs***.At least that password thing is gone.Also yours truly design the mini banner in the upper right corner just a few minutes ago, although its strange that it looks off centered like that. Even though the the actual image itself is centered .
  3. Hmmm odd that they would go through your throat just to remove a herniated disk from your neck instead of going through the back end of your neck, trust me Mich I had to get a disc remove its best not to wait till you can't bear the pain and get it done ASAP because you don't know what kind of problems you might have while waiting. Although I am no doctor but have they thought about doing one disc at a time on your husband? Meaning that they repair one disc let it heal up (6 months to a year) repair the next one, and although I am a bit surprise that he can still walk even bearing all that pain though but like you mention the physical therapy must be helping somewhat, and I only can imagine the the drugs though to numb it good. Of course if its the discs near the end of the spine then yeah it would be a tough call to make, but me personally I wouldn't want to suffer through all that pain on a daily basis especially when I might have to pop 3-4 different drugs on a daily basis, and I would want to take the risk and see what happens. Thats just me though.eah I would have to agree that kick in the face was how it set up the herniated disc and it either herniated the moment you got that nasty whiplash or afterwards with all the twisting of your neck. Of course those neck bones are pretty delicate since they are holding a lot of weight on those 4-5 bones, again I wouldn't wait but if circumstance force you to wait then try to bare with it as best as you can.Like I said I herniated my L5 and when that happen it felt my legs were completely numb, I had to drag myself down 3 flights of stairs then once I got the ground I just laid there till I went to the hospital, of course the army its all it mightiness couldn't figure out why I had all this pain till 8 months later, it was bad enough that I had to roll myself out of bed and then slowly get up, and lay on the floor with a heating pack against me to try and numb the pain, I believe I cleared a couple of bottles of Advil/Tylenol, and one bottle percocet to bare with it. Heck one of my brother's friend's has a back that sounds just as bad as your husbands. I wish you and your husband well in the road to recovery.
  4. Funny I had dreams like that but with a lot of torture, running and gun fights that are just as disturbing as the real thing. Of course the most infamous dream is when your falling fro mthe sky and right before you hit the ground you wake up all of a sudden. Of course I alwasy led ot believe that if oyu don't wake up from this dream you would die in a form of a heart attack or something, sadly I finally find the truth about this dream here. Of course I know I posted this before and mentioned it to others about this dream I had back in 2004, and it was Christmas Eve two days before the huge earthquake/tsunami that hit. I was in this old, medieval, stone church, wearing the medieval clothes, and there were small candles next to the windows so it was very dim as it was night time when I was there. I walked up to this alter that had a very large picture and I knelt, then I started praying. For some strange reason I looked up at this picture and looked at the face in this picture; although, it didnt look like Jesus he did have long hair and a beard like him. Then all of a sudden the ground began to shake violently and soon the church was coming apart, people were running and screaming trying to get out, and as I was trying to find a way out I look at the picture again but this time the figure in the painting was smiling and then he was gone. Then all of sudden the ground started to split open and by then most of the church had collapse and fires were all over the place from the candles, with people screaming, and dying because of this massive earthquake. I was about half way to the door when a wooden beam came crashing down, and by the time it hit me I woke up in a cold sweat shaking and going what the hell was that. By then I had about 5 minutes to get ready to go to the Christmas service, and then 2 days later that earthquake happen, at first I didnt think about but then I started making a connection ot the dream and the earthquake and I was Holy Beep. All this time I only remember two dream that one and the one I had when I was three or four years old, and as for the rest of the dreams they where the standard hero dreams and other guy related dreams.
  5. I verify that answer which is now, the bandwdith on trap is a set limit, of course if we beg really, really hard for 1GB of hosting and 30GB of BW. Then it would be really, really awesome and I would hug certain individuals for making this so . Until that happens 10Gb of BW is the limit, but in the early stages of your hosting its hard to blow through that a month unless you upload a lot of videos, images and content all in one sitting. Like shadowx mention if your bw lasts only half the month then it would be time to move on to paid hosting with more space and BW, and I echo what he said and that is a sweet deal for that price.
  6. Definitely funny as it give me an idea on some new playground equipment that teaches a kid an important lesson. As for that lesson I get back to after making butt loads of money .
  7. Its not the matter of them being active its the matter of people know where to post topics, and all forums are active, some more then others but that is based on what people know and how they can contribute to these topics. Although I have a feeling though from what you mentioned earlier is your posting just to post to earn quick credits, since you mention you can't contribute much in the forums. I thought I point to a few topics that you can contribute to that will help build up your posting skills and credits at the same time. Topic #1 Topic #2 Topic #3 Topic #4 Though the answers will be short but if you think about you could get a couple of sentences out of them.
  8. Yeah the XPS brands are top notch as that is the computer I am using for my everyday needs and what not, and yes Dell computers are reliable its the users who don't know how to control the machine and think Dell has bad support when again its the user. Since I have some good experience with Dell computers if you have any problems let me know and I see what can be fixed before you need to contact the Dell Tech guys. Also before you install any programs flash the BIOS and update the drivers and you should be set.
  9. Well to start off I am a bit shocked that I would actually post in this forum since I do much photography anything, but I saw this article and thought for the photography people that these useful programs would help. Photo Editing Tools So now that you taken you awesome pictures with that 10 Megapixel $700 digital camera it is time to clean them up and bring out the quality of those photos you have taken, and so we need some software that will help you out in your needs. So first up is" Gimp If you don't know about gimp software then you need to go check out the gfx forums a bit, as this would be one of the top graphics software on the market after photoshop, fireworks, and Paint Shop Pro. Of course I think this would be the right program to use after dropping all that cash down for the camera. Download Gimp| Price: Free Photo Pos Pro I have no idea so I will let this quote explain what this program does: Download Photo Pos Pro | Price: $50 (shareware) XnView It's free what can I say besides the the fact that if you haven't gotten a better version or something more powerful Download XnView | Price: Free Saint Paint Studio It's another photo editing software it costs $40 bucks and you can have a trial version, again if you have something already but want to test this out knock yourself out. Download Saint Paint Studio | Price: $40 (Trial) Image Resizer I thought the photo editing software won't stop, anyways the title should say it all but it seems instead of doing individual photos you can do large amount of photos in one shot. Which means it can save you time especially if you got like 2-300 photos you want to put on your website or photo gallery to show your friends. Download Image Resizer | Price: Free FxFoto 2.0 NOOO!! not another one.. Download FxFoto 2.0 | Price: Free Cleanerzoomer I would have to say base on the description that this program would be bonus to have once you finish running it through a graphics program. Since it will clean up the stuff you missed in the first round of cleaning up a digital photo...I guess the descript would help for a better understanding. Download Cleanerzoomer | Price: $35 (shareware) Since the next group of programs is album organization I just list them since it would seem somewhat obvious what these programs do, if not I will have a link to the original article for you all to enjoy. ACDSee 10 Photo Manager photo organizer | Price: $50 (shareware) Roxio Media Ticker | Price: Free Comic Life | Price: $25 (trial) Although I will note that the Comic Life would seem like an interesting program to use for kids photos or for an action still like driving on the road or something. InAlbum Deluxe | Price: $55 (trial) MemoriesOnTV | Price: $50 (demo) On another note, if you remember during your school days of the slide show on the big projection screen, same idea but now you show them on TV and that way everyone can see them. Photoscape | Price: Free Collage Maker | Price: $28 (shareware) A collage making software YEAH!!, nothing say coolness then a collage of digit photos you have taken, elementary school memories right there. I believe college photography course still do that for an assignment. So now that you have a list of software to start out in either your amateur or professional photography career it will help get the most out of any photo's you take. SOURCE
  10. Umm are you posting just to post or what because it seems you didn't read any of the posts with in this topic, because one this isn't a internet relationship, and two who are you to judge that 18 isn't mature enough to have a relationship? So before you answer any of those questions, which I doubt you will do this, read the topic again and then post something supportive.
  11. Well at least its a good ending or rather a new beginning, but to point out the hug though I think that was the barrier of physical contact between you and most likely she felt uncomfortable about the meaning behind the hug and not the act itself. Again she was being polite about it so not to make the situation go into awkward mode and anwii would agree with me on that. As for a follow up it isn't really necessary since you now know where the line is set up between you two that won't be cross, and as long as you respect that line she can build her trust and confidence with you over time, and it will make her more social as well (in reference to being alone during breaks and stuff).It's nothing knowledge and experience is everything in developing relationships and once you can get past that weird phase, then the good stuff happens.
  12. Well I thought I take in another round of firefox extensions that can be used by anyone, and with the batch I have today it is a mix of web designers, google users, and people who like to count and know how much space firefox takes up. So before I get going on the new stuff I thought I toss up the links to the previous Firefox Extension Dream Package Topics for a nice little package deal for you the firefox user. Dream Package #1 Dream Package #2 Dream Package #3 Also I like to toss out a reminder to the Firefox 3.0 users that you have to wait for most of these to get converted as its a slow process and so these will only be used in Firefox 2.0.x versions, so with that in mind let the games begin. First up Adsense Notifier Well as most of us know that Adsense is like the biggest way to score huge amounts of money through ads that are generated through google. I know that most of us are annoyed that you have to go through a whole process of clicking just to get there, but NO MORE!! With this extension you will have a constant update of the states you get in the adsense control panel. Now to set everything up after you install the plug in is that you go to tools > Add-ons > Find Adsense Notifier > click the options tab and then fill the appropriate information. Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adsense-notifier/ Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It Works for FF 3.b5 GButts This next one the google lovers will drool over, and I mean literally drool over because of the fact that it has every single google application in one plug-in. Remember my rant about the process of getting to all these applications well NO MORE WAITING. So like the steps I mentioned above about setting this up and choose what you want to have and your done. However, if you missed it hte first time here it is again go to tools > Add-ons > Find Gbutts > click the options tab and then fill the appropriate information. Download Link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-shortcuts-all-google-se/ Gspace Well we all knew that once gmail went live and jumped for joy that we could store large files on our gmail accounts for extra storage. Well of course we all knew how much of a pain it was to store those files but your Saint saves your the headace of waiting and waiting and waiting for those files to upload. With this ingenious extension that combines google with a twist of FTPness to it. Well ok it literally is a ftp program that access your gmail and so you load up your file and it creates a email like message with your file(s) and there you just save some space on your computer. FYI your files will look like badly coded spam messages. Download Link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Google Preview Yesterday while browsing for some good stuff to add some functionality to firefox and of course search engine usefulness. We all know what a search engine page result page looks like; a link, a brief paragraph and some cache info. Of course if you add the McAfee Web Advisor, and a few other extension I be talking about later on, you can have an ultimate google experience. If you remember the the cooliris preview add-on, package 3 I believe, basically this is the same idea but this time it displays a thumbnail image of the website in your search results. Which means if your trying to look for some information you can take a glance at a website and see if you will have trouble navigating the website or it wouldn't to be hte right website for that info. So you can say that this add-on will shave a few seconds of your searching of info, plus it looks cool. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It Works for FF 3.0b5 Download Link Googlepedia Again if you notice how much space goes wasted in search results when looking up info, correction, if you notice how much white space is wasted when your using a high resolution desktop such as I (1920x1200). You can cut that down by a lot with this add-on especially if your doing research and need a stepping stone; Googlepedia creates an iframe within the google results with a direct page to a wikipedia article with the relevant information. Well close to it since your keywords need to be very specific for this to work like it should, so don't be surprise if it don't match up, I got an article on Flashspring when I googled Xisto. Either way all we know that wikipedia is a bad place to go when doing school research, most colleges don't like it when people use wikipedia and we know why. Download TagSense when I first saw this add-on I though it would list the keywords used by websites, but once I started googling I found out otherwise. You could say this is a cheat sheet in finding out what keywords people use in searching for websites, or in a way find out what people use in there own websites. Of course we all know what happens when you try to stack your websites with words that have nothing to do with your website, anyways if you want to see how other website designers are doing and get an idea on how to get started in SEO then I would check this add-on out. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/spotlight/ Google Define This is a just a simple add-on to your right click menu, you highlight a word and select define it opens a new window/tab and list down the different definitions of that word and BAM that's it. Firefox Update It works for FF 2.0 It Works for FF 3.0b5 Download Customize Google Put it like this I would rate it as the second best extension right under the web developer toolbar, you have complete contorl of how your google search will look like to the point that this extension removes those next links and streams in your next 10 results when you scroll to the bottom. Which means your search timing is reduce by even more seconds and saving you precious time on that project. Heck you can ever remove those google ad's on the search results as well which I really like they also have options for videos, gmail, images and more. So if you have all these google extensions install your google experience will be better then ever, more optimize, more efficient and saving more time in your google searching needs. Firefox Version 1.5-3b5 Download Link here Well as they say it is the end of of another day, and so I hope you enjoy these plug-ins as much as I have for typing them up and letting you know about the Firefox Extension Dream Packages. UPDATE: Now this extension topic is google related extensions so now it seems less confusing since there were not many. Also added in a new extension for google dream package so check it out and enjoy it with the rest of these good google extensions. UPDATE: Some google extensions have been updated for 3.0b5
  13. Well its seems trap is having a similar problem and if the awstats don't update when you click the update button then something is wrong with your account. Also from the post the reason it doesn't refresh like it should was that the automatic refresh was turned off because the amount of resources it was using on the server. So I would think that with enough reports sent in maybe that will be turned on again.
  14. Have you tried the Update method that was posted earlier? If not then try that first, but with the amount of visitors your getting you should looking into paid hosting that has more bandwidth. Its hard to gauge an actual BW usuage without looking at your website stats, but I would say to help cut down on BW usage would be to shrink the images in size or upload them to a image host that way the images won't cost you any bandwidth. Like I said with the visitors your getting you should look into paid hosting that way you won't have to worry about blowing though 10Gb of bw in less then a month.
  15. Some of them are interesting and I have a funny feeling those could be used in payloads for viruses, worms, trojans etc etc. Although these would be good to play on you friends, well not the file deleting, OS re-installation; but the CD ROM drive and the keyboard tricks would be funny because then they will start yelling at the computer companies on the phone about their computer's screwing up .
  16. It can't be hosted related, most likely you have to change the upload limit in your forum settings, but it has been a long time since I seen the back end of a forum so I would say it would have to deal with member group permission settings to change that.
  17. Well I say this though I think she expect that your heart would get broken the moment she would let you down, and so I think was concerned that you would do something crazy like spam email accounts or something. So I would say she was sad that she wouldn't see you all week since the events have unfolded and wanted to keep an eye out on you and stuff like that. Remember this is where experience kicked in on her part and she mostly knew like we did that this was your "first" crush and letting you know to not lose all hope that you wouldn't get "that: girl. Which leads into the damage control, interestingly enough you have not created any damage from that conversation, and hte only damage you would have create would be the yelling, the screaming, the name calling and all that stuff would be the damaging part. As for the hug it was reference to the 2-3 seconds you "plan" on doing but yeah its the experience and the emotion of the hug that lasts forever. Thats where I start disagreeing just a little bit with anwii post about office relationships and stuff like that, because of hte fact its all about timing and whats happen between the two people before the act that you plan to do. Of course thats why I asked how many people are actually aware of it because the more people actually knew whats was going then it would be a problem in which I agree on some points on anwii's post. As with the situation that night was the toughest for both of you just because it felt "perfect" in the sense that it was something you two wanted, but instead the reverse happen; however, if you can overcome this rejection and continue building a relationship with her then you won't lose anything. Yeah don't try to prescript what you want to say something because it could come out all and so if you just have the idea in mind then let the words flow and stuff. If you plan to break down bring a box of tissues and what not Also this that week to reflect on the the experience I know is thinking about it and trying ot become a stronger person because of it.
  18. I thought I post a link that I found on the apple website that lists all the commercials apple has done this year about why Mac is better then windows, and I have to say I am surprise Microsoft is letting them take it this far . /why-mac/
  19. I thought this was funny as hell seeing this story. First off if I where a hacker I try something that's more impressive then hitting myspace I would go for a bigger fish such as government computers, intranets, cripple a business etc etc. Point number two I am not going to advertise a hacking team like this noob instead I would have keep on doing it until some hacking tam notices me and asks me to join. Before I got any further I am not hacker, nor condone it, this is a what if scenario and show you what not do to. Back on topic now and point #3 I wouldn't make myself a hunted man by screwing the other people especially since they would have better skills then this noobs, and so this guy will not only have to change his IP address, he would have to change his ISP, and put one heck of a chain trace route so they couldn't find me in the hundreds of IP masks. Of course I still have to laugh at how easy it seems to get into myspace and gullible some people are still are in open emails or myspace message with links in them. Either way this wannabe hacker is now on his own and I wouldn't be surprise if he wouldn't black names of known hackers and locations .
  20. Forget Xisto ***faints*** how could husker ***cries**, did all the taunting of the Nebraska Corn Huskers would have a bad season finally make you snap? I guess you pulled a Children of the Corn as well?? As for that magical tree Walmart said $150.00 so how did you get the magical tree for such a low price? , well anyways at least your back and read to spampost again .
  21. Well I guess you didn't have much time to prepare for the initial shock but I was right that you receive a blow like that, but at least everything is out in the open now, and it seem she came to right decision, and yes it would have been very bad if he found that letter. As for your next yep the ball is in your court and it would seem to be the right step to take as well in establishing a stronger relationship with her, and no everyone isn't happy right now but over time the hurt and the sadness will go away, Yeah I would try sneak in a hug when appropriate but make it short and sweet so nothing else can happen. I would call it a working relationship with benefits meaning that if she need someone to talk to and stuff she knows where to go and not have to bottle it in as much as she has been and stuff like that. So like all things you gain knowledge and maturity in establishing relationships with the opposite sex but you still can enjoy that first crush all people do .
  22. If you read the topic its not about the software itself its about what they have been dealing with this year and if you read the post a bit more you would understand why I posted it.
  23. OOOOOOH!! That would explain a lot about her situation then, and in that case with what she has been dealing with in the last couple of weeks since you became part her. Has put such a mental and physical toll on her she has started to break down, and its somewhat good fo her to keep control of it when she comes to work. So now that I got a better understanding on who she is, you have to play the waiting game and its no longer about you bringing it up to here anymore. So yeah the waiting game is definitely important on your end since she has so much to deal with, of course this is also a good opportunity to see what kind of support you can offer to help her out and stuff. That way you not only gain her confidence and support from you, she has someone to trust and talk to her and even a shoulder to cry on, because people do have breaking points and if she can't let it out in small doses she will do it the wrong people or in the wrong place in one big shot. That I have plenty of experience with in breaking points so getting her to talk and let out those bottled up feelings will be a major thing you need to be aware of.
  24. Rvalkass is correct use the following steps to change the size of the icons: 1. Right Click Desktop + Choose Properties 2. click on the Appearance Tab 3. In the Appearance Window click on the button called ?b]Advanced[/b] 4. In the Advanced Appearance Window in the item drop down menu select icon and change your size from there.
  25. Hmm... Well now that I have a somewhat better picture on the body signals, which means that she is really really thinking about this at another level then being friends. Although I can only imagine whats going on at her home though and I doubt she would tell you though and if she does don't bring it up here just stick with the advice of being a friend and letting her talk to someone about it. If it is marriage problems then its out of our hands and she should seek some counciling on how to deal with, and that brings up point number to if she is having marriage problems cut off your situation with her immediately because its only making it worse and not helping her think clearly on how to fix it. Although I am assuming this but I think it has already has when you gave her that letter, and so hopefully she does say something to you and either way you need to tell her that she needs to refocus on fixing the problems at home and that you will be there for her if she needs to talk someone. Just don't get to involved with it or the husband might be thinking something else. Well at least you know who to call if something bad happenings , but yeah I would agree that you now been labeled the neighborhood snoop for the police . As for the second best place in the country I dunno if it beats the playboy mansion then maybe As for your edit #2 I would say that could mean anything, rebound guy comes to mind, but I say she is aware of your feelings and thus started picking up on things you do and stuff. Of course I wouldn't doubt your thinking about the problems she might have at home and thus developing more of a caring relationship for her as well. That connection is real as we picked that up from you to her, but after this post we now know the connection between her and you. As to how far she is willing to go is up to her but like I mentioned earlier that it would help her more if she thought about how to fix the problems at home first then whats going with you two. However, right now in my opinion the situation between you two has become very complicated with your last post but hopefully with what I said you will make the step to help her think about what she needs to do (fix problems at home), and not what she wants to do to make them go away(you). As for the time thing I wouldn't put a time limit to get her on the rebound as that would make people start thinking about why she left him, and people who try that it always backfires and badly. So stick with helping her out and of course support her in finding the right help because I know anwii and I are not marriage councilors and might need to see a therapist just so she can get a control of her feelings and thoughts. Although now I think I am begging to repeat myself in this post so I end it here, and remember friendship and support first.
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